Costs will go down! Costs will go down!

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Does Lieawatha think everyone is stupid? Even the other candidates will admit that taxes on the middle class will go up but she just can't bring herself to tell the truth.

Facinating example of being in a bubble.
How many times have we heard from politicians that they’ll bring HC costs down to offset tax increases?! And she can’t even bring herself to say taxes will go up. She would destroy our economy
There aren’t enough rich people to tax to pay for the kajillion dollars worth of programs the socialists Democrats are promising. And the unconstitutional wealth tax is eating one’s seed corn.

What the socialists Democrats aren’t telling Americans is that the social democracies in Europe they wish to emulate have much higher taxes on the middle and lower classes.
I watched the Debate and produced a top to bottom Idiot list. Ranking each 1-10 .1 being the least Idiotic to 10 being the most idiotic. They won ! It was an absolute retard festival of 10. They can't win with these 10 turds and it's driving them more "Moon bat" crazy everyday. Hunter was the death of Joe's chances. Wackowatha Warren is a disaster, Butt plug and The Fake Mexican are probably romantically involved, Kamala just stood there with her mouth open "seductively", Klobuchar had a cup full of Something (Alcohol I'd bet) she needed it to endure the drivel ! Castro! Well he's Castro so I didn't listen. Bernie (free shit) Sanders was himself ! Who are the other two turds again. The American people elected Donald Trump and will do so again.

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