Corporate Welfare versus Invidual Welfare. Which Costs Taxpayers the Most?

WQ's sums are not truly accurate as we all know.

However, some corporate welfare is certainly: the TARP, for example, was a small expenditure for saving the auto industry (about 3.5% of GDP) and jobs.

Reforming SS is a simple fix, and Medicare/Medicaid work well.

What really needs a reform is the downsizing of DOD by 50% over the next 12 years.

Welfare, SS and Medicare need downsizing - to zero.
it has been known for a long time that leftards fairy tales about corporate welfare is just that - fairy tales.

That said, I think we all are long overdue of the tax overhaul, because any tax code eventually deteriorates as the lobbying industry never tires to work.

And social welfare is long overdue for the overhaul as well - it is a disgrace that 40% of what we spend in so called welfare system goes to the system itself - and the number is increasing.

Corporate Welfare doesnt exist?

it is a miniscule amount compared to the social welfare.

and the fairy tale is leftard whining and lying that it is the main problem.

it is not.

I assume that you agree with the rest of my post, since you ever objected to anything else :D
WQ's sums are not truly accurate as we all know.

However, some corporate welfare is certainly: the TARP, for example, was a small expenditure for saving the auto industry (about 3.5% of GDP) and jobs.

Reforming SS is a simple fix, and Medicare/Medicaid work well.

What really needs a reform is the downsizing of DOD by 50% over the next 12 years.

Welfare, SS and Medicare need downsizing - to zero.


social welfare is a necessary part of any modern country, but as everything it needs overhaul time to time, as the government parasitism has the tendency to exponentially increase.
it has been known for a long time that leftards fairy tales about corporate welfare is just that - fairy tales.

That said, I think we all are long overdue of the tax overhaul, because any tax code eventually deteriorates as the lobbying industry never tires to work.

And social welfare is long overdue for the overhaul as well - it is a disgrace that 40% of what we spend in so called welfare system goes to the system itself - and the number is increasing.

Corporate Welfare doesnt exist?

it is a miniscule amount compared to the social welfare.

and the fairy tale is leftard whining and lying that it is the main problem.

it is not.

I assume that you agree with the rest of my post, since you ever objected to anything else :D

So where is the fairy tale?
Corporate Welfare doesnt exist?

it is a miniscule amount compared to the social welfare.

and the fairy tale is leftard whining and lying that it is the main problem.

it is not.

I assume that you agree with the rest of my post, since you ever objected to anything else :D

So where is the fairy tale?

in the whining that the corporate welfare is the reason of our debt.

the social welfare is the reason.
not the corporate one.
There are a lot more people than corporations. And since so many corporations moved their jobs to China under Bush and the Republicans helping with corporate subsidies, the GOP created poor need the help.

I know.

I know.

Let 'em die. Thank God most of us don't feel that way. Seems to be limited to one party.

how many of those jobs have been moved back under obama? what makes it even worse is under bush, china had a distinct advantage with production and delivery costs. under obama, that dynamic has changed. rising fuel costs, rising labor rates, rising overhead has made china less competitive. infact manufacturing is moving out of china at a very rapid rate. What is obama doing to get it back here? nothing
it is a miniscule amount compared to the social welfare.

and the fairy tale is leftard whining and lying that it is the main problem.

it is not.

I assume that you agree with the rest of my post, since you ever objected to anything else :D

So where is the fairy tale?

in the whining that the corporate welfare is the reason of our debt.

the social welfare is the reason.
not the corporate one.

Corporate welfare doesnt contribute to the debt?
corporate welfare also provides, jobs, services, research and development for improved products and services. public welfare provides a drain. there is nothing provided as a return. we don't even get a trained and ready workforce out of the deal.
Most Corporate Welfare is below the radar and not direct payments

It is policy, tax codes, protecting corporate foreign investments, patent protections. After all, Corporations are people.....people who have a Congressman on speed dial

Exactly. Every time a state government offers lower rates and special deals to move a corporation into their state, it's a "bribe". Not complaining. It is competition. But the problem is you can't put a dollar amount on it. You can on direct subsidies. But not on state tax write-offs and special land, power and sewer deals. But you will never get the ignorant to admit it.

Most of those deals on state and local levels have contractual obligations, ie so many jobs created by such and such date, et al, for that company that must be met or they will have their deals become null and void.
There are a lot more people than corporations. And since so many corporations moved their jobs to China under Bush and the Republicans helping with corporate subsidies, the GOP created poor need the help.

I know.

I know.

Let 'em die. Thank God most of us don't feel that way. Seems to be limited to one party.

how many of those jobs have been moved back under obama? what makes it even worse is under bush, china had a distinct advantage with production and delivery costs. under obama, that dynamic has changed. rising fuel costs, rising labor rates, rising overhead has made china less competitive. infact manufacturing is moving out of china at a very rapid rate. What is obama doing to get it back here? nothing


Aren't you in a Union?

it has been known for a long time that leftards fairy tales about corporate welfare is just that - fairy tales.

That said, I think we all are long overdue of the tax overhaul, because any tax code eventually deteriorates as the lobbying industry never tires to work.

And social welfare is long overdue for the overhaul as well - it is a disgrace that 40% of what we spend in so called welfare system goes to the system itself - and the number is increasing.

Corporate Welfare doesnt exist?

it is a miniscule amount compared to the social welfare.

and the fairy tale is leftard whining and lying that it is the main problem.

it is not.

I assume that you agree with the rest of my post, since you ever objected to anything else :D

No it's not.

You ever step on a plane?

When you walk by first class, you ever wonder how so many people can afford it?

Oh's you that's paying for it.

And me.

corporate welfare also provides, jobs, services, research and development for improved products and services. public welfare provides a drain. there is nothing provided as a return. we don't even get a trained and ready workforce out of the deal.

Disagree with that. We are going to pay for it up front or the back end in rehabilitation and or incarceration costs.

Let's get those on public assistance they help they need to make them productive taxpayers.

Since almost 4 of 5 are children, I would suggest that this should be the priority.
There are a lot more people than corporations. And since so many corporations moved their jobs to China under Bush and the Republicans helping with corporate subsidies, the GOP created poor need the help.

I know.

I know.

Let 'em die. Thank God most of us don't feel that way. Seems to be limited to one party.

how many of those jobs have been moved back under obama? what makes it even worse is under bush, china had a distinct advantage with production and delivery costs. under obama, that dynamic has changed. rising fuel costs, rising labor rates, rising overhead has made china less competitive. infact manufacturing is moving out of china at a very rapid rate. What is obama doing to get it back here? nothing


Aren't you in a Union?


What is your claim based on? Non-government and full time employment are still lower than when Obama took office, so what are these jobs that returned?
Corporate Welfare doesnt exist?

it is a miniscule amount compared to the social welfare.

and the fairy tale is leftard whining and lying that it is the main problem.

it is not.

I assume that you agree with the rest of my post, since you ever objected to anything else :D

No it's not.

You ever step on a plane?

When you walk by first class, you ever wonder how so many people can afford it?

Oh's you that's paying for it.

And me.


OMG, so thats what its all about with you, you are jealous that some people can afford first class and you can't.

A lot of people in first class rode a lot of miles in coach in order to get enough points for an upgrade. Some pay for it, what they pay makes your ticket cheaper, how awful :eek:
Minorities have always overwhelming used welfare benefits on a per capita basis.
The majority of welfare benefits goes to RED states.

Not true. Top five States for TANF Welfare Payments (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). Sources HHS

1. California $7,238,867,000

2. New York $5,346,657,000

3. Michigan $1, 703,006,000

4. Washington $1,494,308,308

5. New Jersey $1,445,745,000

The whole liberal Red State meme is another myth. I'll blow that up some other day. Those numbers included all Federal money that goes to States. My State, Virginia, gets an enormous amount of Federal dollars. Why? The largest navy base in the world is here. The Pentagon. Langley AFB. The CIA. Quantico. Yorktown NWS. I could go on.

Red States have the the bulk on the military and Federal facilities in the U.S. That is where the bulk of those dollars are coming from. Been to many Federal facilities in Vermont or Maine? See the difference?

Not really.

The military doesn't make anything to actually "sell". Putting those bases in Red States is simply another kind of welfare. And you can bet the arms and other goods going to those military bases are made in Blue States.

Worse, I'm sure Hurricane Sandy had nothing to do with "temporary assistance" in a couple of those states.
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