*Cost Of Everythings Going Up: Thanks Fucking Obama!*

No, me boy. No confusion at all. I understand what you were saying. And it was STUPID.

"No, me boy" ? ... "And it was STUPID".. ?? Wow, your reply is almost as bad as the one I received from Pogo. What on earth do they teach these young adolescences today in school, if not the proper usage of English grammar? If you are going to make an attempt to call someone out for being "stupid", at least have the educated capability to formulate complete sentences. Please tell me you didn't already graduate from High School with this level of achievement.
Which level of achievement are you talking about, me boy? Are you trying to pose as an expert in the English language? Did you think that this was a formal composition?? Apparently you are an expert in what it takes to graduate from high school. Grammar and all that. Probably spelling, right. How many adolescences do you know??? HMMM. What do you know. Shakles apparently believes that there are multiples of adolescence. But the dictionary does not. And, Shakles just tried to suggest my grammar is bad. Lets look up the word that Shakles is suggesting that he is plural in his sentence:
Adolescence = The period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to complete growth and maturity.
adolescence - definition of adolescence in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
So, do you suppose that Shakles is concerned that there are multiples of "the period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to complete growth and maturity"? But, me boy, there is no such word?? Should we question your education??? Well, maybe we should question your capability to judge anyone's grammar.

Well he did spell minuscule right, give him credit for that. A lot of people trip on that one.
Of course, when you're making up fake quotes you get a lot of writing practice...
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No, me boy. No confusion at all. I understand what you were saying. And it was STUPID.

"No, me boy" ? ... "And it was STUPID".. ?? Wow, your reply is almost as bad as the one I received from Pogo. What on earth do they teach these young adolescences today in school, if not the proper usage of English grammar? If you are going to make an attempt to call someone out for being "stupid", at least have the educated capability to formulate complete sentences. Please tell me you didn't already graduate from High School with this level of achievement.
Which level of achievement are you talking about, me boy? Are you trying to pose as an expert in the English language? Did you think that this was a formal composition?? Apparently you are an expert in what it takes to graduate from high school. Grammar and all that. Probably spelling, right. How many adolescences do you know??? HMMM. What do you know. Shakles apparently believes that there are multiples of adolescence. But the dictionary does not. And, Shakles just tried to suggest my grammar is bad. Lets look up the word that Shakles is suggesting that he is plural in his sentence:
Adolescence = The period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to complete growth and maturity.
adolescence - definition of adolescence in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
So, do you suppose that Shakles is concerned that there are multiples of "the period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to complete growth and maturity"? But, me boy, there is no such word?? Should we question your education??? Well, maybe we should question your capability to judge anyone's grammar.

Question and individual's method of grammar and response in attempting to call someone ELSE stupid, and look what happens. If you find it so easy to dish it out about an individual's intelligence, you have to have the maturity to be able to receive it when it backfires. Don't dish out what you obviously can't handle, especially when you leave YOURSELF open to criticism. Shall we allow others to move along with the thread subject at hand, or do you have another tantrum you'd like to throw and get off your chest? All these posts by you and pogo over just needless petty "deflections", and are really beginning to bore me. Let's stay on topic shall we? Let's see how good you are at doing just that.
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"No, me boy" ? ... "And it was STUPID".. ?? Wow, your reply is almost as bad as the one I received from Pogo. What on earth do they teach these young adolescences today in school, if not the proper usage of English grammar? If you are going to make an attempt to call someone out for being "stupid", at least have the educated capability to formulate complete sentences. Please tell me you didn't already graduate from High School with this level of achievement.
Which level of achievement are you talking about, me boy? Are you trying to pose as an expert in the English language? Did you think that this was a formal composition?? Apparently you are an expert in what it takes to graduate from high school. Grammar and all that. Probably spelling, right. How many adolescences do you know??? HMMM. What do you know. Shakles apparently believes that there are multiples of adolescence. But the dictionary does not. And, Shakles just tried to suggest my grammar is bad. Lets look up the word that Shakles is suggesting that he is plural in his sentence:
Adolescence = The period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to complete growth and maturity.
adolescence - definition of adolescence in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
So, do you suppose that Shakles is concerned that there are multiples of "the period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to complete growth and maturity"? But, me boy, there is no such word?? Should we question your education??? Well, maybe we should question your capability to judge anyone's grammar.

Question and individual's method of grammar and response in attempting to call someone ELSE stupid, and look what happens. If you find it so easy to dish it out about an individual's intelligence, you have to have the maturity to be able to receive it when it backfires. Don't dish out what you obviously can't handle, especially when you leave YOURSELF open to criticism. Shall we allow others to move along with the thread subject at hand, or do you have another tantrum you'd like to throw and get off your chest? All these posts by you and pogo over just needless petty "deflections", and are really beginning to bore me. Let's stay on topic shall we? Let's see how good you are at doing just that.

I don't know why you bother to post at all, Bogus Boy, since you've willingly shot your credibility in the foot. :dunno:
So, Amazon says:

More cluelessness, again. The Profits are already included in the make up of cost distribution. Check it out:

You just spent a lot of time showing how EIA determines the average cost and approximate profit for gasoline sales LAST WEEK.

That's not what you have been shown. You've been shown the Gasoline Mythology of Fuel Pump Components. This IS what contributes to the cost of your price at the pump. It's only averaged out to give you an understanding in relative terms.

What do you think, Tanya, that Exxon dealers take the eia numbers and price their gas accordingly???

Yes, they do. That is what the Distribution and Marketing component comes in. I've already explained to you how this works.

Average Retail Price - Crude Oil + Refining Cost +Taxes = Distributing and Marketing Cost.​

The past estimate of profits is nothing more than a historical report. It does not, in fact, tell you what price gas stations price their gas at. That is determined by what the cost of gas is to them. Plain and simple. And the major producers simply raise the cost of gas to the dealer and the dealer has no option but to raise the price to the consumer.

That's just an ignorant opinion. Gas prices do vary from station to station, but every station can only control so much when it comes to the price of their own gasoline. Out of four components, gas station owners only controls one of these components.

Yes they can. And they do, me poor ignorant con. But they are constrained by the fact that there are gas stations everywhere. So the owner gets gas from their distributor, as in Exxon. The price of gas is HIGHER by 15 cents per gallon. Guess what the owner does. HE RAISES HIS PRICE. He is constrained by the market and by the price he pays.
The point is, the customer for Exxon is not you and I. It is the station owners. And it is Exxon who controls what their customers, the gas station owner, charges you and I.

The cost of gas: How two stations set their prices
The cost of gas: How two stations set their prices - USATODAY.com

You really need to learn how to read your own sources...

Earlier this week, Kehler's wholesale price jumped by 4 cents a gallon. The price is set by Sunoco Inc., from whom he leases his gas station and is contractually obligated to buy.

Shipments arrive overnight, whenever a remote sensor tells Sunoco that Kehler's tanks are low. The wholesale increase means Kehler will have to raise his pump prices soon -- if he wants a shot at breaking even on gas sales.

Again, this goes back towards the two components of what you pay at the pump:

Distribution & Marketing Costs & Profits - the difference between the average retail price of gasoline or diesel fuel as computed from EIA's weekly survey and the sum of the other 3 components.

Do you think Kehler just decided to increase the price because he felt like it? No, his prices increase because his wholesaler price increased. This component of what makes up your gas prices is added towards 'Distribution & Marketing Costs & Profits' The wholesaler needs to make a profit, and the retailer needs to be able to break even.

Sorry, me dear. I have been retired for several years. But if you used a service such as Hoovers or D and B for analysis of businesses, as of 2008, you were using SIC codes. I know you are proud to have knowledge of NAICS beyond what I do. I have had no need to for many years. Happily.

That is a poor excuse and this is not the first time I have outed you on your ignorance. So you want to engage in a debate regarding the modern world of finance and economies, but your understanding of these matters is stuck in the 1970's? There are people who are older than you are, who even understand that the SIC system is no longer active. If you ever read a jobs report you would understand this.

You are either very stupid, or you somehow just want to believe everyone else is. But we aren't being fooled by you.

Another attack??? You apparently forgot to wonder when I got my MBA.

No, I didn't forget. I really didn't care when you received it. Your own credibility is shot, so we do understand that you have never received one.

It was, me dear, 1971. So, there was no thought of NAICS at the time. Jesus, sometimes you are such a twit. Belay that. You are generally such a twit. And I have been aware of NAICS, as a coming entity. But I never used SIC codes directy. Just with one of the services I mentioned above.

So you are smart enough to learn how to use an online search engine, and search for online blogs. And yet, somehow you are not smart enough to keep up with terminologies and metrics while engaging in an economic and financial debate. Like I already said, there are people who are much other than you who have understood and kept up with these changes. Failure to keep up with these things is no excuse, especially if you are going to pass yourself off as someone who is intellectually superior.

You either need to take the time to self study, or you really need to stop passing yourself off as though you are knowledgeable. It's getting old, and quiet frankly, no one is falling for it.

And, to tell you the truth, it would have made no difference were it SIC or NAICS. None at all. And, for the purpose of this discussion, it makes NO difference. Except to you. And really, me dear, no one else would care. What you need is not NAICS, but a definition of Oil Tanker. Sorry, you will understand shortly.

It matters a lot of you are running a business. Businesses use SIC and NAICS codes to help clarify which industry they are in. The industry these businesses are in helps the Government determines the rules, regulations, contracting and taxation. So, if you really 'worked with the oil folks' as you have claimed, you tend to care about these things. But it doesn't matter to you, because chances are you didn't know how this work before or after you supposedly retired. As the reason you don't care is because your experience is a complete and utter fabrication.

And you are a dipshit. Sorry to have given you credit for something, dipshit.

You had no choice but to give me credit. I exposed your ignorance and there was absolutely no way you could have explained, lied or distorted your way out of it. You were caught, hook, line and sinker.

I also love how someone as old as you are can keep up with modern day insults, but can't bother keep up with SIC Codes and NAICS Codes changes, nearly 20 years before the fact. While desperately showing your 'expertise' on an online forum.


First, I did not suggest that they DID put themselves in any category. What I suggested is that they know that they are manufacturers.

Yes you did. You said it here:

Next time you want to know what categories oil companies believe themselves to be in, let me know.

And I'm not going to take what you literately said at face value. Your sentence structure isn't good enough for that.

Second, you are lying and you know it. Oil exploration and and drilling is in that category. But not refining.

Seriously, read sources when people provide them to you. More importantly, read your own sources before you provide them to people. There is no refining category. Refining is already part of the Oil and Gas Extraction section. You would have already known this if you actually took the time to read the source I gave to you. They are also classified under different job titles, but they are part of refining all the same.

Oil and Gas Extraction - May 2012 OES Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

The corresponding NAICS category to the SIC code for refining gasoline is 32411, Gasoline made in petroleum refineries. The operative word, my poor ignorant con, is MADE. Look up manufacturing. You will see that manufacturing means MAKING SOMETHING.

I made music the other day with my turntable decks. Did I manufacture it? No. If you were to look it up, you would understand that it's much more than just 'making something [sic].'

Manufacture: something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery.

Manufacture - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Really. Hell, we could go on with this bs forever. I worked for a company that integrated with SAP systems, primarily in the open systems arena. HP-UX, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, and MS Windows platforms. Provided software that integrated with thousands of SAP transaction codes.

I didn't ask you for the names of Operating Systems. I asked you for the names of these 'manufacturing software' you Supposedly sold to BP?

Got it. If you want more, you have to pay for it. Because, dipshit, I am hardly trying to build any rep. I am retired, me poor ignorant con. And I guarantee you, I find your petty personal attacks funny.

Yeah, when did you supposedly, retire again?

The sort of things that people who have nothing much to be proud of, I suppose. Sad that all you can do is attack. Maybe if you accomplished something with your life, you would not feel the need for attacks. Jealousy is a terrible thing.

I've accomplished much with my life and I am very happy. You're the one who is so desperately to use anecdotal credentials in a debate to make you appear somewhat 'knowledgeable.' It's really not that serious.

That would be a bastardization of the statement in Wikipedia that you referenced earlier. It states:

I didn't reference a wikipedia statement. If you were good at reading, you would have noticed that I got those statements from the source you provided. If you would have read it, maybe you wouldn't look like such the phony.

"however certain government departments and agencies, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), still use the SIC codes." Perhaps English is not your primary language. Or are you simply lying again. You may want to look up such as, and the concept of plural, as in the word departments. Nice try, I guess. But lacking in integrity.

Except for possibly OSHA, there are no other departments. The SEC is the only government agency which still uses SIC codes. Believe me, I've looked.

If you want to look for yourself, go right ahead. I doubt with your terrible research, you will be able to.

By the way, grammar expert. It would be "js the securities and exchange commission. There are not two or more of them.

I don't know what 'js' but thanks. I'm so fortunate to be recieving bad economic and grammar lessons for free.

Well, that is really a stupid paragraph. I am speechless. Lets take it bit by amazing bit:

You said
I think you are a little confused, me dear. Gasoline is not produced in a OIL TANKER. Jesus. Now that is an interesting thought. I see tankers blowing up all over the world. Your work with google failed you again. The oil exists in VESSELS in a refinery. NOT OIL TANKERS. Jesus, I can not remember anyone, with the exception of Ed, who EVER said anything that clueless.

Oil Tankers, vessels. Whatever they call those things which stores oil. Who cares really...

So, you must assume that gasoline just suddenly appears?? Ever see a refinery??? You would have a hard time finding more machinery per acre anywhere. And a whole lot of people who work there believe they are making gasoline from crude and other substances.

They're extracting gasoline from crude oil. They're using a raw material and simply changing it into something else.

Really, me dear. You need to get a clue. SIC code 2911 is a manufacturing category. And the NAICS code calls refining the process of making gasoline. So, lets see your gov source that says oil refining is not manufacturing.
So, assuming that you are correct, Industry Week should have no Oil Companies in its list of its 50 best manufacturers. Lets see, now. If you check this link, you will find that Exxon Mobil comes in number 7 among their 50 best manufacturers.
The 2012 IndustryWeek 50 Best U.S. Manufacturers | IndustryWeek
And, we should not see Oil companies in the IndustryWeek ranking of largest manufacturers. But if you care to follow this link, you will find that the three largest manufacturers in the US are Exxon Mobil, Conoco Phillips, and Chevron.
The 2012 IndustryWeek U.S. 500 | IndustryWeek

Argument from authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do realise that those companies produce other things besides oil, correct? Since you have made an intellectual fallacy, I'm just going to leave it at that.

Chevron believes they are manufacturers: Chevron's global refining system manufactures fuels and other products
Manufacturing | About Chevron | Chevron

I'm 6' 1'' and I can 'believes' that I'm America's next top model, but I would only be fooling myself. In the same regard that you are fooling yourself when you think that oil and gas are the only things Chevron produces. Chevron does produce it's own type of fuel, and yes that is manufacturing, but the general type of fuel, which is gasoline, is not a manufactured product.

Should we go on??? But if you want to believe that refining gas is not manufacturing, I could care less.

It's not. Going back to the basic definition of what to manufacture is:

Manufacture: something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery.

Manufacture - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

This is not what happens when you take crude oil and you produce gasoline. Crude Oil has hundreds of different types of hydrocarbons all mixed together. You have to separate these carbons in order to get something useful. This is a chemical process, not a constructing process. You worked 'with the oil folks' but you really don't understand how this stuff works.

Then you said:
You know, if I said that oil was produced in an OIL TANKER, I think I would stop criticizing anyone. That has to be the stupidest statement ever.
Oil Tanker A ship having large compartments, designed to transport crude oil over the ocean.
oil tanker - definition of oil tanker by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Here is a list of gasoline refineries. See if you can find an oil tanker listed. Jesus, that is funny.
List of oil refineries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okay, so gasoline is produced in a vessel and not an oil tanker. Gee, you have certainly got me on that one. I don't know how I will be able to come back from this blatant factual error... :rolleyes:

Sorry. I am still laughing. Being and expert on all sorts of stuff. You know, the whole, what was it, Series 2 thing. The 70 hours and 120 questions. And you think oil is refined in an oil tanker. Damn. After all of your blather, just that statement made it worth reading your post. But, me dear, based on those things, I think you have poor credentials to criticize ANYONE.

Jesus. Oil Tanker Refineries. And you wrote it with such conviction. Sorry, but anyone who believes that oil is refined in an oil tanker has NO CREDIBILITY.

So the only think you have managed to get right was the type of containment oil refineries used, and you think this gives you credibility? Yeah, that's hilarious...

Yes, well, you do love attacking. But then, an MBA, even back then, took about 50,000 times as much study as your little certificate. Jesus. A whole 120 question test. And you are SERIOUS.

And somehow my 70 hour certificate gives me more knowledge that something you have studied two years for. You've demonstrated that you know absolutely zero about economics, business or finance. Your reading comprehension is terrible, which is second only to your grammar skills.

Sorry, but you haven't demonstrated any knowledge you have, had or probably will obtain.

Jesus, OIL TANKER/Refineries. I bet you almost said one had the name Amazon. Sorry, but I rarely laugh much at this crap. But you try to tell everyone how smart you are, and attack anyone that does not agree with you, and then say really stupid stuff like refining petroleum on oil tankers, and that gas is not a manufactured product. And then you think you have the creds to criticize anyone.

Yeah, I do. You've been wrong on practically everything. Except for oil tankers. Yep. Oil refineries certainly do not use those.
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ote: Originally Posted by Rshermr
So, Amazon says:

More cluelessness, again. The Profits are already included in the make up of cost distribution. Check it out:
You just spent a lot of time showing how EIA determines the average cost and approximate profit for gasoline sales LAST WEEK.
That's not what you have been shown. You've been shown the Gasoline Mythology of Fuel Pump Components. This IS what contributes to the cost of your price at the pump. It's only averaged out to give you an understanding in relative terms.
Total bs. You have taught me nothing. Because you are unable to understand that the oil companies, they who make gas, can and do set whatever price they want to whenever they want to. Eia data is by definition HISTORICAL. Which has NOTHING to do with price increases. You seem to think that somehow, there is some restriction on oil companies as far as raising (or lowering) the price of gas to their distributors and gas stations. THERE IS NO RESTRICTION.
I can not believe that you are so confused. You do not listen. You are showing the method that the eia uses to compute components of gas prices after the fact.
Which have NOTHING at all to do with how the price for gasoline is set. If Exxon wants to raise prices, they can.. And,after raising prices, the eia will produce new numbers.

What do you think, Tanya, that Exxon dealers take the eia numbers and price their gas accordingly???
Yes, they do. That is what the Distribution and Marketing component comes in. I've already explained to you how this works.
So, you are saying that joe station owner is looking at last weeks eia number, and price their gas for this week?? Are you really that ignorant. A gas station owner is concerned with two factors. One, the price he is charged by his gas distributor. And 2, what the other gas stations are charging. Last weeks eia number are not of any real concern to him, in terms of setting his price. Find a reference from gas station owners who say they look at the eia numbers and set their price. If you paid attention to the information I provided you relating to a pair of gas station owners, you may have noticed that they change their prices often more than once per day.

The past estimate of profits is nothing more than a historical report. It does not, in fact, tell you what price gas stations price their gas at. That is determined by what the cost of gas is to them. Plain and simple. And the major producers simply raise the cost of gas to the dealer and the dealer has no option but to raise the price to the consumer.
That's just an ignorant opinion. Gas prices do vary from station to station, but every station can only control so much when it comes to the price of their own gasoline. Out of four components, gas station owners only controls one of these components.
Which is what I just said, dipshit. He controls only how much margin he wants to make. And like any businessman, he has to weigh profit margins versus volume. If he lowers his price some, he sells more but makes less per gallon. If he raises his price, he sells less and makes more per gallon. It is his call. All based on the cost he pays and the demand he has for gas. So, you call my opinion ignorant. But it is simple economics. Hell, you could take a basic econ class for non majors and get his problem.
So, I am curious. Why are you focusing on the gas station. He has VERY little influence on what people pay for gas. The issue is the Oil Company who supplies gas to the supply chain, be it through distributors or directly to the gas station.

The cost of gas: How two stations set their prices
The cost of gas: How two stations set their prices - USATODAY.com
You really need to learn how to read your own sources...

Earlier this week, Kehler's wholesale price jumped by 4 cents a gallon. The price is set by Sunoco Inc., from whom he leases his gas station and is contractually obligated to buy.

Shipments arrive overnight, whenever a remote sensor tells Sunoco that Kehler's tanks are low. The wholesale increase means Kehler will have to raise his pump prices soon -- if he wants a shot at breaking even on gas sales.
Again, this goes back towards the two components of what you pay at the pump:
The price the gas station owner pays has two components. His cost, paid to a gas distributor, or the oil company. And the demand for gas from consumers that HE can garner. If he is near the freeway, he may price gas some higher than the residential dealer. But this is not based at all on eia numbers. It is based on what the demand is at HIS station for HIS gas. Any way you look at it, he has little influence on the price we pay for gasoline.

Do you think Kehler just decided to increase the price because he felt like it? No, his prices increase because his wholesaler price increased. This component of what makes up your gas prices is added towards 'Distribution & Marketing Costs & Profits' The wholesaler needs to make a profit, and the retailer needs to be able to break even.
Uh, yeah. Well, we do agree on one thing. The gas station owner has little influence. And he has to make some profit, assuming he wants to stay in business. He can only break even for a short time. Hell, he can even take a net loss for a short time, in order to cover his fixed costs.
The distributor has the same issue. If he is a true independent distributor, he is at the mercy of the Oil Company.

Sorry, me dear. I have been retired for several years. But if you used a service such as Hoovers or D and B for analysis of businesses, as of 2008, you were using SIC codes. I know you are proud to have knowledge of NAICS beyond what I do. I have had no need to for many years. Happily.
That is a poor excuse and this is not the first time I have outed you on your ignorance. So you want to engage in a debate regarding the modern world of finance and economies, but your understanding of these matters is stuck in the 1970's? There are people who are older than you are, who even understand that the SIC system is no longer active. If you ever read a jobs report you would understand this.
Wow. You really make a big deal of this. Why is that Amazon??? What does sic versus NAICS have to do with anything that I care about? What does it have to do with the thread we are discussing, supposedly.
Here is the deal. I could and did work with SIC constantly. With products called One
Source, and Hovers. I could do anything that I needed with SIC codes, and I could do the same thing with NAIC codes.

You are either very stupid, or you somehow just want to believe everyone else is. But we aren't being fooled by you.
Now let me understand this. You think I am stupid because I have not kept up with NAICS. I have many, many, many more important things in my life. If it is that important to you, you have my pitty. But calling me stupid for not keeping up with NAICS shows that one of the two of us is stupid. If you really believe it. I doubt you do, but maybe you are indeed that stupid.

Another attack??? You apparently forgot to wonder when I got my MBA.
No, I didn't forget. I really didn't care when you received it. Your own credibility is shot, so we do understand that you have never received one.
And the beat goes on. You are simply a tool. Looking for anything you can get to try to attack me. Now it is NAICS. Jesus, maybe you need to get a life.
I responded to when I got my MBA because you suggested I should have known about NAICS from my MBA studies. Which was stupid, because NAICS did not exist at the time. But it simply shows that you are incapable of anything but attacking. Which is what makes you a total dipshit.

It was, me dear, 1971. So, there was no thought of NAICS at the time. Jesus, sometimes you are such a twit. Belay that. You are generally such a twit. And I have been aware of NAICS, as a coming entity. But I never used SIC codes directy. Just with one of the services I mentioned above. And, to tell you the truth, it would have made no difference were it SIC or NAICS. None at all. And, for the purpose of this discussion, it makes NO difference. Except to you. And really, me dear, no one else would care. What you need is not NAICS, but a definition of Oil Tanker. Sorry, you will understand shortly.
So you are smart enough to learn how to use an online search engine, and search for online blogs. And yet, somehow you are not smart enough to keep up with terminologies and metrics while engaging in an economic and financial debate. Like I already said, there are people who are much other than you who have understood and kept up with these changes. Failure to keep up with these things is no excuse, especially if you are going to pass yourself off as someone who is intellectually superior.
Look, my poor ignorant con. What is true is that when con tools have nothing of import to say, they attack. If you want to spend your retirement looking at NAIC categories, good for you. Makes you, in my mind, a boreing person. But that is just my opinion.
You either need to take the time to self study, or you really need to stop passing yourself off as though you are knowledgeable. It's getting old, and quiet frankly, no one is falling for it.
Look, Amazon. That would be your opinion. From a person who believes in refinery oil tankers. Now, if you are so smart, how did you believe that really stupid concept. You try to make people think you are smart. Good luck with that. But your opinions about me are just that. Your opinions. And you know how much I respect your opinions.

And you are a dipshit. Sorry to have given you credit for something, dipshit.
You had no choice but to give me credit. I exposed your ignorance and there was absolutely no way you could have explained, lied or distorted your way out of it. You were caught, hook, line and sinker.
And you lie again. It was a simple item, and nothing that I had disagreed with. Do you have a conscience? Or are you simply a congenital liar. Some people value integrity, but obviously not you.

I also love how someone as old as you are can keep up with modern day insults, but can't bother keep up with SIC Codes and NAICS Codes changes, nearly 20 years before the fact. While desperately showing your 'expertise' on an online forum.
Me dear, I knew of NAICS codes. Apparently you are really impressed with NAICS. Which I do not believe for a minute. What do you do with NAICS codes, me dear? What do you think you can do with them that you can not do with SIC codes? I can tell you that I and those that worked for and with me, with onesource and hoovers could do everything that we could do with NAICS. And that is the issue. I am interested in new technology only related to what it does for me, or in the past, my customers and the company I worked for. Obviously. But for you, it does one thing. It provides you with something to harp on. And it is really petty, rally stupid, and totally lacks any credibility. Jesus, you are a useless con.

You are. Want to talk about refinery oil tankers???

First, I did not suggest that they DID put themselves in any category. What I suggested is that they know that they are manufacturers.
Yes you did. You said it here:

Next time you want to know what categories oil companies believe themselves to be in, let me know.
And I'm not going to take what you literately said at face value. Your sentence structure isn't good enough for that.
As previously determined, by myself and another posting on this link, it is obvious that english is not your primary language.

Second, you are lying and you know it. Oil exploration and and drilling is in that category. But not refining.
And, and what? Please read below. You are completely wrong.
Seriously, read sources when people provide them to you. More importantly, read your own sources before you provide them to people. There is no refining category. Refining is already part of the Oil and Gas Extraction section. You would have already known this if you actually took the time to read the source I gave to you. They are also classified under different job titles, but they are part of refining all the same.
Now try to pay attention, Amazon. See if you can understand it this time. So far you have not done well.
211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction. It is part of category 211. Here, let me help you.
NAICS code 211 - Oil and Gas
211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
211112 Natural Gas Liquid Extraction
That is it. Catagory 21 also includes mining, support activities for mining, and building construction.
324110 NAICS Code - Petroleum Refineries
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in refining crude petroleum into refined petroleum. Petroleum refining involves one or more of the following activities: (1) fractionation; (2) straight distillation of crude oil; and (3) cracking.
That code, obviously, is part of category 324.
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing

Oil and Gas Extraction - May 2012 OES Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
Seriously, read sources when people provide them to you
Most people would have caught on. Most people would be embarassed to have taken that long. But not you, eh.

[COLOR="Dark Red")]The corresponding NAICS category to the SIC code for refining gasoline is 32411, Gasoline made in petroleum refineries. The operative word, my poor ignorant con, is MADE. Look up manufacturing. You will see that manufacturing means MAKING SOMETHING.
[quote]I made music the other day with my turntable decks. Did I manufacture it? No. If you were to look it up, you would understand that it's much more than just 'making something [sic].'[/quote]
[COLOR="DarkRed"]See the above. In general, me poor ignorant con tool, manufacturing from a NAICS or SIC standpoint has to do with commercial endeavors. Which should be obvious. And it should also be obvious to anyone that you are not a commercial endeavor. But then, you do believe in oil tanker refineries!!!!

You need to give this up. Again, above I provided you with the NAICS codes for refining, which the NAICS folks (gov employees, but folks all the same) call MANUFACTURING.[/COLOR]

Really. Hell, we could go on with this bs forever. I worked for a company that integrated with SAP systems, primarily in the open systems arena. HP-UX, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, and MS Windows platforms. Provided software that integrated with thousands of SAP transaction codes.

I didn't ask you for the names of Operating Systems. I asked you for the names of these 'manufacturing software' you Supposedly sold to BP?
Why should you want to know that??? You just used the word supposedly. I do not really give a shit what someone who wants to question my personal life. You would not understand what it did if I told you. But, if you want to make a bet, I am in. I like money.

Got it. If you want more, you have to pay for it. Because, dipshit, I am hardly trying to build any rep. I am retired, me poor ignorant con. And I guarantee you, I find your petty personal attacks funny.
Yeah, when did you supposedly, retire again?
And that would be your business WHY?

The sort of things that people who have nothing much to be proud of, I suppose. Sad that all you can do is attack. Maybe if you accomplished something with your life, you would not feel the need for attacks. Jealousy is a terrible thing.

I've accomplished much with my life and I am very happy. You're the one who is so desperately to use anecdotal credentials in a debate to make you appear somewhat 'knowledgeable.' It's really not that serious.
Right. And you spend your time discussing NAICS. Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything. And then there was that whole certificate thing. You know, over 70 hours of study and a 120 question test. Funny

I didn't reference a wikipedia statement. If you were good at reading, you would have noticed that I got those statements from the source you provided.
If you would have read it, maybe you wouldn't look like such the phony.
There you go again. Expressing what you pass as your opinion. Whatever.

"however certain government departments and agencies, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), still use the SIC codes." Perhaps English is not your primary language. Or are you simply lying again. You may want to look up such as, and the concept of plural, as in the word departments. Nice try, I guess. But lacking in integrity.

There are no other departments. The SEC is the only government agency which still uses SIC codes. Believe me, I've looked.

If you want to look for yourself, go right ahead. I doubt with your terrible research, you will be able to.
Right. Sure you did. You looked for gov agencies using SIC codes. Jesus, you are a tool. So you put me in a difficult situations. I can either believe you, or Wikipedia. Now I know Wikipedia is less than perfect. But then there is you. A liar and game player. My money is on wikipedia.

By the way, grammar expert. It would be "js the securities and exchange commission. There are not two or more of them.
I don't know what 'js' but thanks. I'm so fortunate to be recieving bad economic and grammar lessons for free.
Simple typo, dipshit. Change the j to an i. Yes you are fortunate, though you have no concept of economics. Not sure you even know what it is. Which is why you spend your time discussing NAICS. Jesus

Well, that is really a stupid paragraph. I am speechless. Lets take it bit by amazing bit:

You said
I think you are a little confused, me dear. Gasoline is not produced in a OIL TANKER. Jesus. Now that is an interesting thought. I see tankers blowing up all over the world. Your work with google failed you again. The oil exists in VESSELS in a refinery. NOT OIL TANKERS. Jesus, I can not remember anyone, with the exception of Ed, who EVER said anything that clueless.
Oil Tankers, vessels. Whatever they call those things which stores oil. Who cares really...
You just got caught saying the stupedest thing I have seen in a long time. And you believed it. Now, you say "who cares really. Anyone as naive and ignorant to believe that crude is refined on oil tankers just gave up their ability to be taken seriously. Jesus, that was stupid.

So, you must assume that gasoline just suddenly appears?? Ever see a refinery??? You would have a hard time finding more machinery per acre anywhere. And a whole lot of people who work there believe they are making gasoline from crude and other substances.
They're extracting gasoline from crude oil. They're using a raw material and simply changing it into something else.
I live in a little town called LaConner, in Washington. I only mention this because we have three refineries within 50 miles. One is about 5 miles from me. You obviously have no concept of what you are talking about.
The closest refinery covers about 300 acres. Pretty typical in size. Employs lots of folks. Heavy on equipment. So, you call it simple?
But then you thought that refining happened in an oil tanker. That is why you may have thought that refining was a simple process. But, you see, you are what is technically known as full of shit.

Really, me dear. You need to get a clue. SIC code 2911 is a manufacturing category. And the NAICS code calls refining the process of making gasoline. So, lets see your gov source that says oil refining is not manufacturing.
So, assuming that you are correct, Industry Week should have no Oil Companies in its list of its 50 best manufacturers. Lets see, now. If you check this link, you will find that Exxon Mobil comes in number 7 among their 50 best manufacturers.
The 2012 IndustryWeek 50 Best U.S. Manufacturers | IndustryWeek
And, we should not see Oil companies in the IndustryWeek ranking of largest manufacturers. But if you care to follow this link, you will find that the three largest manufacturers in the US are Exxon Mobil, Conoco Phillips, and Chevron.
The 2012 IndustryWeek U.S. 500 | IndustryWeek
Argument from authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do realise that those companies produce other things besides oil, correct? Since you have made an intellectual fallacy, I'm just going to leave it at that.
Yes, me poor ignorant tool. I do realise it. And I realize it also. Did you just notice. The company is generally categorized based on the PRIMARY business that they do.
I know you want to leave it at that. Because you know you are caught. Red handed. The point is that oil refining is MANUFACTURING. But instead of finally admitting it, you just slink away. Because you lack integrity.

Chevron believes they are manufacturers: Chevron's global refining system manufactures fuels and other products
Manufacturing | About Chevron | Chevron
I'm 6' 1'' and I can 'believes' myself that I'm America's next top model, but I would only be fooling myself. In the same regard that you are fooling yourself when you think that oil and gas are the only things Chevron produces. Chevron does produce it's own type of fuel, and yes that is manufacturing, but the general type of fuel, which is gasoline, is not a manufactured product.
Yes, Indeed. See above. Glad you noticed. But companies are generally categorized based on their primary business. As in where they make the most money. But they believe they are manufacturers. And by the way, using the term they when discussing a company refers to the management teem. Normal terminology among executives and management. And they are typically pretty smart. But then, you are not pretty smart. So, I understand why you do not get it. Sorry you have lived such a sheltered life.

Should we go on??? But if you want to believe that refining gas is not manufacturing, I could care less.
It's not. Going back to the basic definition of what to manufacture is:

Manufacture: something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery.

Manufacture - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

This is not what happens when you take crude oil and you produce gasoline. Crude Oil has hundreds of different types of hydrocarbons all mixed together. You have to separate these carbons in order to get something useful. This is a chemical process, not a constructing process. You worked 'with the oil folks' but you really don't understand how this stuff works.
Sure, Amazon. Funny. I do not know how this stuff works, from the person who said that crude is refined in a oil tanker. And ANYONE should beilieve you WHY?? But as I proved to all rational people, refining petroleum is manufacturing. Perhaps you should contact the folks at NAICS and have them set up a new category. And tell them that refining is not manufacturing regardless of what they believe.
Stupid, Amazon. But you are a hoot.

Then you said:
You know, if I said that oil was produced in an OIL TANKER, I think I would stop criticizing anyone. That has to be the stupidest statement ever.
Oil Tanker A ship having large compartments, designed to transport crude oil over the ocean.
oil tanker - definition of oil tanker by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Here is a list of gasoline refineries. See if you can find an oil tanker listed. Jesus, that is funny.
List of oil refineries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Okay, so gasoline is produced in a vessel and not an oil tanker. Gee, you have certainly got me on that one. I don't know how I will be able to come back from this blatant factual error...
Obviously, you just are not capable of understanding it. You did not just make a factual error. You have been telling all that would read your drivel how much you understand the oil refining process. Then you made that statement.

Sorry. I am still laughing. Being an expert on all sorts of stuff. You know, the whole, what was it, Series 2 thing. The 70 hours and 120 questions. And you think oil is refined in an oil tanker. Damn. After all of your blather, just that statement made it worth reading your post. But, me dear, based on those things, I think you have poor credentials to criticize ANYONE.

Jesus. Oil Tanker Refineries. And you wrote it with such conviction. Sorry, but anyone who believes that oil is refined in an oil tanker has NO CREDIBILITY.
So the only think you have managed to get right was the type of containment oil refineries used, and you think this gives you credibility? Yeah, that's hilarious...

Glad you see the humor.

Yes, well, you do love attacking. But then, an MBA, even back then, took about 50,000 times as much study as your little certificate. Jesus. A whole 120 question test. And you are SERIOUS.
And somehow my 70 hour certificate gives me more knowledge that something you have studied two years for. You've demonstrated that you know absolutely zero about economics, business or finance. Your reading comprehension is terrible, which is second only to your grammar skills.
Right. From an economic idiot who thinks that oil is refined in an oil tanker. You are obviously very knowledgeable. And, well, yep. You did find one typo in this post. A single character. Hell, i found way more grammatical errors than that in your drivel. But, I only do it because you think you are a grammatical expert. Which is nonsense. So, a lot of your opinion again. And attacking. By the way, for your future knowledge, oil tankers are SHIPS. Generally folks who know what they are do not call them vessels. Just trying to help

Sorry, but you haven't demonstrated any knowledge you have, had or probably will obtain.
And you believe your opinion matters for WHAT reason???

Yeah, I do. You've been wrong on practically everything. Except for oil tankers. Yep. Oil refineries certainly do not use those.
Right. And that Oil Companies can and do raise prices as they want. And that petroleum refining is indeed manufacturing. And that gas station owners do not use last weeks eia numbers to determine how to set their price. We could go on. But you are comparing me to you. And you, me dear, are a really low bar.

But I will give you this. You do post a whole lot of crap trying to support your fallacies. I just spent another 30 minutes reading your drivel. And I can never get it back. Jesus, I think I stopped paying attention to your drivel half way through reading it.
Last edited:
Total bs. You have taught me nothing. Because you are unable to understand that the oil companies, they who make gas, can and do set whatever price they want to whenever they want to. Eia data is by definition HISTORICAL. Which has NOTHING to do with price increases. You seem to think that somehow, there is some restriction on oil companies as far as raising (or lowering) the price of gas to their distributors and gas stations. THERE IS NO RESTRICTION.
I can not believe that you are so confused. You do not listen. You are showing the method that the eia uses to compute components of gas prices after the fact.
Which have NOTHING at all to do with how the price for gasoline is set. If Exxon wants to raise prices, they can.. And,after raising prices, the eia will produce new numbers.

I never said there was a restriction. I only said there is only so much oil companies can control. 1/4 of the price of oil is dictate by oil companies (which only makes up a dollar and a few cents). 3/4 is dictated through the price of oil, the cost to refine it and taxes.

You. Are. Wrong.

So, you are saying that joe station owner is looking at last weeks eia number, and price their gas for this week?? Are you really that ignorant. A gas station owner is concerned with two factors. One, the price he is charged by his gas distributor. And 2, what the other gas stations are charging. Last weeks eia number are not of any real concern to him, in terms of setting his price. Find a reference from gas station owners who say they look at the eia numbers and set their price. If you paid attention to the information I provided you relating to a pair of gas station owners, you may have noticed that they change their prices often more than once per day.

I already showed you how gas station owners does it. The EIA already gives you the mythology of what you pay when you pay at the pump. If you don't like it, that's really not my concern. You haven't shown a single source which refutes it.

Which is what I just said, dipshit. He controls only how much margin he wants to make. And like any businessman, he has to weigh profit margins versus volume. If he lowers his price some, he sells more but makes less per gallon. If he raises his price, he sells less and makes more per gallon. It is his call. All based on the cost he pays and the demand he has for gas. So, you call my opinion ignorant. But it is simple economics. Hell, you could take a basic econ class for non majors and get his problem.

So you agree that Gas Owners cannot just raise prices to whatever he or she wants, and gas prices are dictated by 4 components, not just one.

That's nice.

So, I am curious. Why are you focusing on the gas station. He has VERY little influence on what people pay for gas. The issue is the Oil Company who supplies gas to the supply chain, be it through distributors or directly to the gas station.

You were the one talking about gas stations. I wasn't. From the start, I already told you that no one person or entity decides what the price for gas is, but somehow you've convinced yourself that gas station can set their prices to whatever they wish. This is false, as you have already learned.

Only 1/4th of what you pay for gas is dictated by oil companies. The same mythology I have shown by the EIA applies. Each entity add their own cost to the price of gas.

Crude Oil - the monthly average of the composite refiner acquisition cost, which is the average price of crude oil purchased by refiners. (Supply & Demand)

Refining Costs & Profits - the difference between the monthly average of the spot price of gasoline or diesel fuel (used as a proxy for the value of gasoline or diesel fuel as it exits the refinery) and the average price of crude oil purchased by refiners (the crude oil component). (Oil Companies)

Distribution & Marketing Costs & Profits - the difference between the average retail price of gasoline or diesel fuel as computed from EIA's weekly survey and the sum of the other 3 components. (Gas Stations)

Taxes - a monthly national average of federal and state taxes applied to gasoline or diesel fuel. (Government)

The historical average, crude oil having the most sway when it comes to the price. Refining cost having the second larges. Marketing Cost and Taxes can either have the third most sway, but this generally depends.

Does this make sense to you, now?

The price the gas station owner pays has two components. His cost, paid to a gas distributor, or the oil company. And the demand for gas from consumers that HE can garner. If he is near the freeway, he may price gas some higher than the residential dealer. But this is not based at all on eia numbers. It is based on what the demand is at HIS station for HIS gas. Any way you look at it, he has little influence on the price we pay for gasoline.

Yep. That is really all I wanted to hear as this is what I have said from the beginning.

Wow. You really make a big deal of this. Why is that Amazon??? What does sic versus NAICS have to do with anything that I care about? What does it have to do with the thread we are discussing, supposedly.

You were the one who brought it up. And you were the one who related it to your anecdotes. Apparently you cared about it very much until you discovered that you were wrong for using it.

Here is the deal. I could and did work with SIC constantly. With products called One
Source, and Hovers. I could do anything that I needed with SIC codes, and I could do the same thing with NAIC codes.


Now let me understand this. You think I am stupid because I have not kept up with NAICS. I have many, many, many more important things in my life. If it is that important to you, you have my pitty. But calling me stupid for not keeping up with NAICS shows that one of the two of us is stupid. If you really believe it. I doubt you do, but maybe you are indeed that stupid.

Yeah, pretty much. As I have already said, these codes matter if you pay attention to BLS statistics or Census bureau statistics at all. If you don't care about any of these things, then you are not really interested in Economics. You're only interested in one-upping some other loser on an internet forum.

And the beat goes on. You are simply a tool. Looking for anything you can get to try to attack me. Now it is NAICS. Jesus, maybe you need to get a life.

I do have a life. I do not care at all if you do not know anything about NAICS codes. It does bother me how people need to rely on their phony credentials to win an online debate. That's pretty pathetic. What is even more pathetic not knowing as much as what you claim you have studied.

I responded to when I got my MBA because you suggested I should have known about NAICS from my MBA studies. Which was stupid, because NAICS did not exist at the time. But it simply shows that you are incapable of anything but attacking. Which is what makes you a total dipshit.

And I say that is an excuse. Anyone who does real research with BLS or Census Bureau Statistics is aware of this format, whether they know what it is or not. It's quite apparent that you don't do real research. There are people who have received their degrees before the new classification system was enacted. These people are able to keep up, however, your degree has apparently dumbed you down. Why is this? This is because you apparently don't know as much as you claim to. Which would only be a surprise to anyone who lacks the understanding of economics. Which, fortunately for you, appeals to most people on this forum. Including you.

Look, my poor ignorant con.

Oh my. Someone used correct grammar for the first time. There is hope!

What is true is that when con tools have nothing of import to say, they attack. If you want to spend your retirement looking at NAIC categories, good for you. Makes you, in my mind, a boreing person. But that is just my opinion.

So you admit that you don't actually do research, and yet just want to engage with others in economic debates.

That's a given.

Look, Amazon. That would be your opinion. From a person who believes in refinery oil tankers. Now, if you are so smart, how did you believe that really stupid concept. You try to make people think you are smart. Good luck with that. But your opinions about me are just that. Your opinions. And you know how much I respect your opinions.

Yeah, I don't know the difference between a tanker and a vessel... Yeah, there goes my entire career in Financial Markets... Should I tender my resignation?

And you lie again. It was a simple item, and nothing that I had disagreed with. Do you have a conscience? Or are you simply a congenital liar. Some people value integrity, but obviously not you.

I don't know what this comment is in reference to. Your response formatting is terrible. You've been on this forum for two years. One would think you would have this forum response thing set by now.

Me dear, I knew of NAICS codes.

You already just said in a previous post that you didn't.

Apparently you are really impressed with NAICS. Which I do not believe for a minute. What do you do with NAICS codes, me dear? What do you think you can do with them that you can not do with SIC codes? I can tell you that I and those that worked for and with me, with onesource and hoovers could do everything that we could do with NAICS. And that is the issue. I am interested in new technology only related to what it does for me, or in the past, my customers and the company I worked for. Obviously. But for you, it does one thing. It provides you with something to harp on. And it is really petty, rally stupid, and totally lacks any credibility. Jesus, you are a useless con.

That's nice that you only care about how terminologies and terms affect you personally. Just don't engage in economically debates with subpar understanding of the topics and evidence you are presenting.

If economics isn't your forte, maybe you really should be discussing it.

As previously determined, by myself and another posting on this link, it is obvious that english is not your primary language.

It proves that it's not yours. You're just not smart enough to understand your own words.

What is the type of English you call your speech again? King English?

And, and what? Please read below. You are completely wrong.

Now try to pay attention, Amazon. See if you can understand it this time. So far you have not done well.
211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction. It is part of category 211. Here, let me help you.
NAICS code 211 - Oil and Gas
211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
211112 Natural Gas Liquid Extraction
That is it. Catagory 21 also includes mining, support activities for mining, and building construction.
324110 NAICS Code - Petroleum Refineries
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in refining crude petroleum into refined petroleum. Petroleum refining involves one or more of the following activities: (1) fractionation; (2) straight distillation of crude oil; and (3) cracking.
That code, obviously, is part of category 324.
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing

Oil and Gas Extraction - May 2012 OES Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
Seriously, read sources when people provide them to you
Most people would have caught on. Most people would be embarassed to have taken that long. But not you, eh.

The problem with being unable to read your own sources is that you cannot read very well. I especially LOVE how you bold the manufacturing word, but completely ignored the word before it.

They are manufacturing Petroleum Products. Not Petroleum. Again, oil companies do not manufacture Petroleum, as petroleum is a naturally occurring substance. In the petroleum industry, there are plenty of things you can make from petroleum, but gasoline is not one of them.

See the above. In general, me poor ignorant con tool, manufacturing from a NAICS or SIC standpoint has to do with commercial endeavors. Which should be obvious. And it should also be obvious to anyone that you are not a commercial endeavor. But then, you do believe in oil tanker refineries!!!!

You need to give this up. Again, above I provided you with the NAICS codes for refining, which the NAICS folks (gov employees, but folks all the same) call MANUFACTURING.

Yes, for petroleum products. You obviously do not understand that you can make things from petroleum. And for this, I give you the extremely long list of Petrolum Based Products:

List of crude oil products - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, if you don't remember, you have been arguing that gasoline is manufactured from petroleum.

The corresponding NAICS category to the SIC code for refining gasoline is 32411, Gasoline made in petroleum refineries. The operative word, my poor ignorant con, is MADE. Look up manufacturing. You will see that manufacturing means MAKING SOMETHING.

Again, you are wrong. And it's becoming extremely easy to prove you wrong. Apparently, you've 'worked with the oil folks' but you don't have a single clue how this industry works.

You really should stop.

Why should you want to know that??? You just used the word supposedly. I do not really give a shit what someone who wants to question my personal life. You would not understand what it did if I told you. But, if you want to make a bet, I am in. I like money.

All of sudden, you have privacy concerns. People are always willing to brag about themselves, until they are close to being caught in a lie.

And that would be your business WHY?

So you are willing to bet me $10,000 to prove you are who you say you are, but when I ask you a simple question about yourself it's, 'none of my business.'

Sounds like someone is having a wee bit of trouble getting their story straight.

Right. Sure you did. You looked for gov agencies using SIC codes. Jesus, you are a tool.

Did I say I looked for government agencies using SIC codes? I said the only agencies which still uses them besides OHSA is the SEC. And I know because I've looked.

Why are you so terrible at reading. You'd think universities would have better standards regarding the literate proficiency regarding their MBA candidates. And I know for a fact that the education people received in the 1970's was MUCH better than the education people are receiving now. It's almost as if you weren't educated during this time period at all...

So you put me in a difficult situations. I can either believe you, or Wikipedia. Now I know Wikipedia is less than perfect. But then there is you. A liar and game player. My money is on wikipedia.

You can believe who or whatever you want. I suggested that you do the research for yourself and find out. If you want to believe wikipedia, that's fine. For all you know, I probably wrote that to fuck with you. As this is quite easy for me to do.

Simple typo, dipshit. Change the j to an i. Yes you are fortunate, though you have no concept of economics. Not sure you even know what it is. Which is why you spend your time discussing NAICS. Jesus

NAICS has everything to do with economics. Being that it was created to classify and track economic/business activity in North America.

You can't really be this stupid...

You just got caught saying the stupedest thing I have seen in a long time. And you believed it. Now, you say "who cares really. Anyone as naive and ignorant to believe that crude is refined on oil tankers just gave up their ability to be taken seriously. Jesus, that was stupid.

I say who cares because it really doesn't matter and it doesn't change much. If you believe that is the stupidest thing you have seen in a long time, then it clearly doesn't take much to impress you.

I live in a little town called LaConner, in Washington. I only mention this because we have three refineries within 50 miles. One is about 5 miles from me. You obviously have no concept of what you are talking about.

So you are willing to tell me where you live and the proximity, but you aren't willing to tell me when you retired from your 'so-called' profession and you aren't willing to tell me which 'manufacturing software' you sold to BP. You waste zero time discarding consistency just to be able to spout your phony personal anecdotal credentials.

Interestingly enough, your location isn't listed on your profile. Were you trying to keep that confidential? Or were you saving it just in case you needed to claim you are living in a convenient location, just to give you that extra credibility with your debates?

The closest refinery covers about 300 acres. Pretty typical in size. Employs lots of folks. Heavy on equipment. So, you call it simple?

I don't call it simple. I just don't care.

But then you thought that refining happened in an oil tanker. That is why you may have thought that refining was a simple process. But, you see, you are what is technically known as full of shit.

Yep. I'm full of it. Clearly, I don't 'work with the oil folks.' Although, I don't remember claiming that I did.

Yes, me poor ignorant tool. I do realise it. And I realize it also. Did you just notice. The company is generally categorized based on the PRIMARY business that they do.
I know you want to leave it at that. Because you know you are caught. Red handed. The point is that oil refining is MANUFACTURING. But instead of finally admitting it, you just slink away. Because you lack integrity.

No, oil refining is not manufacturing. I've already explained there is a difference between creating petroleum based products and just creating gasoline, which you claimed was 'manufacturing.' If your original position was regarding petrolum based products, I would have no problem agreeing. However, you spent two days trying to convince me that refining gasoline was was the same as manufacturing.

The corresponding NAICS category to the SIC code for refining gasoline is 32411, Gasoline made in petroleum refineries. The operative word, my poor ignorant con, is MADE. Look up manufacturing. You will see that manufacturing means MAKING SOMETHING.

Should we go on??? But if you want to believe that refining gas is not manufacturing, I could care less.

You can't have it both ways. Either your position is that making petroleum based products is manufacturing, or making gasoline is manufacturing. If you choose the second option, you are wrong of course. If you choose the latter, you are moving the goalpost. Either way, you are being disingenuous as I have your words quoted, trying to convince others that refining gasoline is the same as manufacturing it.

Sure, Amazon. Funny. I do not know how this stuff works, from the person who said that crude is refined in a oil tanker. And ANYONE should beilieve you WHY?? But as I proved to all rational people, refining petroleum is manufacturing. Perhaps you should contact the folks at NAICS and have them set up a new category. And tell them that refining is not manufacturing regardless of what they believe.
Stupid, Amazon. But you are a hoot.

That's not what you proved at all. You said that refining gasoline was manufacturing. You are taking credit for a position you never made, and by doing so, you are moving the goal post. If you want to argue that oil companies manufacture petroleum based products, you would have had a point. But you are on the record, arguing that gasoline is manufactured, not once, but many times throughout this dialogue.

Next time you want to know what categories oil companies believe themselves to be in, let me know. I sold manufacturing software to BP, as an example. And anyone who knows anything about the industry understands that gasoline is a manufactured product. If you do not want to believe it, go complain to the petrolium companies. Or the folks who produce and manage the SIC codes.
The SIC Directory contains a database of all the Standard Industrial Classification codes.
SIC Codes Directory29

You can thank me later. The education is free. Funny when you attack and attack and call people names, only to be shown that you are WRONG. I am sure you will be making the blather from your last post true. You will be angry again, at me. Instead of whomever told you gas refining was not considered manufacturing.

The stuff you extract, as in crude oil, is not manufactured, OBVIOUSLY. But, sense we are talking about petroleum, and gasoline in particular, you are WRONG.

It is not. That is what I proved and you are once again, wrong. You have been caught moving the goal post.

So feel free and explain your way out of this one.

Obviously, you just are not capable of understanding it. You did not just make a factual error. You have been telling all that would read your drivel how much you understand the oil refining process. Then you made that statement.

And? It would have made zero different if I would have said oil was refined in a barrel. You would have still dwelled on it as if it matted. It would have shifted the credibility of the debate zero in your favor and I would have continued not to care.

Right. From an economic idiot who thinks that oil is refined in an oil tanker. You are obviously very knowledgeable. And, well, yep. You did find one typo in this post. A single character. Hell, i found way more grammatical errors than that in your drivel. But, I only do it because you think you are a grammatical expert. Which is nonsense. So, a lot of your opinion again. And attacking. By the way, for your future knowledge, oil tankers are SHIPS. Generally folks who know what they are do not call them vessels. Just trying to help

*Yawn* That's nice.

And you believe your opinion matters for WHAT reason???

Well, they're not my opinions if it is obviously true.

Right. And that Oil Companies can and do raise prices as they want. And that petroleum refining is indeed manufacturing. And that gas station owners do not use last weeks eia numbers to determine how to set their price. We could go on. But you are comparing me to you. And you, me dear, are a really low bar.

If that is what you want to believe. Go for it.

But I will give you this. You do post a whole lot of crap trying to support your fallacies. I just spent another 30 minutes reading your drivel.

It took you 30 minutes to read my post? Wow! You really are bad at reading...

And I can never get it back. Jesus, I think I stopped paying attention to your drivel half way through reading it.

But you are retired. You have all the time in the world now... Opps, consistency error.
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[MENTION=37424]Rshermr[/MENTION]: I hate to put it like this but, I told you it would come to this.

Most boringly tediously unreadable thread EVER.
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Originally Posted by Rshermr
Total bs. You have taught me nothing. Because you are unable to understand that the oil companies, they who make gas, can and do set whatever price they want to whenever they want to. Eia data is by definition HISTORICAL. Which has NOTHING to do with price increases. You seem to think that somehow, there is some restriction on oil companies as far as raising (or lowering) the price of gas to their distributors and gas stations. THERE IS NO RESTRICTION.
I can not believe that you are so confused. You do not listen. You are showing the method that the eia uses to compute components of gas prices after the fact.
Which have NOTHING at all to do with how the price for gasoline is set. If Exxon wants to raise prices, they can.. And,after raising prices, the eia will produce new numbers.
I never said there was a restriction. I only said there is only so much oil companies can control. 1/4 of the price of oil is dictate by oil companies (which only makes up a dollar and a few cents). 3/4 is dictated through the price of oil, the cost to refine it and taxes.

And an oil company could increase the cost of gasoline (gas for here on) any amount they want. If they raise it 20%, as they could should they want to, the eia would have new numbers next week. Then, your equation would be deifferent. Because the eia numbers would be different. Get it yet?
What they do, in reality, is raise the cost of gas by small amounts multiple times over a period of time. Perhaps 9 months. So, it could be as small as 1% per increase 20 times. The important thing to realize is that what results is nearly pure profit from those increases. Their cost per gallon sold does not increase by much. Pretty much taxes.

You. Are. Wrong.
Often. But not about what I am saying here. You seem unable to grasp that oil companies are unable to raise gas prices any amount they want, and the eia will change their numbers to reflect the new reality.

So, you are saying that joe station owner is looking at last weeks eia number, and price their gas for this week?? Are you really that ignorant. A gas station owner is concerned with two factors. One, the price he is charged by his gas distributor. And 2, what the other gas stations are charging. Last weeks eia number are not of any real concern to him, in terms of setting his price. Find a reference from gas station owners who say they look at the eia numbers and set their price. If you paid attention to the information I provided you relating to a pair of gas station owners, you may have noticed that they change their prices often more than once per day.

I already showed you how gas station owners does it. The EIA already gives you the mythology of what you pay when you pay at the pump. If that is
You showed nothing. Except eia methodology, which is only of secondary interest to a station owner. And not at all used in his pricing.
If that is?????????????????????? Did you think this was a complete sentence??


Which is what I just said, dipshit. He controls only how much margin he wants to make. And like any businessman, he has to weigh profit margins versus volume. If he lowers his price some, he sells more but makes less per gallon. If he raises his price, he sells less and makes more per gallon. It is his call. All based on the cost he pays and the demand he has for gas. So, you call my opinion ignorant. But it is simple economics. Hell, you could take a basic econ class for non majors and get his problem.
So you agree that Gas Owners cannot just raise prices to whatever he or she wants, and gas prices are dictated by 4 components, not just one.
I said he does not look at eia data to price anything. He looks at the same two factors that any businessman must look at. The cost he pays for his gas, and the prices of his competition.

So, I am curious. Why are you focusing on the gas station. He has VERY little influence on what people pay for gas. The issue is the Oil Company who supplies gas to the supply chain, be it through distributors or directly to the gas station.
You were the one talking about gas stations. I wasn't. From the start, I already told you that no one person or entity decides what the price for gas is, but somehow you've convinced yourself that gas states can set their prices to whatever they wish.
This is false, as you have already learned.

Only 1/4th of what you pay for gas is dictated by oil companies. The same mythology I have shown by the EIA applies. Each entity add their own cost to the price of gas.

I have learned nothing, and you have shown nothing. I was talking about the cost of gas to gas stations. Period. You lie way too often.
And no, again, gas station owners could care less about eia numbers when setting price. They are concerned only about the cost they pay for the gas they sell, and the competition's prices for gas. Period. Eia numbers are historical information. Not used in setting prices.
No company ever sets prices without considering those same primary factors. But all are free to set their price wherever they want.

Crude Oil - the monthly average of the composite refiner acquisition cost, which is the average price of crude oil purchased by refiners. (Supply & Demand)

Refining Costs & Profits - the difference between the monthly average of the spot price of gasoline or diesel fuel (used as a proxy for the value of gasoline or diesel fuel as it exits the refinery) and the average price of crude oil purchased by refiners (the crude oil component). (Oil Companies)

Distribution & Marketing Costs & Profits - the difference between the average retail price of gasoline or diesel fuel as computed from EIA's weekly survey and the sum of the other 3 components. (Gas Stations)

Taxes - a monthly national average of federal and state taxes applied to gasoline or diesel fuel. Government

The historical average, crude oil having the most sway when it comes to the price. Refining cost having the second larges. Marketing Cost and Taxes can either have the third most sway, but this generally depends.

Does this make sense to you, now?

Always has. It is, as I have been saying all along, historical explanations of the cost of gas LAST WEEK. What it is not is how anyone in the gas supply chain determines their price. It explains last week's cost components, but it does NOT determine their price.
Does this make sense to you, now?

Wow. You really make a big deal of this. Why is that Amazon??? What does sic versus NAICS have to do with anything that I care about? What does it have to do with the thread we are discussing, supposedly.
You were the one who brought it up. and you were the one who related it to your anecdotes.

No, I did not mention sic codes. What I said was that oil refining is manufacturing. You said it was not, and I showed the SIC code showing that it was. Your rants about sic versus naics have been all yours. I simply responded to them.
Is lying a congenital problem for you, amazon?

Now let me understand this. You think I am stupid because I have not kept up with NAICS. I have many, many, many more important things in my life. If it is that important to you, you have my pitty. But calling me stupid for not keeping up with NAICS shows that one of the two of us is stupid. If you really believe it. I doubt you do, but maybe you are indeed that stupid.

Yeah, pretty much.

So you admit you are that stupid. Good. Understanding is the first step in overcoming the problem.

As I have already said, these codes matter if you pay attention to BLS statistics or Census bureau statistics at all. If you don't care about any of these things, then you are not really interested in Economies. You're only interested in one-upping some other loser on an internet forum.

Well, I did not say you are a looser, but then........
Have you been memorizing NAICS codes????? If I need a code, I can find it, be it sic or naics. But it is more than a little unusual that you need the codes. As I am sure you know.
Please find a quote from an economist telling you he is concerned about naics codes. Go do some of your famous "research". You will find that he uses a tool that compiles what he needs, and will find the appropriate code if necessary.

And the beat goes on. You are simply a tool. Looking for anything you can get to try to attack me. Now it is NAICS. Jesus, maybe you need to get a life.
I do have a life. I do not care at all if you do not know anything about NAICS codes. It does bother me how people need to rely on their phony credentials to win an online debate. That's pretty pathetic. What is even more pathetic not knowing as much as what you claim you have studied.

perhaps you would like to explain that last sentence, grammar queen. I suspect it was meant to be an insult

I responded to when I got my MBA because you suggested I should have known about NAICS from my MBA studies. Which was stupid, because NAICS did not exist at the time. But it simply shows that you are incapable of anything but attacking. Which is what makes you a total dipshit.

And I say that is an excuse. Anyone who does real research with BLS or Census Bureau Statistics is aware of this format, whether they know what it is or not. It's quite apparent that you don't do real research. There are people who have received their degrees before the new classification system was enacted. These people are able to keep up, however, your degree has apparently dumbed you down. Why is this? This is because you apparently don't know as much as you claim to.

That would be your opinion. Relative to not knowing much, maybe we should talk about refineries on oil tankers. But then, you know how much I value your opinion.

What is true is that when con tools have nothing of import to say, they attack. If you want to spend your retirement looking at NAICS categories, good for you. Makes you, in my mind, a boring person. But that is just my opinion.

So you admit that you don't actually do research, and yet just want to engage with others in economic debates.

Where you got that sentence from is beyond me. I simply said you are obviously a boring person. If you would like to discuss your research, we could talk again about oil companies and refineries not being manufacturers, and how your research showed refining is done in oil tankers. And how refining is too simple to be manufacturing. And that gas prices are set by eia numbers. And that oil companies have very little ability to control price. ........
Looks to me like those naics codes did not help you at all.

Look, Amazon. That would be your opinion. From a person who believes in refinery oil tankers. Now, if you are so smart, how did you believe that really stupid concept. You try to make people think you are smart. Good luck with that. But your opinions about me are just that. Your opinions. And you know how much I respect your opinions.

Yeah, I don't know the difference between a tanker and a vessel... Yeah, there goes my entire career in Financial Markets... Should I tender my resignation?
No, but if I were you I would not let them know that you are that ignorant. They may make you go study naics codes. That would take care of your ignorance problem.


Me dear, I knew of NAICS codes.
You already just said in a previous post that you didn't.

No I did not. I said I had not used them, and was not aware that they had supplanted sic to the extent that they have currently. And I was not at the time much interested in them. Because, me dear, even in 2008, those tools still used sic codes.
You need to pay attention.

Apparently you are really impressed with NAICS. Which I do not believe for a minute. What do you do with NAICS codes, me dear? What do you think you can do with them that you can not do with SIC codes? I can tell you that I and those that worked for and with me, with onesource and hoovers could do everything that we could do with NAICS. And that is the issue. I am interested in new technology only related to what it does for me, or in the past, my customers and the company I worked for. Obviously. But for you, it does one thing. It provides you with something to harp on. And it is really petty, rally stupid, and totally lacks any credibility. Jesus, you are a useless con.

That's nice that you only care about how terminologies and terms affect you personally. Just don't engage in economically debates with subpar understanding of the topics and evidence you are presenting.

You have demonstrated that knowing naics codes has provided you with the ability to believe that refining is not manufacturing. Or that refining happens in oil tankers. Or that eia number controls pricing. If that is the case, perhaps we should all stay away.
You need to read instead of assuming, me dear. What I said was technology. Not terminologies and terms. So, lying just does not bother you, does it, Amazon. It MUST be a congenital problem.
If economies isn't your forte, maybe you really should be discussing it.
Thanks, I guess. Glad to see you believe I really should be discussing it. But actually, the opinion of an economic idiot, such as yourself, is really pretty useless.

And, and what? Please read below. You are completely wrong.

Now try to pay attention, Amazon. See if you can understand it this time. So far you have not done well.
211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction. It is part of category 211. Here, let me help you.
NAICS code 211 - Oil and Gas
211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
211112 Natural Gas Liquid Extraction
That is it. Catagory 21 also includes mining, support activities for mining, and building construction.

324110 NAICS Code - Petroleum Refineries
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in refining crude petroleum into refined petroleum. Petroleum refining involves one or more of the following activities: (1) fractionation; (2) straight distillation of crude oil; and (3) cracking.
That code, obviously, is part of category 324.
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing

Oil and Gas Extraction - May 2012 OES Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

Seriously, read sources when people provide them to you
Most people would have caught on. Most people would be embarrassed to have taken that long. But not you, eh.

The problem with being unable to read your own sources is that you cannot read very well. I especially LOVE how you bold the manufacturing word, but completely ignored the word before it.

Nice try at a lie. You told me on several occasions that petroleum refining is not a manufacturing process. Now, you may need to look at your naics stuff again.
You also said that oil companies are classified in the same class as mining. They are not, though exploration and extraction is.
You also seemed incapable of understanding that naics classifies companies based on what they primarily do. Which is, manufacture and sell the products manufactured from petroleum.

They are manufacturing Petroleum Products. Not Petroleum. Again, oil companies do not manufacture Petroleum, as petroleum is a naturally occurring substance. In the petroleum industry, there are plenty of things you can make from petroleum, but gasoline is not one of them.
OK. I am speachless again. Petrolium is the raw product extracted from wells. It is indeed the raw material from which gasoline is refined.
"An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas..."
Oil refinery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Check it out. The picture is of the refinery about 5 miles from where I live.
So, where the hell did you think gasoline came from. I mean, you have been telling me how little I know because I do not study naics codes, yet you do not have a clue of where gas comes from? Notice the picture or the refinery, by the way. It is not an OIL TANKER.

You need to give this up. Again, above I provided you with the NAICS codes for refining, which the NAICS folks (gov employees, but folks all the same) call MANUFACTURING.
Yes, for petroleum products. You obviously do not understand that you can make things from petroleum. And for this, I give you the extremely long list of Petrolum Based Products:

List of crude oil products - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, if you don't remember, you have been arguing that gasoline is manufactured from petroleum.
Jesus. Please read above.

The corresponding NAICS category to the SIC code for refining gasoline is 32411, Gasoline made in petroleum refineries. The operative word, my poor ignorant con, is MADE. Look up manufacturing. You will see that manufacturing means MAKING SOMETHING.
Again, you are wrong. And it's becoming extremely easy to prove you wrong. Apparently, you've 'worked with the oil folks' but you don't have a single clue how this industry works.
You really should stop. You are digging a really big hole. And yes, the folks with whom I worked would be speachless about your statements. As am i.

Right. Sure you did. You looked for gov agencies that use SIC codes. Jesus, you are a tool.
Did I say I looked for government agencies using SIC codes? I said the only agencies which still uses them besides OHSA is the SEC. And I know because I've looked.

Why are you so terrible at reading. You'd think universities would have better standards regarding the literate proficiency regarding their candidates.

I can read just fine. I just think it is funny that you now know that there are no other gov entities using sic. Because you told me that oil was refined in an oil tanker, and that oil refining is not manufacturing, and now THAT GASOLINE IS NOT REFINED FROM PETROLEUM. And you would wonder why anyone would question your credibility.
You looked. Funny. Really funny. And obvious proof you did not.

So you put me in a difficult situations. I can either believe you, or Wikipedia. Now I know Wikipedia is less than perfect. But then there is you. A liar and game player. My money is on Wikipedia.
You can believe who or whatever you want. I suggested that you do the research for yourself and find out. If you want to believe Wikipedia, that's fine. For all you know, I probably wrote that to fuck with you. As this is quite easy for me to do.
Yes indeed, you can screw with Wikipedia. Only done by people who are unscrupulous. Which, come to think of it, describes you well.


Simple typo, dipshit. Change the j to an i. Yes you are fortunate, though you have no concept of economics. Not sure you even know what it is. Which is why you spend your time discussing NAICS. Jesus

NAICS has everything to do with economics. Being that it was created to classify and track economic/business activity in North America.
You can't really be this stupid...

NAICS provides classification. It tracks nothing. There are tools that do so. Naics is simply classification. The tools that use naics can be quite usefull. Naics is not generally needed then, but may be.
You can't really be this stupid...

You just got caught saying the stupedest thing I have seen in a long time. And you believed it. Now, you say "who cares really. Anyone as naive and ignorant to believe that crude is refined on oil tankers just gave up their ability to be taken seriously. Jesus, that was stupid.

Interestingly enough, your location isn't listed on your profile. Were you trying to keep that confidential, or were you saving it just in case you needed to claim you are living in a convenient location just for your debates?
Jesus, dipshit. I moved. Where I moved from, which was Mt. Vernon, is just a few miles away.
Jesus, you will try anything to try to find a lie. But it is another opportunity to make a bet. Same deal. If i do not live here, you make the bucks. By the way, my son lives in the mt. vernon house. I still own it also. So, I guess the info is valid enough. And, Amazon, I never, ever lie.
So, do you ever say anything about the topic, or do you simply spend your time making stupid comments and making attacks?

The closest refinery covers about 300 acres. Pretty typical in size. Employs lots of folks. Heavy on equipment. So, you call it simple?
I don't call it simple. I just don't care.

Ah, but you did. When telling me why refining gas from petrolium was not manufacturing, you said refining was a simple process.
You seem to have trouble keeping track of what you say. Mental problem, or are you simply lying again?

But then you thought that refining happened in an oil tanker. That is why you may have thought that refining was a simple process. But, you see, you are what is technically known as full of shit.
Yep. I'm full of it. Clearly, I don't 'work with the oil folks.' Although, I don't remember claiming that I did.


Yes, me poor ignorant tool. I do realise it. And I realize it also. Did you just notice. The company is generally categorized based on the PRIMARY business that they do.
I know you want to leave it at that. Because you know you are caught. Red handed. The point is that oil refining is MANUFACTURING. But instead of finally admitting it, you just slink away. Because you lack integrity.
No, oil refining is not manufacturing. I've already explained there is a difference between creating petroleum based products and just creating gasoline, which you claimed was 'manufacturing.' If your original position was regarding petrolum based products, I would have no problem agreeing. However, you spent two days trying to convince me that refining gasoline was was the same as manufacturing.

pe·tro·le·um [puh-troh-lee-uhm] noun
an oily, thick, flammable, usually dark-colored liquid that is a form of bitumen or a mixture of various hydrocarbons, occurring naturally in various parts of the world and commonly obtained by drilling: used in a natural or refined state as fuel, or separated by distillation into gasoline, naphtha, benzene, kerosene, paraffin, etc.
Jesus, this is getting to be funny. Get it YET. How is all the knowledge you say you have of NAICS working for you.

The corresponding NAICS category to the SIC code for refining gasoline is 32411, Gasoline made in petroleum refineries. The operative word, my poor ignorant con, is MADE. Look up manufacturing. You will see that manufacturing means MAKING SOMETHING.

Should we go on??? But if you want to believe that refining gas is not manufacturing, I could care less
You can't have it both ways. Either your position is that making petroleum based products is manufacturing, or making gasoline is manufacturing. If you choose the second option, you are wrong of course. If you choose the latter, you are moving the goalpost. Either way, you are being disingenuous as I have your words quoted, trying to convince others that refining gasoline is the same as manufacturing it.
I tried to let you off. I asked if you really wanted to go on. And now, you attack again. But you would just not stop. Petrolium refining is a manufacturing process wherein various products are produced, INCLUDING GASOLINE. Where did you think gasoline was made from, potatoe chips??
"An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas.[1][2] Oil refineries are typically large, sprawling industrial complexes...."
Oil refinery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you are WRONG. I can and do have it both ways. Refining all of the products that come out of crude, not some, but all, IS MANUFACTURING. As I keep telling you. As the NAICS codes you are so in love with should tell you.


Sure, Amazon. Funny. I do not know how this stuff works, from the person who said that crude is refined in a oil tanker. And ANYONE should believe you WHY?? But as I proved to all rational people, refining petroleum is manufacturing. Perhaps you should contact the folks at NAICS and have them set up a new category. And tell them that refining is not manufacturing regardless of what they believe.
Stupid, Amazon. But you are a hoot.
That's not what you proved at all. You said that refining gasoline was manufacturing. You are taking credit for a position you never made, and by doing so, you are moving the goal post. If you want to argue that oil companies manufacture petroleum based products, you would have had a point. But you are on the record, arguing that gasoline is manufactured, not once, but many times throughout this dialogue.
Jesus, Amazon. You should have stopped when I gave you the chance. I am stunned again. Completely. Refining petroleum is not manufacturing petroleum. Petroleum is the base product from which all of the other products are produced. You can call it petroleum refining, or Oil Refining. Same damned thing, me dear. And yes, as you should understand by now, gas is manufactured. In the refining process. They are refining gasoline, along with other products, from crude, or petroleum. Because, you see, crude oil and petroleum are the SAME THING.

And you believe your opinion matters for WHAT reason???
Well, they're not my opinions if it is obviously true.

Right. It is obviously your opinion still, then, that oil is refined in a oil tanker, that oil refining does not result in the production of gasoline, though it does result in the production of other products, that refining gasoline from petrolium is not manufacturing. Sure your opinions are obviously true. Sure, Amazon.

Right. And that Oil Companies can and do raise prices as they want. And that petroleum refining is indeed manufacturing. And that gas station owners do not use last weeks eia numbers to determine how to set their price. We could go on. But you are comparing me to you. And you, me dear, are a really low bar.
If that is what you want to believe. Go for it.

I want to believe nothing. That is a con malady. I try as hard as I can to base my beliefs on facts. And the facts are that you have been wrong more than you have been correct.
So, I will not expect you to admit you were WRONG. Because, you do not have the integrity. But, your posts, though boring, are at least good for a lot of laughs. You may not be the brightest bulb on this site, but you are the funniest.
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[MENTION=37424]Rshermr[/MENTION]: I hate to put it like this but, I told you it would come to this.

Most boringly tediously unreadable thread EVER.
Yup. I have to end this. Trying to have a discussion with a con like Amazon is like wrestling with a pig. You both end up dirty, and the pig likes it. Yea, I know it is an old saying. And I know you have probably heard it about a thousand times.
You know, trying to discuss an issue with a con reminds me most of trying to have a discussion with a mentally ill person. Total waste of time. They believe what they want, they believe it HARD, and no amount of evidence will make them believe otherwise.
And an oil company could increase the cost of gasoline (gas for here on) any amount they want. If they raise it 20%, as they could should they want to, the eia would have new numbers next week. Then, your equation would be deifferent. Because the eia numbers would be different. Get it yet?

That's not how it works at all. Oil companies compute their prices based on the spot price of crude oil, the cost of refining and the cost to purchase from other refiners. You don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.

What they do, in reality, is raise the cost of gas by small amounts multiple times over a period of time. Perhaps 9 months. So, it could be as small as 1% per increase 20 times. The important thing to realize is that what results is nearly pure profit from those increases. Their cost per gallon sold does not increase by much. Pretty much taxes.

That's not what they do 'in reality,' at all. It's hardly 1% increases. Their prices are dictated by the spot price of gasoline, which is always changing. Each month it can be anywhere from 5% to 9% depending on the price of crude and the cost of refining. Even still, Oil Companies have never add more than 20% to the cost of what you pay at the pump, on average. You are clearly making things up, and the data shows this.

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update

Often. But not about what I am saying here. You seem unable to grasp that oil companies are unable to raise gas prices any amount they want, and the eia will change their numbers to reflect the new reality.

But they don't. They never have, and never will. You are reflecting your reality on your opinions. Statistics already show that you are wrong. Arguing this further is pointless.

I have learned nothing, and you have shown nothing. I was talking about the cost of gas to gas stations. Period. You lie way too often.

I already know you haven't learned anything. Facts are pretty much a repelant

And no, again, gas station owners could care less about eia numbers when setting price.

That's your opinion.

They are concerned only about the cost they pay for the gas they sell, and the competition's prices for gas. Period. Eia numbers are historical information. Not used in setting prices. No company ever sets prices without considering those same primary factors. But all are free to set their price wherever they want.

More ignorant opinions.

Always has. It is, as I have been saying all along, historical explanations of the cost of gas LAST WEEK. What it is not is how anyone in the gas supply chain determines their price. It explains last week's cost components, but it does NOT determine their price.
Does this make sense to you, now?

It does determines their price, as every entity is in change of contributing to the price of gasoline. You are wrong, but still interesting how you like to pretend you know more than the EIA when it comes to these things. Hilarious.

No, I did not mention sic codes. What I said was that oil refining is manufacturing.

No you didn't. You said Refining Gas was manufacturing. Even that is wrong as well.

So you admit you are that stupid. Good. Understanding is the first step in overcoming the problem.

That's not what I admitted to at all, but I guess reading what I actually wrote would be too difficult of a task for you.

Well, I did not say you are a looser, but then........

I'm a looser? Okay...

Have you been memorizing NAICS codes????? If I need a code, I can find it, be it sic or naics. But it is more than a little unusual that you need the codes. As I am sure you know.
Please find a quote from an economist telling you he is concerned about naics codes. Go do some of your famous "research". You will find that he uses a tool that compiles what he needs, and will find the appropriate code if necessary.

Why would I need to find a quote about economist being 'concerned about NAICS codes? No one is concerned about them. We all use them for research, and they are inherently important. Again, if you use BLS and Census bureau data, you will understand why.

perhaps you would like to explain that last sentence, grammar queen. I suspect it was meant to be an insult

You suspicions are correct. It was an insult. What are you going to do, bitch some more about how I question your phony credentials?

That would be your opinion. Relative to not knowing much, maybe we should talk about refineries on oil tankers. But then, you know how much I value your opinion.

Again, I do not know what this post is in reference to. You should really take the time to learn how to organise your responses. Then again, why would organisation skills be important to MBA achievers?

Where you got that sentence from is beyond me. I simply said you are obviously a boring person.

Hey, how did you know?

No, but if I were you I would not let them know that you are that ignorant. They may make you go study naics codes. That would take care of your ignorance problem.

No one makes me study anything.

You have demonstrated that knowing naics codes has provided you with the ability to believe that refining is not manufacturing. Or that refining happens in oil tankers. Or that eia number controls pricing. If that is the case, perhaps we should all stay away.
You need to read instead of assuming, me dear. What I said was technology. Not terminologies and terms. So, lying just does not bother you, does it, Amazon. It MUST be a congenital problem.


Nice try at a lie. You told me on several occasions that petroleum refining is not a manufacturing process. Now, you may need to look at your naics stuff again.

That's not what I said at all, but then again, many lies are based on other lies, I suppose.

You also said that oil companies are classified in the same class as mining. They are not, though exploration and extraction is.

Oil and Gas extraction is under the mining category, dumbass...

NAICS 211000 - Oil and Gas Extraction is part of: Sector 21 - Mining.

Oil and Gas Extraction - May 2012 OES Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

You also seemed incapable of understanding that naics classifies companies based on what they primarily do. Which is, manufacture and sell the products manufactured from petroleum.

No, that's not how NAICS works at all. It's merely a system in which it catergorises different jobs along with different sectors of the economy. There are companies which happen to have jobs pertaining to both sectors of the economy. Such as the Auto Mobile Industry having positions which are relating to both manufacturing, service sector and wholesale.

OK. I am speachless again. Petrolium is the raw product extracted from wells. It is indeed the raw material from which gasoline is refined.
"An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas..."
Oil refinery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's nice, but you said more than five times that gasoline is a manufactured producted. It's not.

Check it out. The picture is of the refinery about 5 miles from where I live.

I do not care much for your anecdotes.

So, where the hell did you think gasoline came from. I mean, you have been telling me how little I know because I do not study naics codes, yet you do not have a clue of where gas comes from? Notice the picture or the refinery, by the way. It is not an OIL TANKER.

Gasoline comes from petroleum, as I have said before. It's not manufactured in any way, shape or form.

You need to give this up. Again, above I provided you with the NAICS codes for refining, which the NAICS folks (gov employees, but folks all the same) call MANUFACTURING.

Jesus. Please read above.

You've given me NAICS codes for Petroleum Products Manufacturing. Not Gasoline Production. They're under two entirely different sectors.

Oil and Gas Extraction - May 2012 OES Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

All of the positions which falls under producing gasoline falls under the Oil and Gas Extraction:

  • Petroleum Pump System Operators, Refinery Operators, and Gaugers
  • Gas Compressor and Gas Pumping Station Operators
  • Extraction Workers

Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing - May 2012 OES Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

  • Petroleum Pump System Operators, Refinery Operators, and Gaugers

What I have highlighted in bold is the one type of job both industries share. There are no gas producing jobs in this sector. These jobs are in the Oil and Gas extraction sector, not the Petroleum Products Manufacturing Sector.

Again, it helps to really READ what you are trying to show. If you did that, you would be more correct and maybe someone will provide you more reps and thanks on your post.

Well, I don't see that happening.

You really should stop. You are digging a really big hole. And yes, the folks with whom I worked would be speachless about your statements. As am i.

Your imaginary friends? Wouldn't want to upset them.

I can read just fine. I just think it is funny that you now know that there are no other gov entities using sic. Because you told me that oil was refined in an oil tanker, and that oil refining is not manufacturing, and now THAT GASOLINE IS NOT REFINED FROM PETROLEUM. And you would wonder why anyone would question your credibility.
You looked. Funny. Really funny. And obvious proof you did not.

No one questions my credibility. My rep is too good for that.

Yes indeed, you can screw with Wikipedia. Only done by people who are unscrupulous. Which, come to think of it, describes you well.

Which is why you continue to use wikipedia has a reference 3 times in your response to me. Obviously, you are desperate.

NAICS provides classification. It tracks nothing. There are tools that do so. Naics is simply classification. The tools that use naics can be quite usefull. Naics is not generally needed then, but may be.
You can't really be this stupid...

Jesus, dipshit. I moved. Where I moved from, which was Mt. Vernon, is just a few miles away.

Sure you did.

Jesus, you will try anything to try to find a lie. But it is another opportunity to make a bet. Same deal. If i do not live here, you make the bucks. By the way, my son lives in the mt. vernon house. I still own it also. So, I guess the info is valid enough. And, Amazon, I never, ever lie.

You shouldn't make a bet like this if you are not willing to provide your state ID, copy of your current bills addressed to your home, a picture of yourself as well as your social.

Sounds fair?

So, do you ever say anything about the topic, or do you simply spend your time making stupid comments and making attacks?

Not when what I am responding to is unrelated to the topic in question.

Ah, but you did. When telling me why refining gas from petrolium was not manufacturing, you said refining was a simple process.
You seem to have trouble keeping track of what you say. Mental problem, or are you simply lying again?

If I truly said it, then you should have no problem providing a quote of where I said it was a 'simple process.'

I'll wait.


pe·tro·le·um [puh-troh-lee-uhm] noun
an oily, thick, flammable, usually dark-colored liquid that is a form of bitumen or a mixture of various hydrocarbons, occurring naturally in various parts of the world and commonly obtained by drilling: used in a natural or refined state as fuel, or separated by distillation into gasoline, naphtha, benzene, kerosene, paraffin, etc.
Jesus, this is getting to be funny. Get it YET. How is all the knowledge you say you have of NAICS working for you.

Nice. You've defined petroleum. Although, your definition does not say that those products are manufactured. It merely said petroleum are separated into other products. I know you really want to believe gasoline is manufactured, but merely separating a another product from it's base is not manufacturing.

You are still wrong.

I tried to let you off. I asked if you really wanted to go on. And now, you attack again. But you would just not stop. Petrolium refining is a manufacturing process wherein various products are produced, INCLUDING GASOLINE. Where did you think gasoline was made from, potatoe chips??
"An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas.[1][2] Oil refineries are typically large, sprawling industrial complexes...."
Oil refinery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, you cannot make up words as you see fit. I don't see the words manufactured in there. All I can see is that you can make petroleum from many things. I do not see where your source says that oil refining is manufacturing. I do not see where it says producing gasoline is manufacturing. You're grasping at straws, and it's getting old. You are still wrong.

So you are WRONG. I can and do have it both ways. Refining all of the products that come out of crude, not some, but all, IS MANUFACTURING. As I keep telling you. As the NAICS codes you are so in love with should tell you.

No. Not it's not. Your source doesn't substantiate that and you are simply distorting what your source says. But it is good to know that you don't care about moving the goal post so far from your original base point. You'd rather be right than be honest. Well, so much for that integrity you've been bitching about.

Jesus, Amazon. You should have stopped when I gave you the chance. I am stunned again. Completely. Refining petroleum is not manufacturing petroleum. Petroleum is the base product from which all of the other products are produced. You can call it petroleum refining, or Oil Refining. Same damned thing, me dear. And yes, as you should understand by now, gas is manufactured. In the refining process. They are refining gasoline, along with other products, from crude, or petroleum. Because, you see, crude oil and petroleum are the SAME THING.

Again, if you wanted to prove that products can be made from petroleum, you'd have a point. But that is not what you were trying to prove. You have post after post trying to prove that gasoline was manufactured, and of course you are wrong. The purpose of manufacturing is to take raw materials and make them into something else. Gasoline is separated from it's base product petroleum. There is nothing to make or turn into. You are simply extracting one material from another.

Right. It is obviously your opinion still, then, that oil is refined in a oil tanker, that oil refining does not result in the production of gasoline, though it does result in the production of other products, that refining gasoline from petrolium is not manufacturing. Sure your opinions are obviously true. Sure, Amazon.

Well, they are 'opinions based on facts' as you would so eloquently put it. Gasoline is a byproduct of petroleum. It's still not manufactured. You are still wrong.

I want to believe nothing. That is a con malady. I try as hard as I can to base my beliefs on facts. And the facts are that you have been wrong more than you have been correct. So, I will not expect you to admit you were WRONG. Because, you do not have the integrity. But, your posts, though boring, are at least good for a lot of laughs. You may not be the brightest bulb on this site, but you are the funniest.

Well I do try to make learning fun. No mistake why I have more reps and just about as many thanks as you do, and you've been here for an entire year.

Must be a hard, lonely exsitance to know that no one agrees with you. That's rough, buddy.
Well, Amazon, you are not worth the effort. That is obvious. Hell, you even want to question where I live.
So, you said the following:
You shouldn't make a bet like this if you are not willing to provide your state ID, copy of your current bills addressed to your home, a picture of yourself as well as your social.

Sounds fair?

Yup, fine. Except, of course, my social. You are questioning where I live. Why, I have no idea. But I like money. $500 if I provide state id, current bills, And a picture of myself. If I can provide it, you pay me $500. If not, I pay you. But of course, you know that you are about to loose $500, which would make you have to welsh on the deal. So, B of A gets the money beforehand with the conditions I just outlined, and they pay based on the terms to whomever looses the bet. Both get the money from both of us, to hold in trust.
Let me know if you want to increase the bet. But then, I am sure you are about to back out. Because what you were really doing was putting in the ss number condition, which you knew not only had NOTHING to do with where I live, but would kill the deal.

So, in true con form, you are playing games. You are a true waste of space.
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Amazon says:

So you are WRONG. I can and do have it both ways. Refining all of the products that come out of crude, not some, but all, IS MANUFACTURING. As I keep telling you. As the NAICS codes you are so in love with should tell you.
No. Not it's not. Your source doesn't substantiate that and you are simply distorting what your source says. But it is good to know that you don't care about moving the goal post so far from your original base point. You'd rather be right than be honest. Well, so much for that integrity you've been bitching about.

So, after all that you are still saying that gasoline is not refined out of crude oil, or petrolium? I did not move any goal post. Simply proved you were wrong. But you come back, after having proof handed to you that gas is refined from crude. No question about it.
So, you simply lie again.

I am done with you. You are way to dishonest to deal with. You are a congenital liar, me dear. Best of luck to you in your upcoming life. But I am out of it. As I have said, I prefer to deal with people that have class. And at least a little integrity.
Sorry bout that,

1. Run!!!!!!!! ya, mofo's!!!!
2. Amazon kicked some serious ass in this thread!!!!!
3. Well so did I,..lol!!!!!
4. Yeah come back when you get an *A* game fellers!!!!!:badgrin:

Sorry bout that,

1. Run!!!!!!!! ya, mofo's!!!!
2. Amazon kicked some serious ass in this thread!!!!!
3. Well so did I,..lol!!!!!
4. Yeah come back when you get an *A* game fellers!!!!!:badgrin:



Don't delude yourself. All you did was embarrass yourself with your ignorance, and then doubled down on it when you got schooled.

As for Amazon, trust me nobody in the world put themselves through that endless sequel to War and Peace. One guy had enough caffeine to even venture to understand that drivel. I don't envy him, but obviously nobody else read it.

Actually she did you a favour by driving off everybody else who was laughing at you.
So, after all that you are still saying that gasoline is not refined out of crude oil, or petrolium? I did not move any goal post. Simply proved you were wrong. But you come back, after having proof handed to you that gas is refined from crude. No question about it.
So, you simply lie again.

Who the fuck said that gasoline wasn't refined from crude oil? The discussion was whether or not gasoline is a manufactured product and whether gasoline refining is manufactured.

Rshermr: The corresponding NAICS category to the SIC code for refining gasoline is 32411, Gasoline made in petroleum refineries. The operative word, my poor ignorant con, is MADE. Look up manufacturing. You will see that manufacturing means MAKING SOMETHING.

Should we go on??? But if you want to believe that refining gas is not manufacturing, I could care less.

Next time you want to know what categories oil companies believe themselves to be in, let me know. I sold manufacturing software to BP, as an example. And anyone who knows anything about the industry understands that gasoline is a manufactured product. If you do not want to believe it, go complain to the petrolium companies. Or the folks who produce and manage the SIC codes.
The SIC Directory contains a database of all the Standard Industrial Classification codes.
SIC Codes Directory29

You can thank me later. The education is free. Funny when you attack and attack and call people names, only to be shown that you are WRONG. I am sure you will be making the blather from your last post true. You will be angry again, at me. Instead of whomever told you gas refining was not considered manufacturing.

The stuff you extract, as in crude oil, is not manufactured, OBVIOUSLY. But, sense we are talking about petroleum, and gasoline in particular, you are WRONG.

I suppose it's much easier to make up what I said, instead of actually addressing what I have said. Then again, the former would require a basic reading comprehension and understanding of the English Language. Or 'King English' as you refer it to.

I am done with you. You are way to dishonest to deal with. You are a congenital liar, me dear. Best of luck to you in your upcoming life. But I am out of it. As I have said, I prefer to deal with people that have class. And at least a little integrity.

You should use words if you do not understand what it means.
Well, Amazon, you are not worth the effort. That is obvious. Hell, you even want to question where I live.
So, you said the following:
You shouldn't make a bet like this if you are not willing to provide your state ID, copy of your current bills addressed to your home, a picture of yourself as well as your social.

Sounds fair?

Yup, fine. Except, of course, my social. You are questioning where I live. Why, I have no idea. But I like money. $500 if I provide state id, current bills, And a picture of myself. If I can provide it, you pay me $500. If not, I pay you. But of course, you know that you are about to loose $500, which would make you have to welsh on the deal.

Take a picture of yourself hold a sign which says Rshermr @ USMC...

So, B of A gets the money beforehand with the conditions I just outlined, and they pay based on the terms to whomever looses the bet. Both get the money from both of us, to hold in trust.

Waste of time. Just create a paypal account and the loser just send money to a specific email address.

Let me know if you want to increase the bet. But then, I am sure you are about to back out. Because what you were really doing was putting in the ss number condition, which you knew not only had NOTHING to do with where I live, but would kill the deal.

So, in true con form, you are playing games. You are a true waste of space.

I'm still waiting for my photo.
Well, Amazon, you are not worth the effort. That is obvious. Hell, you even want to question where I live.
So, you said the following:
You shouldn't make a bet like this if you are not willing to provide your state ID, copy of your current bills addressed to your home, a picture of yourself as well as your social.

Sounds fair?

Yup, fine. Except, of course, my social. You are questioning where I live. Why, I have no idea. But I like money. $500 if I provide state id, current bills, And a picture of myself. If I can provide it, you pay me $500. If not, I pay you. But of course, you know that you are about to loose $500, which would make you have to welsh on the deal.

Take a picture of yourself hold a sign which says Rshermr @ USMC...

So, B of A gets the money beforehand with the conditions I just outlined, and they pay based on the terms to whomever looses the bet. Both get the money from both of us, to hold in trust.

Waste of time. Just create a paypal account and the loser just send money to a specific email address.

Let me know if you want to increase the bet. But then, I am sure you are about to back out. Because what you were really doing was putting in the ss number condition, which you knew not only had NOTHING to do with where I live, but would kill the deal.

So, in true con form, you are playing games. You are a true waste of space.

I'm still waiting for my photo.
Sorry, me con tool. What are the rules first. I send you a picture and you send me $500?? Want to sign of on that. Promise you will do so. I have the paypall account now. Just need the rules. Cause I have learned not to believe anything you said.

You know how it is, Amazon. You tell me that gas is not refined from petrolium, and I prove it is. And I mean, jesus, that is a piece of cake. Anyone and everyone knows it is. And you say it is not. You say oil refining to produce gas is not manufacturing. I show you the naics information that proves it is. You say that it is not true.
Then you tell me that crude is refined on oil tankers. Which everyone in the known world over the age of 18 knows is not true, yet you made the statement as though you knew what you were talking about. And you want me to be with you and trust you will send $500 to my Paypal account? Sure, Amazon. Just because you lied before, many times, I should assume I can trust you this time? Sure, amazon. Set up the rules. I will agree to them if they are reasonable. Promise before the whole world that you will play by the rules. And if all you want is a picture, I will send you one.
Sorry bout that,

1. *Stop fucking whining*!
2. Rshermr sounds like *whiner*,..:badgrin:

Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


Obama has no control over gas prices.

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