cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Next time you get a parking ticket, you should keep an eye out for a cop coming to pepper spray your ass, you felon.

parking ticket is a civil infraction by civil authority

Wow, guess that flew over your head too.

It would be like a cop pepper spraying you for running a stop light.

Oh that happens. The roided up coppers just love playing with their toys. They would pepper spray their own Mothers for a chance to play with their toys. People really are funny,they honestly believe they have as much rights as the Police have. Boy are they delusional. Remember,when it's you word againast a Police Officer's word,you lose 99.9% of the time. It's how the system is set up.
resisting arrest is a felony

Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

We keep going back to the same concept, Photo...the protesters don't have the right to block access to public or private property. Their right to peaceably assemble does not give them the right to deny others their rights. When they do so they are breaking the law. When they do so with the intention of being arrested so as to publicize their point of view then it is hardly the fault of the arresting officers. The fact is...nobody pays attention to the OWS protests except when they are confronting the police. They don't have a coherent message to put forth except that they are frustrated. They're not really sure what they are frustrated AT but they are lashing out anyways. My question to you is this...don't you think the OWS group should have had their goals straight before they started trying to occupy Wall Street?

Where they pushing people out?

And yes, I absolutely think they should all go home and rethink the direction of their protest.

My problem is simply this; most of them are being treated like second class citizens.
Next time you get a parking ticket, you should keep an eye out for a cop coming to pepper spray your ass, you felon.

parking ticket is a civil infraction by civil authority

Wow, guess that flew over your head too.

It would be like a cop pepper spraying you for running a stop light.

If you'd like to go with that analogy, would be like parking your car in the middle of an intersection and refusing to move because your commute takes longer than you think it should. Now it might very well be that your commute IS too lengthy and that someone should do something about traffic but you don't have the right to block the path of other people while you make that point. The cops would call for a tow truck and if you resisted arrest you'd probably get pepper sprayed or tasered.
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

I am all for protesting VIOLENTLY if necessary if our Constitutional rights to life, liberty or property is adversely affected.

Which one of those rights are the students defending?

parking ticket is a civil infraction by civil authority

Wow, guess that flew over your head too.

It would be like a cop pepper spraying you for running a stop light.

If you'd like to go with that analogy, would be like parking your car in the middle of an intersection and refusing to move because your commute takes longer than you think it should. Now it might very well be that your commute IS too lengthy and that someone should do something about traffic but you don't have the right to block the path of other people while you make that point. The cops would call for a tow truck and if you resisted arrest you'd probably get pepper sprayed or tasered.

I reiterate from earlier;

Where has it been shown they were blocking anything?

From what I've read all they did was break a campus rule.
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Have your papers with you at all times too. The TSA is now setting up randomn checkpoints to harass innocent American Citizens. Government checkpoints demanding to see your papers? Sound familiar? Yea,we've handed so much of our freedom & liberty over to the jack-booters. It's so damn sad.
Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

We keep going back to the same concept, Photo...the protesters don't have the right to block access to public or private property. Their right to peaceably assemble does not give them the right to deny others their rights. When they do so they are breaking the law. When they do so with the intention of being arrested so as to publicize their point of view then it is hardly the fault of the arresting officers. The fact is...nobody pays attention to the OWS protests except when they are confronting the police. They don't have a coherent message to put forth except that they are frustrated. They're not really sure what they are frustrated AT but they are lashing out anyways. My question to you is this...don't you think the OWS group should have had their goals straight before they started trying to occupy Wall Street?

Where they pushing people out?

And yes, I absolutely think they should all go home and rethink the direction of their protest.

My problem is simply this; most of them are being treated like second class citizens.

How are "they" being treated as second class citizens? They've chosen to push a political agenda (or what passes for one with them) by using their protests to make life as difficult as they can for their fellow citizens. Blocking bridges, roads, college buildings and harbors until people listen to you isn't commendable. If they really want to effect positive change then they should spend some time formulating their goals and a viable means to achieve them.
Have your papers with you at all times too. The TSA is now setting up randomn checkpoints to harass innocent American Citizens. Government checkpoints demanding to see your papers? Sound familiar? Yea,we've handed so much of our freedom & liberty over to the jack-booters. It's so damn sad.

Where, pray tell...have these random checkpoints been set up, Paul? I know you wouldn't make this stuff up...right?
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

I am all for protesting VIOLENTLY if necessary if our Constitutional rights to life, liberty or property is adversely affected.

Which one of those rights are the students defending?


Your Constitutional rights say you can protest anything you want
Like I said, what warranted arrest? The most they should have done is cited these people.

This was a misdemeanor at best.

We keep going back to the same concept, Photo...the protesters don't have the right to block access to public or private property. Their right to peaceably assemble does not give them the right to deny others their rights. When they do so they are breaking the law. When they do so with the intention of being arrested so as to publicize their point of view then it is hardly the fault of the arresting officers. The fact is...nobody pays attention to the OWS protests except when they are confronting the police. They don't have a coherent message to put forth except that they are frustrated. They're not really sure what they are frustrated AT but they are lashing out anyways. My question to you is this...don't you think the OWS group should have had their goals straight before they started trying to occupy Wall Street?

Where they pushing people out?

And yes, I absolutely think they should all go home and rethink the direction of their protest.

My problem is simply this; most of them are being treated like second class citizens.

No it's worse. They're being treated like animals. How dare they protest in Police/Prison State America. Who do they think they are?...American Citizens or something?
Have your papers with you at all times too. The TSA is now setting up randomn checkpoints to harass innocent American Citizens. Government checkpoints demanding to see your papers? Sound familiar? Yea,we've handed so much of our freedom & liberty over to the jack-booters. It's so damn sad.

TSA checkpoints are in Airports
Have your papers with you at all times too. The TSA is now setting up randomn checkpoints to harass innocent American Citizens. Government checkpoints demanding to see your papers? Sound familiar? Yea,we've handed so much of our freedom & liberty over to the jack-booters. It's so damn sad.

Where, pray tell...have these random checkpoints been set up, Paul? I know you wouldn't make this stuff up...right?

Yes they have. They're doing it in Tennessee right now. But don't worry,you'll find out soon enough when the jack-booters stop you and demand to search your vehicle and demand you show them your papers. And guess what? You'll do it or you'll end up in jail. Isn't today's America great?

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