Corey Booker: "Im heterosexual and proud of it!"

Corey had better be careful.

We learned last week that a black man loses to gays in the victim intersectional rankings.

Kevin Hart lost to gays.

Corey Booker will,too.

His homophobia is a very bad look.
He didnt publicly declare it. Cant you read? He was asked about speculation that he was gay.



You cant convince someone you are not gay. Look at you. You keep trying to convince me you arent gay but it never works. :rolleyes:

So, you genuflect on the prospect of a poster you have never met or seen as being a queer in hopes of a chance meeting? Is there something you want to get off your chest, Asclepias?
It’s odd to me when left wingers use homophobic pejoratives to insult conservatives, meanwhile, they say there is nothing wrong with being gay.

Talk about liberal hypocrisy.
He didnt publicly declare it. Cant you read? He was asked about speculation that he was gay.



Well, we certainly see that apply on an almost daily basis here on this forum........don't we? :wink_2:

But not bannedecea! She waves her rainbow colored "fruit flag" proudly and gives her fellow dykes that "Come hither" look while waving her calling card of a massive dildo that she (snicker) seductively wraps wound her neck.......also covers up the hanging skin and wrinkles!

You go, girl!
It’s odd to me when left wingers use homophobic pejoratives to insult conservatives, meanwhile, they say there is nothing wrong with being gay.

Talk about liberal hypocrisy.

They are the kind of hypocrites that could be walking down a sidewalk with a black man that is a demcrat and spy a black man wearing a MAGA hat and nudge their black cohort, point and say "Look at the stupid ******" and think nothing of it.
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It’s odd to me when left wingers use homophobic pejoratives to insult conservatives, meanwhile, they say there is nothing wrong with being gay. Talk about liberal hypocrisy.

It's called 'Projection'.

The Democratic Party is the Founding Father of the 'KKK'. It has engaged in 'Economic Slavery' while manipulating blacks for decades; yet, they insult OTHERS / anyone who does not accept their ideology by calling them 'Racist', 'Homophobic', 'Anti-Semitic'; yet, it was THEIR party's e-mails that were hacked and released, exposing widespread racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic language / jokes / comments.

Accusing others of what they have already done / do is a staple in the DNC Tactic Playbook - The Democrats accused Donald Trump and the Russians of attempting to alter the 2016 Presidential Election when THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID:

- Hillary should have been indicted, charged, and forced out of the race, leaving Sanders with the Nomination. By protecting Hillary, helping her cheat, and eventually GIVING HER Sanders' nomination THEY ALTERED THE ELECTION.

- The exposed attempt by the Obama administration (DOJ, NIA, CIA, & FBI) to prevent Donald Trump from winning the election and having this plan they continue to carry out in case he won - ALL ATTEMPTS TO ALTER THE ELECTION.

- Barak Obama and his DHS - despite declaring NO ONE CAN HACK OUR ELECTION SYSTEM - made the argument to Congress that HE / HIS ADMINISTRATION should SEIZE CONTROL of the election processes for all 50 states...right before the election. He argued that since there was a realistic threat that Russia (or others) could hack the systems and control the outcome of the election it would be in the nations (or at least the Democratic Party's) best interest for Him to take over control of out nations' elections. He and the DHS even ATTEMPTED TO HACK SEVERAL STATE ELECTION PROCESSES to prove his point. THANK GOD HE FAILED. If he had not and had taken over the US Election process (all 50 states' processes) there is no doubt in my mind that Hillary would have 'won' in a lop-sided 'landslide' in 2016.

Democrats attempted to alter and affect the 2016 Presidential election. They succeeded in some ways but failed in others...but HYPOCRITICALLY...and laughably...they started a witch hunt 2 years ago to prove Trump attempted to do what they had already done!
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It’s odd to me when left wingers use homophobic pejoratives to insult conservatives, meanwhile, they say there is nothing wrong with being gay. Talk about liberal hypocrisy.

It's called 'Projection'.

The Democratic Party is the Founding Father of the 'KKK'. It has engaged in 'Economic Slavery' while manipulating blacks for decades; yet, they insult OTHERS / anyone who does not accept their ideology by calling them 'Racist', 'Homophobic', 'Anti-Semitic'; yet, it was THEIR party's e-mails that were hacked and released, exposing widespread racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic language / jokes / comments.

Accusing others of what they have already done / do is a staple in the DNC Tactic Playbook - The Democrats accused Donald Trump and the Russians of attempting to alter the 2016 Presidential Election when THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID:

- Hillary should have been indicted, charged, and forced out of the race, leaving Sanders with the Nomination. By protecting Hillary, helping her cheat, and eventually GIVING HER Sanders' nomination THEY ALTERED THE ELECTION.

- The exposed attempt by the Obama administration (DOJ, NIA, CIA, & FBI) to prevent Donald Trump from winning the election and having this plan they continue to carry out in case he won - ALL ATTEMPTS TO ALTER THE ELECTION.

- Barak Obama and his DHS - despite declaring NO ONE CAN HACK OUR ELECTION SYSTEM - made the argument to Congress that HE / HIS ADMINISTRATION should SEIZE CONTROL of the election processes for all 50 states...right before the election. He argued that since there was a realistic threat that Russia (or others) could hack the systems and control the outcome of the election it would be in the nations (or at least the Democratic Party's) best interest for Him to take over control of out nations' elections. He and the DHS even ATTEMPTED TO HACK SVEVERAL STATE ELECTION PROCESSES to prove his point. THANK GOD HE FAILED. If he had not and had taken over the US Election process (all 50 states' processes) there is no doubt in my mind that Hillary would have 'won' in a lop-sided 'landslide' in 2016.

Democrats attempted to alter and affect the 2016 Presidential election. They succeeded in some ways but failed in others...but HYPOCRITICALLY...and laughably...they started a witch hunt 2 years ago to prove Trump attempted to do what they had already done!

Like when they asked Trump if he would respect the results of the election and not contest them....but they didn't ask Hillary!

Fucking hypocrites!
Booker is a cookie-cutter / carbon copy minor-league Liberal Democrat politician. He is unethical, immoral, self/party-serving, embraces the double standard he wraps himself in when falsely accusing someone for doing something he has already admitted he did.

He is a grand-standing attention whore who put on the 'Spartacus' theatrics, attempting to make it seem to the voters that he was selfishly willing to make himself a martyr for the good of the nation when he already knew what he was doing had already been made possible / 'legal'.

His 'Spartacus moment' was his complete buy-in of Gruber's assessment of the average voter and his attempt, believing he is so much smarter than the average voter, to engage in some theatrics to fool 'the hicks'.

SADLY Booker is not a 'unique' individual. There are many like him, on both sides of the aisle. He is what John Wayne called 'All SHOW and No STAY'. He is more about image, show, theatrics, and manipulation while working the system for personal and party gain, more willing to follow the path of least resistance and join in on Mob Mentality than to 'kick it into 4WD' and blaze his own path to do what is right.

People should not take that as a complete insult - there are few true leaders like that anymore. Our society itself has eroded over years to the point that those types of leaders are rare rather than reinforcing qualities like morals, ethics, honesty, loyalty, and hard-work to foster developing more leaders like that.

The United States Air Force Creed is 'Integrity, Service Before Self, And Excellence In All We Do'. Great words to live by, but damn hard to do...and even in today's Air Force, despite that being their creed, they do not stress and try to teach those things any more, not as much as they need to. To some, it's just some nice words to recite at functions.

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Booker is a cookie-cutter / carbon copy minor-league Liberal Democrat politician. He is unethical, immoral, self/party-serving, embraces the double standard he wraps himself in when falsely accusing someone for doing something he has already admitted he did.

He is a grand-standing attention whore who put on the 'Spartacus' theatrics, attempting to make it seem to the voters that he was selfishly willing to make himself a martyr for the good of the nation when he already knew what he was doing had already been made possible / 'legal'.

His 'Spartacus moment' was his complete buy-in of Gruber's assessment of the average voter and his attempt, believing he is so much smarter than the average voter, to engage in some theatrics to fool 'the hicks'.

Booker is not a 'unique' individual. There are many like him, on both sides of the aisle. He is what John Wayne called 'All SHOW and No STAY'. He is more about image, show, theatrics, and manipulation while working the system for personal and party gain, more willing to follow the path of least resistance and join in on Mob Mentality than to 'kick it into 4WD' and blaze his own path to do what is right.

People should not take that as a complete insult - there are few true leaders like that anymore. Our society itself has eroded over years to the point that those types of leaders are rare rather than reinforcing qualities like morals, ethics, honesty, loyalty, and hard-work.

The United States Air Force Creed is 'Integrity, Service Before Self, And Excellence In All We Do'. Great words to live by, but damn hard to do...and even in today's Air Force, despite that being their creed, they do not stress and try to teach those things any more. To some, it's just some nice words to recite and functions.

in other words, 'no conviction'

Cory Booker addresses speculation about his sexuality: 'I'm heterosexual'

LOL.......well that's the end of this guys career with the DUMS!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:
The only people upset with his statement are the gays that wanted to get with him. There are good times to state your sexual orentation. When I get hit on by a gay I let them know my orientation. When I get bitched at for starring at a nice set of thies in a short mini skirt. I have said many times " I am hetero, do not want me to stair do not show so much skin." Not exactly political.
Wonder why anyone would feel like they have to tell everyone they are straight??

Doesn't make sense to me.
-1x-1.jpg the entire world is going to speculate he is gay but now, the gays, lezzies and trans community are going to hate on the guy for even speaking to it!! Doy......Booker might as well have said, "Hey listen......don't count me in with those freaks!!":deal::laughing0301::laughing0301:

The irony here is magical!!:abgg2q.jpg:
You seem to spend a lot of time thinking about gay things.

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