Cory Booker: American Capitalism Is ‘Perverted’

Capitalism has been perverted by the ignorant, misled faux libertarians who don't understand that regulations and macro controls are a critical component of capitalism, not some evil beast.

Bull pucky.

Capitalism has been perverted by Keynesians like yourself.

We don't have free markets, much less free market capitalism. If you say the two together, no, we don’t have that. We have economic interventionism. We have central economic planning by a central bank. We have inflationism. We have a belief in deficit financing. That’s so far removed from free market capitalism that it’s laughable to refer to it as such, much less turn the tables and try to blame it on the very people who are pointing out the problem realistically and who actually do understand monetary policy.

But that’s how you make your living, isn’t it? You have a hell of a lot of nerve talking crap about libertarians because I promise you couldn’t hold a conversation with one with regard to economic theory and monetary policy. I, for one, have read your postings. People like you are part of the problem. Your livelyhood depends on a socialist monetary policy where the government tells the market what to do rather than the way the Constitution lays out where the market tells the government what to do. Your livelyhood depends on the government printing the dollar out of existence. and it depends on a constantly increasing national debt.
My livelihood, to the extent it depends on outside influence, is best served with stable markets and a fundamentally sound capitalist economy. We don't have either right now.

But far more important to me is the livelihood of my children, and their livelihoods are being threatened by both shallow-thinking libertarians on one end and comically naive social democrats on the other.

Fortunately, your approval of my opinion is not required.
Capitalism has been perverted by the ignorant, misled faux libertarians who don't understand that regulations and macro controls are a critical component of capitalism, not some evil beast.

Bull pucky.

Capitalism has been perverted by Keynesians like yourself.

We don't have free markets, much less free market capitalism. If you say the two together, no, we don’t have that. We have economic interventionism. We have central economic planning by a central bank. We have inflationism. We have a belief in deficit financing. That’s so far removed from free market capitalism that it’s laughable to refer to it as such, much less turn the tables and try to blame it on the very people who are pointing out the problem realistically and who actually do understand monetary policy.

But that’s how you make your living, isn’t it? You have a hell of a lot of nerve talking crap about libertarians because I promise you couldn’t hold a conversation with one with regard to economic theory and monetary policy. I, for one, have read your postings. People like you are part of the problem. Your livelyhood depends on a socialist monetary policy where the government tells the market what to do rather than the way the Constitution lays out where the market tells the government what to do. Your livelyhood depends on the government printing the dollar out of existence. and it depends on a constantly increasing national debt.
My livelihood, to the extent it depends on outside influence, is best served with stable markets and a fundamentally sound capitalist economy. We don't have either right now.

But far more important to me is the livelihood of my children, and their livelihoods are being threatened by both shallow-thinking libertarians on one end and comically naive social democrats on the other.

Fortunately, your approval of my opinion is not required.

I think it's fair to note that our children's livelihood is also being threatened by shallow-thinking Republicans too. As one can see by the inability of the GOP to control gov't spending at all. Might as be an effing Democrat.
The economy is great so if course Liberals need to cling to class warfare, promise free everything, and have no way to pay for it.
Capitalism has been perverted by the ignorant, misled faux libertarians who don't understand that regulations and macro controls are a critical component of capitalism, not some evil beast.

Bull pucky.

Capitalism has been perverted by Keynesians like yourself.

We don't have free markets, much less free market capitalism. If you say the two together, no, we don’t have that. We have economic interventionism. We have central economic planning by a central bank. We have inflationism. We have a belief in deficit financing. That’s so far removed from free market capitalism that it’s laughable to refer to it as such, much less turn the tables and try to blame it on the very people who are pointing out the problem realistically and who actually do understand monetary policy.

But that’s how you make your living, isn’t it? You have a hell of a lot of nerve talking crap about libertarians because I promise you couldn’t hold a conversation with one with regard to economic theory and monetary policy. I, for one, have read your postings. People like you are part of the problem. Your livelyhood depends on a socialist monetary policy where the government tells the market what to do rather than the way the Constitution lays out where the market tells the government what to do. Your livelyhood depends on the government printing the dollar out of existence. and it depends on a constantly increasing national debt.
My livelihood, to the extent it depends on outside influence, is best served with stable markets and a fundamentally sound capitalist economy. We don't have either right now.

But far more important to me is the livelihood of my children, and their livelihoods are being threatened by both shallow-thinking libertarians on one end and comically naive social democrats on the other.

Fortunately, your approval of my opinion is not required.

I think it's fair to note that our children's livelihood is also being threatened by shallow-thinking Republicans too. As one can see by the inability of the GOP to control gov't spending at all. Might as be an effing Democrat.
I have a simple solution to that: No tax cuts until after spending cuts.

The GOP should run on all the cuts it wants to make. If it can get elected promising to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the rest, great. Make those cuts, then they can have their tax cuts.

The party claims to want cuts in taxes and spending, but it only does one. That's pretty weak.
Capitalism without rules will eventually implode. Any human created system will, they are all imperfect. Capitalism is the best the human race has come up with, and should rule the day. Thinking it is perfect and should not be reigned in when it has to be is short sighted, and well, stupid.
BOOKER: “We have so perverted the ideal of capitalism that now we tolerate policies that are allowing a new era of monopolization, of oligarchies."

Yes, correct. Capitalism has been perverted by the ignorant, misled faux libertarians who don't understand that regulations and macro controls are a critical component of capitalism, not some evil beast.

As a result, the socialists and communists have something easy to point at, as they gain supporters by the day.

From this capitalist, I wish you folks would find another hobby.
Are you saying that the new DEM Socialist movement is being fueled by a push for more government regulations?
Sure, and more government control.

And it's being handed to them.
All I have heard from Democrats is a near unanimous cry for 'free' everything. I'm not following you, what examples of regulation and control are gaining DEM support?
Across the board, they are advocating for more centralized control. That's the basis of a euro-socialist democracy.

From education to financial institutions to health care, they would increase government involvement and, as a result, regulation.

You know, its funny, talking about a euro-socialist democracy. The Dems just LOVE to point to Sweden and talk about how great their SD is, but the truth is that going into the 70s and 80s, Sweden was one of the most successful economies in the entire world. And then they fucked it up with all these big gov't, total control socialist policies that almost ruined the place. But then they figured it out that such BS wasn't working and instead adopted lower taxes, less public spending, less regulation, and more privatization of things like Education. You know, stuff the GOP wants to do here. That have been proven to work in reality, as opposed to the socialist policies the Dems want that have proved over and over to NOT work.
yep, they have school vouchers.
BOOKER: “We have so perverted the ideal of capitalism that now we tolerate policies that are allowing a new era of monopolization, of oligarchies."

Yes, correct. Capitalism has been perverted by the ignorant, misled faux libertarians who don't understand that regulations and macro controls are a critical component of capitalism, not some evil beast.

As a result, the socialists and communists have something easy to point at, as they gain supporters by the day.

From this capitalist, I wish you folks would find another hobby.

Your right. That's because most Americans believe that 'Capitalism' means the same thing as 'Opportunism'. Anything goes to make a buck.

Capitalism is using money to make money...i.e. investments. Unfortunately our stock markets and other vehicles for investments have been turned into casinos.
BOOKER: “We have so perverted the ideal of capitalism that now we tolerate policies that are allowing a new era of monopolization, of oligarchies."

Yes, correct. Capitalism has been perverted by the ignorant, misled faux libertarians who don't understand that regulations and macro controls are a critical component of capitalism, not some evil beast.

As a result, the socialists and communists have something easy to point at, as they gain supporters by the day.

From this capitalist, I wish you folks would find another hobby.

Your right. That's because most Americans believe that 'Capitalism' means the same thing as 'Opportunism'. Anything goes to make a buck.

Capitalism is using money to make money...i.e. investments. Unfortunately our stock markets and other vehicles for investments have been turned into casinos.
We learned little from the Meltdown.
Capitalism has been perverted by the ignorant, misled faux libertarians who don't understand that regulations and macro controls are a critical component of capitalism, not some evil beast.

Bull pucky.

Capitalism has been perverted by Keynesians like yourself.

We don't have free markets, much less free market capitalism. If you say the two together, no, we don’t have that. We have economic interventionism. We have central economic planning by a central bank. We have inflationism. We have a belief in deficit financing. That’s so far removed from free market capitalism that it’s laughable to refer to it as such, much less turn the tables and try to blame it on the very people who are pointing out the problem realistically and who actually do understand monetary policy.

But that’s how you make your living, isn’t it? You have a hell of a lot of nerve talking crap about libertarians because I promise you couldn’t hold a conversation with one with regard to economic theory and monetary policy. I, for one, have read your postings. People like you are part of the problem. Your livelyhood depends on a socialist monetary policy where the government tells the market what to do rather than the way the Constitution lays out where the market tells the government what to do. Your livelyhood depends on the government printing the dollar out of existence. and it depends on a constantly increasing national debt.
My livelihood, to the extent it depends on outside influence, is best served with stable markets and a fundamentally sound capitalist economy. We don't have either right now.

But far more important to me is the livelihood of my children, and their livelihoods are being threatened by both shallow-thinking libertarians on one end and comically naive social democrats on the other.

Fortunately, your approval of my opinion is not required.

I think it's fair to note that our children's livelihood is also being threatened by shallow-thinking Republicans too. As one can see by the inability of the GOP to control gov't spending at all. Might as be an effing Democrat.
Mr. Task, if it were left up to the Democrats only, we would have no military at all. That means we'd be available to overtaking by people who'd take no pity on human life, any more than Planned Parenthood does at this moment in time of killing fields for all unborn Americans, half of whom are taken violently in their "clinics" that specialize in removing human beings inside their mothers by any means possible, and every deceit in the book about the procedure that can maul that human being's body in ways for which other mass murderers of human beings are placed in the electric chair for their multiple unfair endings they've given to women and men on purpose.

In recent years there were as many aborted human beings as there were live births.
BOOKER: “We have so perverted the ideal of capitalism that now we tolerate policies that are allowing a new era of monopolization, of oligarchies."

Yes, correct. Capitalism has been perverted by the ignorant, misled faux libertarians who don't understand that regulations and macro controls are a critical component of capitalism, not some evil beast.

As a result, the socialists and communists have something easy to point at, as they gain supporters by the day.

From this capitalist, I wish you folks would find another hobby.

Your right. That's because most Americans believe that 'Capitalism' means the same thing as 'Opportunism'. Anything goes to make a buck.

Capitalism is using money to make money...i.e. investments. Unfortunately our stock markets and other vehicles for investments have been turned into casinos.
We learned little from the Meltdown.
it's happened four or five times in our country. we never learn because sick twisted humans are involved
How are libertarians threatening their livelihoods?

BTW, there is no such thing as "stable markets." That's a statist fantasy used to justify big government.
BOOKER: “We have so perverted the ideal of capitalism that now we tolerate policies that are allowing a new era of monopolization, of oligarchies."

Yes, correct. Capitalism has been perverted by the ignorant, misled faux libertarians who don't understand that regulations and macro controls are a critical component of capitalism, not some evil beast.

As a result, the socialists and communists have something easy to point at, as they gain supporters by the day.

From this capitalist, I wish you folks would find another hobby.

Your right. That's because most Americans believe that 'Capitalism' means the same thing as 'Opportunism'. Anything goes to make a buck.

Capitalism is using money to make money...i.e. investments. Unfortunately our stock markets and other vehicles for investments have been turned into casinos.
We learned little from the Meltdown.
Au contraire. We learned a great deal. We learned that the ruling class will always take care of the extreme wealthy first and foremost. They have socialism, while the rest of us have capitalism.

Of course, not everyone learned this. Many still think O was for the people, when clearly he was only interested in helping the .1%. It looks like Trump maybe no different, though possibly not to such an appalling degree.

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