Cosmopolitan: Dressing Your Kid Up as Moana Is Cultural Appropriation

People with this new cultural appropriation disease, need to be tied by their ankles to the nearest car and dragged down a rocky road.
People with this new cultural appropriation disease, need to be tied by their ankles to the nearest car and dragged down a rocky road.
I agree 100%. The strength of this country is that we have adopted the customs, etc. of other cultures. The SJW left is trying to take that away, which will make us no better than any other country.
Some people just love to suck all the fun out of the room.
So who will be offended by my Macho Man Randy Savage Costume?

Ohhh yeah!

I think I will dress up this year as the scariest thing a liberal would ever want to see. I'm going as a white, conservative male.

Just not like this guy....


Where did you get my picture?
This shows just how brain-addled liberals are: getting offended on behalf of others when no offense it taken. As someone who has been to Hawaii, Tahiti and the Cook Islands multiple times, I can tell you from experience that the Polynesian locals LOVE it when their white visitors show interest & enthusiasm for their culture. They ENJOY showing off their culture to other people.
A culture cannot be copyrighted or trademarked. Culture is in the public domain.

I'll appropriate anything I damn well please, thank you.
Fuck 'em! I'm dressing up as the Frito Bandito and speaking in the most outrageous Mexican accenT I can muster.

Si Senorita!
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I agree 100%. The strength of this country is that we have adopted the customs, etc. of other cultures. The SJW left is trying to take that away, which will make us no better than any other country.
Everyday we are treated to a new outrage. I think this is being done purposely to cause so much chaos that the people tune out and turn off. Then while we're not looking, the communists take over.

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