Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

Right about now, you'll see the liberals start talking about Trump's economy, whereas up to this point, they have been giving credit to The Obama.

Yup. Obama left Trump a good economy, and he managed to fuck it up.... No surprise there.

Here's the problem, Trump's behavior should be unacceptable no matter if the economy is good or not.

But it will probably take a major recession for you guys to admit how bad you all fucked up supporting him to start with.
The economy was already floundering BEFORE Bush ignored clear warnings from the CIA that 9/11 was coming.

CIA: "Bin Laden Determined to strike US"
Bush: "Well, you've covered your ass", and went fishing.

Company I was working for in 2001... they were laying people off in March. 9/11 was just the dog that ate everyone's homework.

Yeah, because Bush knew that Bin Laden was going to use our airplanes as weapons for the worst terrorist attack in our history. Yes, the economy was going downwards since the second term of Clinton. But the major part of that recession was caused because of 911.

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11

Yeah, that was pathetically bad. Missed forecast by over 100K In addition to that, April and March's figures were revised down by 75,000. We are heading into a recession. Probably were going there anyway.... but Trump's idiotic trade policies are making it a lot worse.

No, every jobs report under Trump was revised up, not down. Revising down happened with Hussein.

I didn't say it was a great month, but it was not a 25,000 job month either. In fact it was three times that amount. However even if no other jobs are created or lost, we still have more jobs than people to do them. That will increase as we baby boomers retire in the next couple of years.

Leftists have been saying we're heading into a recession since the day Trump took office. They are trying to brainwash people into that belief so the economy would turn negative. But guess what? It's not working. People are doing too good now and all the leftist lies are not going to change that anytime soon.
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Yeah, because Bush knew that Bin Laden was going to use our airplanes as weapons for the worst terrorist attack in our history. Yes, the economy was going downwards since the second term of Clinton. But the major part of that recession was caused because of 911.

The August 6th Briefing- the one BUsh tried to keep secret for years and is still redacted, specifically mentioned that hijacking aircraft might be something Al Qaeda would try.

But the economy was floundering because Bush did the usual Republican stupidity of giving tax cuts to rich people, and cutting back on spending. Ironically, because 9/11 caused a boost in spending, it probably triggered the small recovery we had in the mid-oughts.

I didn't say it was a great month, but it was not a 25,000 job month either. In fact it was three times that amount. However even if no other jobs are created or lost, we still have more jobs than people to do them. That will increase as we baby boomers retire in the next couple of years.

Obviously, you are confusing the ADP report (which just measures private sector) with the BLS Report (which measures everything.) But here's the thing. THEY BOTH SUCK AND INDICATE RECESSION IS COMING!

What we are probably looking at in the labor market is something similar to what we had in 2000.... companies hiring people they might not need to swoop up the available talent, only to downsize it quickly when the recession hits.

I don't think this new recession will be as bad as 2008, but it's going to be a recession. The only silver lining I see is that you guys will have no leg to stand on when excusing Trump's bad behavior.

Leftists have been saying we're heading into a recession since the day Trump took office. They are trying to brainwash people into that belief so the economy would turn negative. But guess what? It's not working. People are doing too good now and all the leftist lies are not going to change that anytime soon.

Says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company with no insurance. The economy isn't doing any better now than it was 3 years ago.... but there isn't a negro in the white house, so you're happy.
Right about now, you'll see the liberals start talking about Trump's economy, whereas up to this point, they have been giving credit to The Obama.

Yup. Obama left Trump a good economy, and he managed to fuck it up.... No surprise there.

Here's the problem, Trump's behavior should be unacceptable no matter if the economy is good or not.

But it will probably take a major recession for you guys to admit how bad you all fucked up supporting him to start with.
Only bitter fools believe Trump has "fucked up" our economy and you clearly believe that "Trump is a poopy-head" is a strong Democrat Socialist Party platform.

I respectfully suggest you run on that. :D
"High-capacity magazines are often used in mass shootings because they enable mass murders. Banning them will have a deterrent effect. Even if every shooter isn’t deterred, any shooting that does happen has a real chance of being less lethal. And to us, every life saved matters." - Senator Booker
"High-capacity magazines are often used in mass shootings because they enable mass murders. Banning them will have a deterrent effect. Even if every shooter isn’t deterred, any shooting that does happen has a real chance of being less lethal. And to us, every life saved matters." - Senator Booker
That's what he said - and you have to be exceptionally ignorant - willfully or otherwise - to believe it to be true.
It just proves how smart the founders were and how stupid our current leaders are.

If the Founders were smart, they wouldn't have laid the groundwork for having a Civil War 80 years later.

Proving, yet again, just how big an ignorant twat you are. I suggest you read the words of the WRITER of the Constitution you imbecile.
The August 6th Briefing- the one BUsh tried to keep secret for years and is still redacted, specifically mentioned that hijacking aircraft might be something Al Qaeda would try.

But the economy was floundering because Bush did the usual Republican stupidity of giving tax cuts to rich people, and cutting back on spending. Ironically, because 9/11 caused a boost in spending, it probably triggered the small recovery we had in the mid-oughts.

Even you can't be this ignorant.

The President of the US gets security briefings every day. They are all loaded with potential harms to the US. However until they have evidence of something that is "going" to happen, all they can do is monitor those threats as closely as they can. They can't act on every suspicion or information they get because most of it is bogus.

Obviously, you are confusing the ADP report (which just measures private sector) with the BLS Report (which measures everything.) But here's the thing. THEY BOTH SUCK AND INDICATE RECESSION IS COMING!

What we are probably looking at in the labor market is something similar to what we had in 2000.... companies hiring people they might not need to swoop up the available talent, only to downsize it quickly when the recession hits.

I don't think this new recession will be as bad as 2008, but it's going to be a recession. The only silver lining I see is that you guys will have no leg to stand on when excusing Trump's bad behavior.

Keep dreaming. Unlike past great economies such as the tech economy under Clinton, or the housing bubble under Bush, this economy is booming with no perks. That means it's very unlikely to crash.

Now do yourself a favor: Google job creation charts and tell me if you see anything different today than you seen several years ago. One month doesn't mean shit no more than one month of great job growth. It's not a steady thing and never was. It's yearly growth that really counts and there is no indicator in yearly growth that any recession is going to happen even with the tariffs.

Says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company with no insurance. The economy isn't doing any better now than it was 3 years ago.... but there isn't a negro in the white house, so you're happy.

It isn't? Did we have record new median household income three years ago? Did we have a 49 year low in unemployment three years ago? Did we break a record in small business confidence three years ago? Did we break a record for the lowest unemployment among minorities three years ago?

It's time to get out of the basement and look around Joe. It's been decades since we had an economy this good, and it's all due to tax breaks.

So would most Americans. Good to see a politicians with the balls to say so out loud.

Most Americans? Where are you getting your information from?

But I support your opinion that Democrats really want to disarm Americans. Say it loud, say it proud, scream it from the rooftops. If there is any way we Republicans can help you get that message out, just let us know. We will be glad to offer any assistance you want.
There are 195 nations in the world.
194 do not have a 2nd Amendment.

Feel free to hop on a plane.

Has it occurred to you the reason why 194 nations don't have something like the Second Amendment is because it's a really stupid idea?

And banning guns will not stop crazies from killing...

Sure it will.

They don't have guns, they can't do mass shootings.

Oh, they might stab or strangle people, but that would take a lot more work.
HAs it occurred to you why we are a better nation?

Because it works to have an armed population

They have mass shootings in other nations, Perpetrated by government or criminals against a helpless disarmed populace.

Feel free to move to one.
Tim McVeigh did not have a gun... Boston Bombers did not have a gun when they blew up the Boston Marathon...

Tim McVeigh had extensive training in explosive as a member of the US Army. So not really a valid comparison.

The Boston Bombers only killed three people. A real slacker compared to these school shooters.

Also will you demand all governments to eliminate their usage of firearms or will you say it is alright for them to mass murder in the name of your version of tyranny?

Guy, if the government wants to mass murder, they're going to do it if you have guns or not, and more often than not, with the wild cheering of their people. Tank beats gun. Bomber Beats Gun. Nuke beats gun.
Actually no he did not.

Mcveigh was a Bradley crewman and gunner in the Army. His training was in infantry tactics and operation of an M2 bradley vehicle. He received little or no training in explosives while in the army.

Tanks and bombers have to be manned and the men are just as vulnerable as anyone else.

Yes the government can mass murder and the people can effectively fight back
And those like you want to remove guns from the hands of law abiding citizens so you can use the government to enforce your tyranny.

No, I want to take guns away from law abiding citizens because we have 40,000 gun deaths a year.

Guns are only the issue when you can not have your way and can not force your agenda down people throats...

Uh, 90% of the population supports common sense gun control. The problem is that you have an angry bunch funded by the gun manufactuers who keep the status quo. So the rest of us have to put up with metal detectors and active shooter drills because of your fetish.

Also the September 11th hijackers used boxcutters and have killed more people in one day than any mass shooter!

Yes, they did. And a funny thing happened after that.

We put steel doors on the cockpits.
We replaced minimum wage Rent-a-cops at the airports with professional TSA agents.
We created a "Do Not Fly" list of people we didn't want to get on planes.

We did a WHOLE bunch of stuff to keep that from ever happening again.

But this was because the Airlines realized they had more to lose if this ever happened again.

The problem with gun policy is that it's dictated by the NRA, and they WANT criminals and crazy people to have guns so you'll want them too.

Also you can make a pipe bomb and funny how you downplayed the injuries that were caused by the Boston Bombers but then again you thought they were some Tea Party nutter when it happened, right

Given how many other acts of terror have been committed by teabaggers and MAGA Nazis, um, yeah, that was a fair guess.

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There are no common sense gun laws and your 90% claim is manufactured fiction
There are 195 nations in the world.
194 do not have a 2nd Amendment.

Feel free to hop on a plane.

Has it occurred to you the reason why 194 nations don't have something like the Second Amendment is because it's a really stupid idea?

And banning guns will not stop crazies from killing...

Sure it will.

They don't have guns, they can't do mass shootings.

Oh, they might stab or strangle people, but that would take a lot more work.
HAs it occurred to you why we are a better nation?

Because it works to have an armed population

They have mass shootings in other nations, Perpetrated by government or criminals against a helpless disarmed populace.

Feel free to move to one.

These people think the reason murders happen is not because of the people, it's because of an inanimate piece of metal.

In London, they have a terrible mess with people getting robbed and injured at knife point. Terrorists in the UK started using vehicles for mass murders.

You can't eliminate things that some people really want. We tried that with alcohol, we tried that with cigarettes, we tried that with recreational narcotics, and today we have a worse problem than we did 30 years ago. Therefore all you really do is disarm the victims. Then only the police and criminals will have guns.

Since the early 90's, we had a consistent decrease in gun crimes and violent crimes. During that same period, more and more stated adopted CCW permits, and most of them laws that gave an advantage to the victim instead of the criminal.

Violent crime went down until the Ferguson Effect kicked in. Police quit being proactive in their duties, and only go to calls they are summoned for. We all know the people responsible for that.

These people are amazing. When our CCW program was introduced by our Republican reps, we had a Democrat Governor at the time, and pretty much a real leftist. He signed that law because he knew vetoing it would be political suicide. He lost reelection anyway, but from a political prospective, he did the right thing by signing it.

It's been a decade and CCW classes still have waiting lists. More women are applying then men. Now they are talking about getting rid of CCW's and just allowing anybody who is not a felon conceal carry.

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