cops shoot wrong person/nightmare

As a guess, this victim was white.

Explains why you think it is a bad shoot. If the victim had been black you would be on here cheering the cops and screaming they didn’t have a choice. If they had hesitated one second they would have died.
hahahahahahhaah and hahahahahhahahahhaha
I've seen stupid replies like yours on the news' comments
this is NOTHING like some of these black, resisting, CRIMINALS being shot !!!!
ASterling armed and resisitng-not at home
MBrown--stealing from store, attacked a clerk, attacked cop-not at home
ASmith armed and evading ARREST-not at home
KScott armed and told to drop the weapon many times-not at home
Tamir Rice NOT in his home--waving what looked like a pistol in PUBLIC
MUCH different ---you cannot deny it
etc etc

The biggest difference is the victim is white. Now of course you are upset. Not surprised.

This guy followed instructions and got shot. He was white.

It was a good. That is to say justified shooting according to the justice system.

He was unarmed.

In this case. As in the last one I said I had no problem with. The victim was armed. Are you suggesting that the police should have shouted instructions to the armed individual? Are you saying the police should have taken time to find out who the armed individual was?

It is undeniable that the victim was armed at the time of the shooting. He had a gun in his hand. So are the police supposed to take chances with an armed individual if that individual is white? How many cops will die if they do that? Is it worth dead cops to have them take a moment and find out what is going on?

1. 99.999999% of police shootings have NOTHING to do with race, as does this one
2. most of the blacks shot by police were resisting arrest/attacking/committing a crime or had committed one/ a REAL threat/etc
totally different from this one

Yeah, in this one they were responding to a 911 call, and saw an armed individual in the house that was the location of the emergency call. Are you suggesting that anytime the police respond to a house where an emergency call was placed that they assume anyone armed inside belongs there? Or is it only anyone who is a white person?
The correct answer is... “when lives are on the line; don’t make assumptions”. But if you feel you must; accept the responsibilities, and the consequences if you assume wrong...

Explains why you think it is a bad shoot. If the victim had been black you would be on here cheering the cops and screaming they didn’t have a choice. If they had hesitated one second they would have died.
hahahahahahhaah and hahahahahhahahahhaha
I've seen stupid replies like yours on the news' comments
this is NOTHING like some of these black, resisting, CRIMINALS being shot !!!!
ASterling armed and resisitng-not at home
MBrown--stealing from store, attacked a clerk, attacked cop-not at home
ASmith armed and evading ARREST-not at home
KScott armed and told to drop the weapon many times-not at home
Tamir Rice NOT in his home--waving what looked like a pistol in PUBLIC
MUCH different ---you cannot deny it
etc etc

The biggest difference is the victim is white. Now of course you are upset. Not surprised.

This guy followed instructions and got shot. He was white.

It was a good. That is to say justified shooting according to the justice system.

He was unarmed.

In this case. As in the last one I said I had no problem with. The victim was armed. Are you suggesting that the police should have shouted instructions to the armed individual? Are you saying the police should have taken time to find out who the armed individual was?

It is undeniable that the victim was armed at the time of the shooting. He had a gun in his hand. So are the police supposed to take chances with an armed individual if that individual is white? How many cops will die if they do that? Is it worth dead cops to have them take a moment and find out what is going on?

1. 99.999999% of police shootings have NOTHING to do with race, as does this one
2. most of the blacks shot by police were resisting arrest/attacking/committing a crime or had committed one/ a REAL threat/etc
totally different from this one

Yeah, in this one they were responding to a 911 call, and saw an armed individual in the house that was the location of the emergency call. Are you suggesting that anytime the police respond to a house where an emergency call was placed that they assume anyone armed inside belongs there? Or is it only anyone who is a white person?

You contradict yourself in the same post. In this case, if they presume white people are safe, one got killed. How do you reconcile your error?
humans can be so screwed up
A naked, unidentified man, who is believed to have come from a nearby house party, broke into the Montview Boulevard home
Black and the boy’s father tried to pull the attacker off the boy, even smashing a vase over his head,
looks like a bad shoot
Homeowner killed by police had shot naked home intruder trying to drown his grandson in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online
Report say the cop never even entered the home... Just went cowboy and started unloading, through presumably a window or door... grossly negligent. And 1rst degree manslaughter at the very least.
When will this country go back to hiring properly our law enforcement officers in this country ??? It appears we have some major problems with the hiring practices going on in our law enforcement. Bullies and chicken chit nerds don't need to be cops, but it seems the nation is loaded down with these types these days. Am I right in my observation of the problems maybe ??

My 74 year old mom was bullied by an officer over not wearing her seat belt... Real idiocy going on these days folks, but whatta ya gonna do right ???? Good Grief.
humans can be so screwed up
A naked, unidentified man, who is believed to have come from a nearby house party, broke into the Montview Boulevard home
Black and the boy’s father tried to pull the attacker off the boy, even smashing a vase over his head,
looks like a bad shoot
Homeowner killed by police had shot naked home intruder trying to drown his grandson in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online
Report say the cop never even entered the home... Just went cowboy and started unloading, through presumably a window or door... grossly negligent. And 1rst degree manslaughter at the very least.
When will this country go back to hiring properly our law enforcement officers in this country ??? It appears we have some major problems with the hiring practices going on in our law enforcement. Bullies and chicken chit nerds don't need to be cops, but it seems the nation is loaded down with these types these days. Am I right in my observation of the problems maybe ??

My 74 year old mom was bullied by an officer over not wearing her seat belt... Real idiocy going on these days folks, but whatta ya gonna do right ???? Good Grief.
That’s a multi faceted, and complex question. For one contributioning factor to the chaos that is modern law enforcement... We as a nation have way too many laws. Over legislation demands more law enforcement officers. More laws, means more opportunities to run afoul of the law. That in turn limits the candidate pool.
That’s just one very small contributing factor. The current American judicial system is a nearly complete failure at every level.
I know, I know, let's make character job number one in our hiring practices again, and let's make void the idea that if a potential employee can't do algebra 2 or jump through class level hoops designed by the wrong people in which makes them jump through such hoops, then maybe just maybe once again character might prevail in this country, and we would see a better police force in total there of.

Maybe standards that apply in some jobs aren't fissible to use (the same standards), and/or practices in other jobs.

Maybe we need to see a law enforcement force that looks more like the citizens in this country, instead of one that looks like the gastapo. Hmmm.

Yes we need tough officers, and yes we need smart officers, but we could critique and fix some things for the better always.
I know, I know, let's make character job number one in our hiring practices again, and let's make void the idea that if a potential employee can't do algebra 2 or jump through class level hoops designed by the wrong people in which makes them jump through such hoops, then maybe just maybe once again character might prevail in this country, and we would see a better police force in total there of.

Maybe standards that apply in some jobs aren't fissible to use (the same standards), and/or practices in other jobs.

Maybe we need to see a law enforcement force that looks more like the citizens in this country, instead of one that looks like the gastapo. Hmmm.

Yes we need tough officers, and yes we need smart officers, but we could critique and fix some things for the better always.
Yes but... A police force that looked like the citizens in this country, would be a collection of fractal groups, independently vying for advantage over the others. We may be the United States. But we are far from a truly united people. As such we are given one overly complicated set of laws that all are supposed to obey. Which is a near impossible task throughout ones lifetime. Yet we are taught that ignorance of the law is no excuse. But in reality one doesn’t need an excuse when countless thousands of people have to dedicate their lives to the study of this law; and even they need large libraries, and paralegals to help them wade through it when it needs to be applied. The idea that ignorance of the law is no excuse is almost comically fallible. And would be, if not for the serious life changeing, and sometimes life ending results...
..MBrown stealing, attacked a clerk, then attacked the cop

None of which required the use of deadly force when he was 100 feet away with his hands up.

..ASmith evading ARREST

That was the incident when during the chase, the cop yelled, " "going to kill this motherfucker, don’t you know it" Um, yeah, that was totally kosher

..ASterling armed and told to put his hands on the car, then tazed, then tackled, THEN shot

And at no point did he have his gun out.

McDonald had a knife like the jackass that just tried to cut the woman's throat !!!!!!

A three inch pocket knife, with the blade folded in, walking away from the police, not acting aggressively. And really, once he was on the ground, you could stop shooting.

But then you have Tamir Rice, shot while playing in a park.

Hey, here's a crazy idea... let's not go to "shooting the darkie" as your first response.
..MBrown stealing, attacked a clerk, then attacked the cop

None of which required the use of deadly force when he was 100 feet away with his hands up.

..ASmith evading ARREST

That was the incident when during the chase, the cop yelled, " "going to kill this motherfucker, don’t you know it" Um, yeah, that was totally kosher

..ASterling armed and told to put his hands on the car, then tazed, then tackled, THEN shot

And at no point did he have his gun out.

McDonald had a knife like the jackass that just tried to cut the woman's throat !!!!!!

A three inch pocket knife, with the blade folded in, walking away from the police, not acting aggressively. And really, once he was on the ground, you could stop shooting.

But then you have Tamir Rice, shot while playing in a park.

Hey, here's a crazy idea... let's not go to "shooting the darkie" as your first response.
I notice you--also--do not back up any of your ''opinions'' with facts/links/stats---as I do
playing in the park :laugh::laugh::laugh:--you and the MSM are bullshitters like Trump says
and --with all those facts I have linked, we also have this:
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

the legal, fair courts have ruled you wrong
AND---the point was these are different cases!
you AGREE MBrown attacked the cop/clerk/etc
Tamir is in the PUBLIC area waving what looks like a pistol
hahahahahhahah very different
I notice you--also--do not back up any of your ''opinions'' with facts/links/stats---as I do
playing in the park :laugh::laugh::laugh:--you and the MSM are bullshitters like Trump says
and --with all those facts I have linked, we also have this:

That's not a fact. That's a cops job to arrest and confront criminals. It's like saying a firefighter is more likely to die in a fire.

The fact is, cops shoot 1200 civilians a year, and they are disproportionately people of color.. a large percentage of them are unarmed.
the legal, fair courts have ruled you wrong
AND---the point was these are different cases!
you AGREE MBrown attacked the cop/clerk/etc
Tamir is in the PUBLIC area waving what looks like a pistol
hahahahahhahah very different

It's not a fair court when prosecutors rig the cases... but they aren't doing that anymore. If they do, they get voted out of office.
the legal, fair courts have ruled you wrong
AND---the point was these are different cases!
you AGREE MBrown attacked the cop/clerk/etc
Tamir is in the PUBLIC area waving what looks like a pistol
hahahahahhahah very different

It's not a fair court when prosecutors rig the cases... but they aren't doing that anymore. If they do, they get voted out of office.
??? what???
ok, so I said it ''looks'' like a bad shoot''ing'' with all stories like this, sane/civil/etc people wait for the truth to come out before burning their city/causing violence we see he had a hearing problem and they did tell him to drop the weapon it seems like this is not a bad shoot''ing''
the cops are vindicated again
Metz said the officers heard Black's wife say, "He has a gun" before encountering the Vietnam veteran holding a firearm and a flashlight. He said officers ordered Black to drop the gun and show his hands, but he didn't comply.
as with all of these incidents, this is real life--not the movies/tv
"It was a very chaotic situation."
Police say veteran shot by cops in own home may not have heard commands to drop gun
..MBrown stealing, attacked a clerk, then attacked the cop

None of which required the use of deadly force when he was 100 feet away with his hands up.

..ASmith evading ARREST

That was the incident when during the chase, the cop yelled, " "going to kill this motherfucker, don’t you know it" Um, yeah, that was totally kosher

..ASterling armed and told to put his hands on the car, then tazed, then tackled, THEN shot

And at no point did he have his gun out.

McDonald had a knife like the jackass that just tried to cut the woman's throat !!!!!!

A three inch pocket knife, with the blade folded in, walking away from the police, not acting aggressively. And really, once he was on the ground, you could stop shooting.

But then you have Tamir Rice, shot while playing in a park.

Hey, here's a crazy idea... let's not go to "shooting the darkie" as your first response.
You are so full of it Joby, that it ain't funny. Good grief.
You are so full of it Joby, that it ain't funny. Good grief.

The days when cops can shoot innocent black folks is coming to an end. Deal with it..
that ended decades ago
they haven't shot many innocent blacks in a loooooong time
most of the blacks shot are NOT innocent
etc---NOT innocent --not even close to being innocent
You are so full of it Joby, that it ain't funny. Good grief.

The days when cops can shoot innocent black folks is coming to an end. Deal with it..
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.

etc etc the evidence just doesn't stop
Yet another reason guns are the answer to everything.

The homeowner defended his grandson, then was killed by incompetent cops. The very people who you claim are the only ones who should have guns. Looks like you're a idiot.

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