Costs and Benefits of Repatriating Blacks to Africa


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
"we will pay you"??? Where do you get that 'we' stuff? There are 40 million Blacks in the US. If you paid each one $100,000 to move that is $4 tillion! That is a very generous reparation and where does that leave the US? We already have a shrinking population.

How much savings on prison housing?
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Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
"we will pay you"??? Where do you get that 'we' stuff? There are 40 million Blacks in the US. If you paid each one $100,000 to move that is $4 tillion! That is a very generous reparation and where does that leave the US? We already have a shrinking population.

How much savings on prison housing?

Costs and Benefits of Repatriating Whites to Europe..........
Just wondering......... :dunno:

The government of Ghana has asked American blacks to pack up and move to their country. I haven't heard of anyone taking their government up on the offer.
Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
"we will pay you"??? Where do you get that 'we' stuff? There are 40 million Blacks in the US. If you paid each one $100,000 to move that is $4 tillion! That is a very generous reparation and where does that leave the US? We already have a shrinking population.

How much savings on prison housing?

52 years ago, liberal Gov. George C. Wallace ran for President on the platform of sending African Americans back to the Dark Continent.

I was only 12 years old and in 7th Grade, I thought it was a stupid idea then. It would have created great economic upheaval, hurt the housing market, damage tremendous America product lines like Afrosheen, Hennessey and Newports. I certainly understand that a lot of libs don't personally like black people, but that's no reason to cut off your nose to spite your face.
Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
"we will pay you"??? Where do you get that 'we' stuff? There are 40 million Blacks in the US. If you paid each one $100,000 to move that is $4 tillion! That is a very generous reparation and where does that leave the US? We already have a shrinking population.

How much savings on prison housing?

Costs and Benefits of Repatriating Whites to Europe..........
Just wondering......... :dunno:

We can't even visit there, what makes you think they'll take us?
Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
"we will pay you"??? Where do you get that 'we' stuff? There are 40 million Blacks in the US. If you paid each one $100,000 to move that is $4 tillion! That is a very generous reparation and where does that leave the US? We already have a shrinking population.

How much savings on prison housing?
We'd save on prison if racism is removed from the criminal justice system.
We'd save on prison if racism is removed from the criminal justice system.

It is not just the criminal justice system that needs to be adjusted - the whole thing needs to be reordered into conformity with modern expectations of organizing a robust social system. And it is a real shame that you cannot expand your vision to understand that.
The government of Ghana has asked American blacks to pack up and move to their country. I haven't heard of anyone taking their government up on the offer.
Before COVID19 the EU was asking white supremacists to pack up and come back but nobody wants to go.
We'd save on prison if racism is removed from the criminal justice system.

It is not just the criminal justice system that needs to be adjusted - the whole thing needs to be reordered into conformity with modern expectations of organizing a robust social system. And it is a real shame that you cannot expand your vision to understand that.
It's a shame that you assume falsely. But let's not try creating any equivalences between the American histories of blacks and the various ethnic groups that encompass the white race.
Let's be real, most of their ancestors have been here longer than most of y'all's.
blacks are welcome to stay if they refuse reparations
We will stay and we will demand reparations until we get what this government owes us.
I and EVERY other white black and yellow or brown American owe you NOTHING at all. You are a freeloading whining little cry baby that wants free shit cause liberals have taught you you can not work or live with out free stuff and white men taking care of your sorry ass.
Let's be real, most of their ancestors have been here longer than most of y'all's.
blacks are welcome to stay if they refuse reparations
We will stay and we will demand reparations until we get what this government owes us.
I and EVERY other white black and yellow or brown American owe you NOTHING at all. You are a freeloading whining little cry baby that wants free shit cause liberals have taught you you can not work or live with out free stuff and white men taking care of your sorry ass.
What he said
We will stay and we will demand reparations until we get what this government owes us.
The government owes you nothing

the slaves are all dead

and you are already one of the luckiest black persons on the planet for being born in America instead of africa

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