cops shoot wrong person/nightmare

and the cause of the problem --- attacking a white person:
so he did not comply----EXACTLY like the blacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EXACTLY like we said/say/etc !!!!
race has NOTHING to do with it
I notice you--also--do not back up any of your ''opinions'' with facts/links/stats---as I do
playing in the park :laugh::laugh::laugh:--you and the MSM are bullshitters like Trump says
and --with all those facts I have linked, we also have this:

That's not a fact. That's a cops job to arrest and confront criminals. It's like saying a firefighter is more likely to die in a fire.

The fact is, cops shoot 1200 civilians a year, and they are disproportionately people of color.. a large percentage of them are unarmed.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe more of them are criminals?

JoeB131, wrong 997/1000 times.
Yet another reason guns are the answer to everything.

The homeowner defended his grandson, then was killed by incompetent cops. The very people who you claim are the only ones who should have guns. Looks like you're a idiot.
see post # 33
they told him to drop the weapon and he did not
not incompetent
you people sound so freakin righteous
you are PERFECT
you people are not would do the same thing
don't try to say you wouldn't
that ended decades ago
they haven't shot many innocent blacks in a loooooong time
most of the blacks shot are NOT innocent
etc---NOT innocent --not even close to being innocent

Okay, we don't give the death penalty for minor offenses, that's the thing.

Mike Brown was not a danger when he was shot. He was running away.

Keith Scott (why you don't spell out their full names, I'm not sure.) was sitting in his car when the police executed him. He wasn't even the guy the cops were looking for.

Alton Sterling was pinned to the ground when he was shot. Not a threat.

Anthony Smith wasn't a threat to the cops when he was shot inside of his car, after the cops threatened to kill him during the chase. Oh, yeah, and the gun they found didn't have his DNA on it, but had the DNA of the shooting officer. Imagine that.

Now, do you want to talk about LMcDonald, TRice, or WScott?
that ended decades ago
they haven't shot many innocent blacks in a loooooong time
most of the blacks shot are NOT innocent
etc---NOT innocent --not even close to being innocent

Okay, we don't give the death penalty for minor offenses, that's the thing.

Mike Brown was not a danger when he was shot. He was running away.

Keith Scott (why you don't spell out their full names, I'm not sure.) was sitting in his car when the police executed him. He wasn't even the guy the cops were looking for.

Alton Sterling was pinned to the ground when he was shot. Not a threat.

Anthony Smith wasn't a threat to the cops when he was shot inside of his car, after the cops threatened to kill him during the chase. Oh, yeah, and the gun they found didn't have his DNA on it, but had the DNA of the shooting officer. Imagine that.

Now, do you want to talk about LMcDonald, TRice, or WScott?

Wow..... lying just comes naturally to you..

Mike Brown was not a danger when he was shot. He was running away.

Other than the autopsy report, and the eyewitnesses who said he was charging the police officer after trying to take the cops gun...which they told to a grand jury...other than that you are still completely wrong..
I notice you--also--do not back up any of your ''opinions'' with facts/links/stats---as I do
playing in the park :laugh::laugh::laugh:--you and the MSM are bullshitters like Trump says
and --with all those facts I have linked, we also have this:

That's not a fact. That's a cops job to arrest and confront criminals. It's like saying a firefighter is more likely to die in a fire.

The fact is, cops shoot 1200 civilians a year, and they are disproportionately people of color.. a large percentage of them are unarmed.
n 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post
not only do you not back up your [ :laugh::laugh::laugh: ] ''facts''--they are also wrong!!!
that ended decades ago
they haven't shot many innocent blacks in a loooooong time
most of the blacks shot are NOT innocent
etc---NOT innocent --not even close to being innocent

Okay, we don't give the death penalty for minor offenses, that's the thing.

Mike Brown was not a danger when he was shot. He was running away.

Keith Scott (why you don't spell out their full names, I'm not sure.) was sitting in his car when the police executed him. He wasn't even the guy the cops were looking for.

Alton Sterling was pinned to the ground when he was shot. Not a threat.

Anthony Smith wasn't a threat to the cops when he was shot inside of his car, after the cops threatened to kill him during the chase. Oh, yeah, and the gun they found didn't have his DNA on it, but had the DNA of the shooting officer. Imagine that.

Now, do you want to talk about LMcDonald, TRice, or WScott?

Wow..... lying just comes naturally to you..

Mike Brown was not a danger when he was shot. He was running away.

Other than the autopsy report, and the eyewitnesses who said he was charging the police officer after trying to take the cops gun...which they told to a grand jury...other than that you are still completely wrong..
Melinek also said the autopsy did not support witnesses who have claimed Brown was shot while running away from Wilson, or with his hands up.
this from STLPD--very white hating/cop hating media
Official autopsy shows Michael Brown had close-range wound to his hand, marijuana in system
I could go on and on about MBrown--what a jackass that DESERVED to be shot--whether he was black/white green/blue
Other than the autopsy report, and the eyewitnesses who said he was charging the police officer after trying to take the cops gun...which they told to a grand jury...other than that you are still completely wrong..

The Autopsy report shows he was 100 feet away from Wilson when he was fatally shot. So unless he's this guy

... he wasn't getting the gun.
this from STLPD--very white hating/cop hating media
Official autopsy shows Michael Brown had close-range wound to his hand, marijuana in system
I could go on and on about MBrown--what a jackass that DESERVED to be shot--whether he was black/white green/blue

The autopsy only proves that his hands were down when some of the bullets hit him.

Hands are up. First bullet hits his chest, he clutches his arms in front of him when he's hit by the other bullets.

Not complicated.

And again- over 100 feet away.
Other than the autopsy report, and the eyewitnesses who said he was charging the police officer after trying to take the cops gun...which they told to a grand jury...other than that you are still completely wrong..

The Autopsy report shows he was 100 feet away from Wilson when he was fatally shot. So unless he's this guy
View attachment 208381

... he wasn't getting the gun.
your link is duly noted :laugh:
you've provided 0 evidence/links/etc
...forget it --it's closed----the jury is in bewilderment on why you don't have any proof
that ended decades ago
they haven't shot many innocent blacks in a loooooong time
most of the blacks shot are NOT innocent
etc---NOT innocent --not even close to being innocent

Okay, we don't give the death penalty for minor offenses, that's the thing.

Mike Brown was not a danger when he was shot. He was running away.

Keith Scott (why you don't spell out their full names, I'm not sure.) was sitting in his car when the police executed him. He wasn't even the guy the cops were looking for.

Alton Sterling was pinned to the ground when he was shot. Not a threat.

Anthony Smith wasn't a threat to the cops when he was shot inside of his car, after the cops threatened to kill him during the chase. Oh, yeah, and the gun they found didn't have his DNA on it, but had the DNA of the shooting officer. Imagine that.

Now, do you want to talk about LMcDonald, TRice, or WScott?

Wow..... lying just comes naturally to you..

Mike Brown was not a danger when he was shot. He was running away.

Other than the autopsy report, and the eyewitnesses who said he was charging the police officer after trying to take the cops gun...which they told to a grand jury...other than that you are still completely wrong..
Melinek also said the autopsy did not support witnesses who have claimed Brown was shot while running away from Wilson, or with his hands up.
this from STLPD--very white hating/cop hating media
Official autopsy shows Michael Brown had close-range wound to his hand, marijuana in system
I could go on and on about MBrown--what a jackass that DESERVED to be shot--whether he was black/white green/blue

I feel sorry for him..... for you to turn into that thug it is a waste and a tragedy.
this from STLPD--very white hating/cop hating media
Official autopsy shows Michael Brown had close-range wound to his hand, marijuana in system
I could go on and on about MBrown--what a jackass that DESERVED to be shot--whether he was black/white green/blue

The autopsy only proves that his hands were down when some of the bullets hit him.

Hands are up. First bullet hits his chest, he clutches his arms in front of him when he's hit by the other bullets.

Not complicated.

And again- over 100 feet away.

4 autopsies....... and none of them back up what you say...

Three autopsies[note 1] were performed on Brown's body, with all three noting Brown had been shot at least six times, including twice in the head. He received no shots in his back.[83]

The county autopsy report described gunshot entry and exit wounds to Brown's right arm coming from both the front (ventral, palms facing forward) and the back (dorsal, palms facing backward).[84]

The local medical examiner autopsy report released to state prosecutors said Brown was shot in the front part of his body. When Mary Case, the St. Louis County medical examiner, was asked to provide details, she declined to comment further, citing the ongoing investigation into Brown's death.[85][86] The official county autopsy was later leaked to the St. LouisPost-Dispatch.[87][79]

The narrative report of investigation from the office of the medical examiner of St. Louis agreed with Wilson's testimony.[79] It noted Brown had sustained multiple gunshot wounds to the head, torso, and right arm, as well as a single gunshot wound to the inside of his right hand near his thumb and palm; it also noted Brown's body had abrasions to the right side of his face and on the back of his left hand.[79]

The autopsy noted the absence of stippling, powder burns around a wound that indicate a shot was fired at a relatively short range. Dr. Michael Graham, the St. Louis medical examiner, notes gunshot wounds within an inch of the body do not always cause stippling. Microscopic examination of tissue taken from the thumb wound detected the presence of a foreign material consistent with the material which is ejected from a gun while firing.[79] The gunshot wound to the top of Brown's head was consistent with Brown either falling forward or being in a lunging position; the shot was instantly fatal.[79]

A toxicology test performed by a St. Louis University laboratory revealed the presence of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, in Brown's blood and urine. The presence of THC indicates Brown had used marijuana within a few hours of his death, but it could not be determined whether or not Brown was impaired at the time of his death.[79]

At the request of Brown's family, on August 17 a preliminary autopsy was conducted by Dr. Michael Baden, a former chief medical examiner for the City of New York (1978–1979). This autopsy was limited because the previous county autopsy had washed, embalmed, and taken evidence off the body.[88][89][90][91]

According to Baden's report, Brown was shot six times into his front: four of the bullets entered his right arm, one entered his right eye on a downward trajectory, and one entered the top of his skull.[8] All of the rounds were fired from a distance of at least one foot.[92] One of the shots shattered his right eye, traveled through his face, then exited his jaw and reentered his collarbone. The shot that entered the top of his skull caused the fatal injury.[8] Brown could have survived the first bullet wounds, but the bullet that entered the top of his head resulted in a fatal injury.[93]

Baden had no access to the clothing of the victim, and had not yet seen the x-rays showing where bullets were in the body. He could not determine if any gunpowder residue was on that clothing. Baden concluded there was too little information to forensically reconstruct the shooting.[8] At least two commentators noted the results of both autopsies contradicted some aspects of some eyewitness accounts, which had reported Wilson shot Brown in the back[8] and that Wilson shot Brown while holding Brown's neck.[94] In later analysis, Baden reclassified one of Brown's chest wounds as an entry wound.[95]

Dr. Baden was assisted by Shawn Parcells, who does not have a degree or other credentials in medicine or pathology.[96][97] Dr. Thomas Young, former Jackson County Medical Examiner, said Parcells is giving out forensic pathology opinions when he is not qualified to do so.[96] Dr. Mary Case, who performed the initial autopsy, said Parcells' involvement could cause issues with the second autopsy.[98] Parcells said all he did was assist Dr. Baden.[99]
Other than the autopsy report, and the eyewitnesses who said he was charging the police officer after trying to take the cops gun...which they told to a grand jury...other than that you are still completely wrong..

The Autopsy report shows he was 100 feet away from Wilson when he was fatally shot. So unless he's this guy
View attachment 208381

... he wasn't getting the gun.
your link is duly noted :laugh:
you've provided 0 evidence/links/etc
...forget it --it's closed----the jury is in bewilderment on why you don't have any proof

The "Ferguson" play was created using just Grand Jury Testimony....some sort of English style of play..... and the actors couldn't believe that they actually had black witnesses who supported the Cops side of the attack...

'Ferguson' play: Michael Brown shooting staged with grand jury testimony

Actual grand jury testimony from the Michael Brown case lays the groundwork for the new play "Ferguson," written by journalist and documentary filmmaker Phelim McAleer and to be presented by Theatre Verite Collective in Los Angeles in late April.

The play, a guest production of Odyssey Theatre, examines what happened on Aug. 9 when Brown, a young unarmed black man, was shot dead by white police Officer Darren Wilson in a confrontation Ferguson, Mo., that spurred protests across the country.

"Ferguson" is being billed as "verbatim" theater, "a play constructed from the precise words spoken by people interviewed about a particular event or topic," the announcement said. The death of Brown will be staged from witness testimony and presented to the audience in the same way a grand jury -- the grand jury that ultimately acquitted Wilson -- heard it.

"I want to bring the truth about what happened that day to the stage," McAleer said in the announcement. "I think audience members will be very surprised, even shocked, when they hear the clear and unaltered truth about the events that took place on Aug. 9, 2014. There are a lot of myths and half-truths circulating about the shooting. 'Ferguson' is a chance to dispel these once and for all."
your link is duly noted :laugh:
you've provided 0 evidence/links/etc
...forget it --it's closed----the jury is in bewilderment on why you don't have any proof

I don't provide links to people who can't read...

Shooting a kid 8 times for shoplifting and jaywalking seems a bit much to any sensible person.

You should move into the projects and get you some culture.

At least move into one of the surrounding houses in the area.

Dude, I lived in an economically distressed area for quite a while, thanks. Bought a fixer-upper as my first home and turned it around quite nicely. And most of my non-white neighbors were decent folks just trying to get by.
The "Ferguson" play was created using just Grand Jury Testimony....some sort of English style of play..... and the actors couldn't believe that they actually had black witnesses who supported the Cops side of the attack...

Did they include the mentally ill woman that the DA let testify even though it was clear she was lying about being there?
your link is duly noted :laugh:
you've provided 0 evidence/links/etc
...forget it --it's closed----the jury is in bewilderment on why you don't have any proof

I don't provide links to people who can't read...

Shooting a kid 8 times for shoplifting and jaywalking seems a bit much to any sensible person.

You should move into the projects and get you some culture.

At least move into one of the surrounding houses in the area.

Dude, I lived in an economically distressed area for quite a while, thanks. Bought a fixer-upper as my first home and turned it around quite nicely. And most of my non-white neighbors were decent folks just trying to get by.
you don't provide links because you don't have any or they can be EASILY refuted

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