Corporate Controlled Media Coverup of 9/11

No not at all ,he states..he thinks..MORE LIKELY...the man chooses his words carefully..and none of that changes the fact..the investigation was blocked..fact finding detered..calling for peers to be conspiracy theorist..the investigation questionable...does it Lil Ollie

But, please tell us what he questions.... he certainly does not believe that there were any preplanted explosives. Therefore he believes that the 911CR is basically correct.

can you read ? he clearly speaks of an intentional cover up..fact finding detered investigations blocked.. the need for ATF involvement and gumshoe type investigation ...the destruction of evidence..the lack of forensic evidence for temperatures required for failure...a call for his peers to be conspiracy theorist in the right way..there is a very hostility to criticism of the 9/11 story ..he must chose his words carefully unless like others he is prepared to retire..he without question believes the investigation a failure and a re-investigation required

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

BullShit. What he speaks of is that the planes are the only reason TWC towers collapsed. He simply disagrees with the technical reasons.

Dr. Quintiere summarized the NIST conclusion about the cause of the collapses of the Twin Towers. “It says that the core columns, uninsulated due to the fact that the aircraft stripped off that insulation; they softened in the heat of the fire and shortened and that led to the collapse. They pulled in the external columns and it caused it to buckle. They went on further to say that there would be no collapse if the insulation remained in place.”

Dr. Quintiere then presented his and his students’ research that contradicts the NIST report and points to a different cause for the collapses; the application of insufficient fire-proofing insulation on the truss rods in the Twin Towers. “I suggest that there’s an equally justifiable theory and that’s the trusses fail as they are heated by the fire with the insulation intact. These are two different conclusions and the accountability for each is dramatically different,” he said.

Nothing there about cover-ups or Government involvement or bombs. Or missiles or secret planes or secret landings or any other of the numerous theories you and so many others hope to have someone believe. He simply disagrees with the technical side of what failed first.
Great job guys and gals getting the truth out.

YouTube - Freeway blogging for 9/11 Truth - April 9th, 2010

I know the official conspiracy theory apologists here cant stand it to see that so many people out there see the truth.Listen to all those horns honking.BRAVO.

This is awesome seeing all the support!

Nice to show these disinfo jackasses on this board what's going on in the real world...

yeah like I said before,the disinfo agents here that have penetrated this site,you just know they hate it to see they are proven wrong that there isnt a huge awakening going on around not only in our country, but the world as well.
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But, please tell us what he questions.... he certainly does not believe that there were any preplanted explosives. Therefore he believes that the 911CR is basically correct.

can you read ? he clearly speaks of an intentional cover up..fact finding detered investigations blocked.. the need for ATF involvement and gumshoe type investigation ...the destruction of evidence..the lack of forensic evidence for temperatures required for failure...a call for his peers to be conspiracy theorist in the right way..there is a very hostility to criticism of the 9/11 story ..he must chose his words carefully unless like others he is prepared to retire..he without question believes the investigation a failure and a re-investigation required

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

BullShit. What he speaks of is that the planes are the only reason TWC towers collapsed. He simply disagrees with the technical reasons.

Dr. Quintiere summarized the NIST conclusion about the cause of the collapses of the Twin Towers. “It says that the core columns, uninsulated due to the fact that the aircraft stripped off that insulation; they softened in the heat of the fire and shortened and that led to the collapse. They pulled in the external columns and it caused it to buckle. They went on further to say that there would be no collapse if the insulation remained in place.”

Dr. Quintiere then presented his and his students’ research that contradicts the NIST report and points to a different cause for the collapses; the application of insufficient fire-proofing insulation on the truss rods in the Twin Towers. “I suggest that there’s an equally justifiable theory and that’s the trusses fail as they are heated by the fire with the insulation intact. These are two different conclusions and the accountability for each is dramatically different,” he said.

Nothing there about cover-ups or Government involvement or bombs. Or missiles or secret planes or secret landings or any other of the numerous theories you and so many others hope to have someone believe. He simply disagrees with the technical side of what failed first.

you try to cloud the issue claiming theories that are not mine..the statement you post is an example he offers as one alternative theory..but clearly states further on that we need to look for ALTERNATIVE THEORIES..without question he is not saying it is one of two theories..and he does not simply disagree on the technical side of what failed first or there would be no point to these why ya gotta lie like that ollie ?

Let's look at real alternatives that might have been the cause of the collapse of the World Trade

I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists', but in a proper way,” he said.

firefighters were in that building. I have yet to see any kind of story about what they saw. What was burning? Were photographs taken? Nothing!”

not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding.

Why were not alternative collapse hypotheses investigated and discussed as NIST had stated repeatedly that they would do? ...

although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings

I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives],

Dr. Quintiere also criticized NIST’s repeated failures to formally respond to serious questions raised about its conclusions regarding the WTC building collapses and the process it employed to arrive at those conclusions. “
I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this?

I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.”

"All of these have been submitted to NIST, but never acknowledged or answered.

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
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can you read ? he clearly speaks of an intentional cover up..fact finding detered investigations blocked.. the need for ATF involvement and gumshoe type investigation ...the destruction of evidence..the lack of forensic evidence for temperatures required for failure...a call for his peers to be conspiracy theorist in the right way..there is a very hostility to criticism of the 9/11 story ..he must chose his words carefully unless like others he is prepared to retire..he without question believes the investigation a failure and a re-investigation required

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

BullShit. What he speaks of is that the planes are the only reason TWC towers collapsed. He simply disagrees with the technical reasons.

Dr. Quintiere summarized the NIST conclusion about the cause of the collapses of the Twin Towers. “It says that the core columns, uninsulated due to the fact that the aircraft stripped off that insulation; they softened in the heat of the fire and shortened and that led to the collapse. They pulled in the external columns and it caused it to buckle. They went on further to say that there would be no collapse if the insulation remained in place.”

Dr. Quintiere then presented his and his students’ research that contradicts the NIST report and points to a different cause for the collapses; the application of insufficient fire-proofing insulation on the truss rods in the Twin Towers. “I suggest that there’s an equally justifiable theory and that’s the trusses fail as they are heated by the fire with the insulation intact. These are two different conclusions and the accountability for each is dramatically different,” he said.

Nothing there about cover-ups or Government involvement or bombs. Or missiles or secret planes or secret landings or any other of the numerous theories you and so many others hope to have someone believe. He simply disagrees with the technical side of what failed first.

you try to cloud the issue claiming theories that are not mine..the statement you post is an example he offers as one alternative theory..but clearly states further on that we need to look for ALTERNATIVE THEORIES..without question he is not saying it is one of two theories..and he does not simply disagree on the technical side of what failed first or there would be no point to these why ya gotta lie like that ollie ?

Lie? I do not Lie. If i see things differently than you want me to I lie? Fuck you!

You keep bring up your good Doctor as a conspiracy theorist, yet he has no theories of Government involvement. So tell us eots, Just what alternate theories do you and the good Doctor share?

Do you or the good Doctor believe that the four flights were hijacked?

Do you or the good Doctor believe that the US Government was involved?

Do you or the good Doctor believe that anything other than these 4 planes were used in the attacks on 9-11-01?

Or Does the good Doctor simply believe that the technical investigation could have been better, and you want it to be so much more?
he believes the investigation was blocked..fact finding deterred ..evidence witheld..cloaked that his peers should be conspiracy theorist and examine alternative scenarios that it was most likely not explosives but that the ATF should of been involved and a independent investigation is required to determine the truth
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he believes the investigation was blocked..fact finding deterred ..evidence witheld..cloaked and an independent investigation is required ti determine the truth
so, why dont you do what i did
email him and ASK

his address isnt hard to find, if you have any internet abilities at all
maybe your abilities are limited to youtube
and i'm not going to post it for you because you are a fucking moronic ASSHOLE
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your not going to post it because you are a liar ..he made his public statement...he stated he thought it was most likely not explosives.. but then goes on to say the ATF should of been involved and called for his peers to be conspiracy theorist ..the fact finding was deterred ..the investigation blocked ..cloaked ...this is the point..he was not involved in the 9/11 commission aspect of the investigation
he believes the investigation was blocked..fact finding deterred ..evidence witheld..cloaked that his peers should be conspiracy theorist and examine alternative scenarios that it was most likely not explosives but that the ATF should of been involved and a independent investigation is required to determine the truth

was he part of the investigation?

or is he just guessing......... :lol:
your not going to post it because you are a liar ..he made his public statement...he stated he thought it was most likely not explosives.. but then goes on to say the ATF should of been involved and called for his peers to be conspiracy theorist ..the fact finding was deterred ..the investigation blocked ..cloaked ...this is the point..he was not involved in the 9/11 commission aspect of the investigation
i'm not going to post it because you are a fucking moronic asshole
and nothing else
i dont lie, dipshit, never do
you however have been caught lying numerous times
so fuck off and die dipshit
he believes the investigation was blocked..fact finding deterred ..evidence witheld..cloaked that his peers should be conspiracy theorist and examine alternative scenarios that it was most likely not explosives but that the ATF should of been involved and a independent investigation is required to determine the truth

was he part of the investigation?

or is he just guessing......... :lol:

he was the lead investigator for NIST FROM 2001-2007...YOU DUMB FUCK
your not going to post it because you are a liar ..he made his public statement...he stated he thought it was most likely not explosives.. But then goes on to say the atf should of been involved and called for his peers to be conspiracy theorist ..the fact finding was deterred ..the investigation blocked ..cloaked ...this is the point..he was not involved in the 9/11 commission aspect of the investigation
i'm not going to post it because you are a fucking moronic asshole
and nothing else
i dont lie, dipshit, never do
you however have been caught lying numerous times
so fuck off and die dipshit

you lie no such statement was made..And if you wish death upon me I think that is all the proof required of your mental stability
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your not going to post it because you are a liar ..he made his public statement...he stated he thought it was most likely not explosives.. But then goes on to say the atf should of been involved and called for his peers to be conspiracy theorist ..the fact finding was deterred ..the investigation blocked ..cloaked ...this is the point..he was not involved in the 9/11 commission aspect of the investigation
i'm not going to post it because you are a fucking moronic asshole
and nothing else
i dont lie, dipshit, never do
you however have been caught lying numerous times
so fuck off and die dipshit

you lie no such statement was made..And if you wish death upon me I think that is all the proof required of your mental stability
its a figure of speech, dipshit
he believes the investigation was blocked..fact finding deterred ..evidence witheld..cloaked that his peers should be conspiracy theorist and examine alternative scenarios that it was most likely not explosives but that the ATF should of been involved and a independent investigation is required to determine the truth

was he part of the investigation?

or is he just guessing......... :lol:

he was the lead investigator for NIST FROM 2001-2007...YOU DUMB FUCK

Educated as a mechanical engineer, Professor Quintiere received a B.S. degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology (1962), and a M.S. (1966) and Ph.D. (1970) from New York University. His career in fire safety began in 1971 when he joined the National Bureau of Standards, now known as the National Institute of Science and Technology. He left in 1989, as Chief of the Fire Science and Engineering Division, to join the faculty of the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. James G. Quintiere, Faculty, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland

Now who is a dumb fuck liar here?
I stand corrected ollie..he was no longer a lead investigator but was involved in the investigation and saftey recommendation commities...but I believe the same as dr q an independent investigation with full authority is required to determine the truth the nist report and 9/11 commission report are failures
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was he part of the investigation?

or is he just guessing......... :lol:

he was the lead investigator for NIST FROM 2001-2007...YOU DUMB FUCK

Educated as a mechanical engineer, Professor Quintiere received a B.S. degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology (1962), and a M.S. (1966) and Ph.D. (1970) from New York University. His career in fire safety began in 1971 when he joined the National Bureau of Standards, now known as the National Institute of Science and Technology. He left in 1989, as Chief of the Fire Science and Engineering Division, to join the faculty of the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. James G. Quintiere, Faculty, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland

Now who is a dumb fuck liar here?
so he had nothing to do with the investigation. thanks....
another lie by another lying twoofer exposed.

here's a list of NIST investigators. he isnt on it.
NIST and the World Trade Center : Project Leaders
National Construction Safety Team for WTC Investigation
Shyam Sunder Lead Technical Investigator
William Grosshandler Associate Technical Investigator
Project Leader, Project 4: Investigation of Active Fire Protection Systems

H.S. Lew Co-Project Leader, Project 1:Analysis of Building and Fire Codes and Practices
Richard Bukowski Co-Project Leader, Project 1:Analysis of Building and Fire Codes and Practices
Fahim Sadek Project Leader, Project 2:Baseline Structural Performance and Aircraft Impact Damage Prediction
Frank Gayle (MSEL) Project Leader, Project 3:Mechanical and Metallurgical Analysis of Structural Steel
Richard Gann Project Leader, Project 5:Reconstruction of Thermal and Tenability Environment
John Gross Co-Project Leader, Project 6:Structural Fire Response and Collapse
Therese McAllister Co-Project Leader, Project 6:Structural Fire Response and Collapse
Jason Averill Project Leader, Project 7: Occupant Behavior, Egress, and Emergency Communications
Randy Lawson Project Leader, Project 8:Fire Service Technologies and Guidelines
Harold E. Nelson Fire Protection Engineering Expert
Stephen Cauffman Program Manager
he was the lead investigator for NIST FROM 2001-2007...YOU DUMB FUCK

Educated as a mechanical engineer, Professor Quintiere received a B.S. degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology (1962), and a M.S. (1966) and Ph.D. (1970) from New York University. His career in fire safety began in 1971 when he joined the National Bureau of Standards, now known as the National Institute of Science and Technology. He left in 1989, as Chief of the Fire Science and Engineering Division, to join the faculty of the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. James G. Quintiere, Faculty, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland

Now who is a dumb fuck liar here?
so he had nothing to do with the investigation. thanks....
another lie by another lying twoofer exposed.

here's a list of NIST investigators. he isnt on it.
NIST and the World Trade Center : Project Leaders
National Construction Safety Team for WTC Investigation
Shyam Sunder Lead Technical Investigator
William Grosshandler Associate Technical Investigator
Project Leader, Project 4: Investigation of Active Fire Protection Systems

H.S. Lew Co-Project Leader, Project 1:Analysis of Building and Fire Codes and Practices
Richard Bukowski Co-Project Leader, Project 1:Analysis of Building and Fire Codes and Practices
Fahim Sadek Project Leader, Project 2:Baseline Structural Performance and Aircraft Impact Damage Prediction
Frank Gayle (MSEL) Project Leader, Project 3:Mechanical and Metallurgical Analysis of Structural Steel
Richard Gann Project Leader, Project 5:Reconstruction of Thermal and Tenability Environment
John Gross Co-Project Leader, Project 6:Structural Fire Response and Collapse
Therese McAllister Co-Project Leader, Project 6:Structural Fire Response and Collapse
Jason Averill Project Leader, Project 7: Occupant Behavior, Egress, and Emergency Communications
Randy Lawson Project Leader, Project 8:Fire Service Technologies and Guidelines
Harold E. Nelson Fire Protection Engineering Expert
Stephen Cauffman Program Manager

Because he had nothing to do with the investigation. Maybe it's all sour grapes........

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