Cost-Benefit Analysis Trump Tariffs

Let them. Brazil won't be able to keep up with their demand. Meanwhile, our farmers can move on to other useful crops.

Brazil isn't really making much money, at all, on their soybean exports to China.

So what's going on here is, China is getting hurt really bad in the pork market. It's their favorite meat over there. Between cutting back on soy imports from the US, and the swine disease, they've had to increase their purchases of actual pork from the US by a lot.

REALLY a lot.

US Pork Exports to China Could Set Record This Year

China could increase U.S. pork imports to the highest ever this year as part of its commitment to bolster purchases of American farm goods to resolve the trade war between the countries, according to sources familiar with the situation.

China may buy as much as 300,000 metric tons of pork in 2019, the sources said. That amount would be about 80% more than the 166,000 tons it bought from the United States in 2017, before the trade war started. One source said the Asian nation could order 200,000 tons in the first half of the year alone.

But dimocrap scum get ALL their news (as fake as it could possibly be) from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media

Which do you think costs more? A hundred pounds of soybeans or a hundred pounds of pork?

Which do you think has more built-in profit?

dimocrap scum just simply run with whatever lies the DISGUSTING FILTH is telling them and repeat those lies like its God's own words.

Know why?

Because they're fucking stupid

From a few years ago, just to give you an idea --

U.S. pork exports to China continue to climb

WASHINGTON, May 11, 2016 - U.S. pork exports to China are rising sharply and there’s no sign of a slowdown anytime soon.

Exporters shipped about $72 million worth of pork to China in just the first three months of this year, a 250 percent increase from the same period in 2015, according to data from USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service, showing a welcoming trend for the industry.

China is producing an abundance of many commodities like steel and aluminum, but pork production just isn’t meeting demand, said Joe Schuele, communications director for the U.S. Meat Export Federation. And until it does, U.S. pork producers will be living high on the hog.
Our number one customer of soybeans has stopped buying them all together. That is why Trump is handing them and other farmers and extra 28 billion dollars in redistributed tax dollars over a 2 year get them to forget the pain he has caused them.
So buyers 2 through 5 stopped buying?

When the number one buyer of soybeans find that their people are starving, think they'll continue to boycott our soy?

Let's see how it shakes out, shall we?

Ah..Dark, they are buying them from Brazil. But I will give Trump credit for improving the Brazilian economy!
Let them. Brazil won't be able to keep up with their demand. Meanwhile, our farmers can move on to other useful crops.

What do you suggest the grain farmers in the mid-west shift to?
Whatever they find that can be profitable.

Grain corn is making inroads into the energy market I hear.

I really can't understand the inconsistency of a mindset that wants to tax business at 70 to 90 percent, yet scream at tariffs that will be a 2 to 3 hundred billion dollars in a 5 trillion dollar economy.

Those against the tariffs are making the argument that this tax is being foisted off on the consumer, but a 90% business tax is ALSO being foisted off on the consumer and they don't even care.

This boils down to "I hate Trump".

The real difference here is that the tariff is temporary in nature, used to modify the behavior of foreigners so that America gets a more level playing field. When China and Mexico capitulate, and they will, the tariffs go away but America is in a better place in the trade arena.

Will it be a bit painful? Yes.

But then, so is chemotherapy.

"Modify the economy", and "Temporary". I think I have heard those terms before... Oh yes! Five year plans! Used to be really popular in the Soviet Union!
But then, so is chemotherapy.

We put a stop to other countries ripping us off, destroying our businesses, and stealing from us or we won't have a country.
In My opinion, Trump is doing this wrong.

I would tell All nations, but particularly China, that in order to import goods into the US, you must pay a 25% service fee which you cannot pass along to your wholesale price.

I would also look at rescending the 'most favored nation' trading list and remove China from it.
So buyers 2 through 5 stopped buying?

When the number one buyer of soybeans find that their people are starving, think they'll continue to boycott our soy?

Let's see how it shakes out, shall we?

Ah..Dark, they are buying them from Brazil. But I will give Trump credit for improving the Brazilian economy!
Let them. Brazil won't be able to keep up with their demand. Meanwhile, our farmers can move on to other useful crops.

What do you suggest the grain farmers in the mid-west shift to?
Whatever they find that can be profitable.

Grain corn is making inroads into the energy market I hear.

I really can't understand the inconsistency of a mindset that wants to tax business at 70 to 90 percent, yet scream at tariffs that will be a 2 to 3 hundred billion dollars in a 5 trillion dollar economy.

Those against the tariffs are making the argument that this tax is being foisted off on the consumer, but a 90% business tax is ALSO being foisted off on the consumer and they don't even care.

This boils down to "I hate Trump".

The real difference here is that the tariff is temporary in nature, used to modify the behavior of foreigners so that America gets a more level playing field. When China and Mexico capitulate, and they will, the tariffs go away but America is in a better place in the trade arena.

Will it be a bit painful? Yes.

But then, so is chemotherapy.

"Modify the economy", and "Temporary". I think I have heard those terms before... Oh yes! Five year plans! Used to be really popular in the Soviet Union!
I'm sure you believe that. We know that corporate and business tax is always so permanent that it takes an act of God to remove them, or an act of the GOP.

BTW, I said nothing about a 5-year plan or modifying the economy.
Whatever they find that can be profitable.

Grain corn is making inroads into the energy market I hear.

To be profitable there has to be a market. This past week I was with a large group of grain farmers and the topic of hemp came up while waiting for dinner to arrive. There was some talk about if it would be worthwhile to put in some acres of hemp for fiber (not the oil). One of the farmers pointed out that while he has seen lots and lots of people talk about planting it, he has not seen a single company offering to buy it yet.

Trump easing the restrictions on ethanol use will be helpful for corn growers, but if all the land in beans moved to corn the market would crash like a lead balloon.

I really can't understand the inconsistency of a mindset that wants to tax business at 70 to 90 percent, yet scream at tariffs that will be a 2 to 3 hundred billion dollars in a 5 trillion dollar economy.

I agree.

The real difference here is that the tariff is temporary in nature, used to modify the behavior of foreigners so that America gets a more level playing field. When China and Mexico capitulate, and they will, the tariffs go away but America is in a better place in the trade arena.

Will it be a bit painful? Yes.

But then, so is chemotherapy.

There is no guarantee that China or Mexico will capitulate. If we were in a trade war with one or the other it would be easier, but since Trump choose to start a trade war with the whole world at the same time, we are just giving them all incentives to learn to live without the US as their main customer.
But then, so is chemotherapy.

We put a stop to other countries ripping us off, destroying our businesses, and stealing from us or we won't have a country.
In My opinion, Trump is doing this wrong.

I would tell All nations, but particularly China, that in order to import goods into the US, you must pay a 25% service fee which you cannot pass along to your wholesale price.

I would also look at rescending the 'most favored nation' trading list and remove China from it.

Trump is walking a tightrope, hit China so it hurts yet avoid doing too much damage to our own economy. I tend to agree with his longer term strategy. We can weather a long protracted trade war China can't. If both countries turn broadsides and let loose the 16 inch guns there's going to be some damage.
China can just trade with the rest of the world.
Economists say US companies and US consumers pay. Just look at the stock market in the past month. Add the farm bailout, and you pay twice.

That's just stupid. But, so are you.

And yes, it IS your fault for getting your news from stupid people. You repeat news from stupid people and you're gonna be stupid, yourself.

The exporter has to absorb much of, if not all of, the tariff thereby reducing their profit substantially.

You hit Walmart with a 25% increase on a product and they're gonna tell you to go fuck your dead aunt. Quick.


Besides, when did China become the ONLY manufacturer of widgits on the Planet? We don't make any here??

dimocraps are incapable of understanding even the most basic of economics.

Because, well, sadly.....

They're just too fucking stupid.
Where are your economists that support your claims, or are you just making it up?

These are the economists I believe: Economists say US companies and US consumers pay.
Ah..Dark, they are buying them from Brazil. But I will give Trump credit for improving the Brazilian economy!
Let them. Brazil won't be able to keep up with their demand. Meanwhile, our farmers can move on to other useful crops.

What do you suggest the grain farmers in the mid-west shift to?
Whatever they find that can be profitable.

Grain corn is making inroads into the energy market I hear.

I really can't understand the inconsistency of a mindset that wants to tax business at 70 to 90 percent, yet scream at tariffs that will be a 2 to 3 hundred billion dollars in a 5 trillion dollar economy.

Those against the tariffs are making the argument that this tax is being foisted off on the consumer, but a 90% business tax is ALSO being foisted off on the consumer and they don't even care.

This boils down to "I hate Trump".

The real difference here is that the tariff is temporary in nature, used to modify the behavior of foreigners so that America gets a more level playing field. When China and Mexico capitulate, and they will, the tariffs go away but America is in a better place in the trade arena.

Will it be a bit painful? Yes.

But then, so is chemotherapy.

"Modify the economy", and "Temporary". I think I have heard those terms before... Oh yes! Five year plans! Used to be really popular in the Soviet Union!
I'm sure you believe that. We know that corporate and business tax is always so permanent that it takes an act of God to remove them, or an act of the GOP.

Well, now, that confuses me a little. Trump went at least 9 years without paying taxes while he lost $10 billion. GE and Microsoft, among about 50 other major companies, have not paid income tax in years. The oil and mining industries get depletion allowances to offset their income. Sounds like the only people paying income taxes is the shrinking middle class, which is now being supplemented by the poor, who are paying higher prices due to Trump's tariff war.
Whatever they find that can be profitable.

Grain corn is making inroads into the energy market I hear.

To be profitable there has to be a market. This past week I was with a large group of grain farmers and the topic of hemp came up while waiting for dinner to arrive. There was some talk about if it would be worthwhile to put in some acres of hemp for fiber (not the oil). One of the farmers pointed out that while he has seen lots and lots of people talk about planting it, he has not seen a single company offering to buy it yet.

Trump easing the restrictions on ethanol use will be helpful for corn growers, but if all the land in beans moved to corn the market would crash like a lead balloon.

I really can't understand the inconsistency of a mindset that wants to tax business at 70 to 90 percent, yet scream at tariffs that will be a 2 to 3 hundred billion dollars in a 5 trillion dollar economy.

I agree.

The real difference here is that the tariff is temporary in nature, used to modify the behavior of foreigners so that America gets a more level playing field. When China and Mexico capitulate, and they will, the tariffs go away but America is in a better place in the trade arena.

Will it be a bit painful? Yes.

But then, so is chemotherapy.

There is no guarantee that China or Mexico will capitulate. If we were in a trade war with one or the other it would be easier, but since Trump choose to start a trade war with the whole world at the same time, we are just giving them all incentives to learn to live without the US as their main customer.
There is no guarantee in life. It is a shame that China wasn't open to more fair negotiations, but it is what it is.

Tariffs are not the best tool in the box, but they are a viable tool, nonetheless.

As Edge pointed out, China cannot depend on anyone for any length of time to supply them with the quantities that they need except the US.

They'll capitulate. Mexico is already starting to waffle.
But then, so is chemotherapy.

We put a stop to other countries ripping us off, destroying our businesses, and stealing from us or we won't have a country.
In My opinion, Trump is doing this wrong.

I would tell All nations, but particularly China, that in order to import goods into the US, you must pay a 25% service fee which you cannot pass along to your wholesale price.

I would also look at rescending the 'most favored nation' trading list and remove China from it.

Trump is walking a tightrope, hit China so it hurts yet avoid doing too much damage to our own economy. I tend to agree with his longer term strategy. We can weather a long protracted trade war China can't. If both countries turn broadsides and let loose the 16 inch guns there's going to be some damage.

The rope would not have been near as thin had he not also chosen to hit the UE and Canada and Mexico also. History shows us that multi-front wars rarely turn out well.
Let them. Brazil won't be able to keep up with their demand. Meanwhile, our farmers can move on to other useful crops.

What do you suggest the grain farmers in the mid-west shift to?
Whatever they find that can be profitable.

Grain corn is making inroads into the energy market I hear.

I really can't understand the inconsistency of a mindset that wants to tax business at 70 to 90 percent, yet scream at tariffs that will be a 2 to 3 hundred billion dollars in a 5 trillion dollar economy.

Those against the tariffs are making the argument that this tax is being foisted off on the consumer, but a 90% business tax is ALSO being foisted off on the consumer and they don't even care.

This boils down to "I hate Trump".

The real difference here is that the tariff is temporary in nature, used to modify the behavior of foreigners so that America gets a more level playing field. When China and Mexico capitulate, and they will, the tariffs go away but America is in a better place in the trade arena.

Will it be a bit painful? Yes.

But then, so is chemotherapy.

"Modify the economy", and "Temporary". I think I have heard those terms before... Oh yes! Five year plans! Used to be really popular in the Soviet Union!
I'm sure you believe that. We know that corporate and business tax is always so permanent that it takes an act of God to remove them, or an act of the GOP.

Well, now, that confuses me a little. Trump went at least 9 years without paying taxes while he lost $10 billion. GE and Microsoft, among about 50 other major companies, have not paid income tax in years. The oil and mining industries get depletion allowances to offset their income. Sounds like the only people paying income taxes is the shrinking middle class, which is now being supplemented by the poor, who are paying higher prices due to Trump's tariff war.

You failed to mention GM one of the Dem's pet corporations. Did they pay taxes when taxpayers had to gift them $50 billion to bail them out? I think we all know why you accidently forgot to include them. :icon_rolleyes:
There is no guarantee in life. It is a shame that China wasn't open to more fair negotiations, but it is what it is.

Tariffs are not the best tool in the box, but they are a viable tool, nonetheless.

As Edge pointed out, China cannot depend on anyone for any length of time to supply them with the quantities that they need except the US.

They'll capitulate. Mexico is already starting to waffle.

Who China can depend on is changing, mostly due to this trade war and China being proactive.
But then, so is chemotherapy.

We put a stop to other countries ripping us off, destroying our businesses, and stealing from us or we won't have a country.
In My opinion, Trump is doing this wrong.

I would tell All nations, but particularly China, that in order to import goods into the US, you must pay a 25% service fee which you cannot pass along to your wholesale price.

I would also look at rescending the 'most favored nation' trading list and remove China from it.

Trump is walking a tightrope, hit China so it hurts yet avoid doing too much damage to our own economy. I tend to agree with his longer term strategy. We can weather a long protracted trade war China can't. If both countries turn broadsides and let loose the 16 inch guns there's going to be some damage.

The rope would not have been near as thin had he not also chosen to hit the UE and Canada and Mexico also. History shows us that multi-front wars rarely turn out well.

Still waiting for your brilliant alternative plan.
Let them. Brazil won't be able to keep up with their demand. Meanwhile, our farmers can move on to other useful crops.

What do you suggest the grain farmers in the mid-west shift to?
Whatever they find that can be profitable.

Grain corn is making inroads into the energy market I hear.

I really can't understand the inconsistency of a mindset that wants to tax business at 70 to 90 percent, yet scream at tariffs that will be a 2 to 3 hundred billion dollars in a 5 trillion dollar economy.

Those against the tariffs are making the argument that this tax is being foisted off on the consumer, but a 90% business tax is ALSO being foisted off on the consumer and they don't even care.

This boils down to "I hate Trump".

The real difference here is that the tariff is temporary in nature, used to modify the behavior of foreigners so that America gets a more level playing field. When China and Mexico capitulate, and they will, the tariffs go away but America is in a better place in the trade arena.

Will it be a bit painful? Yes.

But then, so is chemotherapy.

"Modify the economy", and "Temporary". I think I have heard those terms before... Oh yes! Five year plans! Used to be really popular in the Soviet Union!
I'm sure you believe that. We know that corporate and business tax is always so permanent that it takes an act of God to remove them, or an act of the GOP.

Well, now, that confuses me a little. Trump went at least 9 years without paying taxes while he lost $10 billion. GE and Microsoft, among about 50 other major companies, have not paid income tax in years. The oil and mining industries get depletion allowances to offset their income. Sounds like the only people paying income taxes is the shrinking middle class, which is now being supplemented by the poor, who are paying higher prices due to Trump's tariff war.
They do pay income taxes. They pass those costs to the taxpayer and then take advantage of existing loopholes.

Of course, My point was that those who oppose the tariffs were the same ones who said we need to close business loopholes, increase the Minimum Tax that they must pay, oh and oh yeah, raise their marginal rate to 90%.

All the while denying that these costs would affect the 'little guy'.
What do you suggest the grain farmers in the mid-west shift to?
Whatever they find that can be profitable.

Grain corn is making inroads into the energy market I hear.

I really can't understand the inconsistency of a mindset that wants to tax business at 70 to 90 percent, yet scream at tariffs that will be a 2 to 3 hundred billion dollars in a 5 trillion dollar economy.

Those against the tariffs are making the argument that this tax is being foisted off on the consumer, but a 90% business tax is ALSO being foisted off on the consumer and they don't even care.

This boils down to "I hate Trump".

The real difference here is that the tariff is temporary in nature, used to modify the behavior of foreigners so that America gets a more level playing field. When China and Mexico capitulate, and they will, the tariffs go away but America is in a better place in the trade arena.

Will it be a bit painful? Yes.

But then, so is chemotherapy.

"Modify the economy", and "Temporary". I think I have heard those terms before... Oh yes! Five year plans! Used to be really popular in the Soviet Union!
I'm sure you believe that. We know that corporate and business tax is always so permanent that it takes an act of God to remove them, or an act of the GOP.

Well, now, that confuses me a little. Trump went at least 9 years without paying taxes while he lost $10 billion. GE and Microsoft, among about 50 other major companies, have not paid income tax in years. The oil and mining industries get depletion allowances to offset their income. Sounds like the only people paying income taxes is the shrinking middle class, which is now being supplemented by the poor, who are paying higher prices due to Trump's tariff war.

You failed to mention GM one of the Dem's pet corporations. Did they pay taxes when taxpayers had to gift them $50 billion to bail them out? I think we all know why you accidently forgot to include them. :icon_rolleyes:

Do your homework. The government bought stock in GM. After GM recovered, the government sold the stock at a profit. there was no "gift".
There is no guarantee in life. It is a shame that China wasn't open to more fair negotiations, but it is what it is.

Tariffs are not the best tool in the box, but they are a viable tool, nonetheless.

As Edge pointed out, China cannot depend on anyone for any length of time to supply them with the quantities that they need except the US.

They'll capitulate. Mexico is already starting to waffle.

Who China can depend on is changing, mostly due to this trade war and China being proactive.
And when they find that they cannot get their requirements, or that the costs are too prohibitive (even for them), they'll have to rethink their position.

May take a few years and My sense is that they are playing the long game and are planning on trying to outwait Trump.

We can look forward to more election interference in the next election, but it won't be from the Russians.
But then, so is chemotherapy.

We put a stop to other countries ripping us off, destroying our businesses, and stealing from us or we won't have a country.
In My opinion, Trump is doing this wrong.

I would tell All nations, but particularly China, that in order to import goods into the US, you must pay a 25% service fee which you cannot pass along to your wholesale price.

I would also look at rescending the 'most favored nation' trading list and remove China from it.

Trump is walking a tightrope, hit China so it hurts yet avoid doing too much damage to our own economy. I tend to agree with his longer term strategy. We can weather a long protracted trade war China can't. If both countries turn broadsides and let loose the 16 inch guns there's going to be some damage.

The rope would not have been near as thin had he not also chosen to hit the UE and Canada and Mexico also. History shows us that multi-front wars rarely turn out well.

Still waiting for your brilliant alternative plan.

My brilliant alternative plan to what?

To having less than 4% unemployemtn?

To having more jobs than people to fill them?

To tying the record for the longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country?

To an ever extending record of straight months of positive job growth?

To a record setting stock market...before the start of the trade war.

My plan is to not start unneeded trade wars.
And when they find that they cannot get their requirements, or that the costs are too prohibitive (even for them), they'll have to rethink their position.

May take a few years and My sense is that they are playing the long game and are planning on trying to outwait Trump.

We can look forward to more election interference in the next election, but it won't be from the Russians.

I do think the Chinese are in it for the long game, but I also think it is different than you envision. They understand that as the rivalry grows they will be able to rely on us less and less for the things that they need. Perhaps they have learned from history when we cut off the USSR from grains they so desperately needed.

The trade war is giving them more incentive to move on.

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