Coronavirus messaging: Trump vs The World

Can't stop pushing the lies huh?
Well did he say it or not? Both Depotoo and myself provided a quote.
Well who said this if it wasnt Drumpf? Was it a figment of everyones imagination?

"So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better,"
Never said it was ok to go to work. Stop lying.

"some of them go to work, but they get better,"

Some people don’t work around other people, and some people work from home.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

I'm still shaking my head over this idiot Drumpf telling people its ok to go to work while you get over the virus.

You can stop shaking it. Here never said that.
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So you agree that going to work helps you get better from the virus?

Can't stop pushing the lies huh?

Well did he say it or not? Both Depotoo and myself provided a quote.
Well who said this if it wasnt Drumpf? Was it a figment of everyones imagination?

"So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better,"
Never said it was ok to go to work. Stop lying.

"some of them go to work, but they get better,"

Some people don’t work around other people, and some people work from home.
Then that means they dont go to work right? They just work. You cant go someplace youre already at.
I'm still shaking my head over this idiot Drumpf telling people its ok to go to work while you get over the virus.
You can stop shaking it. Here never said that.
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View attachment 310937
So you agree that going to work helps you get better from the virus?
Can't stop pushing the lies huh?


So, you don't know what Photoshop is then.

Good to know.
Ok.........this is what the Narrative the left and MSM is trying to push....

Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

Nice doctored video that uses very select audio from President Trump.

Gawd you people are pathetic.
That rattling you hear is your brain on fake news.
I dont hear any rattling with the exception of every time you move your head.

You have microphones bugging my house? Who do you think you are, Obama?
No microphones needed. The empty space in your head amplifies the sound of the pea thats tumbling around in your head.

Sure it does. Jesus, another fruit loops butt wipe delusional loon. You guys are like mosquitoes. You float around looking for someone to bug.
Sorry to disrupt the trance your pea brain is in. However, dont you think that instead of following Drumpf like he is the pied piper you think for yourself?

It was thinking for myself that I realized five years ago in 2015 that I wanted him as president when I heard that he was running. Best president in our lives. Let me know when you find someone 1/10th as good, you might actually win an election.
When are lefties going to get over it? Alinsky's rules for radicals was created in 1971. This post takes in #5,#8,#11,#12 and #13. Does anybody seriously think a vaccine will be created in France or the U.K. or anywhere in Europe or the rest of the world? Attempting to marginalize the President of your own Country only makes y'all crazy lefties look like fools.
I dont hear any rattling with the exception of every time you move your head.

You have microphones bugging my house? Who do you think you are, Obama?
No microphones needed. The empty space in your head amplifies the sound of the pea thats tumbling around in your head.

Sure it does. Jesus, another fruit loops butt wipe delusional loon. You guys are like mosquitoes. You float around looking for someone to bug.
Sorry to disrupt the trance your pea brain is in. However, dont you think that instead of following Drumpf like he is the pied piper you think for yourself?

It was thinking for myself that I realized five years ago in 2015 that I wanted him as president when I heard that he was running. Best president in our lives. Let me know when you find someone 1/10th as good, you might actually win an election.
We already had someone about a thousand times better. If there were no term limits you would still be calling Obama President.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

Nice doctored video that uses very select audio from President Trump.

Gawd you people are pathetic.

"very select audio from President Trump."

Are you claiming Drumpf didnt say that or are you angry that portion of the audio was pointed out?
When are lefties going to get over it? Alinsky's rules for radicals was created in 1971. This post takes in #5,#8,#11,#12 and #13. Does anybody seriously think a vaccine will be created in France or the U.K. or anywhere in Europe or the rest of the world? Attempting to marginalize the President of your own Country only makes y'all crazy lefties look like fools.
Drumpf marginalized himself years before he even ran for POTUS. You fools actually voted a reality TV host thats incompetent and unable to lead into the title of POTUS.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

Nice doctored video that uses very select audio from President Trump.

Gawd you people are pathetic.

"very select audio from President Trump."

Are you claiming Drumpf didnt say that or are you angry that portion of the audio was pointed out?

I’m saying it’s obvious it was cherry picked from a phone interview or something very informal, and not one of his several press conferences and official statements.

But hey, you need your fake story of the day about President Trump. Maybe it makes you feel better since his response has been 1000x better than your Magic Negroe’s response to H1N1 where he waited until 1000 Americans died before declaring an emergency.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

Nice doctored video that uses very select audio from President Trump.

Gawd you people are pathetic.

"very select audio from President Trump."

Are you claiming Drumpf didnt say that or are you angry that portion of the audio was pointed out?

I’m saying it’s obvious it was cherry picked from a phone interview or something very informal, and not one of his several press conferences and official statements.

But hey, you need your fake story of the day about President Trump. Maybe it makes you feel better since his response has been 1000x better than your Magic Negroe’s response to H1N1 where he waited until 1000 Americans died before declaring an emergency.

It doesnt matter where it was cherry picked from. Thats what he said. It was fucking stupid and dangerously irresponsible.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

Nice doctored video that uses very select audio from President Trump.

Gawd you people are pathetic.

"very select audio from President Trump."

Are you claiming Drumpf didnt say that or are you angry that portion of the audio was pointed out?

I’m saying it’s obvious it was cherry picked from a phone interview or something very informal, and not one of his several press conferences and official statements.

But hey, you need your fake story of the day about President Trump. Maybe it makes you feel better since his response has been 1000x better than your Magic Negroe’s response to H1N1 where he waited until 1000 Americans died before declaring an emergency.

It doesnt matter where it was cherry picked from. Thats what he said. It was fucking stupid and dangerously irresponsible.

Well when you get COVID-19 you can blame it on President Trump.

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