Cops kill surrendering camper

The officers were never in any danger, and the victim was turning to walk in the other direction when the officer fired.

What do you care. You're another one of those who thinks that private ownership of firearms should be curtailed. This is the exact reason why we fight nimrods like you.

You support big government, then complain when you get what you ask for. Wouldn't it make more sense to complain about big government?

In your small, narrow mind, you equate big government with abusive government.

And what does a large Federal government have to do with a small town/city police force, half-wit?

That's because the two go hand in hand. Our government has gotten bigger and look how many of your rights have been curtailed.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Does anyone really think America could be worse off with Putin as president?

YES FOOL...Putin was KGB
If he or one of his buds didn't like u for whatever reason...U'd just disappear ...and no investigation.
How is this relevant anyway?

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He's a retard, that's why it's relevant to him.

Liberal civility lives!

Not much of a "life", true, but compared with the intellect of earthworms? Maybe....
I just watched this. It is incredible. To think that this has been going on for years and no cops have been held accountable. I am glad the justice department is stepping in, but it is far too late for at least 26 individuals.

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