Corporate Democrats Openly Trying To Tank Progressive Candidates

First of all, there is NOTHING "progressive" about hard left policy and the political whores pushing this agenda are either blithering imbeciles or genocidal sociopaths. In either case, they're only true cause is self aggrandizement and the acquisition of wealth and power. They do not give a fruit fly's fuck about "helping the common people", and they overtly oppose individual freedom and the COTUS in general. So these regressive parasites are no good, and they need to go for the sake of the nation, humanity as well as all that is good and Holy.

The fact that corporate globalist asswipes who own the democrook party and created these fucking monsters that escaped their cages now want to throttle them is the ultimate irony. Rather than promote free market economics and compete fairly, they bought into marxism as did many elitist tools in the early 1900's who funded Lenin, Hitler and Mussolini only to have their industries nationalized and their wealth stolen. Just like the petro companies that invested in Venezuela and had their investments stolen by Chavez.

Just because you buy a business degree from some ivy league "school" and become a CEO you may very well still be a jabbering imbecile.


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