Cost-Benefit Analysis Trump Tariffs

Yep, this is too funny. Just had someone explain that a production facility in Mexico does not have to:
(1) pay a living wage
(2) pay over time after 40 hours
(3) offer health insurance/options
(4) maintain a safe work environment similar to OSHA regulation in US (workers at great risk of work related illness/injury/death)
(5) abide by environmental laws (they can pollute the environment with impunity)

And, Trump is evil for putting tariffs on Mexico.

The tariffs only harm the elites and the super-rich like the criminal Joe Biden and his even more criminal son -- Not Just Ukraine; Biden May Have A Serious China Problem As Schweizer Exposes Hunter's $1bn Deal

Of course, Biden is a dimocrap so one should automatically infer that he is a criminal. If you do, you will be correct 99.99% of the time.

This has been going on since the FDR days. It's time it stopped. It's time America took its jobs back. It's time America defended the working class again.

Free and open trade is the hallmark of a peaceful world. But there's nothing free and open with the way China and Mexico do business with us.


As always, everything the conservative says in fact is WRONG.

1. Tariffs are paid by IMPORTERS, so the Mexicans/Chinese/Canadians are paying NOTHING to export their goods to the USA. Tariff's are being paid by the IMPORTERS - Americans, who generally pass that tax along to consumers.

2. The tariffs are paid MOSTLY by poor people, because rich people aren't buying cheap crap at Walmart. Since Trump is particularly nailing consumer goods with his tariff's, this is affecting poor people the MOST.

3. 30% of the good Americans import from Mexico are partially manufactured in the United States, so if Trump puts tariffs on these products as threatened, this could harm American jobs too.

Tariffs are SUPPOSED to be a last ditch punishment when countries refuse to negotiate with him. Trump is just inflicting tariffs willy, nilly with no plan or strategy in their application. In the case of the southern border, he's using a shotgun to kill a fly. The blast will do a lot of harm, and may miss the fly entirely.

You also have to once again note that Trump is the WORST negotiator ever. His opening gambit is always an attempt to bully someone into doing something he wants. As any good negotiator will tell you, you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

Walking out of his first budget meeting with Nancy Pelosi without even hearing what she was offering was his dumbest move to date, and it cost the country 1% in GDP for the YEAR. Dumb, dumb Donald. And then he caved in and re-opened the government and got NOTHING in return. He shut down the government, cost the American people hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenues and income, and got nothing for all that fiscal pain. Art of the Deal indeed.

Watching the Trump White House and how it functions, I am reminded that the guy who lost 1 billion dollars in the 80's - that's $100 million dollars in losses every year for 10 years, the most in American history, and who has helmed 7 major corporate bankrtupcies - also a record for American businessmen, who American bankers refuse to lend to because their banks have incurred billions in losses lending to him, is still revered as a great businessman by the fools who voted for him.

Trump always said he'd run the country like he runs his businesses and that certainly has been the case. Chaos, disfunction, mismanagement and massive amounts of debt. Law suits at every turn, because Trump refuses to honour the rules laid out in the Constitution, just like he has consistenly refused to honour the contracts he signed in his businesses, and ended up in 3000+ law suits, again a record for an American businessman.

You have elected the worst businessman in American history, and he is undermining and destroying your economy at every turn. The trade imbalance with China is NOT going down. Illegal border crossings, which were at an all-time low when Trump took office, are now at a 15 year high, and you're moving troops into the Middle East, and there's talk of war with Iran.

Good luck with that.
Your last paragraph was a riot.

You found 'Good luck with that' a riot? seem to attain riot-status rather easily.

So noted.

Have a nice day.

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