Corrupt NY AG Leticia James is now questioning the legality of the $175M bond posted by Trump

And all of these were out of his control. COVID most certainly wasn’t his doing and lockdowns, recession and riots were all the result of Democrats acting like fools. If Trump supporters decided to riot on a daily basis, would that be Biden’s fault or Trump supporter’s fault?

Just limiting to the riots, you have to ask WHY we had riots.

You see, BLM asked NICELY for police reform for nearly a decade. We'd known police misconduct was a problem ever since the Rodney King tape.

But instead of working on previous police reform efforts, the first thing Trump and Sessions did when they got into office was to end all the consent decrees with big cities and stopped pushing for police reform. Trump openly advocated for police to handle "criminals" (i.e. black people, not nice white collar criminals like him) with more brutality.

So, um, yeah, Trump owns the BLM Riots.
My penis gets into your wife's mouth, you will say no problem? It's not sex?
1) Attack on family, reported.

2) Hypothetically, that would be an issue between me and my partner, not a legal issue.

3) The problem with the whole "perjury" thing was that Judge Weber-Wright ruled that whether he had a relationship with Lewinsky was immaterial to whether he harassed Jones 10 years earlier and further ruled that Jones had no claim to federal sexual harassment because Clinton was no her supervisor. She suffered no adverse job action based on her refusal... if it happened at all.
Just limiting to the riots, you have to ask WHY we had riots.

You see, BLM asked NICELY for police reform for nearly a decade. We'd known police misconduct was a problem ever since the Rodney King tape.

But instead of working on previous police reform efforts, the first thing Trump and Sessions did when they got into office was to end all the consent decrees with big cities and stopped pushing for police reform. Trump openly advocated for police to handle "criminals" (i.e. black people, not nice white collar criminals like him) with more brutality.

So, um, yeah, Trump owns the BLM Riots.

Democrats thugs will riot for any reason or no real reason at all. Anything for a chance to get a new flat screen TV.

If Trump wins in Nov., he won’t have to do a thing. Democrats will start burning and looting. When the police respond arrest them, they will cry foul. It is how left-winger’s brains work, or don’t.
1) Attack on family, reported.

2) Hypothetically, that would be an issue between me and my partner, not a legal issue.

3) The problem with the whole "perjury" thing was that Judge Weber-Wright ruled that whether he had a relationship with Lewinsky was immaterial to whether he harassed Jones 10 years earlier and further ruled that Jones had no claim to federal sexual harassment because Clinton was no her supervisor. She suffered no adverse job action based on her refusal... if it happened at all.
He was asked if he had sex with Lewinsky, he said no. I didn't attack anyone I asked you a question. Snowflake. You say a bj isn't sex, so what's the big deal?
Democrats thugs will riot for any reason or no real reason at all. Anything for a chance to get a new flat screen TV.

Instead of saying "Democrat Thugs", why don't you just be fucking honest and say "Blacks"? I know that you can't use the N-word, like you really want to.

But here's the thing.

Except- they didn't riot when Trayvon Martin was killed.
They didn't riot when Tamir Rice was killed.
They didn't right LaQuan Mcdonald was killed.
Even the riots that happened after Michael Brown was killed were local and short lived

They finally rioted when George Floyd was killed, partially because they got sick of Trump's indifference/encouragement of police brutality. Partially because Trump's FAILURES on Covid and the economy ramped up the anxiety level.

If Trump wins in Nov., he won’t have to do a thing. Democrats will start burning and looting. When the police respond arrest them, they will cry foul. It is how left-winger’s brains work, or don’t.

sounds like a good reason to not vote for Trump, then.

This is beyond ridiculous.


This is what we call a STALINESQUE WITCH HUNT.
New York used to be a good place to go. Now, they are putting up with injustice against an innocent man because a governmental agent in the NY judicary whose primary reason for seeking office was a predated Oath she stated publicly she should win the Attorney General title so she could "GET DONALD TRUMP".

I'm not sure I'd ever go on vacation there because their AG wants to erase a man who was dedicated as President to prosper the American people and lead an effort to start a World Peace by first fixing the 2 thousand years of hostility in the Middle East. He also saw to it that entrance at the border would end drug cartels fentanyl push that was killing 100,000 Americans every year due to the greed of drug pushers at the cost also of thousands of people's instant death of fentanyl that prospered drug devils. Some of the dead, abused, and raped by traffickers were little children who had been too young to do heinous things to their pelvic health. TRUMP cared for decency for children and did all he could to end a lot of the fentanyl drug kills. He was FOR a border that was safe for the American people, especially the children who were molested.
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Your side impeached Clinton over a blow job.

Things Trump has done are 100% worse, and he's not in office anymore.
Nope. One Eye Willy was impeached for lying under oath as the chief law enforcement officer in the country. We know what the dems and their media wing told you to believe. Billy Boy was found guilty of perjury in a court of law and his law license was revoked. Like all dems he was too selfish to step down for the good of the country. At least Nixon did the right thing for America.
Instead of saying "Democrat Thugs", why don't you just be fucking honest and say "Blacks"? I know that you can't use the N-word, like you really want to.

But here's the thing.

Except- they didn't riot when Trayvon Martin was killed.
They didn't riot when Tamir Rice was killed.
They didn't right LaQuan Mcdonald was killed.
Even the riots that happened after Michael Brown was killed were local and short lived

They finally rioted when George Floyd was killed, partially because they got sick of Trump's indifference/encouragement of police brutality. Partially because Trump's FAILURES on Covid and the economy ramped up the anxiety level.

sounds like a good reason to not vote for Trump, then.
I guess the moderators doesn't think sex is a blow job. Also snowflake, I don't care or would ever hurt your family. You will get it in the after life. Unless you repent, which I hope you do. Bubye!
Your side impeached Clinton over a blow job.

Things Trump has done are 100% worse, and he's not in office anymore.
Nope. One Eye Willy was impeached for lying under oath as the chief law enforcement officer in the country. We know what the dems and their media wing told you to believe. Billy Boy was found guilty of perjury in a court of law and his law license was revoke. Like all dems, he was too selfish to do what was right for the country and step down. At least Nixon did what was right for America. Screaming *Joe is too selfish to do the same.
Well, let's look at that.

A lot of guys don't consider fellatio (That's Latin for Blow Job for all you MAGAts) to be actual sex.

He never stuck his penis in her vagina.

So what he said was LEGALLY true.

of course, he wasn't impeached for saying that to the American People, he was impeached for lying about it in court...

In a case where the judge ruled the issue wasn't evidentiary and the entire claim didn't meet legal sufficiency.

Billy Boy lied under oath so it’s quite likely he banged her and lied about that too.
Even the most cultist of cult fucks must see this for the witch hunt it is.

You have to love NOVEL LEGAL PRECEDENTS used to prosecute the leading political opponent of the sitting President.

Remember when the cult said it was bad to go after your political enemies.

Seems they are OK with political witch hunts as long as their team hunts.

This is what I call overt faggotry.
No a single American from 20 years ago would believe what the Democrats have done to the border, the DOJ the FBI, law enforcement and the Constitution.
Nope. One Eye Willy was impeached for lying under oath as the chief law enforcement officer in the country. We know what the dems and their media wing told you to believe. Billy Boy was found guilty of perjury in a court of law and his law license was revoked. Like all dems he was too selfish to step down for the good of the country. At least Nixon did the right thing for America.

I'm always amazed you guys think that what Clinton did was horrible, but what Trump did with Stormy Daniels is okay.

Frankly, back in 1999, I was a right-wing asshole who screamed "impeach him." then Bush got in, and two recessions later, I was left with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that didn't pay me anywhere near what I was worth.

Lying about a blow job just didn't seem like such a bad thing.

I keep forgetting.....who is the victim in this case?

Everyone who didn't get a lower interest rate because Trump cheated his way to a low one.
I'm glad to see that you are so happy with sticking to the letter of the law.

As such, Trump should be found guilty of everything he's been accused of doing, since there is no doubt he did them.
You are mistaken. There is no doubt the leftist Get Trump lawyerlies and judges (whose wells were poisoned by lies galore at the behest of Marxist TV tellalls) failed to recuse themselves by furnishing the judicial faux charges against Trump with judicial rightness ushered in by men who live by the ten commandments, many of whom were the Founding Father's of the United States of America back in the late 1770s and early 1780s.

My prayers up to God for press mavens to lean a little closer to the truth by exercising discipline to glean nothing but the truth before they go online to tell the American people facts corroborated twice.
Your side impeached Clinton over a blow job.

Things Trump has done are 100% worse, and he's not in office anymore.
No Clinton was impeached for PERJURY. That’s a very big deal. You and your buddies always want to trivialize it.
Okay, well, first you'd have to prove Joe knowingly took the documents and they just weren't packed by some GS13 trying to shove as much shit on boxes as she could.

The issue is "Mens Res" - Criminal intent. Joe didn't have any, Trump clearly did.

The problem there is all those other businesses did due diligence before applying for their loans. As opposed to your Fuhrer, who knowingly lied about the value of his properties.
They didn’t just walk out of the Senate Scif when he was a Senator. He had to knowingly remove them.
How can she not realize how much this is hurting her side?

I'm starting to think she's secretly working for the Trump campaign.
You mean you'd vote for her side if she was more polite to Trump?
The entire case is bullshit.

Literally everyone who owns real estate in NY has done the exact same thing.

The legal precedent is very dangerous for NY.
Nobody, nilch, have done what Trump did! Inform yourself!

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