Could It Be;Obama Is Terrified and Jealous Of Paul Ryan?Fearing A Romney/Ryan Ticket?

Mar 16, 2012

If Paul Ryan wasn't on Romneys VP list, do you think Obama would be spending so much time bashing him? A rising star, considered the next VP (or Future President?) why is the left&MNSBC beating up Paul Ryan? Are they trying to take him down before he gets chosen as VP? Kinda like what they did to Sarah Palin? Rip her to shreds to make her and McCain look like bafoons.
Conservaties/GOP alike know it! Obama is jealous of Paul Ryan. He is VERY likable and Very Intelligent(Unlike Obama) If it comes down to Romney/Ryan, Obama can kiss every state from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania good-bye!!! aka,,,the Rust Belt.
Am I Right? :trolls:

If Paul Ryan wasn't on Romneys VP list, do you think Obama would be spending so much time bashing him? A rising star, considered the next VP (or Future President?) why is the left&MNSBC beating up Paul Ryan? Are they trying to take him down before he gets chosen as VP? Kinda like what they did to Sarah Palin? Rip her to shreds to make her and McCain look like bafoons.

McCain and Palin didn't need the media to make themselves look bad. That was quite possibly the worst campaign I've seen in my life.

Conservaties/GOP alike know it! Obama is jealous of Paul Ryan. He is VERY likable and Very Intelligent(Unlike Obama) If it comes down to Romney/Ryan, Obama can kiss every state from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania good-bye!!! aka,,,the Rust Belt.
Am I Right? :trolls:

Why would anyone be afraid of Romney? And why does his VP pick matter at all? As if Ryan can change a wind sock moderate into a conservative.

It might just be me, but I don't understand how anyone can be swayed by a VP pick.
I think a Paul Ryan ticket would be great. The man who wants to throw grandma out into the street.

If Paul Ryan wasn't on Romneys VP list, do you think Obama would be spending so much time bashing him? A rising star, considered the next VP (or Future President?) why is the left&MNSBC beating up Paul Ryan? Are they trying to take him down before he gets chosen as VP? Kinda like what they did to Sarah Palin? Rip her to shreds to make her and McCain look like bafoons.
Conservaties/GOP alike know it! Obama is jealous of Paul Ryan. He is VERY likable and Very Intelligent(Unlike Obama) If it comes down to Romney/Ryan, Obama can kiss every state from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania good-bye!!! aka,,,the Rust Belt.
Am I Right? :trolls:

Can you imagine Ryan debating Biden? That would be a major beating. Libtards would be whining for months. Biden can't even get the day of the week right.

If Paul Ryan wasn't on Romneys VP list, do you think Obama would be spending so much time bashing him? A rising star, considered the next VP (or Future President?) why is the left&MNSBC beating up Paul Ryan? Are they trying to take him down before he gets chosen as VP? Kinda like what they did to Sarah Palin? Rip her to shreds to make her and McCain look like bafoons.

McCain and Palin didn't need the media to make themselves look bad. That was quite possibly the worst campaign I've seen in my life.

Conservaties/GOP alike know it! Obama is jealous of Paul Ryan. He is VERY likable and Very Intelligent(Unlike Obama) If it comes down to Romney/Ryan, Obama can kiss every state from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania good-bye!!! aka,,,the Rust Belt.
Am I Right? :trolls:

Why would anyone be afraid of Romney? And why does his VP pick matter at all? As if Ryan can change a wind sock moderate into a conservative.

It might just be me, but I don't understand how anyone can be swayed by a VP pick.

If it was the worst campaign you've ever seen you must be 5 years old. Your posts read like it.
I think a Paul Ryan ticket would be great. The man who wants to throw grandma out into the street.

As the only man who has the balls to tackle that issue, I respect him. It's a hell of a lot better than other politician's plan of "Do nothing and let it fall apart, because I want to get re-elected".

But, Ryan as the VP still won't change anything. There's no in hell Romney would ever consider Ryan's plan. Unless of course the polls change, then he would say he supported it from the beginning.

If Paul Ryan wasn't on Romneys VP list, do you think Obama would be spending so much time bashing him? A rising star, considered the next VP (or Future President?) why is the left&MNSBC beating up Paul Ryan? Are they trying to take him down before he gets chosen as VP? Kinda like what they did to Sarah Palin? Rip her to shreds to make her and McCain look like bafoons.

McCain and Palin didn't need the media to make themselves look bad. That was quite possibly the worst campaign I've seen in my life.

Conservaties/GOP alike know it! Obama is jealous of Paul Ryan. He is VERY likable and Very Intelligent(Unlike Obama) If it comes down to Romney/Ryan, Obama can kiss every state from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania good-bye!!! aka,,,the Rust Belt.
Am I Right? :trolls:

Why would anyone be afraid of Romney? And why does his VP pick matter at all? As if Ryan can change a wind sock moderate into a conservative.

It might just be me, but I don't understand how anyone can be swayed by a VP pick.

If it was the worst campaign you've ever seen you must be 5 years old. Your posts read like it.

Off by a few years. But, I see you kept the number in the single digits to make things easier on yourself. Those darn double digits are tricky, aren't they?

The reason it was so bad was because it became very clear that McCain wasn't running, his campaign staff was. The man didn't dare answer an unscripted question without conferring with his staff first, which he obviously couldn't do on the spot, so he made himself look like an idiot. And then picking Palin as a VP. An obvious attempt to pick up disenfranchised Hillary voters and conservatives who vomited at McCain's voting record. The whole thing was just bad.
Romney and Ryan are behind an economic plan that asks for sacrifice from everyone except the Rich.

I don't think that's an easy sell.

If Paul Ryan wasn't on Romneys VP list, do you think Obama would be spending so much time bashing him? A rising star, considered the next VP (or Future President?) why is the left&MNSBC beating up Paul Ryan? Are they trying to take him down before he gets chosen as VP? Kinda like what they did to Sarah Palin? Rip her to shreds to make her and McCain look like bafoons.
Conservaties/GOP alike know it! Obama is jealous of Paul Ryan. He is VERY likable and Very Intelligent(Unlike Obama) If it comes down to Romney/Ryan, Obama can kiss every state from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania good-bye!!! aka,,,the Rust Belt.
Am I Right? :trolls:

I don't know. I think Romney could do better. Romney's first budget was not only poorly received but upon examination, would have increased the budget dramatically. The new one is even less impressive.
If the GOP is out to capture votes they already have, he's fine. But they'll need more than those - especially with Romney on top of the ticket. Romney is VERY unlikeable - which I don't understand because he's good looking and pretty well spoken but the charts don't lie.
The GOP needs someone to help them with women and minorities. Rubio wouldn't be bad. Kay Bailey Hutchison would be fantastic but she's way too moderate for today's GOP.
I forget the name of New Mexico's governor but she's Hispanic and a woman! She's super-lite on experience but so what? Didn't hurt Obama!
It will be a close one this year but Obama has a billion bucks and hasn't even started campaigning yet - at least not seriously - the GOP is still doing most of the damage ffor him.
I think that if the economy continues a sluggish recovery, unemployment continues slowly going down etc... it will be Obama 290, Romney 248. The GOP is doing wonderfully with their base but they have screwed themselves so badly with those of us who actually decide elections, barring an X-Factor, they probably won't recover.
well I would guess that the order of preference is Rubio,McDonnell,Ryan,{maybe Rob Portman} are there any other Governors out there who are on the list? please tell!
also, Romney is either going to need someone that will eithe excite the south, or the rustbelt. thats how I see Bob McDonnell and Ryan. Actually McDonnell is my choice, he would probably excite the Rust Belt,South and the Mid-West.
Could It Be;Obama Is Terrified and Jealous Of Paul Ryan?Fearing A Romney/Ryan Ticket?

Lyin' Ryan would be the ideal Veep. Lets hope Mittens picks him and his $187,000 tax cut for millionaires budget.
well I would guess that the order of preference is Rubio,McDonnell,Ryan,{maybe Rob Portman} are there any other Governors out there who are on the list? please tell!

She won't get a shot but google Susana Martinez of New Mexico. She could be a Latin Sarah Palin without the stupidity.
She's smart as hell, was a prosecutor with an impressive record, Conservative without going off into the land of whackjobs and charismatic. She actually CAN see Mexico, has her law degree (from only one college!) and is adored by her state.
Ryan won't be on the ticket. He doesn't so much appeal to women, independents, democrats or minorities.
no matter who Romney chooses, u know PMS NBC will immediatley make him/her out to be just as dumb as maxinne waters or ed schultz. Romney could pick a Ronald Reagan clone and the left will rip him apart. It wont work, Obama already has the reputation of being the dumbest president ever along with his senile side-kick Biden who never stops making a jackass of himself. Go ahead Obama, bash romney all u want, You Are the one who pissed off 5 Trillion Dollars, and nothing to show for it,,,,DID U GIVE ANY TO NASA?
Ryan won't be on the ticket. He doesn't so much appeal to women, independents, democrats or minorities.

I agree, my gut still senses it will be Bob McDonnell. This will insure Virginia/North Carolina and then we have two handsome men on a ticket,,,women will love that! and the GOP will see Bob McDonnell as "President McDonnell" come 2016.
The left will have nothing on McDonnell,,he has a great record!

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