Correll's Myth of the GOP as the party of "old white racists".


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Yes, it is well known that the Democrats are better at attracting minority voters and thus has more of a population to draw minority politicians from.

But as Iowa points out, it is NOT because white republicans have any problem voting for minority politicians.

This greatly undermines the Myth of the GOP as teh party of "old white racists".
I copied Correll's post from a race baiting thread, because I thought his post went actually to the truth of the matter. You cannot simply ignore the racist incitement that goes on at the fringe of the gop (and now possibly with the mainstream nominee Trump). But Trump aside, there's also a racist vein to more liberal folks as well.

But the real question, imo, that Correll's post brings up is why can't the gop do better with blacks and latinos?

The gop's resurgence in the South predated welfare politics. Goldwater was the genesis. At that time the Dems held the power and pursued Jim Crow. I'm moderately familiar with the key figure in Mississippi's party, Wert Yerger who is now in his 80s, and he's why Reagan kicked off in 1980 campaign down here.

It's the message that by tying one's economic fortune to govt handouts, you willingly enslave yourselves. And ironically over the past five decades since LBJ, the new masters are the black pols themselves.

I think the blacks are a lost cause. Nixon ceded the issue. Bobby Kennedy could have come into black churches and given speeches on obeying laws had done just fine.

Latinos are bit different. A maj of the gop chooses to ignore the history of America where since WWII's end we've depended on an illegal workforce to provide food. With unemployed construction workers, I'm not downplaying the need to control our borders. But latino small biz owners should be receptive to the small govt less tax message. But when you demonize an entire race as "rapists and murderers" for simply doing what Americas done for 70 years, you're not getting anywhere good.
Yes, it is well known that the Democrats are better at attracting minority voters and thus has more of a population to draw minority politicians from.

But as Iowa points out, it is NOT because white republicans have any problem voting for minority politicians.

This greatly undermines the Myth of the GOP as teh party of "old white racists".
I copied Correll's post from a race baiting thread, because I thought his post went actually to the truth of the matter. You cannot simply ignore the racist incitement that goes on at the fringe of the gop (and now possibly with the mainstream nominee Trump). But Trump aside, there's also a racist vein to more liberal folks as well.

But the real question, imo, that Correll's post brings up is why can't the gop do better with blacks and latinos?

The gop's resurgence in the South predated welfare politics. Goldwater was the genesis. At that time the Dems held the power and pursued Jim Crow. I'm moderately familiar with the key figure in Mississippi's party, Wert Yerger who is now in his 80s, and he's why Reagan kicked off in 1980 campaign down here.

It's the message that by tying one's economic fortune to govt handouts, you willingly enslave yourselves. And ironically over the past five decades since LBJ, the new masters are the black pols themselves.

I think the blacks are a lost cause. Nixon ceded the issue. Bobby Kennedy could have come into black churches and given speeches on obeying laws had done just fine.

Latinos are bit different. A maj of the gop chooses to ignore the history of America where since WWII's end we've depended on an illegal workforce to provide food. With unemployed construction workers, I'm not downplaying the need to control our borders. But latino small biz owners should be receptive to the small govt less tax message. But when you demonize an entire race as "rapists and murderers" for simply doing what Americas done for 70 years, you're not getting anywhere good.

None the less, the point still stands, the giant agra-corps are getting loads of farm subsidies, the ag-bill is bloated every year with the bulk of food stamps going out to working folks that work at McDonald's and Wal-Mart, and the undocumented folk from Mexico are harvesting food in the fields for peanuts. The government, no matter who is running it, is going to make sure the price signals are completely out of whack. They are going to be responsible for the problems, thus necessitating a need for more control, more laws, and more tinkering. No matter who is elected, they will try to make winners and losers.

Strip the ag-bill clean, watch the prices for food become true, enforce labor laws, see what happens.

I think a lot more acres would be planted and the government would no longer have to throw good money away on ethanol subsidies.

Meanwhile, everyday, the Fed pumps more liquidity into the economy, so every poor person, no matter if they are here legally or not, has their paychecks worth less and less every year.

Having more undocumented folks pour into the nation to take advantage of social programs because the international banking cartel is destroying the world's economy is like trying to take more passengers onto a sinking ship that doesn't have enough life boats as it is. If they would let the market correct itself, things would get healthy, or at least we would know where the problems really are.
I get the sense you have no idea what racism is? You view it from the limited spin use of apologists rather than the reality of its complicated usage. If you're a brave soul check book in link. Racism is not just way out white power nutcases, it covers much more territory.

Dog Whistle Politics

"...One did not have to be very bright to realize how little one could do to change one’s situation; one did not have to be abnormally sensitive to be worn down to a cutting edge by the incessant and gratuitous humiliation and danger one encountered every working day, all day long. The humiliation did not apply merely to working days, or workers; I was thirteen and was crossing Fifth Avenue on my way to the Forty-second Street library, and the cop in the middle of the street muttered as I passed him, “Why don’t you ******* stay uptown where you belong?” When I was ten, and didn’t look, certainly, any older, two policemen amused themselves with me by frisking me, making comic (and terrifying) speculations concerning my ancestry and probable sexual prowess, and, for good measure, leaving me flat on my back in one of Harlem’s empty lots. Just before and then during the Second World War, many of my friends fled into the service, all to be changed there, and rarely for the better, many to be ruined, and many to die. Others fled to other states and cities—that is, to other ghettos. Some went on wine or whiskey or the needle, and are still on it. And others, like me, fled into the church." James Baldwin Letter from a Region in My Mind - The New Yorker

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