Could Biden still win the popular vote while holding the lowest approval rating in Presidential history?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
If he can do it, what does this say about democracy?

Because the majority of the population lives in New York and California who are the stronghold of the DNC cult, along with the 10 to 20 million illegals that have poured across the border that will probably all now vote, I assume the GOP winning the popular vote is no longer possible.

At the same time, the majority in the country seem to hate Biden policies and are sick to death of the DNC.
If he can do it, what does this say about democracy?
It says the voters hate you guy...and you.
Because the majority of the population lives in New York and California who are the stronghold of the DNC cult, along with the 10 to 20 million illegals that have poured across the border that will probably all now vote, I assume the GOP winning the popular vote is no longer possible.
The GOP is not popular because you do things that are brazenly cruel for no other reason than you like being cruel. Ten year olds being forced to carry pregnancies...this is what you cheer for.
To the OP: sure.

Look at who is his opponent.
So long as the DNC can convince you that the other candidate is so much worse than the DNC candidate, you will gladly vote for them no matter what.

But there is a divide for Jew haters. Jew haters will vote against Biden in the DNC. Not all, but I think most because they are so full of hate and violence.

But soon they will take over the DNC.

The question begs, can they then find a candidate worse than the Jew hating front runner in the DNC, once Biden dies?

We will find out.
If he can do it, what does this say about democracy?

Because the majority of the population lives in New York and California who are the stronghold of the DNC cult, along with the 10 to 20 million illegals that have poured across the border that will probably all now vote, I assume the GOP winning the popular vote is no longer possible.

At the same time, the majority in the country seem to hate Biden policies and are sick to death of the DNC.

If Biden gets the majority of the vote, then the majority of the country likes Biden. That's why we have elections, to see.
It says the voters hate you guy...and you.

The GOP is not popular because you do things that are brazenly cruel for no other reason than you like being cruel. Ten year olds being forced to carry pregnancies...this is what you cheer for.
Your own propaganda blew up in your face regarding the 10 year old who sought an abortion in Ohio.

1. She mother of the girl says she went to an Ohio doctor for an abortion who told her he could not do it because of the new laws, so they went to Indiana. However, the doctor in Ohio never reported the pregnancy to authorities, even though he uncovered a crime.

2. The doctor in Indiana leaked the story to the media, a clear violation of patient confidentiality, for which, many have lost their license to practice. But the doctor was not made to be accountable for leaking it to the media. Then the problems for the Left started. For you see, the guy living with the mother was an illegal alien and admitted he was the father. However, the mother refused to believe it, even though he admitted to it and even though they had the genetic evidence. She wanted him to move back in with them.

So, the moral of the story is, had Roe vs Wade not been overturned, the 10 year old girl in Ohio would have been taken for an abortion, which would not have been reported to the authorities, and the guy would have continued to rape the girl for as many times and as many abortions as he so chose.

But the media dropped the story abruptly after all that was discovered, and failed to repot the truth to rubes like yourself.
If Biden gets the majority of the vote, then the majority of the country likes Biden. That's why we have elections, to see.

Apparently, you can't read.

Biden as a 38% approval rating. yet may still get the popular vote.

Could Biden still win the popular vote while holding the lowest approval rating in Presidential history?​

Believe that may be a programming matter.
If he can do it, what does this say about democracy?

Because the majority of the population lives in New York and California who are the stronghold of the DNC cult, along with the 10 to 20 million illegals that have poured across the border that will probably all now vote, I assume the GOP winning the popular vote is no longer possible.

At the same time, the majority in the country seem to hate Biden policies and are sick to death of the DNC.
First not to toss ice water on the argument, but we have never elected presidents based on popular voting. It might look that way but the facts are they still get elected by the electors whose votes are tallied by Congress and not the papers.

We might in the future see this changed. But now the Congress is who tallies up the votes for all of us. notice the official results say nothing at all about popular vote, simply electoral votes.
It says the voters hate you guy...and you.

The GOP is not popular because you do things that are brazenly cruel for no other reason than you like being cruel. Ten year olds being forced to carry pregnancies...this is what you cheer for.
Do you believe the illegals should be allowed to vote for President?

Could Biden still win the popular vote while holding the lowest approval rating in Presidential history?​

It depends on how many votes they're willing to print after midnight.
Apparently, you can't read.

Biden as a 38% approval rating. yet may still get the popular vote.
Biden is currently trailing in the several states he last won. This can flip the election for Trump.
If he can do it, what does this say about democracy?

Because the majority of the population lives in New York and California who are the stronghold of the DNC cult, along with the 10 to 20 million illegals that have poured across the border that will probably all now vote, I assume the GOP winning the popular vote is no longer possible.

At the same time, the majority in the country seem to hate Biden policies and are sick to death of the DNC.
Sure, just run against Trump. What does it tell you ? Regardless of what you think about Biden, Trump is literally, a 100 times worse.
The GOP is not popular because you do things that are brazenly cruel for no other reason than you like being cruel. Ten year olds being forced to carry pregnancies...this is what you cheer for.
There you go again lying. When I catch you lying, And I do it many times, you will be corrected.
We do not favor ten year olds being pregnant and do not favor them giving birth.
Those are pedophile children and they must be protected from Democrats.
Your own propaganda blew up in your face regarding the 10 year old who sought an abortion in Ohio.

1. She mother of the girl says she went to an Ohio doctor for an abortion who told her he could not do it because of the new laws, so they went to Indiana. However, the doctor in Ohio never reported the pregnancy to authorities, even though he uncovered a crime.

2. The doctor in Indiana leaked the story to the media, a clear violation of patient confidentiality, for which, many have lost their license to practice. But the doctor was not made to be accountable for leaking it to the media. Then the problems for the Left started. For you see, the guy living with the mother was an illegal alien and admitted he was the father. However, the mother refused to believe it, even though he admitted to it and even though they had the genetic evidence. She wanted him to move back in with them.

So, the moral of the story is, had Roe vs Wade not been overturned, the 10 year old girl in Ohio would have been taken for an abortion, which would not have been reported to the authorities, and the guy would have continued to rape the girl for as many times and as many abortions as he so chose.

But the media dropped the story abruptly after all that was discovered, and failed to repot the truth to rubes like yourself.
The moral of the story is that the MAGA folks trade in cruelty as if it was a commodity. Its what you guys are all about...pure hate; all the time.
Sure, just run against Trump. What does it tell you ? Regardless of what you think about Biden, Trump is literally, a 100 times worse.
Biden is losing in states where he last won. And this dooms Biden.

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