cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

It's good to see the Right, and by extension the Republican party, align themselves with the jackbooted thugs in this incident.

That'll work out real well politically out in normal America. :lol::lol:
So, why are they thugs?

They are thugs because they used excessive force. Do you understand what excessive force means?

Tell us what it means, so we know you know what it means.

Yes when ruled as such by a legal administrative review process
Has that happened yet?

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Do you think your average teabagger would take a pepper spray to the face for their cause? They hate the government yet they are still saying that we should meekly follow the orders of the authorities when THEY decide your rights just ran out.

No doubt the leftist "fisters" like taking it to the mouth or something else

It's hard to fathom how our Police have become so cold and heartless. It is all about their poor training i guess. It's all about locking Citizens up these days. They receive their promotions and raises based on how many Citizens they lock up. So it's no surprise they want to lock everyone up. We need huge changes in their training. It's pretty clear protecting and serving is no longer their top priority. Gotta lock em all up now. Things really have gotten so much worse since 911. When will we get our rights back? You think that will ever happen? I'm not optimistic.
It's hard to fathom how our Police have become so cold and heartless. It is all about their poor training i guess. It's all about locking Citizens up these days. They receive their promotions and raises based on how many Citizens they lock up. So it's no surprise they want to lock everyone up. We need huge changes in their training. It's pretty clear protecting and serving is no longer their top priority. Gotta lock em all up now. Things really have gotten so much worse since 911. When will we get our rights back? You think that will ever happen? I'm not optimistic.

We gave them pepper spray and tasers and armor to use instead of patience and diplomacy. As far as I can tell police are trained to "control" the situation by escalation of punishment, a truly fascist ideal.
Letter of Transmittal


Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election


Letter of Transmittal


The President
The President of the Senate
The Speaker of the House of Representatives


The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held public hearings in Tallahassee on January 11–12, 2001, and in Miami on February 16, 2001. The purpose of the hearings was to investigate allegations that Florida voters were prevented from casting ballots or that their ballots were not counted in the November 2000 presidential election. The Commission initiated this investigation after it received allegations of widespread voter disenfranchisement in Florida. The Commission is authorized—and obligated—to investigate claims of deprivations that are “a result of any pattern or practice of fraud,” or that infringe on the right of citizens “to vote and have votes counted.”

The Commission’s investigation sought to determine whether isolated or systematic practices and/or policies by governmental entities denied eligible Florida citizens their right to vote. The investigation focused on who was responsible for making the critical decisions regarding resource allocations for Election Day activities, the reasons these decisions were made, and the effect these judgments had on specific communities.

During the hearings, the Commission received testimony from more than 100 witnesses, including the governor, the secretary of state, the attorney general, a representative of DBT Online (the company involved in state-sponsored removal of felons from Florida’s voter registration lists), the director of the Florida Division of Elections, the general counsel of the Florida Elections Commission, and the co-chairperson and executive director of the Select Task Force on Election Procedures, Standards and Technology established by the governor. Additional testimony was also heard from current and former Florida state and county officials, including county supervisors of elections, county commission officials, and law enforcement personnel as well as experts on election reform issues, election laws and procedures, and voting rights. Registered Florida voters also testified on the obstacles they encountered when attempting to participate in the November election. Both hearings included an open session in which the public was invited to testify about election procedures or personal voting experiences in the November election.

The report generated by the hearings, Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election, concludes that many eligible Florida voters were, in fact, denied their right to vote, with the disenfranchisement disproportionately affecting African Americans. The report also contains recommendations, stressing that any electoral reform must include clear guidance, responsibility and accountability measures that include effective monitoring, and adequate resources to ensure meaningful implementation of these recommendations.

How many votes did Bush win by in florida?

Who was the govenor at the time?

refute these facts
As much as I'd like to see that cop taken out and flogged for what he did to that kid?

Not every cop is brutalizing the OWS protestors.

Most of them are doing their jobs HONORABLY.

And if in your opinion their job isn't honorable?

Imagine what would happen if there weren't any cops there.

CHOAS would happen.

Counter demonstators would get into conflict with OWS demonstators and the body count would be much much worse.

So here's the counter to your view.

As much as I'd like to see the miniscule percentage of Occupiers who have indeed caused destruction, broken the law etc.... imprisoned

The overwhelming majority are protesting peacefully and per the rights afforded by the Constitution.

Imagine what would happen if we weren't allowed to utilize our Constitutional rights without being beaten or sprayed? You would have:

A small business owner who wasn't even protesting, beaten by two cops on video as he tried to explain he was just standing outside his shop, watching.
An 84 year old, 90 lb. woman maced because a cop claimed he mistook her for a threat as she stood still.
A 22 year old college student hit over a dozen times with batons by police, even though he was never even standing.
A 19 year student hit with a baton until his head was bleeding profusely, even though he was sitting still and not in any way posing a threat.
A group of sitting students pepper-sprayed, hit with batons and having their mouths forced open while more pepper spray was put in their mouths until they needed hospital treatment.

Oh wait. All those things have already been captured on video, haven't they?

So I can acknowledge what you say about the cops. The overwhelming majority are doing the right thing. It is the minority that makes for good media.
Just like OWS.
When you train your Police Force to believe oppressing and locking the Citizens up is the only way they'll receive their promotions and raises,what do you think your Police Force will do? Their only incentive today is all about violating and locking Citizens up. Their just following orders. I mean look at these Police Officers just casually and mindlessly pepper spraying these innocent and harmless protesters. That's what you want from the people who are supposed to protect & serve the People? If you can defend this,you really do have problems.
How do you feel about Paul being part of a party that has worked for decades to keep Americans from voting?
It's hard to fathom how our Police have become so cold and heartless. It is all about their poor training i guess. It's all about locking Citizens up these days. They receive their promotions and raises based on how many Citizens they lock up. So it's no surprise they want to lock everyone up. We need huge changes in their training. It's pretty clear protecting and serving is no longer their top priority. Gotta lock em all up now. Things really have gotten so much worse since 911. When will we get our rights back? You think that will ever happen? I'm not optimistic.

We gave them pepper spray and tasers and armor to use instead of patience and diplomacy. As far as I can tell police are trained to "control" the situation by escalation of punishment, a truly fascist ideal.

Yes it's all part of the Militarization of our Nation. Our Police are now trained to be cold-hearted jack-booters. Their only incentive now is lock up as many Citizens as they can. Their promotions & raises depend on that. I don't blame them entirely though. Those decisions were made by the powers that be. They really are only following orders. And where have we heard that before? This behavior really is a disturbing trend. And it's only going to make things worse. How much humiliation do they think the People are going to take?
It's hard to understand what they are protesting because when someone claims to know and it is discussed, they back off.

That is a common perception. But those who wonder about the reason for the protest should understand there is no single complaint. For some its the lack of jobs because of the job exports, for others it's the gimmicks and manipulations of Wall Street sharks which have ruined the economy, still others are angry at obvious government corruption. And there are many other grievances all of which when combined add up to a lot of very pissed off citizens whose collective protest action is saying We'd better start seeing some changes in the way things are done or this is going to get worse!"

Already one effect has been the group of millionaires who have called for their taxes to be increased. This is not a gesture born of benevolence but of awareness that the level of protest is just the beginning of something which could evolve into something very dangerous for them. Those people are smart enough to know the game has been rigged against the 99% and what is now a protest could easily become a riot -- and then comes violent revolution.

And spraying kids in the face with pepper gas is not going to make things better.
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Letter of Transmittal


Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election


Letter of Transmittal


The President
The President of the Senate
The Speaker of the House of Representatives


The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held public hearings in Tallahassee on January 11–12, 2001, and in Miami on February 16, 2001. The purpose of the hearings was to investigate allegations that Florida voters were prevented from casting ballots or that their ballots were not counted in the November 2000 presidential election. The Commission initiated this investigation after it received allegations of widespread voter disenfranchisement in Florida. The Commission is authorized—and obligated—to investigate claims of deprivations that are “a result of any pattern or practice of fraud,” or that infringe on the right of citizens “to vote and have votes counted.”

The Commission’s investigation sought to determine whether isolated or systematic practices and/or policies by governmental entities denied eligible Florida citizens their right to vote. The investigation focused on who was responsible for making the critical decisions regarding resource allocations for Election Day activities, the reasons these decisions were made, and the effect these judgments had on specific communities.

During the hearings, the Commission received testimony from more than 100 witnesses, including the governor, the secretary of state, the attorney general, a representative of DBT Online (the company involved in state-sponsored removal of felons from Florida’s voter registration lists), the director of the Florida Division of Elections, the general counsel of the Florida Elections Commission, and the co-chairperson and executive director of the Select Task Force on Election Procedures, Standards and Technology established by the governor. Additional testimony was also heard from current and former Florida state and county officials, including county supervisors of elections, county commission officials, and law enforcement personnel as well as experts on election reform issues, election laws and procedures, and voting rights. Registered Florida voters also testified on the obstacles they encountered when attempting to participate in the November election. Both hearings included an open session in which the public was invited to testify about election procedures or personal voting experiences in the November election.

The report generated by the hearings, Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election, concludes that many eligible Florida voters were, in fact, denied their right to vote, with the disenfranchisement disproportionately affecting African Americans. The report also contains recommendations, stressing that any electoral reform must include clear guidance, responsibility and accountability measures that include effective monitoring, and adequate resources to ensure meaningful implementation of these recommendations.

How many votes did Bush win by in florida?

Who was the govenor at the time?

refute these facts

[ame=]You keep using that word. - YouTube[/ame]
Letter of Transmittal


Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election


Letter of Transmittal


The President
The President of the Senate
The Speaker of the House of Representatives


The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held public hearings in Tallahassee on January 11–12, 2001, and in Miami on February 16, 2001.

Who was the govenor at the time?

refute these facts
The civil rights commission is composed of two Democrats and one Republicans. They are political hacks. Their conclusions mean nothing.

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