cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

These kinds of posts are usually very interesting. On one hand,the Big Government Socialists decry such Government abuse while at the same time supporting an even bigger Government which will only be more invasive and take more control of their lives. Then on the other hand you have the Small Government Conservatives condoning such Government over-reaching and abuse while at the same time demanding Government get out of their lives. It is an interesting dichotomy. Personally i'm for less Government involvement in my life and i definitely want the Big Government to get smaller. Big Government only leads to abuses of power like this. That's how i feel anyway.
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those dumb kinds instigated the situation, and i'm sure they were warned to move too. The spray was obviously non-potent, but now the propagandists get to have a field day because of the optics of the situation.

Those parents should be stemming mad at their kids. Their paying good money for their kids to go to school, not protest for an anti-american and foolish cause, while disobeying police.

I'm willing to bet you that most of these kids pulled out student loans and grants to be there, as the average parent could never hope to afford to send a child to college.

Most of those kids are in debt already.
And it's the responsibility of those lil' whiners to be responsibile for their debts......Not you or I.
Police are now harassing Citizens more than helping them these days. The People are turning on them. This is a very bad problem they themelves have created. An Anti-Police sentiment is now running strong in this country. The People are sick of all the harassment. It has gone too far. Just by talking with people lately,most express the fact they've been harassed far more by Police than they've been helped by them over the years. Many on this board probably feel the same way. The State is now over-reaching into our lives more than ever before. I see much more unrest coming.

thats fucking bullshit.
Police are now harassing Citizens more than helping them these days. The People are turning on them. This is a very bad problem they themelves have created. An Anti-Police sentiment is now running strong in this country. The People are sick of all the harassment. It has gone too far. Just by talking with people lately,most express the fact they've been harassed far more by Police than they've been helped by them over the years. Many on this board probably feel the same way. The State is now over-reaching into our lives more than ever before. I see much more unrest coming.

thats fucking bullshit.

Just going by what most people have been telling me lately. They can point out many incidents where the Police have harassed them for even the most trivial reasons. But they can't seem to point out very many times they were helped by Police. This constant harassment is wearing thin on the People. Not enough 'Protecting & Serving' anymore. Just seems like a whole lot of oppression instead.
Pacifists are so devoid of logic. Sometimes the police have to use force, period.
Police are now harassing Citizens more than helping them these days. The People are turning on them. This is a very bad problem they themelves have created. An Anti-Police sentiment is now running strong in this country. The People are sick of all the harassment. It has gone too far. Just by talking with people lately,most express the fact they've been harassed far more by Police than they've been helped by them over the years. Many on this board probably feel the same way. The State is now over-reaching into our lives more than ever before. I see much more unrest coming.

thats fucking bullshit.

Just going by what most people have been telling me lately. They can point out many incidents where the Police have harassed them for even the most trivial reasons. But they can't seem to point out very many times they were helped by Police. This constant harassment is wearing thin on the People. Not enough 'Protecting & Serving' anymore. Just seems like a whole lot of oppression instead.
And who are these supposed "MOST" people?

Your fellow loony Paullette's, and paranoid Twoofer idiots?

I wouldn't be surprised if they are having negative run-ins with the cops.....They're not exactly the brightest lights on the ol' Xmas Tree O' Life.
Police are now harassing Citizens more than helping them these days. The People are turning on them. This is a very bad problem they themelves have created. An Anti-Police sentiment is now running strong in this country. The People are sick of all the harassment. It has gone too far. Just by talking with people lately,most express the fact they've been harassed far more by Police than they've been helped by them over the years. Many on this board probably feel the same way. The State is now over-reaching into our lives more than ever before. I see much more unrest coming.

thats fucking bullshit.

Just going by what most people have been telling me lately. They can point out many incidents where the Police have harassed them for even the most trivial reasons. But they can't seem to point out very many times they were helped by Police. This constant harassment is wearing thin on the People. Not enough 'Protecting & Serving' anymore. Just seems like a whole lot of oppression instead.

their existence obviously prevents violence and chaos. The police brutality thing is so shamelessly overblown, and perpetuated by the left, it's despicable.
This is what you get with an all-powerful Big Government. I would think Conservatives would know this. I'm very disappointed with many on this Board who call themselves Conservatives. I'm also very disappointed with the Big Government Socialists here. They're the ones always calling for more Government intrusion in our lives but then are the first ones to complain about Government over-reaching and abuse. I'm just disappointed all around i guess. But does anyone care? I doubt it. lol! :)
This is what you get with an all-powerful Big Government. I would think Conservatives would know this. I'm very disappointed with many on this Board who call themselves Conservatives. I'm also very disappointed with the Big Government Socialists here. They're the ones always calling for more Government intrusion in our lives but then are the first ones to complain about Government over-reaching and abuse. I'm just disappointed all around i guess. But does anyone care? I doubt it. lol! :)
Nooooooo, you're just paranoid, and easily swayed by loony rhetoric.

It's only too friggin' obvious.
This is what you get with an all-powerful Big Government. I would think Conservatives would know this. I'm very disappointed with many on this Board who call themselves Conservatives. I'm also very disappointed with the Big Government Socialists here. They're the ones always calling for more Government intrusion in our lives but then are the first ones to complain about Government over-reaching and abuse. I'm just disappointed all around i guess. But does anyone care? I doubt it. lol! :)
Nooooooo, you're just paranoid, and easily swayed by loony rhetoric.

It's only too friggin' obvious.

Ever hear of the Patriot Act? Big Government now has almost unlimited power. That's not paranoia. That's reality.
Ever hear of the Patriot Act? Big Government now has almost unlimited power. That's not paranoia. That's reality.


show us a violation or action against a citizen under its provisions

cickets chirpping.............

We'll likely never know that for sure. It's all part of Patriot Act secrecy. You'll only know if they want you to know. They get to make that call. They have all the power. And they just gave immunity to the Telecoms who have been spying on Citizens by way of the Patriot Act. So there's a whole lot we'll likely never know. Crimes have been committed against the People by our Government. Make no mistake about that. And they're still being committed. It's a real tragedy what they've done to us since 911. Hopefully more people will get out there and fight to get their rights back. I wish them well.
This is what you get with an all-powerful Big Government. I would think Conservatives would know this. I'm very disappointed with many on this Board who call themselves Conservatives. I'm also very disappointed with the Big Government Socialists here. They're the ones always calling for more Government intrusion in our lives but then are the first ones to complain about Government over-reaching and abuse. I'm just disappointed all around i guess. But does anyone care? I doubt it. lol! :)
Nooooooo, you're just paranoid, and easily swayed by loony rhetoric.

It's only too friggin' obvious.

Ever hear of the Patriot Act? Big Government now has almost unlimited power. That's not paranoia. That's reality.
If that were the case, don't you think "big government" would be rounding up all you twoofer loons, and about half of Moonbat Paul's Moonbat supporters?

Nooooooo, you're just paranoid, and easily swayed by loony rhetoric.

It's only too friggin' obvious.

Ever hear of the Patriot Act? Big Government now has almost unlimited power. That's not paranoia. That's reality.
If that were the case, don't you think "big government" would be rounding up all you twoofer loons, and about half of Moonbat Paul's Moonbat supporters?


I'm sure they would like to. And i'm sure they're currently working on ways to label them 'Terrorists' or 'Militia Men.' Give em some more time. I''m sure they'll come up with something.
Ever hear of the Patriot Act? Big Government now has almost unlimited power. That's not paranoia. That's reality.
If that were the case, don't you think "big government" would be rounding up all you twoofer loons, and about half of Moonbat Paul's Moonbat supporters?


I'm sure they would like to. And i'm sure they're currently working on ways to label them 'Terrorists' or 'Militia Men.' Give em some more time. I''m sure they'll come up with something.
Better go put down your X-Box controls, and go hide in the closet, buddy!
If that were the case, don't you think "big government" would be rounding up all you twoofer loons, and about half of Moonbat Paul's Moonbat supporters?


I'm sure they would like to. And i'm sure they're currently working on ways to label them 'Terrorists' or 'Militia Men.' Give em some more time. I''m sure they'll come up with something.
Better go put down your X-Box controls, and go hide in the closet, buddy!

Nah,i'm not afraid of anything. I'm just accepting the reality of things. I just look around and see the World for what it is. I don't live in denial. The Government is only growing bigger & more powerful every year. It is what it is.
Ever hear of the Patriot Act? Big Government now has almost unlimited power. That's not paranoia. That's reality.


show us a violation or action against a citizen under its provisions

cickets chirpping.............

We'll likely never know that for sure. It's all part of Patriot Act secrecy. You'll only know if they want you to know. They get to make that call. They have all the power.

so they are snatching people off the street never to be seen or heard from again ?

show us a violation or action against a citizen under its provisions

cickets chirpping.............

We'll likely never know that for sure. It's all part of Patriot Act secrecy. You'll only know if they want you to know. They get to make that call. They have all the power.

so they are snatching people off the street never to be seen or heard from again ?

Can't say. But anything's possible i guess. With unlimited power,they can do almost anything they want. They can re-write your history and erase you anytime they choose. They have access to every aspect of your life. From your bank account to what you purchase at every store you visit. They have access to it all. And there's nothing you can do about it. I know it sounds like paranoia but it's actually fact. Your Government does own you. But hey,you can be dismissive and call me a "Wingnut" if you want to. I've been called worse.

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