Cops steal 360k from person's car

These confiscation laws are an OBVIOUS violation of the 5th amendment.

Nevertheless, the SCOTUS has given these violations of the constitution a pass.

Welcome to the POLICE STATE.

FWIW, the POLICE STATE existed long before 9-11.

It was founded mostly on the RICO laws and then perfected thanks to the "War on Drugs".

Most American approved of the CHAINS they forged around our necks because they imagined that violating the constitutional rights of MAFIA DONS and (then later) dopers would NEVER EFFECT them.

50 years later in police state AmeriKKKA the explanation for our enslavement reads something like this:

First they came for the Mafiaso, and I was not a Mafiaso I did not complain...

Then they came for the dopers, and since I was not a doper I did not complain...

Now, unlike all the crazies here, you make some valid points.

Yes, there are a lot of abuses of power involved with the war on drugs.

Which I might add is totally popular with the masses. No one cares if a drug pusher gets his property rights run over, because he was selling pot to my little Sally, who was always such a good girl.

I don't think it applies to this guy, who was obviously up to no good.

Joey is not ignorant...Joey is a dangerous mix of EVIL and STUPID.

Hey, Jackaxle, why do you really care that a dope pusher got caught with his illegal proceeds?

I find it amusing that you guys now hate the government so much since the Black Guy got in that you are willing to hug terrorists and dope pushers.

It's taking "the Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend" a little too far, don't you think?
Jarlaxle. J-A-R-L-A-X-L-E. Not Jackaxle, Jarlaxle. First-grade-level reading, are you capable of it?

Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

You won't, of course, because you are, as usual, full of shit.
Jarlaxle. J-A-R-L-A-X-L-E. Not Jackaxle, Jarlaxle. First-grade-level reading, are you capable of it?

Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

You won't, of course, because you are, as usual, full of shit.

Guy, wasn't a mistake.

You are a Jack-Axle. Dumb ass- white trailer trash, too dumb to realize you're a rube.

No one but a dope pusher would have 360K in a secret compartment, and then be dumb enough to think he could bluff his way past the cops.
COPS ought not have the right to confiscate the procedes of what MIGHT BE ill-got goods.

That task more correctly belongs to the IRS.
The fucking cops are nothing but a revenue arm for the state and a corrupt revenue arm at that.

That's why cops give out more speeding tickets and fines than they arrest actual criminals.
Jarlaxle. J-A-R-L-A-X-L-E. Not Jackaxle, Jarlaxle. First-grade-level reading, are you capable of it?

Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

You won't, of course, because you are, as usual, full of shit.

Guy, wasn't a mistake.

Yes, it was, Joey. You made the mistake, now own it!

You are a Jack-Axle. Dumb ass- white trailer trash, too dumb to realize you're a rube.

If you were ten times as smart as you are, you might be one tenth as smart as you think you are.

No one but a dope pusher would have 360K in a secret compartment, and then be dumb enough to think he could bluff his way past the cops.

Dodge noted. Stop tap-dancing and ANSWER THE QUESTION or admit you are full of shit!

"Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific."
I could show you a pay stub I got from any one of my three jobs that more than covers it.

In fact, I'm pretty meticulous in accounting for all of my money, even the third job (resume writing) which is largely a cash business.

Yeah. You must be the only person who carries a month worth of pay stubs on him at all times.

Actually, all I would really need to do is call up my bank account on my laptop, and that would account for all my money.

Not how you earned it.
You do not have to prove you earned the money you are carrying.

Where did you get the $1.37 in your pocket? You have to prove you earned it or you're going away for tax evasion.

And since when did the local doughnut eaters become the dept of revenue?

Since the government figured out that taking cash from innocent people, and then making them prove the cash didn't commit a crime, is a great way to get money for the police department.

Yes, it is. But that's not what happened here.

That is exactly what happened here.
Maybe they got a tip. Maybe the guy was acting suspiciously when they got close to the compartment. Maybe he was acting erratically.

I'm sure if he can show the pay stubs that prove that he got that money on the up and up, he'd be fine.

I am sure you are completely ignorant about the way the government works. I suggest you educate yourself before you comment on the issue in the future, you can start by reading some of the examples the ACLU has on their website.

Asset Forfeiture Abuse | American Civil Liberties Union

Then you can read what about happens when people go to banks to get cash, and can prove it.

Under Asset Forfeiture Law, Wisconsin Cops Confiscate Families' Bail Money

Don't you think cops would know that cash almost always has drug reside on it? Especially if you get it out of an ATM? Why would they use drugs to sniff money brought in for bail? Is it possible they wanted more money to spend on shiny toys?

Actually, you can't get 360K out of an ATM. Any cash withdrawl over 10K has to be reported.

Again, all this concern about a guy who was up to no good. Why do you care?

Oh, yeah, the Gummit is out to get you. That's what the voices in your head told you.

They have medications for those, you know.

What the fuck does the amount of money you can get from an ATM have to do with anything? Do you have proof that he didn't walk into a bank and make a withdrawal that was reported? Do you think him having proof that he withdrew the money would have stopped the police from stealing it?

The only real question here is, why the fuck aren't you outraged? Do you have some sort of super secret method, other than your knee jerk defense of the government no matter how outrageous it is, to show that this man committed a crime even though he hasn't been convicted of anything? Why should the government be allowed to take anything away form someone just because you think it is a good idea?
I could show you a pay stub I got from any one of my three jobs that more than covers it.

In fact, I'm pretty meticulous in accounting for all of my money, even the third job (resume writing) which is largely a cash business.

Yeah. You must be the only person who carries a month worth of pay stubs on him at all times.

Actually, all I would really need to do is call up my bank account on my laptop, and that would account for all my money.

No it wouldn't because you don't get a chance to prove anything. The hearings about seized cash are ex parte, the only side that is legally allowed to speak is the guy that stole it.

Man Loses $22,000 In New 'Policing For Profit' Case - | Nashville News, Weather & Sports
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Joey is not ignorant...Joey is a dangerous mix of EVIL and STUPID.

Hey, Jackaxle, why do you really care that a dope pusher got caught with his illegal proceeds?

I find it amusing that you guys now hate the government so much since the Black Guy got in that you are willing to hug terrorists and dope pushers.

It's taking "the Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend" a little too far, don't you think?

Why don't you care that the police admit he wasn't a drug dealer?
I am sure you are completely ignorant about the way the government works. I suggest you educate yourself before you comment on the issue in the future, you can start by reading some of the examples the ACLU has on their website.

Asset Forfeiture Abuse | American Civil Liberties Union

Then you can read what about happens when people go to banks to get cash, and can prove it.

Under Asset Forfeiture Law, Wisconsin Cops Confiscate Families' Bail Money

Don't you think cops would know that cash almost always has drug reside on it? Especially if you get it out of an ATM? Why would they use drugs to sniff money brought in for bail? Is it possible they wanted more money to spend on shiny toys?

Actually, you can't get 360K out of an ATM. Any cash withdrawl over 10K has to be reported.

Again, all this concern about a guy who was up to no good. Why do you care?

Oh, yeah, the Gummit is out to get you. That's what the voices in your head told you.

They have medications for those, you know.

What the fuck does the amount of money you can get from an ATM have to do with anything? Do you have proof that he didn't walk into a bank and make a withdrawal that was reported? Do you think him having proof that he withdrew the money would have stopped the police from stealing it?

The only real question here is, why the fuck aren't you outraged? Do you have some sort of super secret method, other than your knee jerk defense of the government no matter how outrageous it is, to show that this man committed a crime even though he hasn't been convicted of anything? Why should the government be allowed to take anything away form someone just because you think it is a good idea?

Joey ADVOCATES FOR AND SUPPORTS tyranny. He is a GOOD little boot-licker, you know.
Jarlaxle. J-A-R-L-A-X-L-E. Not Jackaxle, Jarlaxle. First-grade-level reading, are you capable of it?

Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

You won't, of course, because you are, as usual, full of shit.

Guy, wasn't a mistake.

Yes, it was, Joey. You made the mistake, now own it!

You are a Jack-Axle. Dumb ass- white trailer trash, too dumb to realize you're a rube.

If you were ten times as smart as you are, you might be one tenth as smart as you think you are.

No one but a dope pusher would have 360K in a secret compartment, and then be dumb enough to think he could bluff his way past the cops.

Dodge noted. Stop tap-dancing and ANSWER THE QUESTION or admit you are full of shit!

"Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific."

He had 360,000 dollars he couldn't account for.

Drug Pusher.
Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

Once again, Joey...stop tap-dancing. Stop obfuscating. Stop dodging. Either come up with some FACTS or man up and admit you were and are full of shit!
Guy, wasn't a mistake.

Yes, it was, Joey. You made the mistake, now own it!

If you were ten times as smart as you are, you might be one tenth as smart as you think you are.

No one but a dope pusher would have 360K in a secret compartment, and then be dumb enough to think he could bluff his way past the cops.
Dodge noted. Stop tap-dancing and ANSWER THE QUESTION or admit you are full of shit!

"Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific."

He had 360,000 dollars he couldn't account for.

Drug Pusher.

Yet the police didn't arrest him.
Yes, it was, Joey. You made the mistake, now own it!

If you were ten times as smart as you are, you might be one tenth as smart as you think you are.

Dodge noted. Stop tap-dancing and ANSWER THE QUESTION or admit you are full of shit!

"Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific."

He had 360,000 dollars he couldn't account for.

Drug Pusher.

Yet the police didn't arrest him.

Hammer hits nail on head.
Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

Once again, Joey...stop tap-dancing. Stop obfuscating. Stop dodging. Either come up with some FACTS or man up and admit you were and are full of shit!

360K in a hidden compartment.

Drug dealer.

Deal with it.

I'm sure he wasn't off to buy a Dressage Horsie.

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