Corporate Welfare versus Invidual Welfare. Which Costs Taxpayers the Most?

Yea that Halliburton was sure good at what they do. Remember when they were electrocuting soldiers in the showers in Iraq. They couldn't hook up the pump correctly and ended up killing a couple soldiers and injuring others. Or maybe when the soldiers didn't have the fresh water that Halliburton was supposed to provide.

Whew. They sure are good and deserving of that no bid contract. And the soldiers couldn't even sue them for anything they did. Now that's protection.

Yes.. because other companies do not have tragic mistakes by employees or whatever :rolleyes:

Fact is with Haliburton (which you and your ilk just harp on because of the name Cheney), nobody else could do what was needed on the scale and timeframe.. there was not an option for another company to start up a whole new division, a whole new set of logistics, etc...

Much like my company.. you expect us to wait for another company to be able to deal with the installation of the technology to have a bid, or do it now without bid 6-12 months before our competition and gain even more advantage??

You sir, are an idiot

No Davy. You are the idiot. You just trivialized the death of American soldiers to justify a no bid contractors fuck up. Fuck you davy.

Why wasn't the Army providing for its own (like they have done forever). It was because Cheney wanted his old company to have those no bid contracts worth billions.

What a fuking tool you are.

SS and medicare aren't in the totals, Dullard. The OP even points that out in the quote you created but didn't read.

you're welcome.

Read my response you toad. There's a component to SS that is arguably"Welfare" that should be included. And AFDC dissolved back in '96.

I have to explain SS and Medicare b/c dolts like you have no understanding. B/c taxes are theft and there is no society and dop dop dop dop dop dop.

Read the link before you speak. You're looking like a complete moron. If you do not understand have someone explain it to you. :)
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Tobacco Subsidies in the United States totaled $1.5 billion from 1995-2012.
United States Tobacco Subsidies || EWG Farm Subsidy Database

farm subsidies -$292.5 billion in subsidies 1995-2012.

Big Pharma Pockets $711 Billion in Profits by Robbing Seniors, Taxpayers
Ethan Rome: Big Pharma Pockets $711 Billion in Profits by Robbing Seniors, Taxpayers

This is just one military contractor.......

Learn more about Northrop Grumman

Northrop Grumman was the third largest Federal contractor in 2009 with over $17 billion in mostly defense and aerospace contracts. (
Since 1995, the company has accrued over $820 million in fines, according to the Project on Government Oversight (Home - Federal Contractor Misconduct Database - POGO)

The Company's Long History of Fraud, Overcharges, etc. Includes:

In 2009, Northrop Grumman and TRW agreed to pay $325 million to settle allegations that the company improperly billed the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) for defective microelectronic parts.
In 2008, Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $400,000 to settle alleged violations of Export Administration Regulations that occurred from 1998 to 2002.
In 2008 Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $15 million to settle alleged violations of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) for the sale of modified LTN-72 and LTN-92 aircraft navigation systems between 1994 and 2003.
In 2009, the Virginia Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) reported problems with a $2 billion IT contract, including cost overruns, missed deadlines and network and computer outages at state offices.
In 2007, Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $8 million to settle charges it failed to test tubes used in night vision goggles and sniper scopes used by U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In 2007 Northrop Grumman paid $60 million to settle accusations that the company used automated fingerprint technology without permission.
In 2005, Northrop paid $ 62 million to settle charges of fraud originally filed by company whistleblowers who said Northrop “routinely submitting false contract proposals,” “concealed basic problems in its handling of inventory, scrap and attrition,” and “lied to the government during a ‘Critical Design Review'” for a B-2 Bomber radar jamming device. (Robinson v. Northrop Grumman)
In 2003, the company paid $60 million to settle allegations that Newport News Shipbuilding mischarged costs for double hulled tankers it was building for commercial customers.
In 2003, Northrop-Grumman paid $111.2 million to settle claims that TRW overcharged the government in association with its attempt to enter the space launch vehicle business. (Bagley v. TRW).
According to the GAO, in 1996 Northrop's Hawthorne Division paid $1.5 million to the government to settle a matter involving “defective pricing.”
In 2004 Northrop agreed to pay $81 million to settle allegations of fraud associated with cost overruns on an engine exhaust liner.
In 1999, Northrop Grumman paid $500,00 to settle allegations that it “falsely certified inspection checklists for military and civilian aircraft.” (DoD IG)
In 1997, Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $34.8 million to settle civil charges filed by the Air Force for overbilling the government on a B-2 bomber contract.
In 2003, the Canadian Transportation Agency suspended the company's charter license due to an invalid certificate of insurance.
In 2003, Northrop Grumman paid $20 million as restitution for knowingly installed substandard parts in defective target drones designed for the Navy.
In 1999, Northrop Grumman paid $145,250 to the government to settle a matter involving "cost/labor mischarging."
In 1998, Ingalls Shipbuilding (Northrop Grumman) paid the Navy $2.25 million to settle allegations of accounting fraud and “improper billing for work not performed.”
In 2000, Northrop Grumman paid $750,000 “to settle claims arising from its failure to properly manufacture more than 5,000 replacement parts it made for use on military aircraft.”
In April, 1996, Northrop Grumman paid $100,000 to settle charges of “procurement fraud.” According to the GAO, Northrop's Aircraft Division paid $4,000,000 to settle “procurement fraud" charges less than a year earlier.
Environmental, Labor and Safety Violations
In 2003, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems paid $9,100 and “agreed to bring its Hazardous Waste Permit into full compliance regarding proper storage, labeling and handling of hazardous waste related to the [company's] facility located in Pascagoula.”
In 2009, Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems agreed to spend $21 million to clean up contaminated groundwater at the San Gabriel Valley, CA Superfund Site, and reimburse over half a million in previous cleanup costs to EPA and the California Department of Toxic Substances Control.
In 2008, Northrop Grumman paid $5,000 for violating federal safety standards when an employee died after falling of an aircraft carrier at its Newport News shipyard, while working on its ventilation system without a body harness.
In 2003, Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $47,000 up front to California EPA (with costs up to $768,317) to address a hazardous waste release.
In 2002, Northrop Grumman paid $131,000 for 33 serious safety violations after a welder was crushed between two ship modules at the company's Gulfport facility.
In 2003, Northrop's Space Technology facility in Redondo Beach, CA paid $15,000 to settle 64 alleged air permit violations. (SCAQMD)
In 2001, Northrop Grumman paid $2.15 million in backpay to 61 employees who filed unfair labor practices charges with the NLRB.

Political Influence-Peddling

Northrop Grumman is no stranger to the shadier side of Washington deal-making. In the early 1970s, Northrop Corp. chairman Thomas Jones was embroiled in controversies over illegal campaign contributions to Richard Nixon's reelection campaign, while allegations surfaced that some $30 million in bribes had been paid to foreign governments to win orders for fighter jets. A few years later, reporters revealed that company executives regularly entertained Pentagon officials and members of Congress at a hunting lodge on the eastern shore of Maryland.

CODEPINK*:*Defense Contractors
Yea that Halliburton was sure good at what they do. Remember when they were electrocuting soldiers in the showers in Iraq. They couldn't hook up the pump correctly and ended up killing a couple soldiers and injuring others. Or maybe when the soldiers didn't have the fresh water that Halliburton was supposed to provide.

Whew. They sure are good and deserving of that no bid contract. And the soldiers couldn't even sue them for anything they did. Now that's protection.

Yes.. because other companies do not have tragic mistakes by employees or whatever :rolleyes:

Fact is with Haliburton (which you and your ilk just harp on because of the name Cheney), nobody else could do what was needed on the scale and timeframe.. there was not an option for another company to start up a whole new division, a whole new set of logistics, etc...

Much like my company.. you expect us to wait for another company to be able to deal with the installation of the technology to have a bid, or do it now without bid 6-12 months before our competition and gain even more advantage??

You sir, are an idiot

No Davy. You are the idiot. You just trivialized the death of American soldiers to justify a no bid contractors fuck up. Fuck you davy.

Why wasn't the Army providing for its own (like they have done forever). It was because Cheney wanted his old company to have those no bid contracts worth billions.

What a fuking tool you are.

No.. I did not trivialize the tragedy whatsoever.. perhaps it is you, who assumes mistakes like that tragic one do not happen with other companies, that trivializes it and politicizes it

The tragedy was not caused by the no-bid and was not caused by other companies not being able to provide the service on the scale and timeframe that Hali did

but nice try

And oh.. .it is your big federal government who has taken away from the armed forces being self sufficient entities who provide all aspects of what is needed in the field
Tobacco Subsidies in the United States totaled $1.5 billion from 1995-2012.
United States Tobacco Subsidies || EWG Farm Subsidy Database

farm subsidies -$292.5 billion in subsidies 1995-2012.

Big Pharma Pockets $711 Billion in Profits by Robbing Seniors, Taxpayers
Ethan Rome: Big Pharma Pockets $711 Billion in Profits by Robbing Seniors, Taxpayers

This is just one military contractor.......

Learn more about Northrop Grumman

Northrop Grumman was the third largest Federal contractor in 2009 with over $17 billion in mostly defense and aerospace contracts. (
Since 1995, the company has accrued over $820 million in fines, according to the Project on Government Oversight (Home - Federal Contractor Misconduct Database - POGO)

The Company's Long History of Fraud, Overcharges, etc. Includes:

In 2009, Northrop Grumman and TRW agreed to pay $325 million to settle allegations that the company improperly billed the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) for defective microelectronic parts.
In 2008, Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $400,000 to settle alleged violations of Export Administration Regulations that occurred from 1998 to 2002.
In 2008 Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $15 million to settle alleged violations of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) for the sale of modified LTN-72 and LTN-92 aircraft navigation systems between 1994 and 2003.
In 2009, the Virginia Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) reported problems with a $2 billion IT contract, including cost overruns, missed deadlines and network and computer outages at state offices.
In 2007, Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $8 million to settle charges it failed to test tubes used in night vision goggles and sniper scopes used by U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In 2007 Northrop Grumman paid $60 million to settle accusations that the company used automated fingerprint technology without permission.
In 2005, Northrop paid $ 62 million to settle charges of fraud originally filed by company whistleblowers who said Northrop “routinely submitting false contract proposals,” “concealed basic problems in its handling of inventory, scrap and attrition,” and “lied to the government during a ‘Critical Design Review'” for a B-2 Bomber radar jamming device. (Robinson v. Northrop Grumman)
In 2003, the company paid $60 million to settle allegations that Newport News Shipbuilding mischarged costs for double hulled tankers it was building for commercial customers.
In 2003, Northrop-Grumman paid $111.2 million to settle claims that TRW overcharged the government in association with its attempt to enter the space launch vehicle business. (Bagley v. TRW).
According to the GAO, in 1996 Northrop's Hawthorne Division paid $1.5 million to the government to settle a matter involving “defective pricing.”
In 2004 Northrop agreed to pay $81 million to settle allegations of fraud associated with cost overruns on an engine exhaust liner.
In 1999, Northrop Grumman paid $500,00 to settle allegations that it “falsely certified inspection checklists for military and civilian aircraft.” (DoD IG)
In 1997, Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $34.8 million to settle civil charges filed by the Air Force for overbilling the government on a B-2 bomber contract.
In 2003, the Canadian Transportation Agency suspended the company's charter license due to an invalid certificate of insurance.
In 2003, Northrop Grumman paid $20 million as restitution for knowingly installed substandard parts in defective target drones designed for the Navy.
In 1999, Northrop Grumman paid $145,250 to the government to settle a matter involving "cost/labor mischarging."
In 1998, Ingalls Shipbuilding (Northrop Grumman) paid the Navy $2.25 million to settle allegations of accounting fraud and “improper billing for work not performed.”
In 2000, Northrop Grumman paid $750,000 “to settle claims arising from its failure to properly manufacture more than 5,000 replacement parts it made for use on military aircraft.”
In April, 1996, Northrop Grumman paid $100,000 to settle charges of “procurement fraud.” According to the GAO, Northrop's Aircraft Division paid $4,000,000 to settle “procurement fraud" charges less than a year earlier.
Environmental, Labor and Safety Violations
In 2003, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems paid $9,100 and “agreed to bring its Hazardous Waste Permit into full compliance regarding proper storage, labeling and handling of hazardous waste related to the [company's] facility located in Pascagoula.”
In 2009, Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems agreed to spend $21 million to clean up contaminated groundwater at the San Gabriel Valley, CA Superfund Site, and reimburse over half a million in previous cleanup costs to EPA and the California Department of Toxic Substances Control.
In 2008, Northrop Grumman paid $5,000 for violating federal safety standards when an employee died after falling of an aircraft carrier at its Newport News shipyard, while working on its ventilation system without a body harness.
In 2003, Northrop Grumman agreed to pay $47,000 up front to California EPA (with costs up to $768,317) to address a hazardous waste release.
In 2002, Northrop Grumman paid $131,000 for 33 serious safety violations after a welder was crushed between two ship modules at the company's Gulfport facility.
In 2003, Northrop's Space Technology facility in Redondo Beach, CA paid $15,000 to settle 64 alleged air permit violations. (SCAQMD)
In 2001, Northrop Grumman paid $2.15 million in backpay to 61 employees who filed unfair labor practices charges with the NLRB.

Political Influence-Peddling

Northrop Grumman is no stranger to the shadier side of Washington deal-making. In the early 1970s, Northrop Corp. chairman Thomas Jones was embroiled in controversies over illegal campaign contributions to Richard Nixon's reelection campaign, while allegations surfaced that some $30 million in bribes had been paid to foreign governments to win orders for fighter jets. A few years later, reporters revealed that company executives regularly entertained Pentagon officials and members of Congress at a hunting lodge on the eastern shore of Maryland.

CODEPINK*:*Defense Contractors

Excellent post. However none of these items are "Corporate Welfare." Probably an excellent topic for another thread.

Big Pharma has been ripping off the public for decades. Northrup Grumman sounds like a fraud/abuse story. Farm subsides are basically identical to Corporate welfare but the payments go to both "family farmers" as well as Corporate agricultural interests and are not lumped under the Corporate Welfare umbrella.
SS and medicare aren't in the totals, Dullard. The OP even points that out in the quote you created but didn't read.

you're welcome.

Read my response you toad. There's a component to SS that is arguably"Welfare" that should be included. And AFDC dissolved back in '96.

I have to explain SS and Medicare b/c dolts like you have no understanding. B/c taxes are theft and there is no society and dop dop dop dop dop dop.

Read the link before you speak. You're looking like a complete moron. If you do not understand have someone explain it to you. :)

Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Since you're so smart, why just look at your proof using AFDC which was stopped in the Clinton administration, why don't you point out the error? Simple request. Should take you no time at all.
Corporate welfare is such a liberal bullshit comment. Basically what the so-called corp welfare is, is when a state or the Fed has to give incentives for a business to remain in the state or country. If they don't give them then they pick up and move. When a State (which my corrupt State of IL does regularly) gives in, the corp stays.

People this is horrendous or blackmail, but it's also good business. Most of the businesses that stay are corporate headquarters with many high paying jobs, manufacturing or assembly plants with also high paying jobs or other like locations with again high paying jobs. I personally would rather have more high paying jobs then a bigger government getting fat on milking the free market.

So called corporate welfare helps the community with high paying jobs, which is far more beneficial then the high taxes liberals seek.

Individual welfare has ZERO benefit to the community at whole. It keeps people in poverty, it encourages single motherhood, it's highly costly (for every welfare dollar given to the public the government spends $100 to keep the program going - now that is waste!!!). It creates deficits, the individual becomes lazy and RELIANT of scraps the Democrats will give from the table. Welfare is negative in almost every way shape or form.
Corporate welfare is such a liberal bullshit comment. Basically what the so-called corp welfare is, is when a state or the Fed has to give incentives for a business to remain in the state or country. If they don't give them then they pick up and move. When a State (which my corrupt State of IL does regularly) gives in, the corp stays.

People this is horrendous or blackmail, but it's also good business. Most of the businesses that stay are corporate headquarters with many high paying jobs, manufacturing or assembly plants with also high paying jobs or other like locations with again high paying jobs. I personally would rather have more high paying jobs then a bigger government getting fat on milking the free market.

So called corporate welfare helps the community with high paying jobs, which is far more beneficial then the high taxes liberals seek.

Individual welfare has ZERO benefit to the community at whole. It keeps people in poverty, it encourages single motherhood, it's highly costly (for every welfare dollar given to the public the government spends $100 to keep the program going - now that is waste!!!). It creates deficits, the individual becomes lazy and RELIANT of scraps the Democrats will give from the table. Welfare is negative in almost every way shape or form.

When AFDC existed, the average time a person spent on the program was 2.5 years. That's not dependency.

Also the type of person that used AFDC most was single white mothers.

It did not create dependency, it saved lives.
Read my response you toad. There's a component to SS that is arguably"Welfare" that should be included. And AFDC dissolved back in '96.

I have to explain SS and Medicare b/c dolts like you have no understanding. B/c taxes are theft and there is no society and dop dop dop dop dop dop.

Read the link before you speak. You're looking like a complete moron. If you do not understand have someone explain it to you. :)

Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Since you're so smart, why just look at your proof using AFDC which was stopped in the Clinton administration, why don't you point out the error? Simple request. Should take you no time at all.

My shorthand. Labels change...the money doesn't. The link provided gives you all the new acronyms and the precise monetary breakdown direct from Federal Government Sources. It doesn't change the facts. The left wing argument that Corporate and Individual welfare are equal on a monetary basis is completely false. That is now conclusively proven.

For the record I do not like Corporate welfare.

Much of individual welfare is wasteful and fraudulent. Assistance for kids I am okay with. Medicaid for seniors with end of life issues and no financial resources ditto. A 25 year old dude who doesn't want to work? He can go fuck himself. :)
Basically what the so-called corp welfare is, is when a state or the Fed has to give incentives for a business to remain in the state or country. If they don't give them then they pick up and move.
it's also good business.

Kinda like Uncle Sam bribing our enemies to be our friends with foreign aid,....Like Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and on and on and on. What a fucking waste!
SS and medicare aren't in the totals, Dullard. The OP even points that out in the quote you created but didn't read.

you're welcome.

Read my response you toad. There's a component to SS that is arguably"Welfare" that should be included. And AFDC dissolved back in '96.

I have to explain SS and Medicare b/c dolts like you have no understanding. B/c taxes are theft and there is no society and dop dop dop dop dop dop.

Social Security and Medicare are not welfare programs.

Read your own post, Dullard.
Corporate welfare is such a liberal bullshit comment. Basically what the so-called corp welfare is, is when a state or the Fed has to give incentives for a business to remain in the state or country. If they don't give them then they pick up and move. When a State (which my corrupt State of IL does regularly) gives in, the corp stays.

People this is horrendous or blackmail, but it's also good business. Most of the businesses that stay are corporate headquarters with many high paying jobs, manufacturing or assembly plants with also high paying jobs or other like locations with again high paying jobs. I personally would rather have more high paying jobs then a bigger government getting fat on milking the free market.

So called corporate welfare helps the community with high paying jobs, which is far more beneficial then the high taxes liberals seek.

Individual welfare has ZERO benefit to the community at whole. It keeps people in poverty, it encourages single motherhood, it's highly costly (for every welfare dollar given to the public the government spends $100 to keep the program going - now that is waste!!!). It creates deficits, the individual becomes lazy and RELIANT of scraps the Democrats will give from the table. Welfare is negative in almost every way shape or form.

When AFDC existed, the average time a person spent on the program was 2.5 years. That's not dependency.

Also the type of person that used AFDC most was single white mothers.

It did not create dependency, it saved lives.

Minorities have always overwhelming used welfare benefits on a per capita basis. Nice spin though.

My wife worked in an inner city clinic during the Clinton welfare reform years. It was called AFDC then. One of her Moms (she was black btw) was complaining about having to get a job.

"It's hard to work and raise a kid at the same time." My wife said her jaw dropped. "What makes you so special. Millions of Americans raise kids and go to work every day. get over it."

I have worked in inner city clinics and inner city ER's for years. The sense of entitlement is stunning. If you are an able bodied adult work. There is no free lunch. Society owes you nothing. Period.
In my view, the more insidious danger of welfare, corporate or otherwise, is the way it undermines equal protection and promotes interest group politics.
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SSI is SS. But that's excluded. Except it's included. But AFDC is definitely included. But it hasn't existed for 17 years.

This must be a rightwing libertarian thread.
SSI is SS. But that's excluded. Except it's included. But AFDC is definitely included. But it hasn't existed for 17 years.

This must be a rightwing libertarian thread.

Give it up dude. Your just spinning in circles now. :)
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SSI is SS. But that's excluded. Except it's included. But AFDC is definitely included. But it hasn't existed for 17 years.

This must be a rightwing libertarian thread.

Give it dude. Your just spinning in circles now. :)

While SSI is funded through general funds, not the SS trust, making it a separate entity, he does bring a valid point regarding AFDC, which is now known as TANF. It's a solid catch to call that out. Unless you can provide clarity on where AFDC and TANF are both used and separate.
One of our liberal posters used the phrase "Corporate Welfare" today. We have all heard the term, mostly used by folks on the left, and they use the typical moral equivalency argument. You know..."well maybe we spend a lot on welfare...but those bastard Corporations get Corporate welfare and that is just as much money and it's even worse."

So I had to look it up. How much does "Corporate Welfare" cost we the Taxpayers versus Individual Welfare?

According to the Cato Institute Corporate Welfare costs the U.S. taxpayer $100 billion a year. Self-identified Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders puts the number at $125 billion a year. For the sake of argument...we'll go with Bernie. :)

Corporate Welfare Costs $125 billion. Corporate welfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Individual Welfare Costs $927 billion. These are programs strictly for the poor. No Medicare or Social Security. This is just for Medicaid, AFDC, SNAP, CHIP, Housing Assistance, Energy Cost Assistance, SSI, and TANF

Link: Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Not including Social Security and Medicare, Congress allocated almost $717 billion in Federal funds in 2010 plus $210 billion was allocated in state funds ($927 billion total) for means tested welfare programs in the United States--later (after 2010) expenditures are unknown but higher."[3]

So in summary. The Federal Government spends $125 billion a year in Corporate Welfare. The Federal Government spends $927 billion a year on individual Welfare. Corporate Welfare accounts for 13% of the costs of Individual Welfare. Individual Welfare Costs have gone up 31% over the last 10 years. Corporate Welfare costs have remained flat.

Hope these facts clear things up for everyone and kill yet another phony talking point. Your welcome. :bye1:

Social Security and Medicare are not welfare programs. They are entitlements. People pay into the program and they are entitled to their benefits. SS does pay a very small annual amount to widows, orphans and the disabled b/c they are not a productive labor force.

Do you suggest we cut those payments to the widows,orphans and disabled? I would disagree with that.

There hasn't been AFDC for almost 20 years. Judging by how outdated your sources are, I'd say you should re-evaluate your calculus.

Why are you comparing these things anyways? In what moral paradigm does aid to the poor and destitute equate with aid to the well off?

Are you suggesting anything with this comparison?

Gotta be a right winger.
SSI is SS. But that's excluded. Except it's included. But AFDC is definitely included. But it hasn't existed for 17 years.

This must be a rightwing libertarian thread.

Give it dude. Your just spinning in circles now. :)

While SSI is funded through general funds, not the SS trust, making it a separate entity, he does bring a valid point regarding AFDC, which is now known as TANF. It's a solid catch to call that out. Unless you can provide clarity on where AFDC and TANF are both used and separate.

At the end of the day, it doesn't change the dollar amounts spent. It seems more or less an error in writing than an error in math. After reviewing the numbers and information.
Minorities have always overwhelming used welfare benefits on a per capita basis.
The majority of welfare benefits goes to RED states.

Not true. Top five States for TANF Welfare Payments (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). Sources HHS

1. California $7,238,867,000

2. New York $5,346,657,000

3. Michigan $1, 703,006,000

4. Washington $1,494,308,308

5. New Jersey $1,445,745,000

The whole liberal Red State meme is another myth. I'll blow that up some other day. Those numbers included all Federal money that goes to States. My State, Virginia, gets an enormous amount of Federal dollars. Why? The largest navy base in the world is here. The Pentagon. Langley AFB. The CIA. Quantico. Yorktown NWS. I could go on.

Red States have the the bulk on the military and Federal facilities in the U.S. That is where the bulk of those dollars are coming from. Been to many Federal facilities in Vermont or Maine? See the difference?
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