Corporate Heavyweights Come Out Against Voting-Restriction Measures by Georgia GOP

Here's a clear graph showing where corporate money is going.
In the fraudulent November election practically all the major donors like Google Bank of America and Academia donated to Biden.
Trump got a measly amount. Mainly from the police departments and military.

Yes, in the 2020 election, all of the "corporate" money was going to the Democrats, because Donald Trump was really fucking bad for business. Aside from the tax cuts, Donald Trump was a disaster for American manufacturing, which had dropped 2009 post-crash levels in the wake of Trump's trade wars and tariffs, BEFORE the pandemic hit.

Trump lost Pennsylvania and Michigan because of his failure to keep his promises to American workers to bring jobs into those blue collar states.

Being seen as a Trump donor was really bad business for multi-national corporations. Corporate America wants political stability. Trump's instability and chaotic administration which operated at the whim of the Toddler in Chief and his need to "dominate the news cycle", made long term planning impossible.

Tearing up trade agreements when his affair with Stormy Daniels hit the papers is a case in point. Supply chain disruptions happened overnight, without warning, and left companies scrambling to deal with a whole new set of costs, and tariffs to factor into production, and a ban on steel from China and Canada. Contractors and manufacturers were left scrambling to meet deadlines and remain profitable. So they simply cut back operations and played a wait and see game.

One of the biggest reasons why companies around the world flocked to the USA to set up operations was political stability. Trump destroyed your political stability, and replaced it with economic chaos with no exit plan. Trump railed against America's "trade deficit" with the world, but under Donald Trump, that trade deficit increased by $200 billion per year BEFORE the pandemic.

The stock market doubled in Obama's first term and had tripled by the end of his second. It wasn't even up 50% under Donald Trump because of the tariffs and the trade wars. Most of the 50% increase was due to stock buy backs, not an increase in assets.

Why would corporate America donate to the candidate who destroyed American manufacturing, and set it back 10 years, allowed a pandemic to run loose, and who was basically bankrupting the nation to the benefit of his billionaire buddies?
I'm glad to see some corporations are coming out against the new voting restrictions that Georgia and other states are trying to implement.

None of the measures that they are passing will do anything to prevent fraudulent voting. All of it will prevent countless people from legally being able to vote.

There isn't a single country in Africa which allows voting with no I.D.
I guess they are all racist too.

Democrats are also in favour of voter ID.
That's a fucking lie.

Republicans repeat a lot of fallacies about Democrats and one of them is that Democrats oppose people having to show ID at the polling station. That’s a fucking lie.

You are really quite stupid - as well as a fucking liar.

I get it, you're a Chinese troll and not exposed to reality. You vomit out what Xi tells you to.

Democrats want all forms of government issued identification to be acceptable for the purposes of voting. Like Colorado.

Kindly stop lying about what Democrats oppose.

View attachment 494220

You're such a sleazy liar.

Should I refute each of the lies the CCP put together?

Do the Nazis hate police?

Uh, yes.

You fucking liar

Do the Nazis want (and have created) open borders?

You fucking liar

Do the Nazis hate our flag and America?


You fucking liar

Do the Nazis encourage (and fund) rioting?


You fucking liar
I'm glad to see some corporations are coming out against the new voting restrictions that Georgia and other states are trying to implement.

None of the measures that they are passing will do anything to prevent fraudulent voting. All of it will prevent countless people from legally being able to vote.

600,000 fake Biden votes in GA where he "won" by 11,700
I'm glad to see some corporations are coming out against the new voting restrictions that Georgia and other states are trying to implement.

None of the measures that they are passing will do anything to prevent fraudulent voting. All of it will prevent countless people from legally being able to vote.

How is that working out for corporations supporting you Nazi vermin?

I'm glad to see some corporations are coming out against the new voting restrictions that Georgia and other states are trying to implement.

None of the measures that they are passing will do anything to prevent fraudulent voting. All of it will prevent countless people from legally being able to vote.

is that the same racist coca cola that said to be less white???

they should stick to their unhealthy drinks and leave the [politics to the people,,

Well is this the new policy of the Republican Party? Corporations should stay out of politics?

That’s a really good idea. Let’s ban all corporate donations, PAC’s and lobbying, and leave government to the people.

Congratulations. We agree on something!!!
what are you talking about?? youre not an american so why are you suggesting what we do like you are,,

mind youre own business,,

Pepsi is gross and disgusting. I can't stand the taste. I've taken the "Pepsi Challenge" on multiple occasions. I always pick the Coke.

You're a woke Nazi. You like what serves the Reich. You don't have a mind of your own.

Did you type that yourself or did the hive dictate that to you?

Call poster a Nazi. Reference the Reich. Suggest mental deficiency. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Do you have the intellect to discuss policy. Nope. Just repeat the Trump Cult hate points against the Democrats, and toss in a NAZI reference.

Did you type that yourself or did the hive dictate that to you?

Call poster a Nazi. Reference the Reich. Suggest mental deficiency. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Do you have the intellect to discuss policy. Nope. Just repeat the Trump Cult hate points against the Democrats, and toss in a NAZI reference.

When the poster promotes fascism, a command and control economy with no civil rights based on a foundation of hating "Der Juden," the whites as you and your fellow Nazis do - well it's kind of obvious.

Pepsi is gross and disgusting. I can't stand the taste. I've taken the "Pepsi Challenge" on multiple occasions. I always pick the Coke.

You're a woke Nazi. You like what serves the Reich. You don't have a mind of your own.

Did you type that yourself or did the hive dictate that to you?

Call poster a Nazi. Reference the Reich. Suggest mental deficiency. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Do you have the intellect to discuss policy. Nope. Just repeat the Trump Cult hate points against the Democrats, and toss in a NAZI reference.


Anything in the above not true of your party, Frau Reptile????
I'm glad to see some corporations are coming out against the new voting restrictions that Georgia and other states are trying to implement.

None of the measures that they are passing will do anything to prevent fraudulent voting. All of it will prevent countless people from legally being able to vote.

600,000 fake Biden votes in GA where he "won" by 11,700
Prove it.
I'm glad to see some corporations are coming out against the new voting restrictions that Georgia and other states are trying to implement.

None of the measures that they are passing will do anything to prevent fraudulent voting. All of it will prevent countless people from legally being able to vote.

600,000 fake Biden votes in GA where he "won" by 11,700
Prove it.

What were the Trump policies that your minions voted against?

What were the Biden policies voted for?

If you can't provided those answers....we're left with the stolen election explanation.

I'd be happy to provide dozens of Biden policies normal people eschew.
I'm glad to see some corporations are coming out against the new voting restrictions that Georgia and other states are trying to implement.

None of the measures that they are passing will do anything to prevent fraudulent voting. All of it will prevent countless people from legally being able to vote.

Can't have straight up clean elections anymore so you swamp rats keep trying to steal elections. Voting is done 1 of two ways, in person or the voter requests an absentee ballot arriving to the election board before election day save military or overseas ballots.
I'm glad to see some corporations are coming out against the new voting restrictions that Georgia and other states are trying to implement.

None of the measures that they are passing will do anything to prevent fraudulent voting. All of it will prevent countless people from legally being able to vote.

is that the same racist coca cola that said to be less white???

they should stick to their unhealthy drinks and leave the [politics to the people,,

You support stopping Americans from voting because you don't like Coca Cola?

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