

I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Mr Baker I find your $36,000 contribution from Bain Capital..........


True story.
This morning from ThinkProgress

"Bain and Financial Industry Gave Over $565,000 To Newark Mayor Cory Booker For 2002 Campaign
By Josh Israel posted from ThinkProgress Election on May 21, 2012 at 7:15 pm

Mayor Cory Booker (D-Newark, NJ)
Yesterday, Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker (D) attacked the Obama campaign for making an issue of Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital during an appearance on Meet the Press. While the progressive leader later backed off the criticisms, Republicans have been quick to highlight his comments as an attack against the idea that scrutiny of Mitt Romney’s record as a businessman is fair game.

A ThinkProgress examination of New Jersey campaign finance records for Booker’s first run for Mayor — back in 2002 — suggests a possible reason for his unease with attacks on Bain Capital and venture capital. They were among his earliest and most generous backers.

Contributions to his 2002 campaign from venture capitalists, investors, and big Wall Street bankers brought him more than $115,000 for his 2002 campaign. Among those contributing to his campaign were John Connaughton ($2,000), Steve Pagliuca ($2,200), Jonathan Lavine ($1,000) — all of Bain Capital. While the forms are not totally clear, it appears the campaign raised less than $800,000 total, making this a significant percentage.

He and his slate also jointly raised funds for the “Booker Team for Newark” joint committee. They received more than $450,000 for the 2002 campaign from the sector — including a pair of $15,400 contributions from Bain Capital Managing Directors Joshua Bekenstein and Mark Nunnelly. It appears that for the initial campaign and runoff, the slate raised less than $4 million — again making this a sizable chunk.

In all — just in his first Mayoral run — Booker’s committees received more than $565,000 from the people he was defending. At least $36,000 of that came from folks at Romney’s old firm."

Just sayin....
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Booker screwed up.

He's been doing a Texas two step to make amends.

SEE: Newt Gingrich on Ryan plan.

Lean Forward - Booker to Maddow: 'I'm very upset that I'm being used by the GOP'

On his support for President Obama on the issues: Anybody in the GOP who wants to stand with me, please stand with me. Stand with me for marriage equality, as Barack Obama stands up for. Stand with me for not turning the clock back on women in terms of medical issues, like Barack Obama is stanidng again. Stand with me on making healthcare more accessible to all. Stand with me for making college more affordable as President Obama is doing."

On his history with Obama: "I've been standing for Barack Obama before most peope were standing for Barack Obama, as one of his earliest supporters in New Jersey, his first major political endorsement."
Mr Baker I find your $36,000 contribution from Bain Capital..........


True story.

Do you also find the money Obama took from Bain in 2008, nauseating?

Obama Campaign Demonizes Romney's Ties to Bain Capital, Yet Took Money From in 2008 - YouTube

Someone contributes to your campaign. So what. Did he actively saddle the company with debt, take out his investment, with a hefty profit, and leave the taxpayers with the pension burden? If you want to compare apples with apples, at least be honest with what Mr. Etch-a-Sketch actually did.
Lefty - War of Free Enterprise!

Game On!!

Buying a majority interest in a company, saddling it with debt, and leaving the taxpayer to bail out the pension fund is free enterprise? You're an idiot.

Bain took these dead companies and turned them around 78% of the time.

This is a fabulous success rate, no?

Yet the Dems zero in on one that Bain kept afloat for an additional 8 years. A company that failed because there was not demand for their product. Isn't product demand what drives jobs on the economy, isn't that what lefties say all the time??

A company that went belly up 2 years after Romney left bain. Didn't Solyndra go bankrupt under the Obama plan??
and leave the taxpayers with the pension burden? If you want to compare apples with apples, at least be honest with what Mr. Etch-a-Sketch actually did.

Lie, much?

Those pensions were unfunded before Bain stepped in to try and save the failed company.

Then again, you haven't the slightest clue about it beyond what you read on HuffPo forums.


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