Cops steal 360k from person's car

And Joey again auditions for Dancing With The Stars. Yet AGAIN:
Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

Stop tap-dancing. Stop dodging.
360K. Drug dealer. Deal with it.

Incidently, the story says he's "Cooperating with police". WHich means he's probably ratting out his friends, because he knows he's boned.

Seriously, Jack-axle, have you got some kind of obsession with people paying attention to you?
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360K. Drug dealer. Deal with it.

Incidently, the story says he's "Cooperating with police". WHich means he's probably ratting out his friends, because he knows he's boned.

Seriously, Jarlaxle, have you got some kind of obsession with people paying attention to you?

And Joey again auditions for Dancing With The Stars. Yet AGAIN:
Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

Stop tap-dancing. Stop dodging.
And Joey again auditions for Dancing With The Stars. Yet AGAIN:
Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

Stop tap-dancing. Stop dodging.
And Joey again auditions for Dancing With The Stars. Yet AGAIN:
Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

Stop tap-dancing. Stop dodging.
And Joey again auditions for Dancing With The Stars. Yet AGAIN:
Please explain, in detail and with links to sources, EXACTLY how you know he was a "dope pusher". Be specific.

Stop tap-dancing. Stop dodging.

There, can you read it now, boy?

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