Corrupt Media Incensed About Trump’s Willingness To Meet With Any World Leader/ Praised Obama For It

Hypocrisy is a staple of the left.

So can you link to all the WSJ editorials praising Obama for reaching out to these "villains"?

How about Breitbart, FOX, or CNS?

I don't remember a huge amount of praise coming from the above. You must figure one positive story amounts to a total endorsement of Obama. Nope. Sorry.

Journalists in NYC or Washington are mostly Democrats. That's the way they voted. Roughly 90%. They couldn't get their jobs if they weren't. Bill O'Reilly is a North Eastern Harvard educated liberal you know.
So why are you bitching about the "hypocrisy of Media"?
Playing dumb, are we?

Or are you not playing?
OK....let me venture a guess...

Because you are a butthurt hypocrite snowflake ?

How am I doing?



What do I have to be Butthurt about, shitforbrains??

We lost.

Now get to the back of the bus, my little Snowflake.
Has anyone said why meeting someone who brags about murdering with his own hands is a plus? Duerte brags about it.
First off it's laughable that conservatives would no be so happy a president is meeting with leaders of other countries that dislike the US after they branded Obama a traitor for doing it.

A handful of sincere but overly literal conservatives do not speak for all conservatives, doofus.

Secondly I think meeting with anyone before thinking of hostilities is always a good idea. It at least provides one last chance for the aggressor to say to the target, "your last chance, after this some real bad shit will start happening". It is in fact required by any head of a state to seek out all avenues of peace before sending other men to die in your name.

We are thinking of hostilities with the Phillipines?

Ignoring the thread context, I agree with your statement, but most diplomatic visits are for leaders to get an impression of their counterparts and have a few key exchanges.

The diplomatic corps handle all the rest, which is 99.99999% of what goes on.
When Mud thought "Safety in numbers" he wasn't thinking.......
No.....that's what libroids need, because they cannot stand up on their own. It's why they're so easily triggered. So they go to their safe place. If they can't find one they either curl up into a ball and assume the fetal position or they get violent. They start media campaigns to kick people put of office or out of their jobs. They can't win with their ideas. Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.
Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.

You are a liar......that has NOTHING to do with "cleaning house at FOX"....They are cleaning house at FOX because, for decades, it has been a den of sexual depravity....apparently, going forward, it will no longer be a Safe Space for mashers, frottagistes, and other deviants.

Nice try...
If you say so lady. That must explain why as soon as their CEO gave up control to his idiot sons all of the sudden Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton.:slap:
If this was so darned important to everybody why was Bill Clinton a few electoral votes from running our economy again???? Hillary was too tired to handle it, so she boldly announced that her misogynist, serial sexual offender of a husband would take it over. He did what Bill O'Reilly is accused of and then some to Monica. Why isn’t that a problem to you? Does your self-righteous indignation stop when it's a Democrat?
I think so. Thou duth protest too much I fear.
ends inchoate rant with

Thou duth protest too much I fear.

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton

Hannity is a scumbag, but as far as I know, of a different sort....

Just for perspective, could you post the total payments issued by, or on behalf of, Clinton and O'Reilly consequent to charges of sexual impropriety?

That would allow u to test the accuracy of your analogy...

But why do you need a conspiracy? We KNOW Ailes was a masher, O'Reilly is a repeat offender......and many of the accusers are the women who spent years telling you what to you believe they are all liars now?
If you think Sean Hannity is a scumbag it tells me alot about you.


Begone hack.
Oh, he's a fucking scumbag alright....

Not just a scumbag, but the very lowest form of scumbag...

Hannity's Charity Under Fire
:haha: STFU, shitstain.....
then what's the point of your thread?
the continuing double standard the media gives Trump vrs Obama?

How can anyone with a straight face say that it was OK for Obama to meet with dictators then turn right around and slam Trump for meeting with dictators?
This Dictator has been on a 10 month murdering spree Jim...
And Iran has been on a 4 decade long terrorist sponsoring spree
Did we say we would be HONORED by having them here? HONORED??? HONORED???

That has nothing to do with what I said.
Hypocrisy is a staple of the left.

So can you link to all the WSJ editorials praising Obama for reaching out to these "villains"?

How about Breitbart, FOX, or CNS?

I don't remember a huge amount of praise coming from the above. You must figure one positive story amounts to a total endorsement of Obama. Nope. Sorry.

Journalists in NYC or Washington are mostly Democrats. That's the way they voted. Roughly 90%. They couldn't get their jobs if they weren't. Bill O'Reilly is a North Eastern Harvard educated liberal you know.
So why are you bitching about the "hypocrisy of Media"?
Playing dumb, are we?

Or are you not playing?
So let me demonstrate.....

Look at the pic in your signature.....

Now look at this

“The Level of Lies is Unprecedented”: Truth in the Trump Era with Jackie Calmes

President Trump is the most fact-challenged politician that The Fact Checker has ever encountered. He earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings during his campaign as president. Since then, he’s earned 16 more Four-Pinocchio ratings.

But those numbers obscure the fact that the pace and volume of the president’s misstatements means that we cannot possibly keep up. The president’s speeches and interviews are so chock full of false and misleading claims that The Fact Checker often must resort to roundups that offer a brief summary of the facts that the president has gotten wrong.

Analysis | President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally

and you're a big Yam fan, aren't you?

How do you reconcile that?
Opinion driven jouralism is only as good as the integrity of the source.....and your sources are without any.

They can't get away with just calling themselves factcheckers anymore. Nobody's buying it, other than people who don't need facts to stake out their positions. Why is that?? Because their positions change depending on the politics of the subject in question.
Partisans are hypocrites by nature.
Hypocrisy is a staple of the left.
The dishonesty of the press is unimaginable. Months ago they praised Obama for his Iranian deal and his opening of trade with Cuba, but now the press claims Trump shouldn't be talking to the Philippines president, the Russian president, the Egyptian president, or any president that they claim is an authoritarian. Is there anyone he can talk to??
Okay, are you defending Trump's position here, or just slamming the press? Because if you are blaming the left for being hypocrites, you are kinda the pot calling the kettle black. I distinctly remember you folks screeching when Obama met with Castro II. So now you're defending Trump meeting with whomever? Then why couldn't Obama?
Not so much meeting with world leaders we disagree with but why is Trump praising Putin, Kim, Duerte and other despots?
No.....that's what libroids need, because they cannot stand up on their own. It's why they're so easily triggered. So they go to their safe place. If they can't find one they either curl up into a ball and assume the fetal position or they get violent. They start media campaigns to kick people put of office or out of their jobs. They can't win with their ideas. Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.
Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.

You are a liar......that has NOTHING to do with "cleaning house at FOX"....They are cleaning house at FOX because, for decades, it has been a den of sexual depravity....apparently, going forward, it will no longer be a Safe Space for mashers, frottagistes, and other deviants.

Nice try...
If you say so lady. That must explain why as soon as their CEO gave up control to his idiot sons all of the sudden Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton.:slap:
If this was so darned important to everybody why was Bill Clinton a few electoral votes from running our economy again???? Hillary was too tired to handle it, so she boldly announced that her misogynist, serial sexual offender of a husband would take it over. He did what Bill O'Reilly is accused of and then some to Monica. Why isn’t that a problem to you? Does your self-righteous indignation stop when it's a Democrat?
I think so. Thou duth protest too much I fear.
ends inchoate rant with

Thou duth protest too much I fear.

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton

Hannity is a scumbag, but as far as I know, of a different sort....

Just for perspective, could you post the total payments issued by, or on behalf of, Clinton and O'Reilly consequent to charges of sexual impropriety?

That would allow u to test the accuracy of your analogy...

But why do you need a conspiracy? We KNOW Ailes was a masher, O'Reilly is a repeat offender......and many of the accusers are the women who spent years telling you what to you believe they are all liars now?
If you think Sean Hannity is a scumbag it tells me alot about you.


Begone hack.
Oh, he's a fucking scumbag alright....

Not just a scumbag, but the very lowest form of scumbag...

Hannity's Charity Under Fire
All I needed to do was read one sentence in and spotted sCREW.

WTF is sCREW going after Hannity for. They're supposed to be going after corrupt public officials, not conservative talk-show hosts.

And Guess what!!!

sCREW is partly funded by SEIU..... Obama's undercover union based community-organizer group formally tied to ACORN, before it was exposed and lost it's federal funding!!!! RLMAO!!!

So can you link to all the WSJ editorials praising Obama for reaching out to these "villains"?

How about Breitbart, FOX, or CNS?

I don't remember a huge amount of praise coming from the above. You must figure one positive story amounts to a total endorsement of Obama. Nope. Sorry.

Journalists in NYC or Washington are mostly Democrats. That's the way they voted. Roughly 90%. They couldn't get their jobs if they weren't. Bill O'Reilly is a North Eastern Harvard educated liberal you know.
So why are you bitching about the "hypocrisy of Media"?
Playing dumb, are we?

Or are you not playing?
So let me demonstrate.....

Look at the pic in your signature.....

Now look at this

“The Level of Lies is Unprecedented”: Truth in the Trump Era with Jackie Calmes

President Trump is the most fact-challenged politician that The Fact Checker has ever encountered. He earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings during his campaign as president. Since then, he’s earned 16 more Four-Pinocchio ratings.

But those numbers obscure the fact that the pace and volume of the president’s misstatements means that we cannot possibly keep up. The president’s speeches and interviews are so chock full of false and misleading claims that The Fact Checker often must resort to roundups that offer a brief summary of the facts that the president has gotten wrong.

Analysis | President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally

and you're a big Yam fan, aren't you?

How do you reconcile that?
Opinion driven jouralism is only as good as the integrity of the source.....and your sources are without any.

They can't get away with just calling themselves factcheckers anymore. Nobody's buying it, other than people who don't need facts to stake out their positions. Why is that?? Because their positions change depending on the politics of the subject in question.
Yeah...because the determination informing your signature was carved in stone and brought down from The Mount...

Are you really this dense?
The dishonesty of the press is unimaginable. Months ago they praised Obama for his Iranian deal and his opening of trade with Cuba, but now the press claims Trump shouldn't be talking to the Philippines president, the Russian president, the Egyptian president, or any president that they claim is an authoritarian. Is there anyone he can talk to??
Apparently not.

They intentionally forget what Obama has said and done. Maybe they think we're stupid or something.
For those who paid you remember this?

Or this?

Click on the link if it doesn’t automatically play. It will take you to the you tube site.
You freaked out about it. You & your hoard of ignorant Trumpettes posted the picture of Obama & Castro & danced naked around the fie chanting how evil Obama was.

Now Trump says he'd he honored to meat brutal dictators.
Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.

You are a liar......that has NOTHING to do with "cleaning house at FOX"....They are cleaning house at FOX because, for decades, it has been a den of sexual depravity....apparently, going forward, it will no longer be a Safe Space for mashers, frottagistes, and other deviants.

Nice try...
If you say so lady. That must explain why as soon as their CEO gave up control to his idiot sons all of the sudden Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton.:slap:
If this was so darned important to everybody why was Bill Clinton a few electoral votes from running our economy again???? Hillary was too tired to handle it, so she boldly announced that her misogynist, serial sexual offender of a husband would take it over. He did what Bill O'Reilly is accused of and then some to Monica. Why isn’t that a problem to you? Does your self-righteous indignation stop when it's a Democrat?
I think so. Thou duth protest too much I fear.
ends inchoate rant with

Thou duth protest too much I fear.

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton

Hannity is a scumbag, but as far as I know, of a different sort....

Just for perspective, could you post the total payments issued by, or on behalf of, Clinton and O'Reilly consequent to charges of sexual impropriety?

That would allow u to test the accuracy of your analogy...

But why do you need a conspiracy? We KNOW Ailes was a masher, O'Reilly is a repeat offender......and many of the accusers are the women who spent years telling you what to you believe they are all liars now?
If you think Sean Hannity is a scumbag it tells me alot about you.


Begone hack.
Oh, he's a fucking scumbag alright....

Not just a scumbag, but the very lowest form of scumbag...

Hannity's Charity Under Fire
All I needed to do was read one sentence in and spotted sCREW.

WTF is sCREW going after Hannity for. They're supposed to be going after corrupt public officials, not conservative talk-show hosts.

And Guess what!!!

sCREW is partly funded by SEIU..... Obama's undercover union based community-organizer group formally tied to ACORN, before it was exposed and lost it's federal funding!!!! RLMAO!!!
Did you REALLY mean to go there?

Exposed for what?

ACORN suffered an extremely damaging nationwide controversy beginning in the fall of 2009 after two conservative activists secretly made and released videos of staged interactions with low-level ACORN personnel in several offices, portraying them as encouraging criminal behavior. Several independent investigations eventually found the videos to have been partially falsified and selectively edited by the activists, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles,[7] and cleared ACORN, finding its employees had not engaged in the alleged criminal activities and that the organization had appropriately managed its federal funding - but in the meantime the organization suffered an immediate loss of funding from government agencies with which it had contracts, and from private donors.[8][9][10]
Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.

You are a liar......that has NOTHING to do with "cleaning house at FOX"....They are cleaning house at FOX because, for decades, it has been a den of sexual depravity....apparently, going forward, it will no longer be a Safe Space for mashers, frottagistes, and other deviants.

Nice try...
If you say so lady. That must explain why as soon as their CEO gave up control to his idiot sons all of the sudden Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton.:slap:
If this was so darned important to everybody why was Bill Clinton a few electoral votes from running our economy again???? Hillary was too tired to handle it, so she boldly announced that her misogynist, serial sexual offender of a husband would take it over. He did what Bill O'Reilly is accused of and then some to Monica. Why isn’t that a problem to you? Does your self-righteous indignation stop when it's a Democrat?
I think so. Thou duth protest too much I fear.
ends inchoate rant with

Thou duth protest too much I fear.

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton

Hannity is a scumbag, but as far as I know, of a different sort....

Just for perspective, could you post the total payments issued by, or on behalf of, Clinton and O'Reilly consequent to charges of sexual impropriety?

That would allow u to test the accuracy of your analogy...

But why do you need a conspiracy? We KNOW Ailes was a masher, O'Reilly is a repeat offender......and many of the accusers are the women who spent years telling you what to you believe they are all liars now?
If you think Sean Hannity is a scumbag it tells me alot about you.


Begone hack.
Oh, he's a fucking scumbag alright....

Not just a scumbag, but the very lowest form of scumbag...

Hannity's Charity Under Fire
All I needed to do was read one sentence in and spotted sCREW.

WTF is sCREW going after Hannity for. They're supposed to be going after corrupt public officials, not conservative talk-show hosts.

And Guess what!!!

sCREW is partly funded by SEIU..... Obama's undercover union based community-organizer group formally tied to ACORN, before it was exposed and lost it's federal funding!!!! RLMAO!!!


How dare an organization help poor people get housing, etc. No wonder you Trumpettes hated them. You hate poor people even though a lot of you are poor people.

ACORN lost federal funding because they supported Democrats.You can count on Republicans to try to legislate their re-election because certainly can't freakin govern.
Because their ideas suck they attempt to "clean house" at Fox.

You are a liar......that has NOTHING to do with "cleaning house at FOX"....They are cleaning house at FOX because, for decades, it has been a den of sexual depravity....apparently, going forward, it will no longer be a Safe Space for mashers, frottagistes, and other deviants.

Nice try...
If you say so lady. That must explain why as soon as their CEO gave up control to his idiot sons all of the sudden Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton.:slap:
If this was so darned important to everybody why was Bill Clinton a few electoral votes from running our economy again???? Hillary was too tired to handle it, so she boldly announced that her misogynist, serial sexual offender of a husband would take it over. He did what Bill O'Reilly is accused of and then some to Monica. Why isn’t that a problem to you? Does your self-righteous indignation stop when it's a Democrat?
I think so. Thou duth protest too much I fear.
ends inchoate rant with

Thou duth protest too much I fear.

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton

Hannity is a scumbag, but as far as I know, of a different sort....

Just for perspective, could you post the total payments issued by, or on behalf of, Clinton and O'Reilly consequent to charges of sexual impropriety?

That would allow u to test the accuracy of your analogy...

But why do you need a conspiracy? We KNOW Ailes was a masher, O'Reilly is a repeat offender......and many of the accusers are the women who spent years telling you what to you believe they are all liars now?
If you think Sean Hannity is a scumbag it tells me alot about you.


Begone hack.
Oh, he's a fucking scumbag alright....

Not just a scumbag, but the very lowest form of scumbag...

Hannity's Charity Under Fire
All I needed to do was read one sentence in and spotted sCREW.

WTF is sCREW going after Hannity for. They're supposed to be going after corrupt public officials, not conservative talk-show hosts.

And Guess what!!!

sCREW is partly funded by SEIU..... Obama's undercover union based community-organizer group formally tied to ACORN, before it was exposed and lost it's federal funding!!!! RLMAO!!!
When you voted for Trump, you lost all credibility complaining about anyone lying.

Trump lies every freaken day. He lied to you over & over & you slobber all over Trump.
The way to do it is to open dialog with all the people whom play into your strategy. Whether they are a problem for you or maybe part of the solution. Keep your enemies close. Let them know you are watching them.
yes, diplomacy's door should always be opened...

but that doesn't mean the president should say Americans would be HONORED to have our president, meet on USA soil with a MURDEROUS thug.
The way to do it is to open dialog with all the people whom play into your strategy. Whether they are a problem for you or maybe part of the solution. Keep your enemies close. Let them know you are watching them.
yes, diplomacy's door should always be opened...

but that doesn't mean the president should say Americans would be HONORED to have our president, meet on USA soil with a MURDEROUS thug.

obama was a close personal friend of bill ayers and bernadine dorhn...two domestic terrorist bombers who detonated bombs on U.S. soil in government buildings....and are implicated in at least one murder if not more........and that wasn't as one leader of a nation to another.....that was on a personal level...twit.
If you say so lady. That must explain why as soon as their CEO gave up control to his idiot sons all of the sudden Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton.:slap:
If this was so darned important to everybody why was Bill Clinton a few electoral votes from running our economy again???? Hillary was too tired to handle it, so she boldly announced that her misogynist, serial sexual offender of a husband would take it over. He did what Bill O'Reilly is accused of and then some to Monica. Why isn’t that a problem to you? Does your self-righteous indignation stop when it's a Democrat?
I think so. Thou duth protest too much I fear.
ends inchoate rant with

Thou duth protest too much I fear.

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton

Hannity is a scumbag, but as far as I know, of a different sort....

Just for perspective, could you post the total payments issued by, or on behalf of, Clinton and O'Reilly consequent to charges of sexual impropriety?

That would allow u to test the accuracy of your analogy...

But why do you need a conspiracy? We KNOW Ailes was a masher, O'Reilly is a repeat offender......and many of the accusers are the women who spent years telling you what to you believe they are all liars now?
If you think Sean Hannity is a scumbag it tells me alot about you.


Begone hack.
Oh, he's a fucking scumbag alright....

Not just a scumbag, but the very lowest form of scumbag...

Hannity's Charity Under Fire
All I needed to do was read one sentence in and spotted sCREW.

WTF is sCREW going after Hannity for. They're supposed to be going after corrupt public officials, not conservative talk-show hosts.

And Guess what!!!

sCREW is partly funded by SEIU..... Obama's undercover union based community-organizer group formally tied to ACORN, before it was exposed and lost it's federal funding!!!! RLMAO!!!


How dare an organization help poor people get housing, etc. No wonder you Trumpettes hated them. You hate poor people even though a lot of you are poor people.

ACORN lost federal funding because they supported Democrats.You can count on Republicans to try to legislate their re-election because certainly can't freakin govern.

Yes....ACORN was trying to be very helpful to the pimp trying to bring in foreign, underage girls to exploit as prostitutes.......we all saw the video...they are vile scumbags...
If you say so lady. That must explain why as soon as their CEO gave up control to his idiot sons all of the sudden Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton.:slap:
If this was so darned important to everybody why was Bill Clinton a few electoral votes from running our economy again???? Hillary was too tired to handle it, so she boldly announced that her misogynist, serial sexual offender of a husband would take it over. He did what Bill O'Reilly is accused of and then some to Monica. Why isn’t that a problem to you? Does your self-righteous indignation stop when it's a Democrat?
I think so. Thou duth protest too much I fear.
ends inchoate rant with

Thou duth protest too much I fear.

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton

Hannity is a scumbag, but as far as I know, of a different sort....

Just for perspective, could you post the total payments issued by, or on behalf of, Clinton and O'Reilly consequent to charges of sexual impropriety?

That would allow u to test the accuracy of your analogy...

But why do you need a conspiracy? We KNOW Ailes was a masher, O'Reilly is a repeat offender......and many of the accusers are the women who spent years telling you what to you believe they are all liars now?
If you think Sean Hannity is a scumbag it tells me alot about you.


Begone hack.
Oh, he's a fucking scumbag alright....

Not just a scumbag, but the very lowest form of scumbag...

Hannity's Charity Under Fire
All I needed to do was read one sentence in and spotted sCREW.

WTF is sCREW going after Hannity for. They're supposed to be going after corrupt public officials, not conservative talk-show hosts.

And Guess what!!!

sCREW is partly funded by SEIU..... Obama's undercover union based community-organizer group formally tied to ACORN, before it was exposed and lost it's federal funding!!!! RLMAO!!!
When you voted for Trump, you lost all credibility complaining about anyone lying.

Trump lies every freaken day. He lied to you over & over & you slobber all over Trump.
That don't confront Mud.....he just calls those who list Trump's lies and demonstrate how they diverge from the truth "liars"......fait impregnable logical loop....
ends inchoate rant with

Thou duth protest too much I fear.

Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity became a poor man's rendition of Bill Clinton

Hannity is a scumbag, but as far as I know, of a different sort....

Just for perspective, could you post the total payments issued by, or on behalf of, Clinton and O'Reilly consequent to charges of sexual impropriety?

That would allow u to test the accuracy of your analogy...

But why do you need a conspiracy? We KNOW Ailes was a masher, O'Reilly is a repeat offender......and many of the accusers are the women who spent years telling you what to you believe they are all liars now?
If you think Sean Hannity is a scumbag it tells me alot about you.


Begone hack.
Oh, he's a fucking scumbag alright....

Not just a scumbag, but the very lowest form of scumbag...

Hannity's Charity Under Fire
All I needed to do was read one sentence in and spotted sCREW.

WTF is sCREW going after Hannity for. They're supposed to be going after corrupt public officials, not conservative talk-show hosts.

And Guess what!!!

sCREW is partly funded by SEIU..... Obama's undercover union based community-organizer group formally tied to ACORN, before it was exposed and lost it's federal funding!!!! RLMAO!!!


How dare an organization help poor people get housing, etc. No wonder you Trumpettes hated them. You hate poor people even though a lot of you are poor people.

ACORN lost federal funding because they supported Democrats.You can count on Republicans to try to legislate their re-election because certainly can't freakin govern.

Yes....ACORN was trying to be very helpful to the pimp trying to bring in foreign, underage girls to exploit as prostitutes.......we all saw the video...they are vile scumbags...
No...that wasn't the story as it turned out....the vile scumbag was the videographer.....

you are his Useful Idiot.

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