Cost of Obamacare 80% less than the lie Wendy's told

just curious why didnt obama just expand medicare?

I don't think he (or any number of others in the center of the Democratic Party) has any great interest in expanding it to everyone. If you're asking why it wasn't expanded at least to some, on an optional buy-in basis, the answer is the filibuster.

Dems Set to Scrap Medicare Expansion Plan | Fox News
Published December 14, 2009 / AP

WASHINGTON -- The end game at hand, Senate Democrats appeared ready to jettison a proposed Medicare expansion from historic health care legislation Monday in hopes of assuring Christmas-week passage of the bill to extend coverage to tens of millions.

"Democrats aren't going to let the American people down," Majority Leader Harry Reid said after a closed-door meeting called to discuss last-minute trade-offs in the legislation that President Barack Obama has made a top priority. "I'm confident that by next week, we will be on our way toward final passage."

Liberals sought the Medicare expansion as a last-minute substitute for a full-blown, government-run insurance program that moderates earlier insisted be jettisoned. But it drew strong opposition from Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and quieter concerns from a dozen Democrats -- all of whose votes are essential for Democrats to overcome implacable Republican opposition.

"Put me down tonight as encouraged about the direction these talks are going," Lieberman said less than 24 hours after he rattled Democrats with his threat to join side with Republican opponents unless he got his way.

Reid did not say flatly that Democrats had decided to drop the proposal for uninsured Americans as young as 55 to purchase coverage under Medicare. But several senators said it appeared inevitable, and liberals sounded resigned to it. "I want to see health care reform," Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, said.
Greenie, you are now officially an abject liar.

You know full well that the shit is about to hit the fan, that premiums are about to jump as they never have before.

Liars disgust me.

[The promise from Obama and the Progressives pushing ObamaCare was that a tax on medical devices and cuts to Medicaid would bring down the costs of this new program...making it "affordable".

Medicare and Medicaid are not the same thing. Regardless, the slowdown in health care cost growth has improved the budget picture for both, freeing up enough existing money to pay for virtually the entirety of the ACA (before the new revenues, most of which don't come from the device tax, are even counted). That's the point, and it's the reason the ACA is now paid for one and a half times over.
It's a lucky day for xenophobes everywhere - not only are undocumented workers NOT covered under Obamacare - their status will make them easier to deport under the reform
The reform requires all U.S. citizens and permanent residents to obtain health insurance, either through the government-run Medicaid program for the poor or by purchasing private insurance via state exchanges starting in 2014.

It also bars undocumented immigrants from participating. As more low-income citizens receive insurance, the fear is that many of the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants will be easier to identify just because they lack coverage.

"It's my 3 a.m. nightmare," said Alicia Wilson, La Clinica's executive director. "While we do not collect information about the immigration status of our patients, the fact that they will be uninsured could be taken as 'code' for also being undocumented."
Health Care Reform Law Could Expose Undocumented Immigrants
[The promise from Obama and the Progressives pushing ObamaCare was that a tax on medical devices and cuts to Medicaid would bring down the costs of this new program...making it "affordable".

Medicare and Medicaid are not the same thing. Regardless, the slowdown in health care cost growth has improved the budget picture for both, freeing up enough existing money to pay for virtually the entirety of the ACA (before the new revenues, most of which don't come from the device tax, are even counted). That's the point, and it's the reason the ACA is now paid for one and a half times over.

Freed up existing money? What are you talking about? We're running trillion dollar a year deficits BEFORE the costs of ObamaCare kick in and the cost FOR ObamaCare keeps getting revised ever higher...yet you seem to think that we now have the whole thing "paid for one and a half times over"? I don't know what you're smoking there, Greenie...but don't bogart that shit! Whatever it is has gotta be good stuff.
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Why is this still in political forum when my retort of this lie was moved to health care? BIAS because this supports Obamacare????? While MINE showed the fact that the cost didn't change just a smaller number of participants. That's what was being said by Wendy's ...
FACT is Wendy's says"
"As we continue to analyze it and look at the impact on our business, we think the impact is going to be less than our original estimates.... We started off... saying (the) cost could be $25,000 a restaurant."
"We think, based on a lower acceptance rate (among employees), the actual cost per restaurant... could be closer to $5,000 a restaurant."
Wendy's talks about new products, breakfast, health care and rising costs | The Columbus Dispatch
But you moved this FACT because of what BIAS???

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