cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

As usual,dishonesty & hypocrisy are running rampant on this Board. Many on this Board who are condemning these Police,wouldn't have any problems with this if it happened to a peaceful Tea Party protester. And it goes the other way too. Many who are here defending this stupidity,would be pretty outraged if they did this to a Tea Party protester. So it's just about that old 'D' & 'R' thing for most once again. The reality is that this should be condemned by everyone. Our peaceful protesters shouldn't be treated this way by our Police. Sometimes you have to put the 'D' & 'R' thing aside and do the right thing. And this is one of those times. All Citizens have the right to assemble without the Police being there in full Military gear harassing them.
The Police should just get themselves and their Military gear away from these protests. Because it's they who are instigating violence. These local Governments need to order them to stand down. They should be ordered to move away to a good distance and stop interfering. This isn't the 'Call of Duty' video game. Let them practice playing with their toys back at the station or the shooting range. Let these people protest in peace for God's sake.
The Police should just get themselves and their Military gear away from these protests. Because it's they who are instigating violence. These local Governments need to order them to stand down. They should be ordered to move away to good distance and stop interfering. This isn't the 'Call of Duty' video game. Let them practice playing with their toys back at the station or the shooting range. Let theses people protest in peace for God's sake.

yes police stand down from the crime ridden protests and illegal occupation

that is the problem

protesting in peace = obeying the law
As usual,dishonesty & hypocrisy are running rampant on this Board. Many on this Board who are condemning these Police,wouldn't have any problems with this if it happened to a peaceful Tea Party protester. And it goes the other way too. Many who are here defending this stupidity,would be pretty outraged if they did this to a Tea Party protester. So it's just about that old 'D' & 'R' thing for most once again. The reality is that this should be condemned by everyone. Our peaceful protesters shouldn't be treated this way by our Police. Sometimes you have to put the 'D' & 'R' thing aside and do the right thing. And this is one of those times. All Citizens have the right to assemble without the Police being there in full Military gear harassing them.

"Our "peaceful' protesters..." should obey the law. The First Amendment guarantees the right to "peaceably assemble", not to participate in unruly and unlawful mob behaviour. The police would not have been called out if those who called them had not had a reason to believe they needed police support.
Oh, yeah, maybe you should shut your mouth when the pepper spray comes out? Just sayin'...
Before or after those unbathed OWS losers sobered up, or were done raping that ho'?:cool:

You condescend yourself fairly quickly.

In one post you claim you cannot form an opinion on edited videos and immediately afterwards do exactly that.

I completely agree that both sides have their hypocrisies, but contextually this hypocrisy appears to come only from the right.

What is hypocritical about my view that the police are simply doing their jobs?

Look, the truth is...without the confrontations with police, the OWS protests would have been complete non-events. The protesters themselves only have vague notions about what they are protesting against and every time they do try to draw up specific things that they want to see happen they are ridiculed for the absurdity of what they seek.

The hypocrisy here is how so many of you tried to accuse the Tea Party protests of being dangerous threats to our society when they were in fact peaceful gatherings in which a group of people presented their views to the powers that be and demanded change. They got behind political candidates that held the same views as they did and worked to get them elected DEMOCRATICALLY. That's the way it SHOULD be done. Now contrast that with the OWS protests who's goal is shut down transportation systems or block access to businesses or campuses in order to bring about anarchy. That's the way it SHOULDN'T be.

I'll assume you aren't speaking directly to me about most of that, as I accuse the Tea Party of nothing, and agree with them in fact.

Lot's of people are "just doing their job."

And to assume that all police are using their considerably extensive powers over other citizens fairly to uphold the law is an incredible claim.
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The Police should just get themselves and their Military gear away from these protests. Because it's they who are instigating violence. These local Governments need to order them to stand down. They should be ordered to move away to a good distance and stop interfering. This isn't the 'Call of Duty' video game. Let them practice playing with their toys back at the station or the shooting range. Let these people protest in peace for God's sake.

Thank you!

It all comes down to this;
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how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

They should have tazed and waterboarded the assholes too.
The difference between the rank and file TEA PARTY players and the OWS players?

If a Tea Party player had been chemically attacked by the cops the OWS people would have been outraged on behalf of their FELLOW CITIZENS.

Easy Jackass. You know you're telling a bald faced lie.
Too many roided up gung-ho officers are just itching to play with their toys. These kids weren't hurting anyone. This was a stupid unnecessary action. And our original Tea Partiers would have never allowed the British to treat them this way. Oh well,i guess they gotta try out their new toys like pepper spray & tasers. Try em out on the animals. Because that's what most of these roided up officers think about protesters. And yes,that includes Tea Party protesters. Move the Police out instead of the protesters and these protests will stay peaceful.
This was a stupid unnecessary action. And our original Tea Partiers would have never allowed the British to treat them this way. Oh well,i guess they gotta try out their new toys like pepper spray & tasers.

nope they wouldn't lock arms in circle against the english

thats why OWS are pussy revolutionaries
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

They should have tazed and waterboarded the assholes too.

Yea, as long as you don't agree with someone, it's completely fair if they are crushed by police action.

People selectively applying the rights of this country sicken me.
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Yea, as long as you don't agree with someone, it's completely fair if they are crushed by police action.

nope as long as someone breaks the law after repeated warning to cease and desist

non-lethal spray tan
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

They should have tazed and waterboarded the assholes too.

Yea, as long as you don't agree with someone, it's completely fair if they are crushed by police action.

I agree that police should enforce the law.
The law was being broken.
They enforced the law.
Why don't you go out and piss on a police cruiser and see what that gets ya, imbecile.
This was a stupid unnecessary action. And our original Tea Partiers would have never allowed the British to treat them this way. Oh well,i guess they gotta try out their new toys like pepper spray & tasers.

nope they wouldn't lock arms in circle against the english

thats why OWS are pussy revolutionaries

Yes but you would be criticizing them if they fought back too. So it's a Lose/Lose for them in your eyes. They can't win no matter how they protest as far as you're concerned. I think that's pretty lame.
They should have tazed and waterboarded the assholes too.

Yea, as long as you don't agree with someone, it's completely fair if they are crushed by police action.

I agree that police should enforce the law.
The law was being broken.
They enforced the law.
Why don't you go out and piss on a police cruiser and see what that gets ya, imbecile.

So if I flipped off a cop I get what's coming to me?
Yea, as long as you don't agree with someone, it's completely fair if they are crushed by police action.

nope as long as someone breaks the law after repeated warning

non-lethal spray tan

Breaking what law exactly.

Why don't you point out the particular law they were breaking by literally being peaceful protesters?

no camping

you can protest but no camping

they closed the uc berkely camp

and uc davis thought they would show authority and set one up there

asked to stand down and remove tents

formed interlocked circle

spray tan ensued

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