cops force pepper spray down the throats of UC davis students

Yea can't defend the Police on this one. This was definitely aggressive jack-booted behavior on their part. This is why i keep saying that our Police are very poorly trained. They're trained to always be in an aggressive military posture. They are not receiving proper training on how to interact with the populace in a common sense civil manner. Somewhere along the line the powers that be forgot that our Police exist to protect & serve the People. It really has become a storm trooper jack-booted mentality. These Police in this instance should be punished. They neither protected or served the Citizens.

With all due respect, Paul? That's idiotic. Our police are so far from "jack-booted thugs" as so many here try to portray them that it's not even funny. The police have the unenviable task of keeping order with a large group of people who are determined to cause disorder and they have to do so under the glare of a thousand cameras. Police are going to the hospital from these confrontations. Where is your concern for them? They get attacked for simply doing what they are told...for simply enforcing the law. You've got anarchists in the midst of these protests that are deliberately provoking responses from the police using the cover of "peaceful protests" to launch attacks on the police. That cop in New York City that got 22 stitches in his hand from a star weapon thrown by a protester? How come THAT doesn't rate a mention by you? The use of pepper spray to break up mobs of people who refuse to vacate areas that they have illegally occupied is about as non confrontational as it gets. In the old days they would have waded in with billy clubs and police dogs.
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur

Paper Spray?

No link at all?

What are you, a credible Source?
So many Americans are living in denial. It's so amazing. Your Police Force is being trained to arrest and lock as many Citizens up as they can. The System that has been created requires your Police Force to bust your ass. The more Citizen asses they bust,the more promotions & raises they receive. So if their only incentive is to harass and bust as many Citizens as they can,what the hell do you think they're going to do? It's a terrible System failure. Serving & Protecting the People is clearly no longer their number one priority. It's all about the callous harassing now. The Police/Prison State is here folks. And that's not just some silly paranoid Conspiracy Theory either. The System has been set up this way. And now we're all suffering. These protesters were clearly no menace to Society. This was a brutal senseless attack on them. These Officers should be prosecuted.

Do you even know any police officers? They simply aren't what you make them out to be. Most of them are just normal men and women who go off to a job in the morning and hope they don't get killed during their shift. Now beyond the usual stress inherent in their jobs they have to put up with these OWS idiots who think shutting down the system is going to make the system better.
The Police/Prison State wants you. Don't forget that. We're all targets now. Prison is big business in this country. People who don't see this just don't want to see this.

Could you validate that post with a little evidence? AKA link!

Sorry,don't have a link. But are you really expecting one? It is clear that our Police Officers' best interests and incentives revolve around how many Citizens they arrest and lock up. Their promotions & raises depend on it. Therefore we now have this mad rush to harass and lock Citizens up. It's not just a coincidence. The System has been set up this way. What they did to these people was criminal in my opinion. They were clearly no threat to Society. This was blatant callous brutality. They should be held accountible.
see the dangers of allowing private run prisons.

You can not allow someone to make maoney off of certain endevors

The state employees who operate prisons are not volunteering their time.

BTW: What is maoney?
Maybe she meant Officer Mahoney?

  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
The Police/Prison State wants you. Don't forget that. We're all targets now. Prison is big business in this country. People who don't see this just don't want to see this.

Could you validate that post with a little evidence? AKA link!

Sorry,don't have a link. But are you really expecting one? It is clear that our Police Officers' best interests and incentives revolve around how many Citizens they arrest and lock up. Their promotions & raises depend on it. Therefore we now have this mad rush to harass and lock Citizens up. It's not just a coincidence. The System has been set up this way. What they did to these people was criminal in my opinion. They were clearly no threat to Society. This was blatant callous brutality. They should be held accountible.

Not surprised. Your post is just another paranoid rant. I worked in two prisons as an NP. Let me assure you they do NOT want us all in there.
There is nothing lawful in spraying peaceful protestors in the face with pepper spray...which is why there will now be an investigation into the incident.

I expect there will disciplinary action in the future of that asshole cop.

sure there is

less-than lethal force is a lawful means of cessating violation of the law after due notice.
You don't know what you're talking about. Jos has posted a list of legitimate reasons for using non-lethal weaponry and passive resistance is not one of them.

The problem is the public believes its police are physically capable of dealing with passive protesters in an equally passive but effective manner. But the fact is they aren't. Just look at the fat bastard in the picture who is spraying those seated kids in their faces. He probably can't tie his own shoelaces without getting winded. What that uniformed scumbag is doing is comparable to just kicking those kids in the face.
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Yea can't defend the Police on this one. This was definitely aggressive jack-booted behavior on their part. This is why i keep saying that our Police are very poorly trained. They're trained to always be in an aggressive military posture. They are not receiving proper training on how to interact with the populace in a common sense civil manner. Somewhere along the line the powers that be forgot that our Police exist to protect & serve the People. It really has become a storm trooper jack-booted mentality. These Police in this instance should be punished. They neither protected or served the Citizens.

With all due respect, Paul? That's idiotic. Our police are so far from "jack-booted thugs" as so many here try to portray them that it's not even funny. The police have the unenviable task of keeping order with a large group of people who are determined to cause disorder and they have to do so under the glare of a thousand cameras. Police are going to the hospital from these confrontations. Where is your concern for them? They get attacked for simply doing what they are told...for simply enforcing the law. You've got anarchists in the midst of these protests that are deliberately provoking responses from the police using the cover of "peaceful protests" to launch attacks on the police. That cop in New York City that got 22 stitches in his hand from a star weapon thrown by a protester? How come THAT doesn't rate a mention by you? The use of pepper spray to break up mobs of people who refuse to vacate areas that they have illegally occupied is about as non confrontational as it gets. In the old days they would have waded in with billy clubs and police dogs.

That still doesn't excuse callous brutality by our Police. These people were no threat. These Officers should be held accountible.
Yea can't defend the Police on this one. This was definitely aggressive jack-booted behavior on their part. This is why i keep saying that our Police are very poorly trained. They're trained to always be in an aggressive military posture. They are not receiving proper training on how to interact with the populace in a common sense civil manner. Somewhere along the line the powers that be forgot that our Police exist to protect & serve the People. It really has become a storm trooper jack-booted mentality. These Police in this instance should be punished. They neither protected or served the Citizens.

With all due respect, Paul? That's idiotic. Our police are so far from "jack-booted thugs" as so many here try to portray them that it's not even funny. The police have the unenviable task of keeping order with a large group of people who are determined to cause disorder and they have to do so under the glare of a thousand cameras. Police are going to the hospital from these confrontations. Where is your concern for them? They get attacked for simply doing what they are told...for simply enforcing the law. You've got anarchists in the midst of these protests that are deliberately provoking responses from the police using the cover of "peaceful protests" to launch attacks on the police. That cop in New York City that got 22 stitches in his hand from a star weapon thrown by a protester? How come THAT doesn't rate a mention by you? The use of pepper spray to break up mobs of people who refuse to vacate areas that they have illegally occupied is about as non confrontational as it gets. In the old days they would have waded in with billy clubs and police dogs.

That still doesn't excuse callous brutality by our Police. These people were no threat. These Officers should be held accountible.

You don't have to be a "threat" to break the law, and thus face the consequences of such action. :thup:
There is nothing lawful in spraying peaceful protestors in the face with pepper spray...which is why there will now be an investigation into the incident.

I expect there will disciplinary action in the future of that asshole cop.

sure there is

less-than lethal force is a lawful means of cessating violation of the law after due notice.

Is 'cessating' a word? Or did you just make that up? Let me guess!
So many Americans are living in denial. It's so amazing. Your Police Force is being trained to arrest and lock as many Citizens up as they can. The System that has been created requires your Police Force to bust your ass. The more Citizen asses they bust,the more promotions & raises they receive. So if their only incentive is to harass and bust as many Citizens as they can,what the hell do you think they're going to do? It's a terrible System failure. Serving & Protecting the People is clearly no longer their number one priority. It's all about the callous harassing now. The Police/Prison State is here folks. And that's not just some silly paranoid Conspiracy Theory either. The System has been set up this way. And now we're all suffering. These protesters were clearly no menace to Society. This was a brutal senseless attack on them. These Officers should be prosecuted.

Do you even know any police officers? They simply aren't what you make them out to be. Most of them are just normal men and women who go off to a job in the morning and hope they don't get killed during their shift. Now beyond the usual stress inherent in their jobs they have to put up with these OWS idiots who think shutting down the system is going to make the system better.

Yes i do know Police Officers. And i'm not saying all of them are trained jack-booters. But i am saying that it's the System that is terribly flawed. They are trained to arrest and imprison as many Citizens as they can. Their promotions & raises depend on that. I'm just saying they need to change how our Police are trained. Watch this video again. Watch how callous and uncaring these Officers were. Did they really serve and protect these Citizens?
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur
I am 100% against shooting innocent cops, but after seing that video yesterday, I believe 100% that cop should have been shot on the spot.

I believe you should be shot on the spot.

All those OWS pigs had to do to avoid being pepper sprayed was to obey the police officer's lawful orders for them to disperse. They deserve what they got.
how long do the pigs think people will sit back and take it? Once a few cops are shot at and treated how they treat protestors then the real revolution will occur
I am 100% against shooting innocent cops, but after seing that video yesterday, I believe 100% that cop should have been shot on the spot.
You are truly an idiot aren't you? They deserved being maced for breaking the law and not following the police orders. They are criminals at that point.
There is nothing lawful in spraying peaceful protestors in the face with pepper spray...which is why there will now be an investigation into the incident.

I expect there will disciplinary action in the future of that asshole cop.

sure there is

less-than lethal force is a lawful means of cessating violation of the law after due notice.

Is 'cessating' a word? Or did you just make that up? Let me guess!

'Cessation' perhaps?


The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.
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Could you validate that post with a little evidence? AKA link!

Sorry,don't have a link. But are you really expecting one? It is clear that our Police Officers' best interests and incentives revolve around how many Citizens they arrest and lock up. Their promotions & raises depend on it. Therefore we now have this mad rush to harass and lock Citizens up. It's not just a coincidence. The System has been set up this way. What they did to these people was criminal in my opinion. They were clearly no threat to Society. This was blatant callous brutality. They should be held accountible.

Not surprised. Your post is just another paranoid rant. I worked in two prisons as an NP. Let me assure you they do NOT want us all in there.

Yet they keep arresting and locking up more Citizens. They're locking people up for even the most minor violations these days. It's gotten to be so out of control. There is obviously a big imbalance now. The Police have been given too much power & control. They are now clearly abusing that power. We need to change things and get back to a balance. They need to end the incentives which force our Police to lock up as many Citizens as they can. They need to get back to being trained how to interact with Citizens in a more civil manner. It shouldn't only be about arresting and locking everyone up. They just need better training. Look at this video again. These officers showed no compassion at all. They were just 'following orders' i guess. They need to be punished.
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