Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

Well put!

...and who can forget the loss of life and treasure a few boxcutters caused.

actually, what caused that was the Airlines fighting tooth and nail any attempts to improve airport security because it would cost too much money. All the stuff we ended up doing after 9/11 Bill Clinton wanted to do in 1996, but the Airlines opposed them.

Horse shit. After 911 when Bush wanted to put them in, it was the Democrats opposed because the unions were complaining they weren't government workers.
Read the column I posted. Get informed. Numerous studies have shown getting weapons passed the TSA, isn’t difficult.

Yet no one has managed to pull it off.

I really don't take this kind of study seriously. DHS knows how these machines work and how to fool them.

Exactly. I used to fly a lot, before and right after 9/11. I do all I can to avoid flying now, because of the BS.

As do I. But what's the alternative? Going back to Minimum Wage rent-a-cops?
Read the column I posted. Get informed. Numerous studies have shown getting weapons passed the TSA, isn’t difficult.

Yet no one has managed to pull it off.

I really don't take this kind of study seriously. DHS knows how these machines work and how to fool them.

Exactly. I used to fly a lot, before and right after 9/11. I do all I can to avoid flying now, because of the BS.

As do I. But what's the alternative? Going back to Minimum Wage rent-a-cops?
Oh brother. There have been numerous breeches of TSA security over the years. NUMEROUS.

The alternative is NOT performing unconstitutional searches of Americans. Are you aware of what the Israelis do? That would be much better.

And to think the TSA dopes are any better than rent-a-cops, isn’t logical.
Read the column I posted. Get informed. Numerous studies have shown getting weapons passed the TSA, isn’t difficult.

Yet no one has managed to pull it off.

I really don't take this kind of study seriously. DHS knows how these machines work and how to fool them.

Exactly. I used to fly a lot, before and right after 9/11. I do all I can to avoid flying now, because of the BS.

As do I. But what's the alternative? Going back to Minimum Wage rent-a-cops?
Oh brother. There have been numerous breeches of TSA security over the years. NUMEROUS.

The alternative is NOT performing unconstitutional searches of Americans. Are you aware of what the Israelis do? That would be much better.

And to think the TSA dopes are any better than rent-a-cops, isn’t logical.

From what I heard, Israel is Stereotype Central. Talk about racial profiling. If you even look close to a Palestinian or any other Arab, you get pulled out of line, searched, and anything you have with you is taken apart and searched meticulously.

But you never heard of a plane from Israel blown up or hijacked. Of course we can't do that here. Too many liberals would rather see a plane blow up in the air than to offend somebody from the middle-east by a random search. Instead, pull somebody out that won't bitch, like a 90 year old white nun.
But Joe how do you know this has anything to do with the security performed by the TSA?

How do you know it isn't?

I suspect that it's a variety of a lot of factors, such as the knowledge that post 9-11, passengers won't sit calmly in their seats anymore. That the cockpit doors are metal reinforced and can't be broken into during flight. But, yeah, the fact that they replaced minimum wage rental cops with professionals and state of the art equipment... yeah, that's probably also been a factor.
Read the column I posted. Get informed. Numerous studies have shown getting weapons passed the TSA, isn’t difficult.

TSA's 95% failure rate shows airport security is a charade
A report leaked out of the Transportation Security Administration reveals that a team of investigators from the Department of Homeland Security managed to sneak weapons and fake bombs past airport screeners in 95% of their attempts to beat the system. That means what many of us suspected all along has now been confirmed. All those expensive body and baggage scanning machines, all that intrusive rummaging through luggage, all those intimate pat-downs of little kids and grannies, all those nail clippers confiscated, all those bottles of liquids seized, all those shoes and belts taken off, all those laptops pulled out and all those thousands of frustrating hours wasted in line have been mostly for show.

They waved Adam Savage through with a pair of foot-long razors:
There are 195 nations in the world.
194 do not have a 2nd Amendment.

Feel free to hop on a plane.

Cory Booker: ‘If I Had the Power’ to Ban Guns ‘I Would’

People are free to ban guns within their own businesses,
neighborhood associations, schools, etc if you have consent
of all the people affected who agree to that policy.

This doesn't take Amending the Constitution.
It's called exercising your own beliefs, rights and freedom to participate
freely in democratic process and to form common policies with
others who SHARE your beliefs.

The Democratic party is slated to become recognized as its own religious
organization, when everyone agrees to treat platforms and beliefs
like this as a political religion, and stop trying to establish or prohibit through govt.

Anyone can exercise religious freedom of beliefs, but that doesn't mean
establishing it through govt, which is against the First Amendment.
Horse shit. After 911 when Bush wanted to put them in, it was the Democrats opposed because the unions were complaining they weren't government workers.

YOu are a little confused here, buddy.

What Bush wanted was the ability to ignore union agreements for any agency that fell under DHS. The Democrats kind of thought that was a bad idea, which of course, it was. Then you had the disgrace of him comparing a triple amputee Vietnam Vet to Bin Laden, because Bush was kind of an asshole.

Oh brother. There have been numerous breeches of TSA security over the years. NUMEROUS.

The alternative is NOT performing unconstitutional searches of Americans. Are you aware of what the Israelis do? That would be much better.

And to think the TSA dopes are any better than rent-a-cops, isn’t logical.

"They're about to fly a plane I'm on into a building... but I'm sure glad they didn't put him through a scanner before he got on the plane! That would be unconstitutional!"

The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact, buddy.

Point remains. Since TSA was instituted NO more hijackings.
From what I heard, Israel is Stereotype Central. Talk about racial profiling. If you even look close to a Palestinian or any other Arab, you get pulled out of line, searched, and anything you have with you is taken apart and searched meticulously.

But you never heard of a plane from Israel blown up or hijacked. Of course we can't do that here. Too many liberals would rather see a plane blow up in the air than to offend somebody from the middle-east by a random search. Instead, pull somebody out that won't bitch, like a 90 year old white nun.

Israel is an apartheid state where Arabs are treated like second class citizens in their own country...

No need to get on an airplane to find Jews to blow up... they can do that in restaurants and settlements.
YOu are a little confused here, buddy.

What Bush wanted was the ability to ignore union agreements for any agency that fell under DHS. The Democrats kind of thought that was a bad idea, which of course, it was. Then you had the disgrace of him comparing a triple amputee Vietnam Vet to Bin Laden, because Bush was kind of an asshole.

Not confused at all because I remember it like yesterday. Bush wanted the airports to handle their own security--not the government. But again, the Democrats didn't want non-union private workers doing the security because they couldn't create anymore government dependents that way, plus the unions were breathing down their necks, and we all know where the union money goes at election time.
From what I heard, Israel is Stereotype Central. Talk about racial profiling. If you even look close to a Palestinian or any other Arab, you get pulled out of line, searched, and anything you have with you is taken apart and searched meticulously.

But you never heard of a plane from Israel blown up or hijacked. Of course we can't do that here. Too many liberals would rather see a plane blow up in the air than to offend somebody from the middle-east by a random search. Instead, pull somebody out that won't bitch, like a 90 year old white nun.

Israel is an apartheid state where Arabs are treated like second class citizens in their own country...

No need to get on an airplane to find Jews to blow up... they can do that in restaurants and settlements.

The Jews are just much more pragmatic than our liberals in the US. If they have to offend people for the security of thousands, then that's what they do and it works. Believe it or not, the US is the only country where being offended is a major offense.

So yes, they search those people and they know it which is why they don't even try to get a bomb on a plane. Just like they are smart enough to put up a barrier to keep people out. Our liberals are just not that smart.
Not confused at all because I remember it like yesterday. Bush wanted the airports to handle their own security--not the government.

Yes, he did.. and it was a terrible idea... which is how we got 9/11 to start with. They paid minimum wage to guys who couldn't get jobs anywhere else and didn't give a shit, which is how al Qaeda was able to get boxcutters onto planes.

But again, the Democrats didn't want non-union private workers doing the security because they couldn't create anymore government dependents that way, plus the unions were breathing down their necks, and we all know where the union money goes at election time.

Yes, that would be horrible, people making a living wage protecting us from would-be hijackers!

I hear those guys can actually get health insurance. THE HORROR. The horror of it all. They should bend over and let their employers screw them. Like you do.
The Jews are just much more pragmatic than our liberals in the US. If they have to offend people for the security of thousands, then that's what they do and it works. Believe it or not, the US is the only country where being offended is a major offense.

Naw, "Pragmatic" is not living in the middle of millions of people who want to kill you.
From what I heard, Israel is Stereotype Central. Talk about racial profiling. If you even look close to a Palestinian or any other Arab, you get pulled out of line, searched, and anything you have with you is taken apart and searched meticulously.

But you never heard of a plane from Israel blown up or hijacked. Of course we can't do that here. Too many liberals would rather see a plane blow up in the air than to offend somebody from the middle-east by a random search. Instead, pull somebody out that won't bitch, like a 90 year old white nun.

Israel is an apartheid state where Arabs are treated like second class citizens in their own country...

No need to get on an airplane to find Jews to blow up... they can do that in restaurants and settlements.
It was the New World Order that you as a Prog love that set Israel up in 1947. They tried for decades to get it done. I have been on one side or the other with them in my life. Their government like ours, is corrupted. People live there. People live in the middle east. The middle east needs to be tamed and prosperity encouraged.

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