Corrupt FBI Raiding Trump Associates Using 50 Warrants Looking For Evidence On Jan 6th

Well, normally they aren't.
Unless we're talking about judges appointed by a Trump.
In that case he (the Fascist) expects the judge(s) to do his bidding.
He is fond of calling them "my judges" (like Trump does) and melts down (like Trump does) when they don't.

It is interesting how MAGAt Trumptards accept deplorable behavior like this from Trump, their cult leader, and then accuse everybody else of acting the same way.....but then it's BAD.

Ye Olde Consevative Double Standard. We do what we want, fuck everybody else.
The FBI is pulling a Gestapo move and raiding anyone who knows Trump in hopes of finding something they can charge him with.

That is pure BS and wholly illegal. Under that rationalization, the FBI and police could just drive down the street, pick any home, and raid it, gambling that doing so they might find something they can charge as a crime!

Search warrants are not FISHING EXPEDITIONS: you must have reasonable certainty of a crime and the expectation that raiding the home will discover specific things directly germane to the investigation at hand to which the judge agrees and has so authorized.

Otherwise, we should authorize a raid of Hillary and Joe's homes the minute Repubs get back in power! Bet we would find TONS.
That is pure BS and wholly illegal. Under that rationalization, the FBI and police could just drive down the street, pick any home, and raid it, gambling that doing so they might find something they can charge as a crime!

Search warrants are not FISHING EXPEDITIONS: you must have reasonable certainty of a crime and the expectation that raiding the home will discover specific things directly germane to the investigation at hand to which the judge agrees and has so authorized.

Otherwise, we should authorize a raid of Hillary and Joe's homes the minute Repubs get back in power! Bet we would find TONS.
Does any home in America have classified documents in them?
That is pure BS and wholly illegal. Under that rationalization, the FBI and police could just drive down the street, pick any home, and raid it, gambling that doing so they might find something they can charge as a crime!

Search warrants are not FISHING EXPEDITIONS: you must have reasonable certainty of a crime and the expectation that raiding the home will discover specific things directly germane to the investigation at hand to which the judge agrees and has so authorized.

Otherwise, we should authorize a raid of Hillary and Joe's homes the minute Repubs get back in power! Bet we would find TONS.
Well get used to it....because the Biden Adm has so many skeletons in their closet that they're willing to break any law to keep from being thrown in jail.

I figure assassinations will start happening next.
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Well get used to it....because the Biden Adm has so many skeletons in their closet that they're willing to break any law to keep from being thrown in jail.

I figure assassinations we start happening next.

Where are Mitch's republicans? What do they do at the Capitol building besides wash cars?
That is pure BS and wholly illegal. Under that rationalization, the FBI and police could just drive down the street, pick any home, and raid it, gambling that doing so they might find something they can charge as a crime!

Search warrants are not FISHING EXPEDITIONS: you must have reasonable certainty of a crime and the expectation that raiding the home will discover specific things directly germane to the investigation at hand to which the judge agrees and has so authorized.

Otherwise, we should authorize a raid of Hillary and Joe's homes the minute Repubs get back in power! Bet we would find TONS.
Warrants/Subponeas are NOT issued without evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Please remember a judge has to sign that warrant/subpeona that is to be executed.

You people have spent over Twenty-Five (25) Years wasting untold millions with investigation.....after investigation.....investigation investigating HRC, and came up with nothing. In your ever increasing desperation, when you have no logic answer left to give, when you ain't got jack fucking shit....You bring up HRC.

You refuse to accept that the Traitor fucking Lied about losing the 2020. You people obsess over it. Now, with your Orange Faced 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward is faced with having illegally removed classified information he had no business keeping, you are sure to the point unbelievability he is innocent.

Even when you are faced the facts boxes of classified information were carried out of Shit-A-Lago, you have to excuses for inexcusable

What the Trait committed a major violation of Federal Law and put the National Security of the United States at risk, and you still defend him.

The Red, White and Blue Shit Fits you people had over HRC's emails ring very hollow right now. Do not bitch about her, when the Traitor put our country risk.
Where are Mitch's republicans? What do they do at the Capitol building besides wash cars?

How quickly people fall from favor. Until the Turtle bad mouthed the Traitor's choices for Senate, you people loved him. Now he is so much shit on the sole of your shoes.
They tried to retrieve the tawdry info Trump has on them by invading his home and when that did not work then they guessed he maybe might have dished some info off to friends.
Warrants/Subponeas are NOT issued without evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Please remember a judge has to sign that warrant/subpeona that is to be executed.

You people have spent over Twenty-Five (25) Years wasting untold millions with investigation.....after investigation.....investigation investigating HRC, and came up with nothing. In your ever increasing desperation, when you have no logic answer left to give, when you ain't got jack fucking shit....You bring up HRC.

You refuse to accept that the Traitor fucking Lied about losing the 2020. You people obsess over it. Now, with your Orange Faced 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward is faced with having illegally removed classified information he had no business keeping, you are sure to the point unbelievability he is innocent.

Even when you are faced the facts boxes of classified information were carried out of Shit-A-Lago, you have to excuses for inexcusable

What the Trait committed a major violation of Federal Law and put the National Security of the United States at risk, and you still defend him.

The Red, White and Blue Shit Fits you people had over HRC's emails ring very hollow right now. Do not bitch about her, when the Traitor put our country risk.
Beyond a reasonable doubt is jury instructions and not home invasion criteria
If the psychodems want a civil war
let them try it.

It's going to get worse before it gets better so why not get it over with now?
The FBI is pulling a Gestapo move and raiding anyone who knows Trump in hopes of finding something they can charge him with. They're doing it using the death of the Queen as cover for their illegal operation:

"It turns out, though, that the escalation was just a warm-up. It turns out that the FBI managed to obtain 50 subpoenas and orchestrate as many as 35 raids across America last night, all against people who openly support Trump and his goal of Making America Great Again.
I initially was going to hold off on reporting this because Steve Bannon was the only person talking about these raids, and I wanted more corroboration. That corroboration came when Tucker Carlson spoke with Harmeet Dhillon. She not only corroborated the report, but she also established (to my satisfaction, as a lawyer) that the subpoenas were overly broad and, worse, explicitly sought constitutionally protected information"

Meanwhile Biden is going on vacation again.

The media for the most part is hiding these raids from the public.....which indicates the illegal nature of this unconstitutional move.

Biden has nothing to do with this....the guy in the middle is who's directing this.

Obama still thinks he's president in this picture from yesterday, note the fact that he and Michelle are in the center...a place of honor and an indication of who's really in charge.

Important almost dire thread.It established what the United States
is undergoing now.A Takeover.A Real coup.Using all the levers of the
Dirty Lying Mainstream media and of course a corrupted FBI and
Justice dept.Where they aren't even concerned too much about being
discovered.Even though they still hide as much as possible.
Where real skilled lawyers like Harmeet Dhillon speak carefully
and precisely and professionally.Unlike the rat lawyers on CNN and
especially MSNBC.Meaning ... Real Americans who value Truth and
the American way cannot be overloaded and shut down as if an
overloaded Fuse Panel.But time is running thin.There's a lot of
outright mischief to be expected by those who Lie,Cheat and
Frame patriots.And seem to enjoy that rotten exercise.
Well, normally they aren't.
Unless we're talking about judges appointed by a Trump.
In that case he (the Fascist) expects the judge(s) to do his bidding.
He is fond of calling them "my judges" (like Trump does) and melts down (like Trump does) when they don't.

It is interesting how MAGAt Trumptards accept deplorable behavior like this from Trump, their cult leader, and then accuse everybody else of acting the same way.....but then it's BAD.
That photo is not from yesterday but from the Portrait unvailing for the Obamas at the WH earlier this weeks. Therefore the Obama are of course in the center of the photo.

Trump would not follow the protocol during his administration and have the portraits unveiled during his administration.

Cons will always need to bitch about something.

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