Could it be possible that the republican's vote in a African American ?

Why do you even ask such a question? Why do you think Republicans dislike blacks? You have no reason other then believing the kool aid laced BS comeing from the democrats. The party who really dislike blacks, of course they have a black friend in the WH, is the same party that has put them in chains for 200 years. Time for blacks to realize it. And I am not a Republican.

Over the last hundred years the states switched parties
A little history for you:
I am not convinced that we can trust Carson. We used to think that Colin Powell would make a good token politician, then look how he turned. Is Carson probably a good guy and skilled neurosurgeon? Sure. But can he be trusted in a position this important? What if he has a negro epiphany and decides that slave reparations are due? Maybe he is a Manchurian candidate.

This is not to say that I am a Trump supporter either. I have not yet decided which Republican I support, though at the moment I really like Fiorina. Black individuals have identity problems. Plus they will, at times, get all high and mighty in their Jesus trip. It is also worth mentioning that black politicians are prone to developing sticky fingers. White ones will too, but the blacks have that extra buffer of getting the benefit of the doubt just because they are black while whites suffer from their ridiculous white guilt.

In other words, don't get too excited about Carson yet. You can take the man out of the ghetto, but you will never take the ghetto out of the man.
I am watching Ben Carson rise quickly in the polls. Personally over the last 8 years I have seen many who are still in the dark ages when it comes to a person who is not white and an African American as our president.

I may not agree with many of Ben Carson's policies , but he is an incredibly brilliant man.

Do you think he has a chance?

BTW: watch the movie Gifted Hands, it is his true story.

Republicans love Ben Carson’s views on race. Most voters of color don’t.

He's a better choice than Trump. He will chose good SCOTUS justices.

I'd vote for him.
No way in hell. Cain had more support for a longer time heading into the primaries when he ran and look what happened. Carson could be the greatest mind on the planet, and still have no chance in the modern GOP.

Will you leftists openly call him "n1gger?" Will Debbie Wasserman-Schultz burn a cross on his lawn?

Cain never broke 10%, Carson is at 30%

Just as the only ones supporting Jeb were democrats, the only ones opposing Carson are democrats,

My concern is that you democrats would assassinate him, for failing to kowtow to the democrat massahs.
I'd say Ben Carson is as likely to get the Republican nomination as Donald Trump is likely to marry Rosie O'Donnell.

"She wants me. I can tell."

Say, weren't you the retard demanding less than a month ago that the GOP would nominate Jeb Bush, and there was no choice in the matter?

Seems like what you claim is the desire of you democrats, not reality.
I'd say Ben Carson is as likely to get the Republican nomination as Donald Trump is likely to marry Rosie O'Donnell.

"She wants me. I can tell."

Say, weren't you the retard demanding less than a month ago that the GOP would nominate Jeb Bush, and there was no choice in the matter?


You really should see a doctor about those voices in your head.
Will you leftists openly call him "n1gger?" Will Debbie Wasserman-Schultz burn a cross on his lawn?

Cain never broke 10%, Carson is at 30%

Just as the only ones supporting Jeb were democrats, the only ones opposing Carson are democrats,

My concern is that you democrats would assassinate him, for failing to kowtow to the democrat massahs.

This has been my concern for Obama, some crazy person killing any president is horrible.
I have pro's and con's with each of the parties, especially the extremer's on both sides.

You really should see a doctor about those voices in your head.

Actually, you were claiming that Bush would be the nominee. I understand you running from it now, but I enjoy reminding you.

You see Jake, only you democrats wanted Bush to be the GOP nominee, and only you democrats object to Carson based on race.
Nope still not agreeing with you on this.

He is NOTHING like Obama.

Besides being a mulatto with no government experience?
Ben Carson? A mulatto? Nope.

No government experience, Obama was a Senator.

Ben Carson's DNA test revealed 20% European White heritage. Carson has no government service at all.
Lololol DNA test? Who cares. Not me.

I know Carson has no government experience. That's why I like him.

He isn't owned by anyone yet.

The lack of government experience has allowed him to put his foot in his mouth too many times he would be an embarrassment. You cannot bring up the Nazi card to describe political opponents, you cannot be a president of all America and compare gay people to pedophiles, You cannot be Commander in Chief and thank God for dead soldiers, you cannot be a medical professional and fear monger about a virus and expect to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, more than anything else you have to unite the country and not divide it and your party should understand that more than anything else. The extremist rhetoric that comes from his mouth is not good for America and he is definitely not up to the task.
"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
No way in hell. Cain had more support for a longer time heading into the primaries when he ran and look what happened. Carson could be the greatest mind on the planet, and still have no chance in the modern GOP.

Will you leftists openly call him "n1gger?" Will Debbie Wasserman-Schultz burn a cross on his lawn?

Cain never broke 10%, Carson is at 30%

Just as the only ones supporting Jeb were democrats, the only ones opposing Carson are democrats,

My concern is that you democrats would assassinate him, for failing to kowtow to the democrat massahs.
How can someone write so many incorrect things in so few words? :rofl:
How can someone write so many incorrect things in so few words? :rofl:

All of it is correct, as you know.

The left is the most racist bunch in the nation. A black man straying from the DNC plantation will be the subject of the most vicious attacks imaginable. We remember what you racist scum did to Thomas, and Cain.
The worst thing Democrats have said about Carson is that republicans won't elect a black person. Which will be evident during your primaries.

And everything you said earlier was either false or beyond absurd.
Nope still not agreeing with you on this.

He is NOTHING like Obama.

Besides being a mulatto with no government experience?
Ben Carson? A mulatto? Nope.

No government experience, Obama was a Senator.

Ben Carson's DNA test revealed 20% European White heritage. Carson has no government service at all.
Lololol DNA test? Who cares. Not me.

I know Carson has no government experience. That's why I like him.

He isn't owned by anyone yet.

The lack of government experience has allowed him to put his foot in his mouth too many times he would be an embarrassment. You cannot bring up the Nazi card to describe political opponents, you cannot be a president of all America and compare gay people to pedophiles, You cannot be Commander in Chief and thank God for dead soldiers, you cannot be a medical professional and fear monger about a virus and expect to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, more than anything else you have to unite the country and not divide it and your party should understand that more than anything else. The extremist rhetoric that comes from his mouth is not good for America and he is definitely not up to the task.
I think he is up for it. He's overcome many obstacles.

Lol Obama has divided the country by every category possible.
I think Carson would be a good choice for the Republicans. He is an outsider, which the voters seem to like. He is not scary like Trump. He also doesn't have Trump's baggage.
I find it highly improbable. Too many righties will look at Carson and see Obama.
ROFL There is a reason you're an assclown...
I know nervous laughter when I hear it. You know I'm right, but don't have the balls to admit it. You'd rather giver us a history lesson and pretend things haven't switched 180 degrees in the last half century. :cool-45:
Besides being a mulatto with no government experience?
Ben Carson? A mulatto? Nope.

No government experience, Obama was a Senator.

Ben Carson's DNA test revealed 20% European White heritage. Carson has no government service at all.
Lololol DNA test? Who cares. Not me.

I know Carson has no government experience. That's why I like him.

He isn't owned by anyone yet.

The lack of government experience has allowed him to put his foot in his mouth too many times he would be an embarrassment. You cannot bring up the Nazi card to describe political opponents, you cannot be a president of all America and compare gay people to pedophiles, You cannot be Commander in Chief and thank God for dead soldiers, you cannot be a medical professional and fear monger about a virus and expect to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, more than anything else you have to unite the country and not divide it and your party should understand that more than anything else. The extremist rhetoric that comes from his mouth is not good for America and he is definitely not up to the task.
I think he is up for it. He's overcome many obstacles.

Lol Obama has divided the country by every category possible.

Funny you say that while ignoring the large volume of distasteful rhetoric Ben Carson has already spewed.
Ben Carson? A mulatto? Nope.

No government experience, Obama was a Senator.

Ben Carson's DNA test revealed 20% European White heritage. Carson has no government service at all.
Lololol DNA test? Who cares. Not me.

I know Carson has no government experience. That's why I like him.

He isn't owned by anyone yet.

The lack of government experience has allowed him to put his foot in his mouth too many times he would be an embarrassment. You cannot bring up the Nazi card to describe political opponents, you cannot be a president of all America and compare gay people to pedophiles, You cannot be Commander in Chief and thank God for dead soldiers, you cannot be a medical professional and fear monger about a virus and expect to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, more than anything else you have to unite the country and not divide it and your party should understand that more than anything else. The extremist rhetoric that comes from his mouth is not good for America and he is definitely not up to the task.
I think he is up for it. He's overcome many obstacles.

Lol Obama has divided the country by every category possible.

Funny you say that while ignoring the large volume of distasteful rhetoric Ben Carson has already spewed.
I'm not ignoring it. I just don't care.
I like him.
only you democrats wanted Bush to be the GOP nominee, and only you democrats object to Carson based on race.
The only ones saying there won't be another black president for a while have been conservatives. Liberals object to Carson based on party and ideology. Got to give it to you, though. Once you latch onto a lie, you stick with it to the bitter end. And believe me it's going to be bitter. When Hillary wins, if you think we crowed in '12, you ain't seen nothin' yet. :mm:
The worst thing Democrats have said about Carson is that republicans won't elect a black person. Which will be evident during your primaries.

And everything you said earlier was either false or beyond absurd.

Oh yeah, you Communist are kind to Dr. Carson.

Liberal Tolerance Police Call Ben Carson ‘Token Black,’ ‘Uncle Tom’ and ‘Oreo’ After CPAC speech


5 worst right-wing moments of the week — Ben Carson rewrites the constitution -

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