Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

The Jews are just much more pragmatic than our liberals in the US. If they have to offend people for the security of thousands, then that's what they do and it works. Believe it or not, the US is the only country where being offended is a major offense.

Naw, "Pragmatic" is not living in the middle of millions of people who want to kill you.

This comment coming from a white guy that lives in Chicago. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, he did.. and it was a terrible idea... which is how we got 9/11 to start with. They paid minimum wage to guys who couldn't get jobs anywhere else and didn't give a shit, which is how al Qaeda was able to get boxcutters onto planes.

No, security was lax because there was no real reason for it to be stringent. We never experienced anything close to 911 before it happened. And airports (unlike government) could be held liable if another 911 ever did happen. It would cost them hundreds of millions of dollars and likely shut them down. So it they took the responsibility of security, it would likely be better with less red tape than it is today.

Yes, that would be horrible, people making a living wage protecting us from would-be hijackers!

I hear those guys can actually get health insurance. THE HORROR. The horror of it all. They should bend over and let their employers screw them. Like you do.

At least I'm not screwing myself by not seeking psychological help that is badly needed.
It was the New World Order that you as a Prog love that set Israel up in 1947. They tried for decades to get it done. I have been on one side or the other with them in my life. Their government like ours, is corrupted. People live there. People live in the middle east. The middle east needs to be tamed and prosperity encouraged.

well, I think you should take up the White Man's Burden and get right on that. (Sarcasm!)
No, security was lax because there was no real reason for it to be stringent. We never experienced anything close to 911 before it happened. And airports (unlike government) could be held liable if another 911 ever did happen. It would cost them hundreds of millions of dollars and likely shut them down. So it they took the responsibility of security, it would likely be better with less red tape than it is today.

yeah, not really. The problem with this thinking is the same problem the banks have. The Airlines would just rely on the government to bail them out AFTER they went back to the min-wage rent a cop letting Abdul walk right past him

Have you been on an airliner recently... people crammed into tiny little seats, no meals, this is what the airlines are like now. I kind of used to enjoy flying in the early 1980's when I was in the service... the planes were nice and comfortable...

Now, frankly, it's like the third circle of Hell trying to get through O'Hare Airport.
Not confused at all because I remember it like yesterday. Bush wanted the airports to handle their own security--not the government.

Yes, he did.. and it was a terrible idea... which is how we got 9/11 to start with. They paid minimum wage to guys who couldn't get jobs anywhere else and didn't give a shit, which is how al Qaeda was able to get boxcutters onto planes.

At the time, the box cutters were not actually prohibited on planes.
No, security was lax because there was no real reason for it to be stringent. We never experienced anything close to 911 before it happened. And airports (unlike government) could be held liable if another 911 ever did happen. It would cost them hundreds of millions of dollars and likely shut them down. So it they took the responsibility of security, it would likely be better with less red tape than it is today.

yeah, not really. The problem with this thinking is the same problem the banks have. The Airlines would just rely on the government to bail them out AFTER they went back to the min-wage rent a cop letting Abdul walk right past him

Have you been on an airliner recently... people crammed into tiny little seats, no meals, this is what the airlines are like now. I kind of used to enjoy flying in the early 1980's when I was in the service... the planes were nice and comfortable...

Now, frankly, it's like the third circle of Hell trying to get through O'Hare Airport.

Agreed, but that has nothing to do with airport security. One time years ago I got on a flight where I was the only passenger. Granted it was very late, but today, the airlines would just cancel the flight and make you take another one. I've also been on flights where only half the plane was full, and in spite of having a ticket for a certain seat, people just sat wherever they wanted with the exception of first class.

However much like with our industry, people opt for anything that's cheaper. So airlines have to reduce costs any way possible to compete. That's why you are on planes like sardines in a can today.

I have no idea how you can just assume government does everything better than private industry. They have been proven a failure repeatedly. They insert so much unnecessary red tape it's hard for them not to F things up. That wouldn't happen if private industry controlled that. They would focus on the potential problem than being politically correct. They wouldn't be letting towel heads board a plane unchallenged while searching 90 year old nuns to be politically correct.

Air Traveler Al Gore Selected for Random Search --Twice
If it consumed me day and night, I would pay for it myself. No sense going through life miserable to save a few bucks.

Yeah, guy, just because I have a lot of fun at your expense as a battered housewife republican, doesn't mean I actually care about you as a person.

However much like with our industry, people opt for anything that's cheaper. So airlines have to reduce costs any way possible to compete. That's why you are on planes like sardines in a can today.

Okay, dummy, this is my point. If the airlines could dispense with guards they actually have to pay a decent wage to, and expensive detection equipment, they would. That's how 9/11 happened. Someone did a cost benefit analysis, realized that the cost of hijacking a plane (which up to that point usually meant taking hostages until some demand was met) was less than the cost of paying for effective security. The Clinton administration clamored for most of the 1990's for tighter security, but the GOP and the Airlines fought them tooth and nail... and that's how 9/11 happened.

I have no idea how you can just assume government does everything better than private industry. They have been proven a failure repeatedly.

Actually, what I've found is that government and business are about as equally effective. I as in the Army for 11 years, and that was damned effective. I've worked for some companies that were run by real fuckups who were only in charge because mommy left them the company, and they ran it into the ground.

The only difference is, the wealthy spend a lot of money telling you how awesome they are, and you sit there and take it up the tuckus.

That wouldn't happen if private industry controlled that. They would focus on the potential problem than being politically correct. They wouldn't be letting towel heads board a plane unchallenged while searching 90 year old nuns to be politically correct.

Did someone actually search a nun. Because unlike you, I have a few Muslim friends, and most of them tell me that they get hassled a lot more at airports than white folks do...

The point is, when private industry WAS in charge of airport security, 19 towelheads, as you say, DID get onto a plane, and we all know what happened next.
Yeah, guy, just because I have a lot of fun at your expense as a battered housewife republican, doesn't mean I actually care about you as a person.

You probably don't. With OCD, you are probably obsessed with more than just me.

Okay, dummy, this is my point. If the airlines could dispense with guards they actually have to pay a decent wage to, and expensive detection equipment, they would. That's how 9/11 happened. Someone did a cost benefit analysis, realized that the cost of hijacking a plane (which up to that point usually meant taking hostages until some demand was met) was less than the cost of paying for effective security. The Clinton administration clamored for most of the 1990's for tighter security, but the GOP and the Airlines fought them tooth and nail... and that's how 9/11 happened.

No, 911 happened because nobody was expecting it, so no extreme safeguards were in place at the time.

Did someone actually search a nun. Because unlike you, I have a few Muslim friends, and most of them tell me that they get hassled a lot more at airports than white folks do...

The point is, when private industry WAS in charge of airport security, 19 towelheads, as you say, DID get onto a plane, and we all know what happened next.

Yes, and they used box cutters which were permitted on planes at the time, just like scissors and various other sharp items. Again, nobody dreamed of something like that happening which is why no preventative measures were taken.
You probably don't. With OCD, you are probably obsessed with more than just me.

Yes, I do worry about how the White Middle Class is killing itself by supporting people who want to fuck them over....

Why don't you? Oh, that's right, you just blame the darkies.

No, 911 happened because nobody was expecting it, so no extreme safeguards were in place at the time.

No, 9/11 happened because the airlines got cheap on airport security. So cheap that Al Qaeda figured they could get away with it.

Yes, and they used box cutters which were permitted on planes at the time, just like scissors and various other sharp items. Again, nobody dreamed of something like that happening which is why no preventative measures were taken.

Did they even LOOK for box-cutters? Come on, here's the film of Mohammed Atta and his buddies walking past the "So Glad I'm not Flipping Burgers" guards...

after the Aurora theater shooting, my son started having nightmares and anxiety attacks. i should have never let him know about it. he wanted to see the new Batman, when he arrived to the theater he started crying and shaking in fear. if our sons are not safe in school or theater, they're not safe anywhere. you can avoid going to the theater but there's no avoiding going to school
You're raising a pansy.
Yes, I do worry about how the White Middle Class is killing itself by supporting people who want to fuck them over....

Why don't you? Oh, that's right, you just blame the darkies.

The middle-class hasn't done this good in decades thanks to Trump. Those hotdog vending jobs created under DumBama just wasn't cutting it. That's why the feds never raised interest rates.

Under Trump, we hit a near 50 year low in unemployment, and new lowest unemployment numbers since records were kept for minorities. We also hit a new high in median income. Those rich people are sharing the wealth. Our first quarter of this year hit 3.25 GDP, and we have an all time high in small business confidence.

Now the top running Democrats are talking about free college, free healthcare coverage, free daycare, free paid time off which would wreck the economy because they want to tax the wealthy once again--the exact opposite of what Trump did.

So if you're thinking about who to vote for to support the middle-class, you better think again on who did the most for us.

No, 9/11 happened because the airlines got cheap on airport security. So cheap that Al Qaeda figured they could get away with it.

No, it had nothing to do with cheap. What do you think TSA agents are, geniuses? They are nothing more than more overpaid government workers who can't tie their shoes without instructions. After 911 an entirely whole new set of standards went in place. It had nothing to do with airport security agents.

Did they even LOOK for box-cutters? Come on, here's the film of Mohammed Atta and his buddies walking past the "So Glad I'm not Flipping Burgers" guards...

No, they didn't look for box cutters because there was no restriction on them at the time.
if a womanizer who can't shut up got elected president in 2016, a Cory Booker can beat him and become president in 2020!

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