CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Under Oath Over Remarks About Immigrants

no one cares.trump blatantly lied his ass off and was elected anyway. anything goes.

Exactly! Trump has proven that rules, facts and ethics no longer apply.

You mean like how the DNC fucked over Bernie and the shrilary campaign sent thugs in to incite violence in trumpster rally's? Best be looking in the mirror when you make those sort of asinine comments sweetie.
no one cares.trump blatantly lied his ass off and was elected anyway. anything goes.

Exactly! Trump has proven that rules, facts and ethics no longer apply.

You mean like how the DNC fucked over Bernie and the shrilary campaign sent thugs in to incite violence in trumpster rally's? Best be looking in the mirror when you make those sort of asinine comments sweetie.
Not to mention getting answers to debate questions from the people asking the questions, and also getting approval on so-called "news" about the campaign.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
Trump does terrible in court. This should be great. Trump also misuses the court system to bully people.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
Trump does terrible in court. This should be great. Trump also misuses the court system to bully people.

Terrible? Are you high? He has won over 90% of the suits he is involved in. Most of which he filed.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
Trump does terrible in court. This should be great. Trump also misuses the court system to bully people.

Terrible? Are you high? He has won over 90% of the suits he is involved in. Most of which he filed.
citation needed, democrat.
You mean like how the DNC fucked over Bernie ...
How so? By beating him in most every true Democratic primary?

Sure thing junior. Here in Nevada at the Las Vegas primary the shrilary supporters made all sorts of false claims about Sanders supporters throwing chairs and all sorts of bullshit. Funny thing is in a huge room FILLED with cameras you can't find a single chair even being raised. The DNC was in the tank for the shrilary from the get go and protected her from whatever idiotic lies she made (of which there were hundreds) and protected her by scheduling almost no debates because Sanders would have wiped the floor with her.
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Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
Trump does terrible in court. This should be great. Trump also misuses the court system to bully people.

Terrible? Are you high? He has won over 90% of the suits he is involved in. Most of which he filed.
lol Maybe he meant it is terrible when Trump wins.
Let's ignore the fact that Trump is accused of not acting in good faith. As if!

What's the world coming to when a little truthful hyperbole is deemed as actionable?
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
Trump does terrible in court. This should be great. Trump also misuses the court system to bully people.

Terrible? Are you high? He has won over 90% of the suits he is involved in. Most of which he filed.
citation needed, democrat.

Sure thing, troll....

"Trump and his businesses have been involved in at least 3,500 legal actions in state and federal courts over the last 30 years, according to a USA Today report.

In the cases where there was a clear resolution, the report found that Trump was the winner in 451 and the loser in 38."

Trump brags about winning record in lawsuits
Exactly, it was the machinations of the DNC that force Wasserman-Schultz to resign that defeated him, not Clinton.
Bernie ran against Democrats in the Democratic primaries. Losing proposition
Bernie joined the party in order to run just as Trump joined the other party in order to run; the difference was the Republican primaries were fair and democratic but the Democratic primaries were not and haven't been since the process was changed in the 1970's specifically to prevent another candidate like George McGovern or Bernie from winning.
Once Trump is sworn in as President he can tell the judge to fuck off, lib FAIL :laugh:

Not according to Supreme Court precedence, which ruled Bill Clinton was not immune to having to answer to lawsuits while in office.

But then, I know, you thugs believe the law doesn't apply to you. And you're going to thug-rig things so that nobody will force Der Fuerher to obey the law.
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You can't "cancel" a contract because you don't like the other party. That's a reason not to enter into the contract in the first place. And what (the fuck) does Trump's position on illegal Mexican immigrants (not "Mexicans") have to do with the prospects for a SPANISH restaurant?

There is no such thing as a "Hispanic." Any more than there is such a thing as a generic "English." People from Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and other Spanish-speaking countries are as different in their views as Americans and New Zealanders. Lumping them all together as "Hispanics" is ignorant and insulting to all of them.

Assuming there is a written contract, there is nothing Trump can say in a deposition that would have any bearing whatsoever on whether a Spanish restaurant might be harmed by anti-Mexican remarks.
You mean like how the DNC fucked over Bernie and the shrilary campaign sent thugs in to incite violence in trumpster rally's? Best be looking in the mirror when you make those sort of asinine comments sweetie.

Your Russian fake news was old first time around. It might fool your fellow Stalinist rubes, but honest people always recognized it as fiction.

So, comrade, what else were you ordered to say?

Say ... given that, by your devotion to Putin, you've figuratively crapped on every American who fought against communism, why not make it official by physically crapping on the Vietnam Memorial? While you're in DC, you may as well take a dump on the WWII memorial as well, since you're also proudly running cover for the modern Nazis.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
Trump does terrible in court. This should be great. Trump also misuses the court system to bully people.

Terrible? Are you high? He has won over 90% of the suits he is involved in. Most of which he filed.
citation needed, democrat.

Sure thing, troll....

"Trump and his businesses have been involved in at least 3,500 legal actions in state and federal courts over the last 30 years, according to a USA Today report.

In the cases where there was a clear resolution, the report found that Trump was the winner in 451 and the loser in 38."

Trump brags about winning record in lawsuits
democrat please, winning 451 lawsuits of over 3500 does not result in a 90 % win. go home, starstruck trumptard.

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