Corrupt FBI Raiding Trump Associates Using 50 Warrants Looking For Evidence On Jan 6th

That is pure BS and wholly illegal. Under that rationalization, the FBI and police could just drive down the street, pick any home, and raid it, gambling that doing so they might find something they can charge as a crime!

Search warrants are not FISHING EXPEDITIONS: you must have reasonable certainty of a crime and the expectation that raiding the home will discover specific things directly germane to the investigation at hand to which the judge agrees and has so authorized.

Otherwise, we should authorize a raid of Hillary and Joe's homes the minute Repubs get back in power! Bet we would find TONS.

Maybe even 250. I think he was saying patriots should be gassing up and heading to Mexico now.

And when they get there. Mexican Authorities should first seperate the children from their parents at gun point and send those children to where their parents where never see them again. The Traitor did so it must be the best thing to do.
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That must be why Obama called Biden the VP during the ceremony and why someone is taking meetings with Gavin Newsome in the White House while Biden is overseas. Biden often says he has to do what someone else wants him to do.
It just shows that he's often kept out of the loop on a lot of things. Susan Rice is running the White House...and Susan Rice works for Obama.
Learn to connect the dots.
They either don't believe it or they know it's likely true and support it.
Cons will always need to bitch about something.
" Frankly my dear ... I don't give a Damn . " Brett Butler
Name the Con { Conservative Bitch }. There are so many
Dem bitches,it takes too much space to list.
In point of fact it would be easier to just name the few
Democrat non-bitches.
What proof do have, other the usual MAGAMAGGOT Bull Shit.
What a Man of words.I mean,you make Charles Manson seem like
Ezra Pound and Oscar Wilde singing in the shower together.
Fully clothed with fancy feather quill pens in tow.
Winter is icummen in,
Lhude sing Godddamm --
E.Pound { American poet,fascist ]
Care to list the most recent "conservative violence"?
They can't.Everyone knows it.No longer a regional joke
but a neighborhood joke.It's already surpassed Gaslighting
on steroids.Or programmable Projection.
It's a sickness.Meant to deconstruct society.
Make the electorate confused,conflated and willing to sell their
souls to the latest fashionable Lie.It's learned.
" Evil is not inherent in nature,it is learned. " -- Ashley Montagu
Checking back, have any of the conservative liars listed those 50 people who were supposedly raided?


Have any of them apologized for pushing that lie?


Conservatives tend to never regret lying. Feeling shame about your bad behavior requires a conscience, and sociopaths don't have one.
And when the subpeona/warrant is issued. The Agents/Officer swear there is evidence beyond doubt. But what the hell, continue the lie.
Ever hear of the discovery process in law? Why is DOJ impeding a special master?
Checking back, have any of the conservative liars listed those 50 people who were supposedly raided?


Have any of them apologized for pushing that lie?


Conservatives tend to never regret lying. Feeling shame about your bad behavior requires a conscience, and sociopaths don't have one.

Harmeet Dhillon confirmed the reporting and added details tonight on Tucker.
Harmeet Dhillon
— “The subpoenas are intentionally broad. They’re from the “Capitol Siege Section” of the United States Department of Justice DC Office. And they ask for broad categories of documents. They ask for all communications dated from a month before the election until two months after the election. And they ask for all communications regarding dozens of people. And the categories are alternate electors, fundraising around irregularities around the election, and also a rally that happened before the January 6 situation at the Capitol. The Save America Rally that happened. Basically, all of this activity if not all of it is protected by the First Amendment. And the United States Department of Justice is telling reporters about the search warrants and subpoenas before they’re executed. This is really outrageous abuse by the DOJ.”

Harmeet Dhillon confirmed the reporting and added details tonight on Tucker.
I didn't ask you for yet another sleazy evasion. I asked you for the names of these people who were supposedly raided.

You didn't give one. Instead, you deliberately threw up a smokescreen. Not only is it clear that you're lying, it's clear you know you're lying.

I know your cult teaches you that all of your cult's lies are blessed by God, but that's not actually the case. God would never tell you to lie. When you lie, you're doing the bidding of the other guy.
I didn't ask you for yet another sleazy evasion. I asked you for the names of these people who were supposedly raided.

You didn't give one. Instead, you deliberately threw up a smokescreen. Not only is it clear that you're lying, it's clear you know you're lying.

I know your cult teaches you that all of your cult's lies are blessed by God, but that's not actually the case. God would never tell you to lie. When you lie, you're doing the bidding of the other guy.
So prove I am lying........ :biggrin:

Harmeet Dhillon confirmed the reporting and added details tonight on Tucker.
Harmeet Dhillon
— “The subpoenas are intentionally broad. They’re from the “Capitol Siege Section” of the United States Department of Justice DC Office. And they ask for broad categories of documents. They ask for all communications dated from a month before the election until two months after the election. And they ask for all communications regarding dozens of people. And the categories are alternate electors, fundraising around irregularities around the election, and also a rally that happened before the January 6 situation at the Capitol. The Save America Rally that happened. Basically, all of this activity if not all of it is protected by the First Amendment. And the United States Department of Justice is telling reporters about the search warrants and subpoenas before they’re executed. This is really outrageous abuse by the DOJ.”


Wasn't steve bannon arrested on a chinese billionaires yacht for fraud?
The FBI is pulling a Gestapo move and raiding anyone who knows Trump in hopes of finding something they can charge him with. They're doing it using the death of the Queen as cover for their illegal operation:

"It turns out, though, that the escalation was just a warm-up. It turns out that the FBI managed to obtain 50 subpoenas and orchestrate as many as 35 raids across America last night, all against people who openly support Trump and his goal of Making America Great Again.
I initially was going to hold off on reporting this because Steve Bannon was the only person talking about these raids, and I wanted more corroboration. That corroboration came when Tucker Carlson spoke with Harmeet Dhillon. She not only corroborated the report, but she also established (to my satisfaction, as a lawyer) that the subpoenas were overly broad and, worse, explicitly sought constitutionally protected information"

Meanwhile Biden is going on vacation again.

The media for the most part is hiding these raids from the public.....which indicates the illegal nature of this unconstitutional move.

Biden has nothing to do with this....the guy in the middle is who's directing this.

Obama still thinks he's president in this picture from yesterday, note the fact that he and Michelle are in the center...a place of honor and an indication of who's really in charge.

If 50 warrants have resulted, I'd say the raid was long overdue.

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