Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

it was not in the bathroom it was outside.
so now you're telling me my business
any one who even has the slightest bit of knowledge about how a camera works knows how to frame up a shot nothing professional there
any descent cell phone with a camera his image stabilization,
as to the statements it appears that the discussion had been going on for awhile before the camera started recording it.
what you heard had most likely been repeated several times giving the false appearance of being rehearsed.
you might want to learn something about film making before you make bogus assumptions .
being a film maker the way would tell if it's fake it will look intentionally too Amateuristic like those found footage horror movies.
nothing in it indicates a fake.

Watch again genius, the cop is kicking the dyke "out" of the restroom.

Got it superstar?

**Raises hand.** In order to be kicked "out," one usually has to already be IN.

the point o slapdick is, pops first sentence is a lie
"The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive."-pop
the clip itself proves him wrong, the camera was never in the bathroom no stalls or toilets are ever seen.
failed attempt at pulling focus..


You can't make this shit up!
THE tile and your description of the action don't match up.
"The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive."-pop
lose with some dignity please.
the op is not false. a lesbian was forced to leave but that's not what you were complaining about.

So she wasn't forced out?

Cuz to see what went on, the perspective would be from inside.

You folks are screwed in the head.
it was not in the bathroom it was outside.
so now you're telling me my business
any one who even has the slightest bit of knowledge about how a camera works knows how to frame up a shot nothing professional there
any descent cell phone with a camera his image stabilization,
as to the statements it appears that the discussion had been going on for awhile before the camera started recording it.
what you heard had most likely been repeated several times giving the false appearance of being rehearsed.
you might want to learn something about film making before you make bogus assumptions .
being a film maker the way would tell if it's fake it will look intentionally too Amateuristic like those found footage horror movies.
nothing in it indicates a fake.

Watch again genius, the cop is kicking the dyke "out" of the restroom.

Got it superstar?

**Raises hand.** In order to be kicked "out," one usually has to already be IN.

the point o slapdick is, pops first sentence is a lie
"The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive."-pop
the clip itself proves him wrong, the camera was never in the bathroom no stalls or toilets are ever seen.
failed attempt at pulling focus..

Actually, shit-face, one cannot tell WHERE exactly the camera was in that video. Could have been inside the door and in fact, it probably was.

So your claim that pops' first sentence is a "lie" is itself a lie.

You lying liar who lies about lies.
total bullshit !
the camera and the person shooting it are in a hall way or foyer is some public space a mall maybe .

Because you can't see a toilet?
The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive.

The shot is placed to catch all parties in frame.

The shot is steady, not a bit bouncy

The statements appear practiced.

The only thing missing is a teleprompter
Let me tell you about this wonderful device called a smart phone. It has a camera/video camera in it.

Yes. And that ones damn steady

Proof that this was the type of phone or app used?

What do you think it was? :lol:

A set up.

That's obvious
The OP says that the lesbian was removed from the bathroom.

The camera was THERE recording. If she was IN the bathroom then so was the camera.

Or perhaps the dawsy claim is that both the OP story and the author of the vapid OP are lying liars who lie.
false! if it had been shot in the bathroom you'd have seen at least some of the bathroom
Watch again genius, the cop is kicking the dyke "out" of the restroom.

Got it superstar?

**Raises hand.** In order to be kicked "out," one usually has to already be IN.

the point o slapdick is, pops first sentence is a lie
"The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive."-pop
the clip itself proves him wrong, the camera was never in the bathroom no stalls or toilets are ever seen.
failed attempt at pulling focus..

Actually, shit-face, one cannot tell WHERE exactly the camera was in that video. Could have been inside the door and in fact, it probably was.

So your claim that pops' first sentence is a "lie" is itself a lie.

You lying liar who lies about lies.
total bullshit !
the camera and the person shooting it are in a hall way or foyer is some public space a mall maybe .

Because you can't see a toilet?
because you cant see anything, if it had been a setup as you erroneously claim, the filmmaker would have made sure to shoot it in the bathroom so you could see them throwing her out of it .
that's not what you see.
she's already outside when the clip starts , and a cop is blocking the door of what presumably is the shitter.
Why is it that our modern libs just cannot be happy until we remove the "men's-" and the "women's-" prefixes from all public restrooms?

In most private homes, the bathrooms are not gender specific either.

Of course, the doors close and are able to be locked if there is a non family member visiting, for example.

But in public places, there actually has long been a perfectly good non sexually discriminatory reason for gender specific restrooms. The reasons haven't changed. Liberals are merely asserting that our collective attitudes must bend to THEIR notions of fairness.

Meanwhile, the scumbags bent on committing sex crimes are being given easier access. And the libbies see nothing wrong here.

Sigh.....just layers of stupid.

First, there is no known case of a transgender women going into a public bathroom and committing a sex crime. So you might as well create unicorn leash laws for as little the laws prevent the crimes you're discussing.

Second, 'scumbags' are already attacking people in bathrooms. They just go in when no one is looking. Negating the 'bathroom law' issues entirely. As someone who is going to sexually assault someone is going to give a fiddler's fuck about bathroom ordinances.

Third, if someone goes into a bathroom to do anything other than use the facilities, that is already against the law. So if someone is taking pictures, hanging out in a stall, or anything other than going to the bathroom, the police can already act. Making the law utterly unnecessary.

Fourth, such laws stupidly create bathroom police. Where police and private citizens feel the need to ask for ID, harass people, even assault them.....all in the bid to enforce laws that do exactly jack shit for personal safety. Meaning you've literally created the danger you're trying to prevent. All while protecting no one.

Fifth, lesbians can look like guys. You've guaranteed their harassment and assault over nothing. All while protecting no one.

Sixth, transgender men look like men. So you're guaranteed to freak some women out when bearded, muscular dudes are forced to use the ladies room.

Seventh, transgender women look like women. When they are forced into the men's room, many are harrassed or assaulted. Meaning that you've again created the very problem you're claiming to seek to prevent. All while protecting no one.

These laws are worse than useless. As the protect no one. All while harming real people.
so my degree is fake ?

You read the strangest shit into things.
false ! it's no secret I'm a filmmaker you and I have talked about it before you went bat shit .
explain how simple facts are reading strange shit into things?

Find anywhere I said you were not!

We will wait lil guy
post 106 .
you want fries with that ?
let's see how fast you rationalize and say I mistook your meaning or some other lame excuse.

Saying your a filmmaker is somehow saying you're not a filmmaker?

Beyond bizarre lil dude
no! that's what you wish I was saying.
like I said "or some other lame excuse"
and right on cue you used one.
The OP says that the lesbian was removed from the bathroom.

The camera was THERE recording. If she was IN the bathroom then so was the camera.

Or perhaps the dawsy claim is that both the OP story and the author of the vapid OP are lying liars who lie.
false! if it had been shot in the bathroom you'd have seen at least some of the bathroom

And you know what every bathroom looks like?

Of course, I forgot, you're a filmmaker!
**Raises hand.** In order to be kicked "out," one usually has to already be IN.

the point o slapdick is, pops first sentence is a lie
"The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive."-pop
the clip itself proves him wrong, the camera was never in the bathroom no stalls or toilets are ever seen.
failed attempt at pulling focus..

Actually, shit-face, one cannot tell WHERE exactly the camera was in that video. Could have been inside the door and in fact, it probably was.

So your claim that pops' first sentence is a "lie" is itself a lie.

You lying liar who lies about lies.
total bullshit !
the camera and the person shooting it are in a hall way or foyer is some public space a mall maybe .

Because you can't see a toilet?
because you cant see anything, if it had been a setup as you erroneously claim, the filmmaker would have made sure to shoot it in the bathroom so you could see them throwing her out of it .
that's not what you see.
she's already outside when the clip starts , and a cop is blocking the door of what presumably is the shitter.

Then she wasn't taken out of a restroom.
Why is it that our modern libs just cannot be happy until we remove the "men's-" and the "women's-" prefixes from all public restrooms?

In most private homes, the bathrooms are not gender specific either.

Of course, the doors close and are able to be locked if there is a non family member visiting, for example.

But in public places, there actually has long been a perfectly good non sexually discriminatory reason for gender specific restrooms. The reasons haven't changed. Liberals are merely asserting that our collective attitudes must bend to THEIR notions of fairness.

Meanwhile, the scumbags bent on committing sex crimes are being given easier access. And the libbies see nothing wrong here.

Sigh.....just layers of stupid.

First, there is no known case of a transgender women going into a public bathroom and committing a sex crime. So you might as well create unicorn leash laws for as little the laws prevent the crimes you're discussing.

Second, 'scumbags' are already attacking people in bathrooms. They just go in when no one is looking. Negating the 'bathroom law' issues entirely. As someone who is going to sexually assault someone is going to give a fiddler's fuck about bathroom ordinances.

Third, if someone goes into a bathroom to do anything other than use the facilities, that is already against the law. So if someone is taking pictures, hanging out in a stall, or anything other than going to the bathroom, the police can already act. Making the law utterly unnecessary.

Fourth, such laws stupidly create bathroom police. Where police and private citizens feel the need to ask for ID, harass people, even assault them.....all in the bid to enforce laws that do exactly jack shit for personal safety. Meaning you've literally created the danger you're trying to prevent. All while protecting no one.

Fifth, lesbians can look like guys. You've guaranteed their harassment and assault over nothing. All while protecting no one.

Sixth, transgender men look like men. So you're guaranteed to freak some women out when bearded, muscular dudes are forced to use the ladies room.

Seventh, transgender women look like women. When they are forced into the men's room, many are harrassed or assaulted. Meaning that you've again created the very problem you're claiming to seek to prevent. All while protecting no one.

These laws are worse than useless. As the protect no one. All while harming real people.

But to allow trans males and not all males would be an arbitrary application of the law, and as such, illegal discrimination to any male wanting access.
The OP says that the lesbian was removed from the bathroom.

The camera was THERE recording. If she was IN the bathroom then so was the camera.

Or perhaps the dawsy claim is that both the OP story and the author of the vapid OP are lying liars who lie.
false! if it had been shot in the bathroom you'd have seen at least some of the bathroom

And you know what every bathroom looks like?

Of course, I forgot, you're a filmmaker!
there all about the same ...
so again you are tossing shit in the air to see if anything sticks.
the point o slapdick is, pops first sentence is a lie
"The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive."-pop
the clip itself proves him wrong, the camera was never in the bathroom no stalls or toilets are ever seen.
failed attempt at pulling focus..

Actually, shit-face, one cannot tell WHERE exactly the camera was in that video. Could have been inside the door and in fact, it probably was.

So your claim that pops' first sentence is a "lie" is itself a lie.

You lying liar who lies about lies.
total bullshit !
the camera and the person shooting it are in a hall way or foyer is some public space a mall maybe .

Because you can't see a toilet?
because you cant see anything, if it had been a setup as you erroneously claim, the filmmaker would have made sure to shoot it in the bathroom so you could see them throwing her out of it .
that's not what you see.
she's already outside when the clip starts , and a cop is blocking the door of what presumably is the shitter.

Then she wasn't taken out of a restroom.
really? Here you go RW: Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom
the point o slapdick is, pops first sentence is a lie
"The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive."-pop
the clip itself proves him wrong, the camera was never in the bathroom no stalls or toilets are ever seen.
failed attempt at pulling focus..

Actually, shit-face, one cannot tell WHERE exactly the camera was in that video. Could have been inside the door and in fact, it probably was.

So your claim that pops' first sentence is a "lie" is itself a lie.

You lying liar who lies about lies.
total bullshit !
the camera and the person shooting it are in a hall way or foyer is some public space a mall maybe .

Because you can't see a toilet?
because you cant see anything, if it had been a setup as you erroneously claim, the filmmaker would have made sure to shoot it in the bathroom so you could see them throwing her out of it .
that's not what you see.
she's already outside when the clip starts , and a cop is blocking the door of what presumably is the shitter.

Then she wasn't taken out of a restroom.
Why is it that our modern libs just cannot be happy until we remove the "men's-" and the "women's-" prefixes from all public restrooms?

In most private homes, the bathrooms are not gender specific either.

Of course, the doors close and are able to be locked if there is a non family member visiting, for example.

But in public places, there actually has long been a perfectly good non sexually discriminatory reason for gender specific restrooms. The reasons haven't changed. Liberals are merely asserting that our collective attitudes must bend to THEIR notions of fairness.

Meanwhile, the scumbags bent on committing sex crimes are being given easier access. And the libbies see nothing wrong here.

Sigh.....just layers of stupid.

First, there is no known case of a transgender women going into a public bathroom and committing a sex crime. So you might as well create unicorn leash laws for as little the laws prevent the crimes you're discussing.

Second, 'scumbags' are already attacking people in bathrooms. They just go in when no one is looking. Negating the 'bathroom law' issues entirely. As someone who is going to sexually assault someone is going to give a fiddler's fuck about bathroom ordinances.

Third, if someone goes into a bathroom to do anything other than use the facilities, that is already against the law. So if someone is taking pictures, hanging out in a stall, or anything other than going to the bathroom, the police can already act. Making the law utterly unnecessary.

Fourth, such laws stupidly create bathroom police. Where police and private citizens feel the need to ask for ID, harass people, even assault them.....all in the bid to enforce laws that do exactly jack shit for personal safety. Meaning you've literally created the danger you're trying to prevent. All while protecting no one.

Fifth, lesbians can look like guys. You've guaranteed their harassment and assault over nothing. All while protecting no one.

Sixth, transgender men look like men. So you're guaranteed to freak some women out when bearded, muscular dudes are forced to use the ladies room.

Seventh, transgender women look like women. When they are forced into the men's room, many are harrassed or assaulted. Meaning that you've again created the very problem you're claiming to seek to prevent. All while protecting no one.

These laws are worse than useless. As the protect no one. All while harming real people.

But to allow trans males and not all males would be an arbitrary application of the law, and as such, illegal discrimination to any male wanting access.
this argument has been refuted as many times as it's been brought up.
Actually, shit-face, one cannot tell WHERE exactly the camera was in that video. Could have been inside the door and in fact, it probably was.

So your claim that pops' first sentence is a "lie" is itself a lie.

You lying liar who lies about lies.
total bullshit !
the camera and the person shooting it are in a hall way or foyer is some public space a mall maybe .

Because you can't see a toilet?
because you cant see anything, if it had been a setup as you erroneously claim, the filmmaker would have made sure to shoot it in the bathroom so you could see them throwing her out of it .
that's not what you see.
she's already outside when the clip starts , and a cop is blocking the door of what presumably is the shitter.

Then she wasn't taken out of a restroom.
really? Here you go RW: Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

If she's not in a restroom then she couldn't be forced out lil dude
Why is it that our modern libs just cannot be happy until we remove the "men's-" and the "women's-" prefixes from all public restrooms?

In most private homes, the bathrooms are not gender specific either.

Of course, the doors close and are able to be locked if there is a non family member visiting, for example.

But in public places, there actually has long been a perfectly good non sexually discriminatory reason for gender specific restrooms. The reasons haven't changed. Liberals are merely asserting that our collective attitudes must bend to THEIR notions of fairness.

Meanwhile, the scumbags bent on committing sex crimes are being given easier access. And the libbies see nothing wrong here.

Sigh.....just layers of stupid.

First, there is no known case of a transgender women going into a public bathroom and committing a sex crime. So you might as well create unicorn leash laws for as little the laws prevent the crimes you're discussing.

Second, 'scumbags' are already attacking people in bathrooms. They just go in when no one is looking. Negating the 'bathroom law' issues entirely. As someone who is going to sexually assault someone is going to give a fiddler's fuck about bathroom ordinances.

Third, if someone goes into a bathroom to do anything other than use the facilities, that is already against the law. So if someone is taking pictures, hanging out in a stall, or anything other than going to the bathroom, the police can already act. Making the law utterly unnecessary.

Fourth, such laws stupidly create bathroom police. Where police and private citizens feel the need to ask for ID, harass people, even assault them.....all in the bid to enforce laws that do exactly jack shit for personal safety. Meaning you've literally created the danger you're trying to prevent. All while protecting no one.

Fifth, lesbians can look like guys. You've guaranteed their harassment and assault over nothing. All while protecting no one.

Sixth, transgender men look like men. So you're guaranteed to freak some women out when bearded, muscular dudes are forced to use the ladies room.

Seventh, transgender women look like women. When they are forced into the men's room, many are harrassed or assaulted. Meaning that you've again created the very problem you're claiming to seek to prevent. All while protecting no one.

These laws are worse than useless. As the protect no one. All while harming real people.

But to allow trans males and not all males would be an arbitrary application of the law, and as such, illegal discrimination to any male wanting access.
this argument has been refuted as many times as it's been brought up.

Nobody's even attempted, give it a shot lil fella
Actually, shit-face, one cannot tell WHERE exactly the camera was in that video. Could have been inside the door and in fact, it probably was.

So your claim that pops' first sentence is a "lie" is itself a lie.

You lying liar who lies about lies.
total bullshit !
the camera and the person shooting it are in a hall way or foyer is some public space a mall maybe .

Because you can't see a toilet?
because you cant see anything, if it had been a setup as you erroneously claim, the filmmaker would have made sure to shoot it in the bathroom so you could see them throwing her out of it .
that's not what you see.
she's already outside when the clip starts , and a cop is blocking the door of what presumably is the shitter.

Then she wasn't taken out of a restroom.

I know right. You claimed she was, then she wasn't even in one.

That's how a troll rolls
total bullshit !
the camera and the person shooting it are in a hall way or foyer is some public space a mall maybe .

Because you can't see a toilet?
because you cant see anything, if it had been a setup as you erroneously claim, the filmmaker would have made sure to shoot it in the bathroom so you could see them throwing her out of it .
that's not what you see.
she's already outside when the clip starts , and a cop is blocking the door of what presumably is the shitter.

Then she wasn't taken out of a restroom.
really? Here you go RW: Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

If she's not in a restroom then she couldn't be forced out lil dude
you're contradicting yourself ...
btw the lil dude nickname you are so fond of calling me is hilarious because it so far from reality.
Why is it that our modern libs just cannot be happy until we remove the "men's-" and the "women's-" prefixes from all public restrooms?

In most private homes, the bathrooms are not gender specific either.

Of course, the doors close and are able to be locked if there is a non family member visiting, for example.

But in public places, there actually has long been a perfectly good non sexually discriminatory reason for gender specific restrooms. The reasons haven't changed. Liberals are merely asserting that our collective attitudes must bend to THEIR notions of fairness.

Meanwhile, the scumbags bent on committing sex crimes are being given easier access. And the libbies see nothing wrong here.

Sigh.....just layers of stupid.

First, there is no known case of a transgender women going into a public bathroom and committing a sex crime. So you might as well create unicorn leash laws for as little the laws prevent the crimes you're discussing.

Second, 'scumbags' are already attacking people in bathrooms. They just go in when no one is looking. Negating the 'bathroom law' issues entirely. As someone who is going to sexually assault someone is going to give a fiddler's fuck about bathroom ordinances.

Third, if someone goes into a bathroom to do anything other than use the facilities, that is already against the law. So if someone is taking pictures, hanging out in a stall, or anything other than going to the bathroom, the police can already act. Making the law utterly unnecessary.

Fourth, such laws stupidly create bathroom police. Where police and private citizens feel the need to ask for ID, harass people, even assault them.....all in the bid to enforce laws that do exactly jack shit for personal safety. Meaning you've literally created the danger you're trying to prevent. All while protecting no one.

Fifth, lesbians can look like guys. You've guaranteed their harassment and assault over nothing. All while protecting no one.

Sixth, transgender men look like men. So you're guaranteed to freak some women out when bearded, muscular dudes are forced to use the ladies room.

Seventh, transgender women look like women. When they are forced into the men's room, many are harrassed or assaulted. Meaning that you've again created the very problem you're claiming to seek to prevent. All while protecting no one.

These laws are worse than useless. As the protect no one. All while harming real people.

But to allow trans males and not all males would be an arbitrary application of the law, and as such, illegal discrimination to any male wanting access.
this argument has been refuted as many times as it's been brought up.

Nobody's even attempted, give it a shot lil fella
false! you not accepting the outcome is not the same the result.

Because you can't see a toilet?
because you cant see anything, if it had been a setup as you erroneously claim, the filmmaker would have made sure to shoot it in the bathroom so you could see them throwing her out of it .
that's not what you see.
she's already outside when the clip starts , and a cop is blocking the door of what presumably is the shitter.

Then she wasn't taken out of a restroom.
really? Here you go RW: Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

If she's not in a restroom then she couldn't be forced out lil dude
you're contradicting yourself ...
btw the lil dude nickname you are so fond of calling me is hilarious because it so far from reality.

I doubt it, you argue like a 12 year old. Lil dude

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