Corruption in the Obama Administration was Rampant


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
If you are an Alinskyite Marxist...and by a miracle in which Stupidity was heavily find yourself President of the United States....what is the first thing you do?

You corrupt the Justice Department.

You appoint Eric Holder as Attorney General to "have your back" and then, with impunity, you can commence to undermine the law rather than enforce it as you swore to do. With that single play, and with the Race Card ready in hand for anyone who ask a question, you control the F. B. I. and you effectively grant immunity to any abuse of the rights of the American people by any faceless bureaucrat (Lois Lerner, who still walks free) who will ignore the law of the land to enforce the bankrupt ideology of Marxism.

We almost lost this Country under Obama, and the danger is far from over.

Here is an example which absolutely must be investigated...the guilty found...and put in Jail.

Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost daily basis, sources say

"...and even sought information in the days leading up to President Trump’s inauguration."

The source is Fox News and, yes, the sources are anonymous. (Whats good for the Obama Clinton Bolshevik Democrat Goose, is good for the Trump Traditional-American Gander)

And, only this week we found out from CNN (which was trying to do damage control) that the Obama Government did in fact wire-tape the Trump Campaign by wiretapping its Campaign Manager who lived in Trump Tower.

Everyone should read the article in the Wall Street Journal below:

"Extraordinary & Worrisome" - WSJ Demands To Know How FBI 'Meddled' In 2016 Elections | Zero Hedge

"It is thus highly likely that the FBI was listening to the political and election-related conversations of a leading contender for the White House."

And the comments are a Hoot.

Time for you Democrats to look past the blind partisanship. Liberals and Democrats need to be concerned that Obama was able to do what he did to the Justice Department, the F.B.I. and the other agencies who are supposed to be protecting us, but who were instead violating our rights as if this was the old Soviet Union.

This kind of thing is either severely punished, or it becomes a precedent for a more egregious abuse...and next time it could be Democrats being spied on by a Republican Crime Apparatus. (Nixon was run out on a rail...and he only TRIED to corrupt the Justice Department.

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You want to turn this country into a banana republic where you jail your political enemies. This is just more hogwash.

Unmasking is not illegal.

The FBI wiretapped Manafort not the Trump Campaign. Maybe you can tell me what a denizen of the swamp is doing in your campaign when you are promising to drain the swamp.

You are as blindly partisan as Democrats except you want to go further. Obama only went after his enemies' tax-exempt status. You want to jail people.

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