cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Reminds you of Abu Graib. Is this what we're becoming. Next they'll be shipping protesters off to GITMO. No one should defend this stuff.

You've reached "farce" stage at this point, Paul.

All your ranting about jack booted thugs ignores one very obvious fact and that is that the protesters are the ones that have consistently created confrontations with the police and they have done that in order to gain media attention. Your saying that the police should go elsewhere misses the point of what the protesters are trying to do which is to have a conflict with the police in order to get attention for their cause.

How is sitting on the ground a "confrontation with the police" ?

Is anything I do in public subject to being taken as 'confrontation with the police' ? Am I even allowed to look at them wrong or is that also against the teabagger "small government" law?
If the police HAD gone elsewhere the protesters would eventually go to where they are because if there is no confrontations with the police then their protests don't really amount to anything because they don't seem to know what they want.

NICE SPECULATION - but I don't see what it has to do with the 1st amendment.

Do you really not understand that purposely blocking access to something that you don't own breaks the law? Your first amendment right to peaceful assembly doesn't give you the right to deprive others of their rights. When the OWS protesters try to block streets and bridges...take over ports...block college campuses...they aren't peacefully assembling to air their views...they are seeking to deprive their fellow citizens of something so that everyone will listen to them. The huge difference between the Tea Party movement and the OWS movement is that the Tea Party didn't feel the need to try and shut down the system in order to force people to listen to them. They used the system that we have in place to voice their displeasure. They organized. They backed candidates that believed as they did and then they voted those candidates into office. Contrast that with the progressive left in this country. When they lost Wisconsin they blocked elected representatives from entering the State House so they could vote. That isn't exercising first amendment rights...that imposing YOUR beliefs on others even though those beliefs were not those of a majority of voters.
You've reached "farce" stage at this point, Paul.

All your ranting about jack booted thugs ignores one very obvious fact and that is that the protesters are the ones that have consistently created confrontations with the police and they have done that in order to gain media attention. Your saying that the police should go elsewhere misses the point of what the protesters are trying to do which is to have a conflict with the police in order to get attention for their cause.

How is sitting on the ground a "confrontation with the police" ?

Is anything I do in public subject to being taken as 'confrontation with the police' ? Am I even allowed to look at them wrong or is that also against the teabagger "small government" law?
If the police HAD gone elsewhere the protesters would eventually go to where they are because if there is no confrontations with the police then their protests don't really amount to anything because they don't seem to know what they want.

NICE SPECULATION - but I don't see what it has to do with the 1st amendment.

Do you really not understand that purposely blocking access to something that you don't own breaks the law?
I had no idea UC Davis was a privately owned university.

Your first amendment right to peaceful assembly doesn't give you the right to deprive others of their rights. When the OWS protesters try to block streets and bridges...take over ports...block college campuses...they aren't peacefully assembling to air their views...they are seeking to deprive their fellow citizens of something so that everyone will listen to them.

I don't think you know what "peaceable" means. It doesn't mean "not breaking the law".
I'll let you figure out what it does mean.

The huge difference between the Tea Party movement and the OWS movement is that the Tea Party didn't feel the need to try and shut down the system in order to force people to listen to them.
Sorry, but no one cares about the Tea Party anymore.
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How is sitting on the ground a "confrontation with the police" ?

Is anything I do in public subject to being taken as 'confrontation with the police' ? Am I even allowed to look at them wrong or is that also against the teabagger "small government" law?

NICE SPECULATION - but I don't see what it has to do with the 1st amendment.

You just nailed it. The Police can detain you for almost anything these days. They really do have all the power now. Try forgetting your ID at home and then having one of these jack-booters stop you and demand it. They can detain you in jail for not having it. It just happened to some poor college girl in New York recently. So now you better have your papers on you at all times or else. 911 gave them so much power. We the People are just gonna have to demand they give us our rights back. They can start by demanding they get rid of the Patriot Act. That would be an excellent start.

I know a guy who was arrested for accidentally crossing a poorly marked police line in pitch black dark. The power was off in that party of the city and he was just trying to walk home, instead, he took a trip to the jail. Of course, when they found out he was a lawyer - someone who might have actual power - they let him go with a summons and without booking him through the jail system.

I also know a guy who was arrested for asking the police why they were arresting someone. It is apparently a crime to talk to the police.

And I know another guy who was arrested because he put his head down in a bar for 10 minutes. He was more than willing to leave the premises after management confronted him, but instead was detained for arrest.

Another dude I know is facing felony terrorist threat charges because he got frustrated on a job at Exxon once and said 'this is the kinda shit that makes you wanna get your gun' to some humorless dickface who called the police.

Oh yea they're locking people up for everything these days. They now have unlimited power. 911 sealed that up for them. It's how the system is set up. Police get their promotions and raises based on how many Citizens they lock up. So obviously their biggest motivation is to do that. Getting their promotions and raises is a pretty big incentive to do this. And Prison is big business these days too.

Most Americans are completely oblivious to the fact they can be detainded in jail for almost anything. People get mad at me when i say we've become a Police/Prison State. But that is the reality. They're putting more & more Citizens in Prison every year. The saddest aspect is that most Americans wont accept this as reality. They enjoy living in their comfortable denial cocoon. Anyway,good talkin with ya. I can see you're very observant and know what's going on. Take care.
How is sitting on the ground a "confrontation with the police" ?

Is anything I do in public subject to being taken as 'confrontation with the police' ? Am I even allowed to look at them wrong or is that also against the teabagger "small government" law?

NICE SPECULATION - but I don't see what it has to do with the 1st amendment.

You just nailed it. The Police can detain you for almost anything these days. They really do have all the power now. Try forgetting your ID at home and then having one of these jack-booters stop you and demand it. They can detain you in jail for not having it. It just happened to some poor college girl in New York recently. So now you better have your papers on you at all times or else. 911 gave them so much power. We the People are just gonna have to demand they give us our rights back. They can start by demanding they get rid of the Patriot Act. That would be an excellent start.

I know a guy who was arrested for accidentally crossing a poorly marked police line in pitch black dark. The power was off in that party of the city and he was just trying to walk home, instead, he took a trip to the jail. Of course, when they found out he was a lawyer - someone who might have actual power - they let him go with a summons and without booking him through the jail system.

I also know a guy who was arrested for asking the police why they were arresting someone. It is apparently a crime to talk to the police.

And I know another guy who was arrested because he put his head down in a bar for 10 minutes. He was more than willing to leave the premises after management confronted him, but instead was detained for arrest.

Another dude I know is facing felony terrorist threat charges because he got frustrated on a job at Exxon once and said 'this is the kinda shit that makes you wanna get your gun' to some humorless dickface who called the police.

I always love stories like these, Ooh...the big bad police picking on the poor innocent people who haven't done anything to deserve treatment like that. Having run night clubs for years I hear that same narrative all the time from people who think they've been victimized by the authorities. They didn't get a DUI because they drank and drove...they got one because the cops were illegally targeting kids in hot cars. They shouldn't have been arrested for domestic was just a little argument. Funny thing always seems to be happening to the same asshole troublemakers...over and over and over. Never their fault though...really...
You just nailed it. The Police can detain you for almost anything these days. They really do have all the power now. Try forgetting your ID at home and then having one of these jack-booters stop you and demand it. They can detain you in jail for not having it. It just happened to some poor college girl in New York recently. So now you better have your papers on you at all times or else. 911 gave them so much power. We the People are just gonna have to demand they give us our rights back. They can start by demanding they get rid of the Patriot Act. That would be an excellent start.

I know a guy who was arrested for accidentally crossing a poorly marked police line in pitch black dark. The power was off in that party of the city and he was just trying to walk home, instead, he took a trip to the jail. Of course, when they found out he was a lawyer - someone who might have actual power - they let him go with a summons and without booking him through the jail system.

I also know a guy who was arrested for asking the police why they were arresting someone. It is apparently a crime to talk to the police.

And I know another guy who was arrested because he put his head down in a bar for 10 minutes. He was more than willing to leave the premises after management confronted him, but instead was detained for arrest.

Another dude I know is facing felony terrorist threat charges because he got frustrated on a job at Exxon once and said 'this is the kinda shit that makes you wanna get your gun' to some humorless dickface who called the police.

I always love stories like these, Ooh...the big bad police picking on the poor innocent people who haven't done anything to deserve treatment like that. Having run night clubs for years I hear that same narrative all the time from people who think they've been victimized by the authorities. They didn't get a DUI because they drank and drove...they got one because the cops were illegally targeting kids in hot cars.

I'm sorry, but perhaps you should read back over my post. None of the people I mentioned had DUI's. Nor did any of them claim they were "targeted". You would appear to just be ranting at this point, because you're bringing up examples that aren't even relevant.

They shouldn't have been arrested for domestic was just a little argument.
Really? That's great. When you can tell me what the relevance is, let me know.
Funny thing always seems to be happening to the same asshole troublemakers...over and over and over.
Actually, in all the cases I mentioned above, the "asshole troublemakers" are all different and none of them had any entanglements with the law before or after their respective incidents.

I'm sorry that all your experience running a night club did not equip you to alter the reality of what happens to the people I personally know. It would have been far more logical for you to dismiss my arguments as anecdotal - but instead you reply with your own anecdotes that don't seem to even fit as a reply.
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Some will always defend the jack-boots no matter what they do. These people will never change. It's all they were taught. It's all they know. The State is always right and will always look out for you. Well that's just a long-lost fairy tale at his point. The reality is that we have the Patriot Act and the Police are more powerful and more oppressive than ever. They're locking Citizens up for even the most minor offenses. But i know most cannot accept this. They're still hanging onto their fairy tale that no longer exists. There is no hope for these people. I see a very bleak future for our nation. There's just not enough people to stand up and demand their freedom back. It's very sad.
Some will always defend the jack-boots no matter what they do. These people will never change. It's all they were taught. It's all they know. The State is always right and will always look out for you. Well that's just a long-lost fairy tale at his point. The reality is that we have the Patriot Act and the Police are more powerful and more oppressive than ever. They're locking Citizens up for even the most minor offenses. But i know most cannot accept this. They're still hanging onto their fairy tale that no longer exists. There is no hope for these people. I see a very bleak future for our nation. There's just not enough people to stand up and demand their freedom back. It's very sad.
Yeah, DAMMIT!:evil:

And 9/11 was an inside job, perpetrated by the jack-boot establishment, maaaaaaan!.

Christ, son, put down the fuckin' bong and grow a pair.

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Some will always defend the jack-boots no matter what they do. These people will never change. It's all they were taught. It's all they know. The State is always right and will always look out for you. Well that's just a long-lost fairy tale at his point. The reality is that we have the Patriot Act and the Police are more powerful and more oppressive than ever. They're locking Citizens up for even the most minor offenses. But i know most cannot accept this. They're still hanging onto their fairy tale that no longer exists. There is no hope for these people. I see a very bleak future for our nation. There's just not enough people to stand up and demand their freedom back. It's very sad.
Yeah, DAMMIT!:evil:

And 9/11 was an inside job, perpetrated by the jack-boot establishment, maaaaaaan!.

Christ, son, put down the fuckin' bong and grow a pair.


It is true that only pot smokers without testicles disagree with police actions.

This is the land of the free - where the cops are ALWAYS in the right because hey, they're the cops hippie, you shut your mouth and do what they say!!!
Some will always defend the jack-boots no matter what they do. These people will never change. It's all they were taught. It's all they know. The State is always right and will always look out for you. Well that's just a long-lost fairy tale at his point. The reality is that we have the Patriot Act and the Police are more powerful and more oppressive than ever. They're locking Citizens up for even the most minor offenses. But i know most cannot accept this. They're still hanging onto their fairy tale that no longer exists. There is no hope for these people. I see a very bleak future for our nation. There's just not enough people to stand up and demand their freedom back. It's very sad.
Yeah, DAMMIT!:evil:

And 9/11 was an inside job, perpetrated by the jack-boot establishment, maaaaaaan!.

Christ, son, put down the fuckin' bong and grow a pair.


It is true that only pot smokers without testicles disagree with police actions.

This is the land of the free - where the cops are ALWAYS in the right because hey, they're the cops hippie, you shut your mouth and do what they say!!!
What police action?

Paranoid much, or just a full time drama queen?:eusa_whistle:
Yeah, DAMMIT!:evil:

And 9/11 was an inside job, perpetrated by the jack-boot establishment, maaaaaaan!.

Christ, son, put down the fuckin' bong and grow a pair.


It is true that only pot smokers without testicles disagree with police actions.

This is the land of the free - where the cops are ALWAYS in the right because hey, they're the cops hippie, you shut your mouth and do what they say!!!
What police action?

Paranoid much, or just a full time drama queen?:eusa_whistle:

action:The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.

I'm sorry, but were the cops in the video not doing something, and didn't they have an aim to achieve?

I do apologized for using words that you apparently do not know the meaning of, and I'm sorry if you think anyone who knows what words mean is a "drama queen" - must be a fucked up view of the world.
It's a taught and learned mindset from early childhood. The State cannot be wrong so it must be all your fault when they abuse you. It's kind of like the 'blame the victim' mentality. And it's almost impossible to change this mindset in most. Oh well,i guess it is what it is though. I'm not optimistic we'll ever get our freedom back. And that is pretty depressing.
It's a taught and learned mindset from early childhood. The State cannot be wrong so it must be all your fault when they abuse you. It's kind of like the 'blame the victim' mentality. And it's almost impossible to change this mindset in most. Oh well,i guess it is what it is though. I'm not optimistic we'll ever get our freedom back. And that is pretty depressing.

As a very very young kid I remember being afraid of police. It wasn't till my mother explained they were here for "our protection" that I stopped being afraid.

30 years or so later - I still have yet to meet anyone who was protected by the police. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but it seems to be a rare event.
It's a taught and learned mindset from early childhood. The State cannot be wrong so it must be all your fault when they abuse you. It's kind of like the 'blame the victim' mentality. And it's almost impossible to change this mindset in most. Oh well,i guess it is what it is though. I'm not optimistic we'll ever get our freedom back. And that is pretty depressing.

As a very very young kid I remember being afraid of police. It wasn't till my mother explained they were here for "our protection" that I stopped being afraid.

30 years or so later - I still have yet to meet anyone who was protected by the police. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but it seems to be a rare event.

Yea you tend to know much more people who have been harassed by the Police than helped by them. Coincidence? No way. It's what they do. 'To protect and serve' is another one of those long-lost fairy tales. Yea sure,they do a little of that when they're forced to but their main function is to harass the Citizenry. And boy are they good at that. I would say being helped by the Police is almost shear luck at this point. It's not very likely anymore.
It's a taught and learned mindset from early childhood. The State cannot be wrong so it must be all your fault when they abuse you. It's kind of like the 'blame the victim' mentality. And it's almost impossible to change this mindset in most. Oh well,i guess it is what it is though. I'm not optimistic we'll ever get our freedom back. And that is pretty depressing.

As a very very young kid I remember being afraid of police. It wasn't till my mother explained they were here for "our protection" that I stopped being afraid.

30 years or so later - I still have yet to meet anyone who was protected by the police. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but it seems to be a rare event.
Soooooo, the next time your ass is in trouble, call a fuckin' crackhead if you you don't think the police help.

You paranoid drama queens are fuckin' hilarious.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
It's a taught and learned mindset from early childhood. The State cannot be wrong so it must be all your fault when they abuse you. It's kind of like the 'blame the victim' mentality. And it's almost impossible to change this mindset in most. Oh well,i guess it is what it is though. I'm not optimistic we'll ever get our freedom back. And that is pretty depressing.

As a very very young kid I remember being afraid of police. It wasn't till my mother explained they were here for "our protection" that I stopped being afraid.

30 years or so later - I still have yet to meet anyone who was protected by the police. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but it seems to be a rare event.
Soooooo, the next time your ass is in trouble, call a fuckin' crackhead if you you don't think the police help.

You paranoid drama queens are fuckin' hilarious.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Next time my "ass is in trouble" I'd better protect it myself because the police aren't going to get here in time to help, that's for damn sure.
It's a taught and learned mindset from early childhood. The State cannot be wrong so it must be all your fault when they abuse you. It's kind of like the 'blame the victim' mentality. And it's almost impossible to change this mindset in most. Oh well,i guess it is what it is though. I'm not optimistic we'll ever get our freedom back. And that is pretty depressing.

As a very very young kid I remember being afraid of police. It wasn't till my mother explained they were here for "our protection" that I stopped being afraid.

30 years or so later - I still have yet to meet anyone who was protected by the police. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but it seems to be a rare event.
Soooooo, the next time your ass is in trouble, call a fuckin' crackhead if you you don't think the police help.

You paranoid drama queens are fuckin' hilarious.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I think we already covered that. They do help sometimes,when they're forced to. But for the most part they only harass the Citizenry. That's what they've become. I know it's sad but it is reality.
As a very very young kid I remember being afraid of police. It wasn't till my mother explained they were here for "our protection" that I stopped being afraid.

30 years or so later - I still have yet to meet anyone who was protected by the police. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but it seems to be a rare event.
Soooooo, the next time your ass is in trouble, call a fuckin' crackhead if you you don't think the police help.

You paranoid drama queens are fuckin' hilarious.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I think we already covered that. They do help sometimes,when they're forced to. But for the most part they only harass the Citizenry. That's what they've become. I know it's sad but it is reality.

Only cops I know who help people are the causeway cops. Their exclusive beat is the 4 lane divided highway bridge that crosses the Lake Ponchartrain from Jefferson Parish to Covington. This nearly 24 mile over water bridge has no emergency lanes, therefore breakdowns can be extremely dangerous for everyone really quick. If you breakdown on this highway,a causeway cop will be with you in minutes - like 2 minutes. If you violate traffic laws you will be pulled over immediately. I was driving the causeway bridge once and some jerk was tailgating me. A cop put his lights on and pulled the a-hole over. This is the only time a cop has ever protected me - and it was the kinda cop that other cops prolly look down on.
It is true that only pot smokers without testicles disagree with police actions.

This is the land of the free - where the cops are ALWAYS in the right because hey, they're the cops hippie, you shut your mouth and do what they say!!!
What police action?

Paranoid much, or just a full time drama queen?:eusa_whistle:

action:The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.

I'm sorry, but were the cops in the video not doing something, and didn't they have an aim to achieve?

I do apologized for using words that you apparently do not know the meaning of, and I'm sorry if you think anyone who knows what words mean is a "drama queen" - must be a fucked up view of the world.
They are not "cops"....they are nothing more then campus security, period.

Take it up with the LIBERAL run California State University system , who hires, trains, and pays those campus security personnel.

Get your facts straight.
Soooooo, the next time your ass is in trouble, call a fuckin' crackhead if you you don't think the police help.

You paranoid drama queens are fuckin' hilarious.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I think we already covered that. They do help sometimes,when they're forced to. But for the most part they only harass the Citizenry. That's what they've become. I know it's sad but it is reality.

Only cops I know who help people are the causeway cops. Their exclusive beat is the 4 lane divided highway bridge that crosses the Lake Ponchartrain from Jefferson Parish to Covington. This nearly 24 mile over water bridge has no emergency lanes, therefore breakdowns can be extremely dangerous for everyone really quick. If you breakdown on this highway,a causeway cop will be with you in minutes - like 2 minutes. If you violate traffic laws you will be pulled over immediately. I was driving the causeway bridge once and some jerk was tailgating me. A cop put his lights on and pulled the a-hole over. This is the only time a cop has ever protected me - and it was the kinda cop that other cops prolly look down on.
Bring your ass to L.A. and take a ride along with LAPD's 77th street division, and see what those officers put up with on a daily basis.....I guarantee you'll be thanking them for what they do on a daily basis, the shit they put up with, and the carnage they see every shift.

You're fuckin' clueless, dude.

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