Could America defeat an American guerrilla war?


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And also among the most badass fighting forces in the world. A handful of trannies does not change that.
Unfortunately, yes it does. Any one of those badass fighting forces would sell out whatever they could sell out for a dick in their ass.

These aberrant forces are separate and distinct from the street gang members who joined the military for the opportunities it offers to steal weapons and sell drugs.

Whatever you think the military is, is only the memory of what the military was. It has been gutted, purged, dismantled and reimagined under the guidance of leftist officers like Mark Milley.
This threat started with the context of armed insurrection~guerilla war. That is what I was referring to. The ammo(bullets) and MREs will exhaust without resupply.

You are inferring a different critter. Gradual and internal infiltration of the apparatus, rather than combat and replacement of such. That is a different sort of logistics to support.
My apologies. I was off topic. My mistake.
No, the ones that left were from that region. In fact, one of the issues prior to the war was that in many ways the Army Officer Corps was a "Southern Gentleman's Club". And that was a civil war driven not as much by ideological beliefs but regional differences. The "United States" at that time was still not very "united", and people tended to identify more with their home state than the country as a whole.

The modern concept of being in the "United States" and an "American" actually dates to the post-Civil War era.

And no, "most" did not go join the Confederates. Once again, you simply make things up because you believe them to be true. And never even bother to see if what you are saying is true or not.

In 1960, the US Army had a total of 1,108 officers. And out of all of those, a total of 313 resigned. That is less than one third of all officers, nowhere even close to half let alone "most".

Of those, a grand total of 270 went on to fight for the Confederacy. So now we are down to less than one quarter of officers leaving the Union to fight for the Confederacy.

House Arrest for All Officers From the South

Why did the Army let them leave and join the rebellion? That is a very significant question that is never asked, as is usual in this era of all ideas being handed down by one of the cliques at the top.
Uh, CHOP was at the largest over five city blocks and was there for almost a month.

And no, Tim McVeigh was not a patsy for jihadists. He was part of the Neo-Nazi movement. I still have absolutely no idea why his "White Supremacist" views and associations were always so heavily downplayed, but it was not Jihadists.
Dude, I live in Washington and know Seattle well. A few decades ago lived and hung out in greater Capital Hill area. Before there was CHOP, there was CHAZ = Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. Duration of both is a subjective judgement, but did span a few months, most of the "Summer" (Majority of participants being students and teachers, on Summer Break).

As for McVeigh, there are several theories regarding his connections and involvements. Similarity of his truck bomb to the one used in 1993 World Trade Center attack have led some to consider a connection to Ramzi Yousef*.
There are several theories that McVeigh and Nichols had a possible foreign connection or co-conspirators.[11][12] This was due to the fact that Terry Nichols traveled through the Philippines while terrorist mastermind Ramzi Yousef of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was planning his Bojinka plot in Manila.[11][13] Ramzi Yousef placed the bomb used in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing inside a rented Ryder van, the same rental company used by McVeigh, indicating a possible foreign link to Al-Qaeda.[14] Other theories link McVeigh with Islamic terrorists, the Japanese government, and German neo-Nazis.[15][16]

Nichols specifically alluded to other conspirators in 2006 declaration: "There are others who assisted McVeigh whose identifies are unknown to me," but Nichols also identified two "co-conspirators".[17] In addition to unknown persons, Nichols believed Andreas Strassmeir was an agent provocateur, and FBI agent Larry A. Potts was involved in the bombing plot. Nichols went on to deny any connection to terrorist groups in the Philippines. The FBI did not reply to media requests for comment on Nichols' allegation.[18]
*= Ramzi Yousef - Wikipedia
Irish War of Independence - This was a guerrilla war. No direct confrontation, just quickly engage, do what damage you can and withdraw.

Basically, if a rebel was spotted and ran for it, he could run into any nearby house, and civilians would take him in and hide him. Enormous support from the local population.

And since the British weren't going to massacre whole villages in retaliation, it worked well.

Vietnam War -- Massive support from the Soviets and Chinese. The terrain, jungles and mountains, neutralized the superiority of American firepower. Soviets supplied ground to air missiles to counter American air superiority.

Americans wanted to win the locals over to the American side, so they were gentile with the locals.

Afghanistan -- Mountainous, rugged, terrain that neutralized a lot of American firepower. Enormous support from the local civilians.

Americans wanted to win the locals over to the American side, so they were gentile with the locals.

Columbia -- The FARC waged a guerilla war for decades. The jungle protected them, and they made massive amounts of cash off of cocaine. They probably had a lot of local support too.

So, American guerillas waging war against America.

At most half the population would support the guerillas. The other half would be recording the guerillas every move on their smartphones and uploading it to the FBI.

Some terrain in America would be very good for waging guerilla warfare. We have mountain ranges, forest and swamps that would stop a lot of American fire power.

But we also have a lot of open areas like the whole Great Plains which would be perfect for armored vehicles and other modern military devices.

Could these American guerillas arm themselves with modern weapons? I don't think there's a country on earth that would want to cross America by importing weapons and ammo, to American rebels.

So, I don't think a guerilla war in America would stand much of a chance.

Less than 20% of Trumpies would support domestic terrorists or be gentle with guerrillas.
Irish War of Independence - This was a guerrilla war. No direct confrontation, just quickly engage, do what damage you can and withdraw.

Basically, if a rebel was spotted and ran for it, he could run into any nearby house, and civilians would take him in and hide him. Enormous support from the local population.

And since the British weren't going to massacre whole villages in retaliation, it worked well.

Vietnam War -- Massive support from the Soviets and Chinese. The terrain, jungles and mountains, neutralized the superiority of American firepower. Soviets supplied ground to air missiles to counter American air superiority.

Americans wanted to win the locals over to the American side, so they were gentile with the locals.

Afghanistan -- Mountainous, rugged, terrain that neutralized a lot of American firepower. Enormous support from the local civilians.

Americans wanted to win the locals over to the American side, so they were gentile with the locals.

Columbia -- The FARC waged a guerilla war for decades. The jungle protected them, and they made massive amounts of cash off of cocaine. They probably had a lot of local support too.

So, American guerillas waging war against America.

At most half the population would support the guerillas. The other half would be recording the guerillas every move on their smartphones and uploading it to the FBI.

Some terrain in America would be very good for waging guerilla warfare. We have mountain ranges, forest and swamps that would stop a lot of American fire power.

But we also have a lot of open areas like the whole Great Plains which would be perfect for armored vehicles and other modern military devices.

Could these American guerillas arm themselves with modern weapons? I don't think there's a country on earth that would want to cross America by importing weapons and ammo, to American rebels.

So, I don't think a guerilla war in America would stand much of a chance.
Why is this in the History forum?
Why did the Army let them leave and join the rebellion?

Maybe because they were not in rebellion yet?

Like so many, you just spout off without even bothering to know history at all apparently.

To give an example, Virginia voted to secede from the Union on 17 April 1861. Robert E. Lee resigned his commission on 19 April 1861.

Virginia did not join the Confederacy until 23 May 1861. At the time that General Lee resigned, the only state in rebellion was South Carolina.

And do you honestly think that they should have been arrested and put in confinement without process of the law and without committing a crime? You know, there is this thing called the "Constitution", that forbids things like that. Things like freedom from arrest and confinement without charges, and free transit to and from any state are a guaranteed right under that document. You can not just arrest and confine somebody just because you think they might join the other side in a Civil War.

Here, let me suggest a book for you.

Maybe because they were not in rebellion yet?

Like so many, you just spout off without even bothering to know history at all apparently.

To give an example, Virginia voted to secede from the Union on 17 April 1861. Robert E. Lee resigned his commission on 19 April 1861.

Virginia did not join the Confederacy until 23 May 1861. At the time that General Lee resigned, the only state in rebellion was South Carolina.

And do you honestly think that they should have been arrested and put in confinement without process of the law and without committing a crime? You know, there is this thing called the "Constitution", that forbids things like that. Things like freedom from arrest and confinement without charges, and free transit to and from any state are a guaranteed right under that document. You can not just arrest and confine somebody just because you think they might join the other side in a Civil War.

Here, let me suggest a book for you.

Except that that’s exactly what Dishonest Abe did to many in the North who opposed his invasion of the South.

The Constitution is just a piece of paper and is regularly ignored by the ruling class, often without consequences.
Maybe because they were not in rebellion yet?

Like so many, you just spout off without even bothering to know history at all apparently.

To give an example, Virginia voted to secede from the Union on 17 April 1861. Robert E. Lee resigned his commission on 19 April 1861.

Virginia did not join the Confederacy until 23 May 1861. At the time that General Lee resigned, the only state in rebellion was South Carolina.

And do you honestly think that they should have been arrested and put in confinement without process of the law and without committing a crime? You know, there is this thing called the "Constitution", that forbids things like that. Things like freedom from arrest and confinement without charges, and free transit to and from any state are a guaranteed right under that document. You can not just arrest and confine somebody just because you think they might join the other side in a Civil War.

Here, let me suggest a book for you.

"The Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact": Many Justices Have Concurred
"The Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact": Many Justices Have Concurred
War was inevitable and imminent. You put too much faith in Declarations. Was Katrina only a disaster when it was officially designated so?

The most realistic explanation is that the other officers were jealous and wanted to get rid of their superior competition. They believed that the war would be over with quickly, leaving them with an easy path to rapid promotion.

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