Cost of energy for a Tesla 3 after 75,000 miles

Lol. You put that you disagree. With what you idiot? That your original op had nothing to do with oil or coal or any of the other stuff you posted? Or are you disagreeing with the fact that roads, plastic, rubber, steel are all made out of the ingredients they are made out of? Maybe you are disagreeing with the fact that a large precentage of our current electrical requirements are met by natural gas?
I have a feeling that you Disagree because you have no other clue.
At one point most of our generation was with coal. Now renewables provide more than coal. Natural gas may be 40% now, but by 2030, there is not reason why it should be providing any of our generation. Solar and wind are steadily declining in cost to install, and they have no cost to fuel. You cannot raise the price of wind or sunshine like you can natural gas.
A gas can is a hell of a lot lighter than a damn generator to carry down the shoulder of the highway.
Well, it has been many decades since I would have done that, or since I have needed to do that. Were it to happen now, I would simply call AAA and have them bring me a can of gas.
I will be driving gas powered the rest of my life.
Has the range I need for towing large loads into rural areas that have zero access to charging stations that still rely on fossil fuels anyway.

They may get popular with urbanites, but are completely impractical for the rural country.
Your dream will take decades if it even happens at all.
There are cars with 400 miles range right now. And the top end cyber truck will have 500 miles range. By 2025, I expect that one will be able to get an EV truck with 700 miles or more of range. The cyber truck is rated for 14,000 lbs towing. You think that there will not be people that will not put charging stations in a rural area? Use your head. You put in a lot of solar, a large battery, and several charging station. You don't have to buy anything from some large company, the sunshine is free. And, of course, the little store where all kinds of stuff is sold will make an excellent profit, as it will have little competition for a while.
There are cars with 400 miles range right now. And the top end cyber truck will have 500 miles range. By 2025, I expect that one will be able to get an EV truck with 700 miles or more of range. The cyber truck is rated for 14,000 lbs towing. You think that there will not be people that will not put charging stations in a rural area? Use your head. You put in a lot of solar, a large battery, and several charging station. You don't have to buy anything from some large company, the sunshine is free. And, of course, the little store where all kinds of stuff is sold will make an excellent profit, as it will have little competition for a while.
The EV can't even be produced without using oil, plastics, heavy metals, toxic chemicals and lithium in which the mining process is as dirty as mining all those metals needed for your so called clean car.
Still not sold.
Find another customer.
The EV can't even be produced without using oil, plastics, heavy metals, toxic chemicals and lithium in which the mining process is as dirty as mining all those metals needed for your so called clean car.
Still not sold.
Find another customer.
Would you care to compare the fossil fuel used by an EV to that used by an F150 pickup over the course of 100,000 miles?
Damn, but you are stupid. It is not oil that is being objected to, but the burning of oil products that emit GHG's into the atmosphere. There are now ways to smelt iron without using coal, and that only emit 2% of the GHGs that smelting with coke does. At the moment natural gas produces most of the electricity on the US grid, with renewables and and nuclear tying for second, and coal third. There is no other reason other than sloth that solar, wind, and hydro should not be 100% of the grid by 2030.
So exactly who was producing ghg to end the ice ages?
I realize that no one is supposed to ask those questions.
Why is it that ghg in ice cores lags far behind temperature?
Again do not ask.
Why is it that places in say Florida are still the same height above sea level they were fifty years ago?
Again do not question.
I see you seem to think nuclear is some big thing. I guess you do not understand half life and the dangers posed.
It takes a real idiot to think that wind or solar can ever take the place of natural gas as they are unreliable. Not to mention that the blades for wind turbines are not able to decompose. So exactly what do you want to do with them? Just have them laying around for centuries
At one point most of our generation was with coal. Now renewables provide more than coal. Natural gas may be 40% now, but by 2030, there is not reason why it should be providing any of our generation. Solar and wind are steadily declining in cost to install, and they have no cost to fuel. You cannot raise the price of wind or sunshine like you can natural gas.
And you can not rely on them either. There are already studies suggesting that they are altering the climate
Much bullshit has been posted claiming it costs more to fuel an EV than a ICE. Here are some real world figures;

This guy is a special case.. I never have to stop to charge my car -- he says.. I charge it at home (in Louisville which has the cheapest electricity in the nation)...

NEVER did he tell us how much it cost to get 220 service on it's own breaker installed.. WHAT IS THE DISTANCE OF HIS COMMUTE?

How much does a COMMERCIAL public charger cost? Know about "idle fees", membership costs, level of charge premiums??

Typical EV energy usage is 7.2Kwhr of energy EVERY HOUR..

Average home energy rate is 1.1KWhr every hour!!! So every HOUR of driving is a days worth of household electricity WITHOUT the Electric car in the garage.

WhereTF is this gonna come from OldieRocks??

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