Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

But you have to walk through 3 metal detectors and have a cavity search every time you have to go to work right?

Someone must be trying to kill you

Naw, I doubt any of those things are to protect me... they're there to protect management from the employees... My last job, they had the whole setup of the building designed to separate the workers from the office, and the office from the managers.

The middle-class hasn't done this good in decades thanks to Trump. Those hotdog vending jobs created under DumBama just wasn't cutting it. That's why the feds never raised interest rates.

They are talking about cutting them again, given Trump is about to wreck the economy with his trade war.

The Middle Class is doing so good, that they are all working two jobs.

nder Trump, we hit a near 50 year low in unemployment, and new lowest unemployment numbers since records were kept for minorities. We also hit a new high in median income. Those rich people are sharing the wealth. Our first quarter of this year hit 3.25 GDP, and we have an all time high in small business confidence.

Yes, Obama left Trump a great economy, but don't worry, he's already fucking it up. All the alarm bells for recession are ringing baby.

Wall Street sounds recession-watch alarm bell - Reuters TV

Now the top running Democrats are talking about free college, free healthcare coverage, free daycare, free paid time off which would wreck the economy because they want to tax the wealthy once again--the exact opposite of what Trump did.

Yes... that's horrible. Only the Wealthy should enjoy themselves. They should all be happy like you working for no insurance to subsidize someone else's Italian Vacation.

So if you're thinking about who to vote for to support the middle-class, you better think again on who did the most for us.

I am. I am thinking the last four recessions in my lifetime all happened when the REpublicans were in charge.... It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

Trump would love to put off the next recession until 2021... where the GOP will do what it always does...screw the middle class.

No, it had nothing to do with cheap. What do you think TSA agents are, geniuses? They are nothing more than more overpaid government workers who can't tie their shoes without instructions. After 911 an entirely whole new set of standards went in place. It had nothing to do with airport security agents.

Yeah, here's the problem with that.

A TSA agent likes his good paying job. So he'll work hard and do a good job.

The minimum wage rent-a-cop..not so much. "Whatever, dude, I'm going to go back to flipping burgers."

After 9/11, we got professional security, and never had another incident like 9/11.
But you have to walk through 3 metal detectors and have a cavity search every time you have to go to work right?

Someone must be trying to kill you

Naw, I doubt any of those things are to protect me... they're there to protect management from the employees... My last job, they had the whole setup of the building designed to separate the workers from the office, and the office from the managers.

The middle-class hasn't done this good in decades thanks to Trump. Those hotdog vending jobs created under DumBama just wasn't cutting it. That's why the feds never raised interest rates.

They are talking about cutting them again, given Trump is about to wreck the economy with his trade war.

The Middle Class is doing so good, that they are all working two jobs.

nder Trump, we hit a near 50 year low in unemployment, and new lowest unemployment numbers since records were kept for minorities. We also hit a new high in median income. Those rich people are sharing the wealth. Our first quarter of this year hit 3.25 GDP, and we have an all time high in small business confidence.

Yes, Obama left Trump a great economy, but don't worry, he's already fucking it up. All the alarm bells for recession are ringing baby.

Wall Street sounds recession-watch alarm bell - Reuters TV

Now the top running Democrats are talking about free college, free healthcare coverage, free daycare, free paid time off which would wreck the economy because they want to tax the wealthy once again--the exact opposite of what Trump did.

Yes... that's horrible. Only the Wealthy should enjoy themselves. They should all be happy like you working for no insurance to subsidize someone else's Italian Vacation.

So if you're thinking about who to vote for to support the middle-class, you better think again on who did the most for us.

I am. I am thinking the last four recessions in my lifetime all happened when the REpublicans were in charge.... It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

Trump would love to put off the next recession until 2021... where the GOP will do what it always does...screw the middle class.

No, it had nothing to do with cheap. What do you think TSA agents are, geniuses? They are nothing more than more overpaid government workers who can't tie their shoes without instructions. After 911 an entirely whole new set of standards went in place. It had nothing to do with airport security agents.

Yeah, here's the problem with that.

A TSA agent likes his good paying job. So he'll work hard and do a good job.

The minimum wage rent-a-cop..not so much. "Whatever, dude, I'm going to go back to flipping burgers."

After 9/11, we got professional security, and never had another incident like 9/11.

Yeah we all know you just go to work for the cavity searches
They are talking about cutting them again, given Trump is about to wreck the economy with his trade war.

The Middle Class is doing so good, that they are all working two jobs.

So where did you read that line of bull, Mother Fn Jones?

Even if they were, at least they can unlike under Hussein.

Yes, Obama left Trump a great economy, but don't worry, he's already fucking it up. All the alarm bells for recession are ringing baby.

Of course they are, by liberals who want to see him fail. They've been predicting that since before Trump entered the White House.

From January 2017 Why Most Economists Are So Worried About Trump

Also from January 2017 Trump’s Economic Vows May Be Harder to Hit After a Slow 2016

Oh, and Trump removing intrusive and expensive regulations would never work according to this February 2017 report:

Why Trump’s 2-for-1 Rule on Regulations Is No Quick Fix

Krughead said the only way to hit 3% growth is if we get lucky; some fantastic new technology or something. Obama said Trump would need a magic wand.

You see Joe, liberals are terrible at making predictions because they are not predictions at all, they are hope.

Yes... that's horrible. Only the Wealthy should enjoy themselves. They should all be happy like you working for no insurance to subsidize someone else's Italian Vacation.

Or subsidizing some Walmart shelf stocker which was DumBama's health are plan. But I'm one up on you Joe. At least I could afford a psychiatrist if I needed one. Apparently you can't.

I am. I am thinking the last four recessions in my lifetime all happened when the REpublicans were in charge.... It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

Trump would love to put off the next recession until 2021... where the GOP will do what it always does...screw the middle class.

If the GOP are the people screwing the middle-class, how is it the only time I get screwed is when a Democrat is in office?

Yeah, here's the problem with that.

A TSA agent likes his good paying job. So he'll work hard and do a good job.

Is that why they have so many security breaches?

After 9/11, we got professional security, and never had another incident like 9/11.

It had to do with Bush's new policies on air travel, not TSA agents.
Of course they are, by liberals who want to see him fail. They've been predicting that since before Trump entered the White House.

And they were right... now it's happening.

ADP private-sector job growth tumbles to a 9-year low in May

Whoopsie... I guess pissing off all our trading partners WAS a bad idea.

If the GOP are the people screwing the middle-class, how is it the only time I get screwed is when a Democrat is in office?

Wouldn't know... I think the problem is when Republicans are in, you grease up your butthole and take it willingly... but man, you completely freaked out when a black guy got in there.

For me, Obama and Clinton presided over unprecedented growth..

The Bushes gave us three recessions between them.
And they were right... now it's happening.

ADP private-sector job growth tumbles to a 9-year low in May

Whoopsie... I guess pissing off all our trading partners WAS a bad idea.

So that's where you are basing the entire economy; on one single month? Would you like to see the numbers in the previous months? And if you look at previous years, you would see that May and June usually do fall a bit.

Wouldn't know... I think the problem is when Republicans are in, you grease up your butthole and take it willingly... but man, you completely freaked out when a black guy got in there.

For me, Obama and Clinton presided over unprecedented growth..

The Bushes gave us three recessions between them.

Really? Which Bush had two recessions? And keep in mind, a recession is considered two negative growth months in a row. Also remember that Clinton presided with a Republican Congress and Bush 1 with a Democrat Congress.
So that's where you are basing the entire economy; on one single month? Would you like to see the numbers in the previous months? And if you look at previous years, you would see that May and June usually do fall a bit.

Don't care about the previous months, guy. Just like you ignored 6 years of good job reports when the black guy did it.

But this was the worst report in 9 years.... right after Trump screwed the manufacturing sector with his tariffs.

Really? Which Bush had two recessions? And keep in mind, a recession is considered two negative growth months in a row. Also remember that Clinton presided with a Republican Congress and Bush 1 with a Democrat Congress.

Bush 43 had a recession in 2001 and 2008. The 2001 Recession was kind of awful, but you guys like to pretend that wasn't a recession, I know. It was definitely a recession if you worked in manufacturing.

I kind of see a repeat on the horizon. Companies build up inventories they think they are going to need, then start laying folks off when the shelves start gathering dust.
If it consumed me day and night, I would pay for it myself. No sense going through life miserable to save a few bucks.

Yeah, guy, just because I have a lot of fun at your expense as a battered housewife republican, doesn't mean I actually care about you as a person.

However much like with our industry, people opt for anything that's cheaper. So airlines have to reduce costs any way possible to compete. That's why you are on planes like sardines in a can today.

Okay, dummy, this is my point. If the airlines could dispense with guards they actually have to pay a decent wage to, and expensive detection equipment, they would. That's how 9/11 happened. Someone did a cost benefit analysis, realized that the cost of hijacking a plane (which up to that point usually meant taking hostages until some demand was met) was less than the cost of paying for effective security. The Clinton administration clamored for most of the 1990's for tighter security, but the GOP and the Airlines fought them tooth and nail... and that's how 9/11 happened.

I have no idea how you can just assume government does everything better than private industry. They have been proven a failure repeatedly.

Actually, what I've found is that government and business are about as equally effective. I as in the Army for 11 years, and that was damned effective. I've worked for some companies that were run by real fuckups who were only in charge because mommy left them the company, and they ran it into the ground.

The only difference is, the wealthy spend a lot of money telling you how awesome they are, and you sit there and take it up the tuckus.

That wouldn't happen if private industry controlled that. They would focus on the potential problem than being politically correct. They wouldn't be letting towel heads board a plane unchallenged while searching 90 year old nuns to be politically correct.

Did someone actually search a nun. Because unlike you, I have a few Muslim friends, and most of them tell me that they get hassled a lot more at airports than white folks do...

The point is, when private industry WAS in charge of airport security, 19 towelheads, as you say, DID get onto a plane, and we all know what happened next.

Lol.....heres a guy who saw a "photo" of Muhammad Atta at Logan and instantly concluded he was the lead hijacker because officials told us that!:113::113:

I will admit....they had me suckered for a long time!
If it consumed me day and night, I would pay for it myself. No sense going through life miserable to save a few bucks.

Yeah, guy, just because I have a lot of fun at your expense as a battered housewife republican, doesn't mean I actually care about you as a person.

However much like with our industry, people opt for anything that's cheaper. So airlines have to reduce costs any way possible to compete. That's why you are on planes like sardines in a can today.

Okay, dummy, this is my point. If the airlines could dispense with guards they actually have to pay a decent wage to, and expensive detection equipment, they would. That's how 9/11 happened. Someone did a cost benefit analysis, realized that the cost of hijacking a plane (which up to that point usually meant taking hostages until some demand was met) was less than the cost of paying for effective security. The Clinton administration clamored for most of the 1990's for tighter security, but the GOP and the Airlines fought them tooth and nail... and that's how 9/11 happened.

I have no idea how you can just assume government does everything better than private industry. They have been proven a failure repeatedly.

Actually, what I've found is that government and business are about as equally effective. I as in the Army for 11 years, and that was damned effective. I've worked for some companies that were run by real fuckups who were only in charge because mommy left them the company, and they ran it into the ground.

The only difference is, the wealthy spend a lot of money telling you how awesome they are, and you sit there and take it up the tuckus.

That wouldn't happen if private industry controlled that. They would focus on the potential problem than being politically correct. They wouldn't be letting towel heads board a plane unchallenged while searching 90 year old nuns to be politically correct.

Did someone actually search a nun. Because unlike you, I have a few Muslim friends, and most of them tell me that they get hassled a lot more at airports than white folks do...

The point is, when private industry WAS in charge of airport security, 19 towelheads, as you say, DID get onto a plane, and we all know what happened next.

Lol.....heres a guy who saw a "photo" of Muhammad Atta at Logan and instantly concluded he was the lead hijacker because officials told us that!:113::113:

I will admit....they had me suckered for a long time!

Correct. But if the government did that very exact same thing, the news would be doing a story about discrimination and racial profiling at our airports.
So that's where you are basing the entire economy; on one single month? Would you like to see the numbers in the previous months? And if you look at previous years, you would see that May and June usually do fall a bit.

Don't care about the previous months, guy. Just like you ignored 6 years of good job reports when the black guy did it.

But this was the worst report in 9 years.... right after Trump screwed the manufacturing sector with his tariffs.

Really? Which Bush had two recessions? And keep in mind, a recession is considered two negative growth months in a row. Also remember that Clinton presided with a Republican Congress and Bush 1 with a Democrat Congress.

Bush 43 had a recession in 2001 and 2008. The 2001 Recession was kind of awful, but you guys like to pretend that wasn't a recession, I know. It was definitely a recession if you worked in manufacturing.

I kind of see a repeat on the horizon. Companies build up inventories they think they are going to need, then start laying folks off when the shelves start gathering dust.

You dummy....we are overdue for a downturn. Were you asleep in 1981.....1991....2000....2008?

Sadly, I think a downturn is imminent and is going to train wreck Trump in 2020 who would otherwise cakewalk to a second term.

The Next Stage Of The Engineered Global Economic Reset Has Arrived
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Don't care about the previous months, guy. Just like you ignored 6 years of good job reports when the black guy did it.

But this was the worst report in 9 years.... right after Trump screwed the manufacturing sector with his tariffs.

Good job reports? Walmart and McDonald's jobs are not good job reports.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Bush 43 had a recession in 2001 and 2008. The 2001 Recession was kind of awful, but you guys like to pretend that wasn't a recession, I know. It was definitely a recession if you worked in manufacturing.

I kind of see a repeat on the horizon. Companies build up inventories they think they are going to need, then start laying folks off when the shelves start gathering dust.

Yeah, that damn GW caused 911 that ruined our economy. It must be the Republicans fault.

Well I'm seeing a repeat on the horizon myself. One of the best indicators for the economy are packaging places. Our box customers are calling us every day to handle deliveries their drivers don't have time to get to. In fact our largest one calls us for about five or six deliveries every day.

What you see on your horizon is wishful thinking. Consumer confidence way up, business confidence the same, and interest rates on the rise all tell me you are no economist.
Don't care about the previous months, guy. Just like you ignored 6 years of good job reports when the black guy did it.

But this was the worst report in 9 years.... right after Trump screwed the manufacturing sector with his tariffs.

Good job reports? Walmart and McDonald's jobs are not good job reports.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Bush 43 had a recession in 2001 and 2008. The 2001 Recession was kind of awful, but you guys like to pretend that wasn't a recession, I know. It was definitely a recession if you worked in manufacturing.

I kind of see a repeat on the horizon. Companies build up inventories they think they are going to need, then start laying folks off when the shelves start gathering dust.

Yeah, that damn GW caused 911 that ruined our economy. It must be the Republicans fault.

Well I'm seeing a repeat on the horizon myself. One of the best indicators for the economy are packaging places. Our box customers are calling us every day to handle deliveries their drivers don't have time to get to. In fact our largest one calls us for about five or six deliveries every day.

What you see on your horizon is wishful thinking. Consumer confidence way up, business confidence the same, and interest rates on the rise all tell me you are no economist.

Hey man....this guy you are responding to is a deep matrix dweller. Perhaps the most prolific on the entire board. On economics, a Krugman stooge so waaaaay fringe. He posts propaganda routinely....resents the shit out if his own country. Angry, jealous and miserable....must blame the man for his own personal fuck ups :gay::gay:

Check out the post count total :ack-1:

Backs up all of my assertions.
You dummy....we are overdue for a downturn. Were you asleep in 1981.....1991....2000....2008?
Sadly, I think a downturn is imminent and is going to train wreck Trump in 2020 who would otherwise cakewalk to a second term.
The Next Stage Of The Engineered Global Economic Reset Has Arrived
Right about now, you'll see the liberals start talking about Trump's economy, whereas up to this point, they have been giving credit to The Obama.

And they will continue to give DumBama credit until the economy starts going bad or Trump's second term is up.
And they were right... now it's happening.

ADP private-sector job growth tumbles to a 9-year low in May

Whoopsie... I guess pissing off all our trading partners WAS a bad idea.

I normally don't respond to a post twice, but an update today says the jobs crated in May was a revised 75,000.

This is very common with Trump. They always underestimate new jobs and then revise them upwards. I seem to remember it was just the opposite of Hussein. HIs job numbers were always reported larger than the actual jobs gained, and revised downwards later on when nobody was paying attention. Why do you suppose that is????
Every day in America, 100 lives are lost to gun violence. Every year, 3 million children witness that violence.‬ ‪It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time to step up. Hold elected officials accountable — and end the NRA’s death grip on our laws.‬
"92% of all women killed by guns in high-income countries lived in the United States in 2015. It doesn’t have to be this way. When elected president, I will close the “boyfriend loophole” to prevent dating partners convicted of domestic violence from purchasing guns." - Crazy Cory Booker
Yeah, that damn GW caused 911 that ruined our economy. It must be the Republicans fault.

The economy was already floundering BEFORE Bush ignored clear warnings from the CIA that 9/11 was coming.

CIA: "Bin Laden Determined to strike US"
Bush: "Well, you've covered your ass", and went fishing.

Company I was working for in 2001... they were laying people off in March. 9/11 was just the dog that ate everyone's homework.

I normally don't respond to a post twice, but an update today says the jobs crated in May was a revised 75,000.

Yeah, that was pathetically bad. Missed forecast by over 100K In addition to that, April and March's figures were revised down by 75,000. We are heading into a recession. Probably were going there anyway.... but Trump's idiotic trade policies are making it a lot worse.

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