Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease.

According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day.

The graph uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the daily average causes of death and compares them to COVID-19 statistics from









You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!

Yeah, the MSM loves it when ignorant folks swallow this kind of information. I mean, why talk about population and percentages and even mentioning Europe? Those pesky numbers ruin the narrative and we wouldn't want to do that.

This just proves what useful idiots Democrats are.

I've been a Republican all my life, but have been against Trump since he declared he was running in 2015.

Population percentages, yep, its true that New Zealand is a smaller country than the United States, but even when you adjust for population size, if the United States were doing as well as New Zealand, we should have less than 100 deaths, NOT 16,000.

Saying your doing better than the worst infected country in the world is not the standard the United States of America should be setting for itself. We should be the best or near the top in everything we do, especially protecting the American population. The standard we should be following is not Italy and Spain, its New Zealand, Taiwan and Japan!
Wait until our testing catches up. then we will have the lowest death rate in the world. Any assumptions now are made without adequate data.

This is not about the death rate, this is about how deep the virus has penetrated the country's population and how many people have died in the country relative to other countries. The gold standard is New Zealand! That's where the United States should be.
We still do not have the data necessary for ANY claim. Your simply making shit up.

New Zealand has only one confirmed death from coronavirus. The United States has over 16,000 confirmed deaths from coronavirus and its now rising by nearly 2,000 a day.

2,000 people will die tomorrow from coronavirus in the United States, but no one will die from coronavirus tomorrow in New Zealand. See the difference? If Trump had succeeded U.S. citizens would have the same level of protection that New Zealand has provided for its citizens.
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Maybe because the United States is not a small island nation in the South West Pacific ocean that is isolated from most other nation. New Zealand also does not have a densely populated international hub like NY city. Believe it or not, there are some benefits in being in the middle of nowhere.

Geography is most certainly a huge factor in New Zealand's favor.

Most people get to New Zealand by Air Travel. Most people get to the United States by Air Travel. How does a Pathogen get to the United States or New Zealand from CHINA? AIR TRAVEL! Trump has just as much ability to stop air travel into the United States as the prime minister of New Zealand does in stopping air travel into New Zealand.

New Zealand's human population is outnumbered by its sheep population 20 to one. The number you are ignoring is how many travel to the USA compared to how many travel to New Zealand.

But that's a fact, and we all know you propagandists don't do facts.
Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease.

According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day.

The graph uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the daily average causes of death and compares them to COVID-19 statistics from









You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!

Yeah, the MSM loves it when ignorant folks swallow this kind of information. I mean, why talk about population and percentages and even mentioning Europe? Those pesky numbers ruin the narrative and we wouldn't want to do that.

This just proves what useful idiots Democrats are.

I've been a Republican all my life, but have been against Trump since he declared he was running in 2015.

Population percentages, yep, its true that New Zealand is a smaller country than the United States, but even when you adjust for population size, if the United States were doing as well as New Zealand, we should have less than 100 deaths, NOT 16,000.

Saying your doing better than the worst infected country in the world is not the standard the United States of America should be setting for itself. We should be the best or near the top in everything we do, especially protecting the American population. The standard we should be following is not Italy and Spain, its New Zealand, Taiwan and Japan!

Oh bullshit. You disingenuous twats all come on here claiming to be repubs but your posts make it real easy to deduce that you are a hard core progressive loon.

The only people fooled by your lies are morons, like you.

Take a look at my posting history on here, and you'll find I am definitely a Republican. Bush/McCain Republic.

I have seen plenty of your posts, and you are a progressive. Plain and simple. You have not once made a remotely conservative post.

Well, they say Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive as well. The point I made was that I'm a Bush/McCain Republican and supported both Father Bush, son Bush and John McCain. I never voted for a Democrat in my life until TRUMP won the Republican nomination.
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Maybe because the United States is not a small island nation in the South West Pacific ocean that is isolated from most other nation. New Zealand also does not have a densely populated international hub like NY city. Believe it or not, there are some benefits in being in the middle of nowhere.

New Zealand's North Island where most of the population lives is just as densely populated as the United States.

The Virus started in Wuhan China. To get to New Zealand or the United States, the virus has to first travel by boat or plane. New Zealand is closer to Wuhan China than the United States. The United States has a land border with only two countries, Canada and Mexico. Most people who travel to the United States come in by air travel, the same way most people travel to New Zealand.
New Zealand has 2 airports. The United States has 149 international airports and thousands of other airports.
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Maybe because the United States is not a small island nation in the South West Pacific ocean that is isolated from most other nation. New Zealand also does not have a densely populated international hub like NY city. Believe it or not, there are some benefits in being in the middle of nowhere.

Geography is most certainly a huge factor in New Zealand's favor.

Most people get to New Zealand by Air Travel. Most people get to the United States by Air Travel. How does a Pathogen get to the United States or New Zealand from CHINA? AIR TRAVEL! Trump has just as much ability to stop air travel into the United States as the prime minister of New Zealand does in stopping air travel into New Zealand.

New Zealand's human population is outnumbered by its sheep population 20 to one. The number you are ignoring is how many travel to the USA compared to how many travel to New Zealand.

But that's a fact, and we all know you propagandists don't do facts.

Does not matter. You shut down foreign travel. Its what New Zealand did and why they have their current results. I've already accounted for the population difference. If the United States was doing as well as New Zealand with just 1 death, the United States would not have more than 100 deaths. Instead the United States has more than 16,000.

Also, New Zealand is more dependent on International Trade than the United States.
More leftist lies and bullshit addressed here:

The Flu, the Coronavirus, and Hospital Beds

By James L. Swofford
April 9, 2020


Did you hear about the 2017-2018 U.S. flu season? How about the 2017-18 flu season overwhelming the hospitals and creating bed and ICU bed shortages?

Neither did I, but it was the worst flu season in recent years.

During the 2017-2018 flu season the CDC’s preliminary estimate is that 810,000 patients were hospitalized. It is still a preliminary estimate, so that the upper range of uncertainty is 1.4 million hospitalizations due to the flu during the 2017-2018 season. That flu season also had the highest peak hospitalizations in recent years.

That hospitalization peak was the highest in recent years ran from the last week of December through the third or fourth week of January. Based on numbers from graphs at, one can estimate that in the last week of December 2017, 29,430 people were hospitalized due to the flu. The first week of January the estimated number of people hospitalized peaked at 33,354. The next week, the second week of January, the number tapered off a bit to 32,046 hospitalizations. The final week of the four-week peak saw 29,193 hospitalizations due to the flu. In total during the four-week peak of the 2017-2018 flu season, 123,093 people were hospitalized for flu. If you want to add the fourth week of January, when it was estimated that 27,795 patients were hospitalized with the flu, the U.S. hospital system handled 151,728 patients during a five-week period.

Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Maybe because the United States is not a small island nation in the South West Pacific ocean that is isolated from most other nation. New Zealand also does not have a densely populated international hub like NY city. Believe it or not, there are some benefits in being in the middle of nowhere.

New Zealand's North Island where most of the population lives is just as densely populated as the United States.

The Virus started in Wuhan China. To get to New Zealand or the United States, the virus has to first travel by boat or plane. New Zealand is closer to Wuhan China than the United States. The United States has a land border with only two countries, Canada and Mexico. Most people who travel to the United States come in by air travel, the same way most people travel to New Zealand.
New Zealand has 2 airports. The United States has 149 international airports and thousands of other airports.

You shut them down, whether its 2 or 200. You do what you have to do to defend the country from the pathogen. Its not like the leader of each country had to make a personal visit to each airport in order to shut them down. You send out the order to all the airports at the same time. BINGO!
Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease.

According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day.

The graph uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the daily average causes of death and compares them to COVID-19 statistics from









You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! If the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
Relax, it's all a hoax.
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Maybe because the United States is not a small island nation in the South West Pacific ocean that is isolated from most other nation. New Zealand also does not have a densely populated international hub like NY city. Believe it or not, there are some benefits in being in the middle of nowhere.

New Zealand's North Island where most of the population lives is just as densely populated as the United States.

The Virus started in Wuhan China. To get to New Zealand or the United States, the virus has to first travel by boat or plane. New Zealand is closer to Wuhan China than the United States. The United States has a land border with only two countries, Canada and Mexico. Most people who travel to the United States come in by air travel, the same way most people travel to New Zealand.
New Zealand has 2 airports. The United States has 149 international airports and thousands of other airports.

He is a babbling lying leftist, he tries hard to justify his irrational claims with open ended replies. The liar still ignored my link at Post 16, just make a desperate reply that has nothing resembling reality.

He is hilarious in doing it.
More leftist lies and bullshit addressed here:

The Flu, the Coronavirus, and Hospital Beds

By James L. Swofford
April 9, 2020


Did you hear about the 2017-2018 U.S. flu season? How about the 2017-18 flu season overwhelming the hospitals and creating bed and ICU bed shortages?

Neither did I, but it was the worst flu season in recent years.

During the 2017-2018 flu season the CDC’s preliminary estimate is that 810,000 patients were hospitalized. It is still a preliminary estimate, so that the upper range of uncertainty is 1.4 million hospitalizations due to the flu during the 2017-2018 season. That flu season also had the highest peak hospitalizations in recent years.

That hospitalization peak was the highest in recent years ran from the last week of December through the third or fourth week of January. Based on numbers from graphs at, one can estimate that in the last week of December 2017, 29,430 people were hospitalized due to the flu. The first week of January the estimated number of people hospitalized peaked at 33,354. The next week, the second week of January, the number tapered off a bit to 32,046 hospitalizations. The final week of the four-week peak saw 29,193 hospitalizations due to the flu. In total during the four-week peak of the 2017-2018 flu season, 123,093 people were hospitalized for flu. If you want to add the fourth week of January, when it was estimated that 27,795 patients were hospitalized with the flu, the U.S. hospital system handled 151,728 patients during a five-week period.


Irelevant since were talking about the leading cause of death on a daily basis NOW for a pathogen that has no vaccine. This is not comparable to the flu and only the ignorant would insist that it was.
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Maybe because the United States is not a small island nation in the South West Pacific ocean that is isolated from most other nation. New Zealand also does not have a densely populated international hub like NY city. Believe it or not, there are some benefits in being in the middle of nowhere.

New Zealand's North Island where most of the population lives is just as densely populated as the United States.

The Virus started in Wuhan China. To get to New Zealand or the United States, the virus has to first travel by boat or plane. New Zealand is closer to Wuhan China than the United States. The United States has a land border with only two countries, Canada and Mexico. Most people who travel to the United States come in by air travel, the same way most people travel to New Zealand.

No, it's not you moron. Auckland/Manukau City has a population of 1.4 million or so. The next biggest city on the North Island is Wellington with a population of 350,000. In between is a lot of empty space. Most towns are 1500 or less. The top twenty cities comprise 90% of New Zealands population.
More leftist lies and bullshit addressed here:

The Flu, the Coronavirus, and Hospital Beds

By James L. Swofford
April 9, 2020


Did you hear about the 2017-2018 U.S. flu season? How about the 2017-18 flu season overwhelming the hospitals and creating bed and ICU bed shortages?

Neither did I, but it was the worst flu season in recent years.

During the 2017-2018 flu season the CDC’s preliminary estimate is that 810,000 patients were hospitalized. It is still a preliminary estimate, so that the upper range of uncertainty is 1.4 million hospitalizations due to the flu during the 2017-2018 season. That flu season also had the highest peak hospitalizations in recent years.

That hospitalization peak was the highest in recent years ran from the last week of December through the third or fourth week of January. Based on numbers from graphs at, one can estimate that in the last week of December 2017, 29,430 people were hospitalized due to the flu. The first week of January the estimated number of people hospitalized peaked at 33,354. The next week, the second week of January, the number tapered off a bit to 32,046 hospitalizations. The final week of the four-week peak saw 29,193 hospitalizations due to the flu. In total during the four-week peak of the 2017-2018 flu season, 123,093 people were hospitalized for flu. If you want to add the fourth week of January, when it was estimated that 27,795 patients were hospitalized with the flu, the U.S. hospital system handled 151,728 patients during a five-week period.


Irelevant since were talking about the leading cause of death on a daily basis NOW for a pathogen that has no vaccine. This is not comparable to the flu and only the ignorant would insist that it was.

Correct. The Flu is far more deadly you lying sack of shit.
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Maybe because the United States is not a small island nation in the South West Pacific ocean that is isolated from most other nation. New Zealand also does not have a densely populated international hub like NY city. Believe it or not, there are some benefits in being in the middle of nowhere.

New Zealand's North Island where most of the population lives is just as densely populated as the United States.

The Virus started in Wuhan China. To get to New Zealand or the United States, the virus has to first travel by boat or plane. New Zealand is closer to Wuhan China than the United States. The United States has a land border with only two countries, Canada and Mexico. Most people who travel to the United States come in by air travel, the same way most people travel to New Zealand.

No, it's not you moron. Auckland/Manukau City has a population of 1.4 million or so. The next biggest city on the North Island is Wellington with a population of 350,000. In between is a lot of empty space. Most towns are 1500 or less. The top twenty cities comprise 90% of New Zealands population.
He has idea how ignorant he is, he thinks New Zealand and America are very comparable as nations.

That is stupid!
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Maybe because the United States is not a small island nation in the South West Pacific ocean that is isolated from most other nation. New Zealand also does not have a densely populated international hub like NY city. Believe it or not, there are some benefits in being in the middle of nowhere.

New Zealand's North Island where most of the population lives is just as densely populated as the United States.

The Virus started in Wuhan China. To get to New Zealand or the United States, the virus has to first travel by boat or plane. New Zealand is closer to Wuhan China than the United States. The United States has a land border with only two countries, Canada and Mexico. Most people who travel to the United States come in by air travel, the same way most people travel to New Zealand.

No, it's not you moron. Auckland/Manukau City has a population of 1.4 million or so. The next biggest city on the North Island is Wellington with a population of 350,000. In between is a lot of empty space. Most towns are 1500 or less. The top twenty cities comprise 90% of New Zealands population.

The population density of North Island New Zealand is 85 people per square mile. The population density of the United States as a whole is 87 people per square mile. So yes, North Island is similar to the United States in population density. Yet, they only have one death from coronavirus while the United States has over 16,000.
You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
What happened to Italy, Spain, France. Are they no longer the first world? You're a bit of a disingenuous twat, aren't you?
Good one, "disingenuous twat", a MOST apt description of the OP.

So the standard you think the United States should be judged by are some of the worst infected countries in the world like Italy and Spain? If TRUMP made America great, why isn't are standard countries like New Zealand and Taiwan in terms of protecting the American people? Do you think America should be #1 in protecting its citizens from a dangerous pathogen or not? You think Trump deserves a cookie because were not the worst infected country on the planet at this time?

Actually, we have been number one in protecting our citizens... Had we not been protective by shutting down air traffic to and from China the number of infections and deaths would have been much greater than reported today.
At the same time I have to state that the reaction of government, the Media and the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left have been par for the course. Like you spreading fear, panic and disinformation.
More leftist lies and bullshit addressed here:

The Flu, the Coronavirus, and Hospital Beds

By James L. Swofford
April 9, 2020


Did you hear about the 2017-2018 U.S. flu season? How about the 2017-18 flu season overwhelming the hospitals and creating bed and ICU bed shortages?

Neither did I, but it was the worst flu season in recent years.

During the 2017-2018 flu season the CDC’s preliminary estimate is that 810,000 patients were hospitalized. It is still a preliminary estimate, so that the upper range of uncertainty is 1.4 million hospitalizations due to the flu during the 2017-2018 season. That flu season also had the highest peak hospitalizations in recent years.

That hospitalization peak was the highest in recent years ran from the last week of December through the third or fourth week of January. Based on numbers from graphs at, one can estimate that in the last week of December 2017, 29,430 people were hospitalized due to the flu. The first week of January the estimated number of people hospitalized peaked at 33,354. The next week, the second week of January, the number tapered off a bit to 32,046 hospitalizations. The final week of the four-week peak saw 29,193 hospitalizations due to the flu. In total during the four-week peak of the 2017-2018 flu season, 123,093 people were hospitalized for flu. If you want to add the fourth week of January, when it was estimated that 27,795 patients were hospitalized with the flu, the U.S. hospital system handled 151,728 patients during a five-week period.


Irelevant since were talking about the leading cause of death on a daily basis NOW for a pathogen that has no vaccine. This is not comparable to the flu and only the ignorant would insist that it was.

Correct. The Flu is far more deadly you lying sack of shit.
There was never a vaccine for the swine flu, nor for most flues that exist in the world...., yet they don't come back and wipe you out, because the "Herd Immunity" kicks in.

He is so bereft in rational thinking that I am going to get off now.
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Maybe because the United States is not a small island nation in the South West Pacific ocean that is isolated from most other nation. New Zealand also does not have a densely populated international hub like NY city. Believe it or not, there are some benefits in being in the middle of nowhere.

New Zealand's North Island where most of the population lives is just as densely populated as the United States.

The Virus started in Wuhan China. To get to New Zealand or the United States, the virus has to first travel by boat or plane. New Zealand is closer to Wuhan China than the United States. The United States has a land border with only two countries, Canada and Mexico. Most people who travel to the United States come in by air travel, the same way most people travel to New Zealand.

No, it's not you moron. Auckland/Manukau City has a population of 1.4 million or so. The next biggest city on the North Island is Wellington with a population of 350,000. In between is a lot of empty space. Most towns are 1500 or less. The top twenty cities comprise 90% of New Zealands population.
He has idea how ignorant he is, he thinks New Zealand and America are very comparable as nations.

That is stupid!

Make the proper adjustment for the different size in populations, and you can make an accurate comparison between any two countries and rate them on how well they have protected their people from this PATHOGEN!
Relax, it's all a hoax.

The Democrat's ploy to bring down the economy and Trump is a hoax. The virus is just another vehicle being used by the Democrats to accomplish this goal. It is a follow up to the impeachment hoax. If this gets under control and the economy starts to recover, they will be looking for anything else. Democrats are a sad, pathetic bunch for sure.
More leftist lies and bullshit addressed here:

The Flu, the Coronavirus, and Hospital Beds

By James L. Swofford
April 9, 2020


Did you hear about the 2017-2018 U.S. flu season? How about the 2017-18 flu season overwhelming the hospitals and creating bed and ICU bed shortages?

Neither did I, but it was the worst flu season in recent years.

During the 2017-2018 flu season the CDC’s preliminary estimate is that 810,000 patients were hospitalized. It is still a preliminary estimate, so that the upper range of uncertainty is 1.4 million hospitalizations due to the flu during the 2017-2018 season. That flu season also had the highest peak hospitalizations in recent years.

That hospitalization peak was the highest in recent years ran from the last week of December through the third or fourth week of January. Based on numbers from graphs at, one can estimate that in the last week of December 2017, 29,430 people were hospitalized due to the flu. The first week of January the estimated number of people hospitalized peaked at 33,354. The next week, the second week of January, the number tapered off a bit to 32,046 hospitalizations. The final week of the four-week peak saw 29,193 hospitalizations due to the flu. In total during the four-week peak of the 2017-2018 flu season, 123,093 people were hospitalized for flu. If you want to add the fourth week of January, when it was estimated that 27,795 patients were hospitalized with the flu, the U.S. hospital system handled 151,728 patients during a five-week period.


Irelevant since were talking about the leading cause of death on a daily basis NOW for a pathogen that has no vaccine. This is not comparable to the flu and only the ignorant would insist that it was.
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