Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

At some point the American people will apply a litmus test to every race for Congress - you’re either with us or you’re with the gun lobby. And if you’re with them, you’re out. Until that moment comes (and it’s coming), this won’t change
after the Aurora theater shooting, my son started having nightmares and anxiety attacks. i should have never let him know about it. he wanted to see the new Batman, when he arrived to the theater he started crying and shaking in fear. if our sons are not safe in school or theater, they're not safe anywhere. you can avoid going to the theater but there's no avoiding going to school
what I say to Republicans who claim background checks won't work because criminals don't try to buy guns legally: crooks are dumber than you think, and we have the stats to prove it.
At some point the American people will apply a litmus test to every race for Congress - you’re either with us or you’re with the gun lobby. And if you’re with them, you’re out. Until that moment comes (and it’s coming), this won’t change
And you'll come for our guns..
And we'll shoot you.
Because the people who wrote and ratified the 2nd Amendment had people like you in mind.
after the Aurora theater shooting, my son started having nightmares and anxiety attacks. i should have never let him know about it. he wanted to see the new Batman, when he arrived to the theater he started crying and shaking in fear. if our sons are not safe in school or theater, they're not safe anywhere. you can avoid going to the theater but there's no avoiding going to school
Your kid's irrational fears are not a reasoned, rational argument for limits on my rights.
what I say to Republicans who claim background checks won't work because criminals don't try to buy guns legally: crooks are dumber than you think, and we have the stats to prove it.
No you don't.
There's nothing to support he idea background checks "work".
See, everyone knows someone who can legally buy a gun.
Thus, everyone can get a gun.
There are 195 nations in the world.
194 do not have a 2nd Amendment.

Feel free to hop on a plane.

Cory Booker: ‘If I Had the Power’ to Ban Guns ‘I Would’
Well put!

...and who can forget the loss of life and treasure a few boxcutters caused.

actually, what caused that was the Airlines fighting tooth and nail any attempts to improve airport security because it would cost too much money. All the stuff we ended up doing after 9/11 Bill Clinton wanted to do in 1996, but the Airlines opposed them.
Well put!

...and who can forget the loss of life and treasure a few boxcutters caused.

actually, what caused that was the Airlines fighting tooth and nail any attempts to improve airport security because it would cost too much money. All the stuff we ended up doing after 9/11 Bill Clinton wanted to do in 1996, but the Airlines opposed them.
That’s funny Joe. You really think the TSA is effective and could have prevented 9/11.


TSA's 95% failure rate shows airport security is a charade
But Joe how do you know this has anything to do with the security performed by the TSA?

How do you know it isn't?

I suspect that it's a variety of a lot of factors, such as the knowledge that post 9-11, passengers won't sit calmly in their seats anymore. That the cockpit doors are metal reinforced and can't be broken into during flight. But, yeah, the fact that they replaced minimum wage rental cops with professionals and state of the art equipment... yeah, that's probably also been a factor.
But Joe how do you know this has anything to do with the security performed by the TSA?

How do you know it isn't?

I suspect that it's a variety of a lot of factors, such as the knowledge that post 9-11, passengers won't sit calmly in their seats anymore. That the cockpit doors are metal reinforced and can't be broken into during flight. But, yeah, the fact that they replaced minimum wage rental cops with professionals and state of the art equipment... yeah, that's probably also been a factor.
I remember when being on a flight was made enjoyable by the airline, the pilots and the stewardesses. Now its like being in a gulag. Even if you eliminate people who verbally get political. Yes we like the loss of unalienable rights. yes we do.
But Joe how do you know this has anything to do with the security performed by the TSA?

How do you know it isn't?

I suspect that it's a variety of a lot of factors, such as the knowledge that post 9-11, passengers won't sit calmly in their seats anymore. That the cockpit doors are metal reinforced and can't be broken into during flight. But, yeah, the fact that they replaced minimum wage rental cops with professionals and state of the art equipment... yeah, that's probably also been a factor.
Read the column I posted. Get informed. Numerous studies have shown getting weapons passed the TSA, isn’t difficult.

TSA's 95% failure rate shows airport security is a charade
A report leaked out of the Transportation Security Administration reveals that a team of investigators from the Department of Homeland Security managed to sneak weapons and fake bombs past airport screeners in 95% of their attempts to beat the system. That means what many of us suspected all along has now been confirmed. All those expensive body and baggage scanning machines, all that intrusive rummaging through luggage, all those intimate pat-downs of little kids and grannies, all those nail clippers confiscated, all those bottles of liquids seized, all those shoes and belts taken off, all those laptops pulled out and all those thousands of frustrating hours wasted in line have been mostly for show.
But Joe how do you know this has anything to do with the security performed by the TSA?

How do you know it isn't?

I suspect that it's a variety of a lot of factors, such as the knowledge that post 9-11, passengers won't sit calmly in their seats anymore. That the cockpit doors are metal reinforced and can't be broken into during flight. But, yeah, the fact that they replaced minimum wage rental cops with professionals and state of the art equipment... yeah, that's probably also been a factor.
I remember when being on a flight was made enjoyable by the airline, the pilots and the stewardesses. Now its like being in a gulag. Even if you eliminate people who verbally get political. Yes we like the loss of unalienable rights. yes we do.
Exactly. I used to fly a lot, before and right after 9/11. I do all I can to avoid flying now, because of the BS.
If I had the power to ban Liberals I would. I would enact common sense anti Liberal laws. I would do it for the children.

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