Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.

What reckless bullshit.
Whats reckless about pointing out the truth? They may shoot up some places but a full scale genocidal attack is going to net them a huge loss. That would be the fastest way to not only get shut down but lose a large number of followers as well.
hey champ the only people scared of blacks are leftists whites that's why they allow you to show your ass like little children and let you tear shit up.
So why hasnt one of the inbred white supremacists attacked a Black neighborhood yet? I'll tell you why. They know they would get that ass smoked. They talk a good game yet they are still sitting on the sidelines.....well still talking.
because blacks are doing the work for your make believe white supremacist boogey man
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why should whites be concerned about blacks they kill each other at a record pace
Who told they were concerned?
you did. you believe whites are going to target blacks for Genocide. I ask why should whites be concerned about blacks since blacks are killing each other at a record pace.
What does me believing whites want to target Blacks for genocide have to do with whites being concerned about Black on Black violence?
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
Maybe you should just kill all white people just to be sure no genocide happens.
First there was TDS now we have WSDS
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.

What reckless bullshit.
Whats reckless about pointing out the truth? They may shoot up some places but a full scale genocidal attack is going to net them a huge loss. That would be the fastest way to not only get shut down but lose a large number of followers as well.
hey champ the only people scared of blacks are leftists whites that's why they allow you to show your ass like little children and let you tear shit up.
So why hasnt one of the inbred white supremacists attacked a Black neighborhood yet? I'll tell you why. They know they would get that ass smoked. They talk a good game yet they are still sitting on the sidelines.....well still talking.
because blacks are doing the work for your make believe white supremacist boogey man
So then the inbred white supremacist crowd arent going to do anything just like I said right?
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.

The first two words of your post are a lie.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why should whites be concerned about blacks they kill each other at a record pace
Who told they were concerned?
you did. you believe whites are going to target blacks for Genocide. I ask why should whites be concerned about blacks since blacks are killing each other at a record pace.
What does me believing whites want to target Blacks for genocide have to do with whites being concerned about Black on Black violence?
not retyping this post keyboard caps lock keeps locking for some reason
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.

What reckless bullshit.
Whats reckless about pointing out the truth? They may shoot up some places but a full scale genocidal attack is going to net them a huge loss. That would be the fastest way to not only get shut down but lose a large number of followers as well.
hey champ the only people scared of blacks are leftists whites that's why they allow you to show your ass like little children and let you tear shit up.
So why hasnt one of the inbred white supremacists attacked a Black neighborhood yet? I'll tell you why. They know they would get that ass smoked. They talk a good game yet they are still sitting on the sidelines.....well still talking.
because blacks are doing the work for your make believe white supremacist boogey man
So then the inbred white supremacist crowd arent going to do anything just like I said right?
I can't answer for them I don't know but pretty sure they will sit back and watch the morning news and the death toll blacks have committed on each other the previous night.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why would we need to drop bombs on black neighborhoods? Blacks kill themselves so much already, just as Democrats have planned.
So you would be brave enough to go in there. Without softening up the targeting you clowns wont do anything but talk.
Why would I want to? :cuckoo:

Blacks should be left to themselves.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why should whites be concerned about blacks they kill each other at a record pace
Who told they were concerned?
you did. you believe whites are going to target blacks for Genocide. I ask why should whites be concerned about blacks since blacks are killing each other at a record pace.
What does me believing whites want to target Blacks for genocide have to do with whites being concerned about Black on Black violence?
not retyping this post keyboard caps lock keeps locking for some reason
Yeah but not because of Black on Black violence you dipshit. What made you think whites are concerned with Black on Black violence? Your typical inbred white supremacist is afraid that Blacks will take over and fuck their wives, sisters, and moms. Thats really at the core of this all.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why would we need to drop bombs on black neighborhoods? Blacks kill themselves so much already, just as Democrats have planned.
So you would be brave enough to go in there. Without softening up the targeting you clowns wont do anything but talk.
Why would I want to? :cuckoo:

Blacks should be left to themselves.
To back up your rhetoric and commit genocide. We know thats not going to happen because you are afraid to bleed.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why should whites be concerned about blacks they kill each other at a record pace
Who told they were concerned?
you did. you believe whites are going to target blacks for Genocide. I ask why should whites be concerned about blacks since blacks are killing each other at a record pace.
What does me believing whites want to target Blacks for genocide have to do with whites being concerned about Black on Black violence?
not retyping this post keyboard caps lock keeps locking for some reason
Yeah but not because of Black on Black violence you dipshit. What made you think whites are concerned with Black on Black violence? Your typical inbred white supremacist is afraid that Blacks will take over and fuck their wives, sisters, and moms. Thats really at the core of this all.
I've explained that dumbass
YOU are the one that is concerned about blacks being genocide by white supremacists
Whites are not concerned about blacks to commit any genocide because blacks are killing each other at a record pace
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.

What reckless bullshit.
Whats reckless about pointing out the truth? They may shoot up some places but a full scale genocidal attack is going to net them a huge loss. That would be the fastest way to not only get shut down but lose a large number of followers as well.
hey champ the only people scared of blacks are leftists whites that's why they allow you to show your ass like little children and let you tear shit up.
So why hasnt one of the inbred white supremacists attacked a Black neighborhood yet? I'll tell you why. They know they would get that ass smoked. They talk a good game yet they are still sitting on the sidelines.....well still talking.
because blacks are doing the work for your make believe white supremacist boogey man
So then the inbred white supremacist crowd arent going to do anything just like I said right?
Where are all these white supremacists at?

The only real white supremacists I know of are black people like you who choose to live in America instead of Africa or a black majority nation like Haiti because you believe white culture is superior to black culture.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why should whites be concerned about blacks they kill each other at a record pace
Who told they were concerned?
you did. you believe whites are going to target blacks for Genocide. I ask why should whites be concerned about blacks since blacks are killing each other at a record pace.
What does me believing whites want to target Blacks for genocide have to do with whites being concerned about Black on Black violence?
not retyping this post keyboard caps lock keeps locking for some reason
Yeah but not because of Black on Black violence you dipshit. What made you think whites are concerned with Black on Black violence? Your typical inbred white supremacist is afraid that Blacks will take over and fuck their wives, sisters, and moms. Thats really at the core of this all.
I've explained that dumbass
YOU are the one that is concerned about blacks being genocide by white supremacists
Whites are not concerned about blacks to commit any genocide because blacks are killing each other at a record pace
If you read my first post you will see I am not concerned at all because those white boys are just pussies. They dont really want no smoke. At least not without the help of the military.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why would we need to drop bombs on black neighborhoods? Blacks kill themselves so much already, just as Democrats have planned.
So you would be brave enough to go in there. Without softening up the targeting you clowns wont do anything but talk.
Why would I want to? :cuckoo:

Blacks should be left to themselves.
To back up your rhetoric and commit genocide. We know thats not going to happen because you are afraid to bleed.
you don't speak for anyone other than yourself
likewise, I don't speak for anyone but myself.
I'm not concerned about your race war that you want to happen it would be a fatal mistake I suggest you tone your racist hatred down before it get's you hurt.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.

What reckless bullshit.
Whats reckless about pointing out the truth? They may shoot up some places but a full scale genocidal attack is going to net them a huge loss. That would be the fastest way to not only get shut down but lose a large number of followers as well.
hey champ the only people scared of blacks are leftists whites that's why they allow you to show your ass like little children and let you tear shit up.
So why hasnt one of the inbred white supremacists attacked a Black neighborhood yet? I'll tell you why. They know they would get that ass smoked. They talk a good game yet they are still sitting on the sidelines.....well still talking.
because blacks are doing the work for your make believe white supremacist boogey man
So then the inbred white supremacist crowd arent going to do anything just like I said right?
Where are all these white supremacists at?

The only real white supremacists I know of are black people like you who choose to live in America instead of Africa or a black majority nation like Haiti because you believe white culture is superior to black culture.
You'd have to ask the FBI and other organizations that track them.

There is no white culture. There is only Black culture and cultures that try to copy or are heavily influenced by Black culture.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why should whites be concerned about blacks they kill each other at a record pace
Who told they were concerned?
you did. you believe whites are going to target blacks for Genocide. I ask why should whites be concerned about blacks since blacks are killing each other at a record pace.
What does me believing whites want to target Blacks for genocide have to do with whites being concerned about Black on Black violence?
not retyping this post keyboard caps lock keeps locking for some reason
Yeah but not because of Black on Black violence you dipshit. What made you think whites are concerned with Black on Black violence? Your typical inbred white supremacist is afraid that Blacks will take over and fuck their wives, sisters, and moms. Thats really at the core of this all.
I've explained that dumbass
YOU are the one that is concerned about blacks being genocide by white supremacists
Whites are not concerned about blacks to commit any genocide because blacks are killing each other at a record pace
If you read my first post you will see I am not concerned at all because those white boys are just pussies. They dont really want no smoke. At least not without the help of the military.
I've explained why you seem concerned about some mythical white supremacist coming to black neighborhoods to commit genocide, and I've explained why white supremacists should not be concerned about blacks.

I'm not going back and reading your crap again
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why would we need to drop bombs on black neighborhoods? Blacks kill themselves so much already, just as Democrats have planned.
So you would be brave enough to go in there. Without softening up the targeting you clowns wont do anything but talk.
Why would I want to? :cuckoo:

Blacks should be left to themselves.
To back up your rhetoric and commit genocide. We know thats not going to happen because you are afraid to bleed.
you don't speak for anyone other than yourself
likewise, I don't speak for anyone but myself.
I'm not concerned about your race war that you want to happen it would be a fatal mistake I suggest you tone your racist hatred down before it get's you hurt.
I speak for millions of Black men ready to put that ass whooping on you clowns if you try anything.
I'm not concerned with what you white boys want to do because like I told the OP, you are afraid to bleed.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why should whites be concerned about blacks they kill each other at a record pace
Who told they were concerned?
you did. you believe whites are going to target blacks for Genocide. I ask why should whites be concerned about blacks since blacks are killing each other at a record pace.
What does me believing whites want to target Blacks for genocide have to do with whites being concerned about Black on Black violence?
not retyping this post keyboard caps lock keeps locking for some reason
Yeah but not because of Black on Black violence you dipshit. What made you think whites are concerned with Black on Black violence? Your typical inbred white supremacist is afraid that Blacks will take over and fuck their wives, sisters, and moms. Thats really at the core of this all.
I've explained that dumbass
YOU are the one that is concerned about blacks being genocide by white supremacists
Whites are not concerned about blacks to commit any genocide because blacks are killing each other at a record pace
If you read my first post you will see I am not concerned at all because those white boys are just pussies. They dont really want no smoke. At least not without the help of the military.
I've explained why you seem concerned about some mythical white supremacist coming to black neighborhoods to commit genocide, and I've explained why white supremacists should not be concerned about blacks.

I'm not going back and reading your crap again
You've only explained that you have a hard time with reading comprehension.

I plainly stated you white boys are no real threat without the backing of the military.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.

What reckless bullshit.
Whats reckless about pointing out the truth? They may shoot up some places but a full scale genocidal attack is going to net them a huge loss. That would be the fastest way to not only get shut down but lose a large number of followers as well.
hey champ the only people scared of blacks are leftists whites that's why they allow you to show your ass like little children and let you tear shit up.
So why hasnt one of the inbred white supremacists attacked a Black neighborhood yet? I'll tell you why. They know they would get that ass smoked. They talk a good game yet they are still sitting on the sidelines.....well still talking.
So why hasnt one of the inbred white supremacists attacked a Black neighborhood yet?
This moron just doesnt seem to understand his own question. There is no threat of White Supremacists, but because the progressive masters have to keep their slaves living in fear, the masters have boogymen under the slaves beds at night....
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why would we need to drop bombs on black neighborhoods? Blacks kill themselves so much already, just as Democrats have planned.
So you would be brave enough to go in there. Without softening up the targeting you clowns wont do anything but talk.
Why would I want to? :cuckoo:

Blacks should be left to themselves.
To back up your rhetoric and commit genocide. We know thats not going to happen because you are afraid to bleed.
you don't speak for anyone other than yourself
likewise, I don't speak for anyone but myself.
I'm not concerned about your race war that you want to happen it would be a fatal mistake I suggest you tone your racist hatred down before it get's you hurt.
I speak for millions of Black men ready to put that ass whooping on you clowns if you try anything.
I'm not concerned with what you white boys want to do because like I told the OP, you are afraid to bleed.
Any time you want to bring that ass whooping down here to St Augustine, i might take you up on it...Bring an army though....

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