cops shoot wrong person/nightmare

that ended decades ago
they haven't shot many innocent blacks in a loooooong time
most of the blacks shot are NOT innocent
etc---NOT innocent --not even close to being innocent

Boy am I glad that hasn’t happened in a long time.

Not the norm though, so hopefully these cherry picked events shown in these videos don't taint the entire force because it ain't right to look at the entire force in such a way.

Look up the case of John Geer. The only reason the cop in that one was charged was that the Lawsuit got the evidence through Discovery, and walked it to the District Attorney. The DA could not get the information because the department was still investigating after two years. Geer was shot in his doorway, with his hands up. Two years the entire department sat on it, and did everything possible to insure that the cop was not charged with littering, much less murdering Geer. Two years. Where were the good cops at? The ones who hate a bad cop?

Half of the people shot by police tend to be unarmed. About one in ten tend to be armed with a gun. The rest are armed with a knife, or other “deadly weapon”.

Those weren’t cherry picked the way that phrase tends to communicate. Those were readily available, and obviously disproved the assertion by Harmonica. Harmonica, who has never seen or heard of a shooting of a black man that he dissaproved of, is up in arms because a White Guy was killed in his own home. My standards for what would be a justified shooting are pretty simple. If the baddie has a gun in his hand, I’m not going to complain. I’m just not going to complain about it. On the other hand, if the victim is unarmed, you’re going to have a hell of a hard time convincing me it was justified. For Harmonica, the only qualification is skin color. White folks ain’t supposed to be shot like the Blacks are.

Corruption is a powerful thing (way more powerful than anti-corruption is these days), so good people try not to challenge the corruption if it becomes institutionalized in so many regards.

Sad but true as many become powerless in their efforts to buck the corrupt system if it becomes corrupted at to high a level, and at to broad a level.

Video and audio from smart phones has been changing alot of that now, and for the cops it is the body cam's etc that is helping them to suceed in their war against crime today. Hopefully things are getting better as the fields are being levelled.

Live P.D. is a great show, and it has been a great tool for the public to see just what has been going on out there. Good stuff.

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. I could say more about the “good” cops who just accept the bad as the reality they live in but do I need to? I mean, how many “Good” cops can there be if they go along? Wouldn’t the “bad” cops be terrified that the supposed vast majority of “good” cops might find out they are “bad”?

As for cameras ending the abuses, not so much. Many people, myself included, were heartened after the Rialto study, the one where the presence of a camera reduced use of force incidents by 59%. Body-worn camera study by Executive Fellow Chief Tony Farrar is published in scientific journal | Police Foundation

Yet after the implications of that were considered, there was another study in Washington D.C. That study showed no difference. The use of force incidents were basically the same with and without the camera.

So what was the difference? Well in Rialto the study was played off as the public was afraid of the camera, and behaved better. Yeah, um. No.

What happened is that the cops in question used more deescalation techniques and less of the Gangster mentality crap. They acted less like Cartman from South Park, Respect My Authoritah! They were able to manage the situations without resorting to violence.

This of course could not stand. So the Washington study was vital. There the cops were told not to worry about what the camera showed, nobody was going to be held accountable. So the rate of violence, and complaints was about the same. More of the Respect my Authoritah!

The same is true of Cops, as the officers on camera make sure they are doing it right. That tells us all they know how, but they don’t bother when the bad cops come to light. That demolishes the argument that the cops are not trained well enough. They’re trained well enough to know how to do it right, they just don’t do it.

Watch those videos, not just the ones I posted, the ones all over. When a cop is on a camera he knows about, it’s Sir, Ma’am, and all of that. When a cop isn’t on a known camera, it is pal, buddy, or worse names. The police argue they have to control the situation. If you have to use violence does it really hurt to call the man sir?

Winston Churchill wrote the Japanese a proper declaration of war after December 7th. In it, he was respectful, polite, and used all the proper language ending with the usual. “I remain your dedicated servant.” Many people were angry that Churchill wrote the declaration in a polite manner instead of an insulting one. Winston said. “If you have to kill a man, it costs you nothing to be polite to him.”

What do the cops gain by calling people names? What does the cop out of calling a guy a Motherfucker? Wouldn’t the cop get outraged if I disrespected him in such a way? It’s a bullshit example of power. The cop has the power to do it, and no one can stop him.

And cops who are human beings can't be desensitized by their job's ??? All depending on the communities served, the severity of crime in those communities, the make up of the group doing the crimes in which does create a biased slant towards a large number found within an area for which crap seems to be always going on in regards to the group causing trouble.

The Tours of duty should be rotated in order to keep biases from forming so bad, that it begins to cloud or con ones otherwise normal judgements and/or mind into doing the wrong things instead of doing the right things just as it should be.
defending yourself or the community is wrong?????!!!!!!!

These cops aren't defending the community, they are occupying it. That's the problem.

that doesn't prove the cops are wrong to shoot

Cops in those other countries manage to maintain law and order without shooting lots of people. (It helps that they don't have a crazy amendment that lets any fool own a gun).

And as you prove in this post in respect to my post on the matter, there is a small number of problem cops in concerns of the entire force. You will have to prove a wide conspiracy cover up where the force believes a dirty cop in a situation over the evidence found or presented in a situation.

Um, the proof is that the bad apples are still cops. In any other workplace, the bad apples would be weeded out by management or their co-workers. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

I know there are cases in which weird crap happens on all the time, but to suggest that an entire officer core is somehow complicit in a corrupt manor is ludicrous right ??

Not at all, the "Blue Wall of Silence" is a real thing. So is letting cops investigate their own shooting incidents, and finding an amazing 99% of them are justified.
..MBrown stealing, attacked a clerk, then attacked the cop

None of which required the use of deadly force when he was 100 feet away with his hands up.

..ASmith evading ARREST

That was the incident when during the chase, the cop yelled, " "going to kill this motherfucker, don’t you know it" Um, yeah, that was totally kosher

..ASterling armed and told to put his hands on the car, then tazed, then tackled, THEN shot

And at no point did he have his gun out.

McDonald had a knife like the jackass that just tried to cut the woman's throat !!!!!!

A three inch pocket knife, with the blade folded in, walking away from the police, not acting aggressively. And really, once he was on the ground, you could stop shooting.

But then you have Tamir Rice, shot while playing in a park.

Hey, here's a crazy idea... let's not go to "shooting the darkie" as your first response.

Lol....s0n....if a black guy were driving a tank rampaging a town and were eliminated in the turret you'd call it a racist killing!:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Fortunately for the rest of is, your sentiments are shared by few as to make such ideas basically irrelevant.:flirtysmile4:

Might as well go parading down main street today in your birthday suit waving a banana at people!
defending yourself or the community is wrong?????!!!!!!!

These cops aren't defending the community, they are occupying it. That's the problem.

that doesn't prove the cops are wrong to shoot

Cops in those other countries manage to maintain law and order without shooting lots of people. (It helps that they don't have a crazy amendment that lets any fool own a gun).

And as you prove in this post in respect to my post on the matter, there is a small number of problem cops in concerns of the entire force. You will have to prove a wide conspiracy cover up where the force believes a dirty cop in a situation over the evidence found or presented in a situation.

Um, the proof is that the bad apples are still cops. In any other workplace, the bad apples would be weeded out by management or their co-workers. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

I know there are cases in which weird crap happens on all the time, but to suggest that an entire officer core is somehow complicit in a corrupt manor is ludicrous right ??

Not at all, the "Blue Wall of Silence" is a real thing. So is letting cops investigate their own shooting incidents, and finding an amazing 99% of them are justified.

You've been talking about the same shit for 5 years. And what's changed? Dick. You know why s0n? Because a huge majority is just fine with most of these savages getting their hats knocked off. The way they see it, these pos's getting put down SAVES lives! Most of the communities they live in feel the same! Again....your whole world view is politically irrelevant. But if making a billion posts on the subject makes you feel better....hey....knock yourself out!

How many posts you up to btw?:coffee:. Broken 6 figures yet?:backpedal:
defending yourself or the community is wrong?????!!!!!!!

These cops aren't defending the community, they are occupying it. That's the problem.

that doesn't prove the cops are wrong to shoot

Cops in those other countries manage to maintain law and order without shooting lots of people. (It helps that they don't have a crazy amendment that lets any fool own a gun).

And as you prove in this post in respect to my post on the matter, there is a small number of problem cops in concerns of the entire force. You will have to prove a wide conspiracy cover up where the force believes a dirty cop in a situation over the evidence found or presented in a situation.

Um, the proof is that the bad apples are still cops. In any other workplace, the bad apples would be weeded out by management or their co-workers. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

I know there are cases in which weird crap happens on all the time, but to suggest that an entire officer core is somehow complicit in a corrupt manor is ludicrous right ??

Not at all, the "Blue Wall of Silence" is a real thing. So is letting cops investigate their own shooting incidents, and finding an amazing 99% of them are justified.
self defense---plain and simple
let's go over the ASterling case
cops get a call of someone brandishing a gun
do they get there and start shooting --------NO!
they tell him to put his hands on the hood of a vehicle
AS ESCALATES the problem by refusing!!!!
do the cops shoot now-------NO
they cops try to taze him--doesn't work---
do they shoot NOW!!!?? -----NO
the cops try to subdue him by tackling him as AS ESCALATES it even MORE by continuing to resist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do the cops shoot NOW--------------------NO
when they see the gun and he is STILL resisting, then they use SELF DEFENSE
you people don't even have a case--not even close-----not even close to a case
the cops did everything right
Officers in Alton Sterling case won't be charged, Louisiana AG Jeff Landry says
self defense---plain and simple
let's go over the ASterling case
cops get a call of someone brandishing a gun
do they get there and start shooting --------NO!
they tell him to put his hands on the hood of a vehicle
AS ESCALATES the problem by refusing!!!!
do the cops shoot now-------NO
they cops try to taze him--doesn't work---
do they shoot NOW!!!?? -----NO
the cops try to subdue him by tackling him as AS ESCALATES it even MORE by continuing to resist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do the cops shoot NOW--------------------NO
when they see the gun and he is STILL resisting, then they use SELF DEFENSE
you people don't even have a case--not even close-----not even close to a case
the cops did everything right

Except the gun isn't in his hand when they shoot him... there's that. Oh, and they had him pinned to the ground.

And, yes, when the racist system keeps giving these cops a pass, we aren't going to have a case.
self defense---plain and simple
let's go over the ASterling case
cops get a call of someone brandishing a gun
do they get there and start shooting --------NO!
they tell him to put his hands on the hood of a vehicle
AS ESCALATES the problem by refusing!!!!
do the cops shoot now-------NO
they cops try to taze him--doesn't work---
do they shoot NOW!!!?? -----NO
the cops try to subdue him by tackling him as AS ESCALATES it even MORE by continuing to resist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do the cops shoot NOW--------------------NO
when they see the gun and he is STILL resisting, then they use SELF DEFENSE
you people don't even have a case--not even close-----not even close to a case
the cops did everything right

Except the gun isn't in his hand when they shoot him... there's that. Oh, and they had him pinned to the ground.

And, yes, when the racist system keeps giving these cops a pass, we aren't going to have a case.
the proof is right there
they did everything correct
and again, you people are so full of shit--YOU would let him just-------GO!!! with a pistol
or you would use a super James Bond/Bruce Lee move
the proof is right there
they did everything correct
and again, you people are so full of shit--YOU would let him just-------GO!!! with a pistol
or you would use a super James Bond/Bruce Lee move

Or I wouldn't have bothered him to start with for something as petty as selling bootleg CD's.
And he needed a gun to sell CD's ??? What was he gonna do with the money from those CD sales, finish college ????
jesus was jewish, yes?so why can't he be depicted as white like this Jew/Israelite??
Bar Refaeli - Wikipedia
And he needed a gun to sell CD's ??? What was he gonna do with the money from those CD sales, finish college ????

He needed a gun to protect himself, isn't this what you guys always argue? Or do you think that only applies to White People?

Doesn't matter what he planned to do with that money.

jesus was jewish, yes?so why can't he be depicted as white like this Jew/Israelite??

Because the Zionist Shits of today are Europeans practicing a bastardized version of what Jesus believed.

And they looked nothing like this.

And I'm pretty sure Jesus was a dude. If he actually existed, which he probably didn't.

What does this have to do with police shootings?

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