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Could It Be That Many Conservatives Are Getting As Bad As Liberals?

Many on the Left ARE communist and socialist sympathizers who want anarchy and hate their country...

They're either socialists/communists or anarchists...There's a great difference between the two.

...but there are enough on the Left that are real bloodthirsty violent Neocons as well. I've even been stalked by a few.

Neocons are leftists by definition.

No, I've run into a few people here that had valid views on many conservative issues then proved to be absolute LOONS, others that BRAGGED about what great "conservatives" they were then showed they were flaming buttholes. Worst of all, often simply over differences of viewpoint or opinion.

It made me realize its NO WONDER why many on the Left think so poorly of the Right.
Then, as I have pointed out for a couple decades now, the word "conservative" is totally meaningless.

Not at all. How can it be? If it is, then so is liberal (and it isn't).

To be "conservative" , IMO, you:
  1. Uphold traditional values.
  2. Believe that the Constitution as written is the absolute and final arbiter of things.
  3. Are hopefully, intelligent, educated, thoughtful, fair and open minded.
Liberals/Leftists are forever bucking traditional values wanting "Progressivism."
Are forever trying to throw out, change or ignore the Constitution as a "Living Document."
While often seemingly educated and erudite, the Left often seem that common sense, fairness and open-mindedness and tolerance elude them.

MY PROBLEM HERE is that some on the Right as JUST AS BAD in that regard. So it isn't conservatism that is at fault here, it is the way some today display or use it.
"The right" and "conservatives" have become infiltrated and co-opted by the progressive mindset....What you say is "conservatism" is fleeting, at best.

In any case, "conservatives" still embrace the existence of a paternalistic State, so their devolution into progressive nitwittery is only a matter of time.
I'd like to see both sides grow up and act like adults. That's it.

That means listening, communicating, and working together.

Our wings behave in ways for which we would scold our children.

Their "growing up and acting like adults" has given us Medicare/Medicaid, the Great Society welfare state, global military hegemony, an explosion in the expansion of the bureaucratic administrative state, DHS and the TSA, NSA spying, $21 trillion in debt.

If that's "acting like adults", gimmie some acting like children for a change.
Well, that's what we're getting.
No, what we're getting is the left (which includes an alarming number of republicans) exposing the natural end result of their philosophy: aggression and violence....Republicans played along with their foolhardiness in the name of "acting like adults" for numerous decades, and now the gig is up.
Do you think the GOP is acting like adults?

Do you think Trump ever acts like a child?
Is Trump the entire GOP?

Prattling asswipes like George Will and Mitch McTurtle have "acted like adults", what have been the results of that?
In being on this forum a few years now, I've noted that most of the total idiots are on the Left. But over time I've been surprised that some conservatives I thought were fairly intelligent and reasonable people go off into deep end just as badly with loony conspiracy theory about the Moon being hollow or even shooting a victim not just until they are subdued and helpless, not even stopping after they are down, but even continue firing into the person until they totally stop MOVING.

Let me start spraying you with 9mm fire and see if you just lay there unmoving not reacting to the pain or trying to protect yourself. If it is a .45, you might still move just from the hydrostatic shock.

BOTTOM LINE: Many on the Left ARE communist and socialist sympathizers who want anarchy and hate their country, but there are enough on the Left that are real bloodthirsty violent Neocons as well. I've even been stalked by a few.

What I've noticed is that while there are quite a few intelligent and reasonable people here, nearly all conservative, for many, when push comes to shove, when it really gets down to it, when a lot of conservatives or maybe republicans or "Right-Wing" disagree, their methods are NO BETTER than the worst on the Left.

You people all use THE SAME METHODS.

Many on the Left and the Right are just as bad as the other, use the exact same methods, and both act like stupid schoolchildren.

I'll entertain any intelligent discussion.
.....is this thread posted because of you being beaten in the ''knife'' thread??
..it all comes down to FACTS--what's real--what's bullshit

Look troll, no one beat me in any thread. Your bullshit posts there as well as here just proved my point. What, are you stalking me now? ANSWER THE QUESTION. You had no defensible answer to my question that if I shoot you ONCE in the groin with a .45, you are going down and are no longer a threat to anyone and don't need shot 15 more times until lifeless. Now if you cannot stick to the topic here, get off it.

That would depend on whether the person had a firearm or not.
I'm shooting till I know he cant shoot back if he does.

No. It was just some crazy idiot with a knife and a death wish. Could have been stopped with pepper spray by anyone with half a mind.

In that situation that would be feasible since there were two cops.
One could spray em the other could keep his firearm on him if that didnt work.
There is no retreat.........no surrender at this point..........That's just the way it is now.
Well, here's a symptom of the problem.

Some on both ends have been convinced to believe that this is essentially war. It isn't, of course. It's more about ego and tribalism.

I have to disagree. Eagle has a POINT. It IS a war. It was started a long time ago by the Left. They have gone full out bonkers attacking evertythimng from GW Bush, to Trump, Guns, Christianity, American and Family Values, worst of all, they usually don't even use valid, legitimate points in their defense, they MAKE STUFF UP, blatantly LIE, in order to support their position. Outright unreasonable. The character assassination of Trump has been beyond the pale. They boycotted yesterdays 4th celebration; had that been Obama, it would have been on every channel.

  • The war on the Left has been an offensive one.
  • The war on the Right has mainly been a DEFENSIVE one.
The Left is trying to overcome and eliminate. The Right is merely trying to survive.
I used to think that we might be able to advance to a place at which people could rise above this madness.

I've changed my mind on that.

I think there will be people who have the capacity to move us forward as a country, and those who can't just won't be a part of the conversation. They'll just have to be marginalized.

The Right continually wishes and wants to unite and work together.

The Left refuses at every turn instead insisting on a total recapitulation by the Right on everything. Never happen.

This nation is hopelessly deadlocked in polarizing extremism and radicalized thought so long as the goal of many is based on turning this country upside down.
Do you think the GOP is acting like adults? Do you think Trump ever acts like a child?
Is Trump the entire GOP?
Prattling asswipes like George Will and Mitch McTurtle have "acted like adults", what have been the results of that?
No answers to my two questions there.
You made a generalization that didn't hold true: Trump isn't the entirety of the GOP....That he acts, in your opinion, like a child is what many refer to as "pushback"...Treating childish democrats like adults has failed, so doing more of the same is the colloquial definition of insanity.
Do you think the GOP is acting like adults? Do you think Trump ever acts like a child?
Is Trump the entire GOP?
Prattling asswipes like George Will and Mitch McTurtle have "acted like adults", what have been the results of that?
No answers to my two questions there.
You made a generalization that didn't hold true: Trump isn't the entirety of the GOP....That he acts, in your opinion, like a child is what many refer to as "pushback"...Treating childish democrats like adults has failed, so doing more of the same is the colloquial definition of insanity.
I asked two separate and distinct questions there: One about the GOP and one about Trump, specifically to avoid that answer.

Never mind. I tried.
I've retracted nothing. Don't come here playing your silly little game of setting up "conditions" you know no one will be willing to meet so then you can call it a victory.

You've decried "liberalism" as an "illness" or a "disease". Diseases are to be guarded against, maybe cured, but never argued with, much less conceded to. That puts you in a column from which, in your OP, you tried to distance yourself. You probably won't concede it, but perhaps you can appreciate the funny.
I've distanced myself from nothing. I'm one of the most stridently conservative people on this board. I've never denied that. But neither do I necessarily consider myself a republican. But I can be reasonable, fair, even persuaded by facts. The point of my OP is that most of the Left CANNOT. And unfortunately, even some on the Right.

Fact: You asserted conservatives concede when shown wrong.

Not a fact. I never even said that.

If you think conservatives never concede, prove that! And prove that liberals do!
The Right continually wishes and wants to unite and work together.

The Left refuses at every turn instead insisting on a total recapitulation by the Right on everything. Never happen.

This nation is hopelessly deadlocked in polarizing extremism and radicalized thought so long as the goal of many is based on turning this country upside down.

Is that you at your best, or just you acting like a "stupid schoolchild"? For in its hilarious, blinkered one-sided-ness, it sure looks like the latter.
The Right continually wishes and wants to unite and work together.
Huh? Where? Who? Since when?

All I see are Republicans who dare to open the door a bit shunned and attacked and called RINOs.

Can you provide some examples?

Seriously? Many on the Right continually stress the need for government to quit bickering and to work together. I hardly ever see any democrat say we need to come together except some unknown face. Even Trump started out trying to and wanting to work with the Left. So did McCain. His downfall is that he kissed their asses while never getting anything in return. That and later actually starting to attack and work against his own party. Our government and people have stopped seeing themselves simply as Americans. It is like we are two different countries. Problem is that conservatives have remained essentially unchanged since the day of JFK. JFK wouldn't know the DNC today.
Fact: You asserted conservatives concede when shown wrong.

Not a fact. I never even said that.

If you think conservatives never concede, prove that! And prove that liberals do!


The difference is that when proven wrong, a good conservative will change his views and conceded your point.

Since I've never asserted that liberals concede when shown wrong, I am under no obligation to prove it. Since I never said that conservatives never concede, I am under no obligation to prove that either - setting aside the difficulty proving a negative.
Do you think the GOP is acting like adults? Do you think Trump ever acts like a child?
Is Trump the entire GOP?
Prattling asswipes like George Will and Mitch McTurtle have "acted like adults", what have been the results of that?
No answers to my two questions there.
You made a generalization that didn't hold true: Trump isn't the entirety of the GOP....That he acts, in your opinion, like a child is what many refer to as "pushback"...Treating childish democrats like adults has failed, so doing more of the same is the colloquial definition of insanity.
I asked two separate and distinct questions there: One about the GOP and one about Trump, specifically to avoid that answer.

Never mind. I tried.
You've asked immaterial questions, which were presumed to be so in those responses.

That Trump acts, in your opinion, in a childish manner is notwithstanding that he's doing something other than treating childish people like adults, which is in fact a towering failure...Many of us refer to this as "fighting fire with fire".

How about answer the question as to what treating childish people like adults has got us?
The Right continually wishes and wants to unite and work together.
Huh? Where? Who? Since when?

All I see are Republicans who dare to open the door a bit shunned and attacked and called RINOs.

Can you provide some examples?

Seriously? Many on the Right continually stress the need for government to quit bickering and to work together. I hardly ever see any democrat say we need to come together except some unknown face. Even Trump started out trying to and wanting to work with the Left. So did McCain. His downfall is that he kissed their asses while never getting anything in return. That and later actually starting to attack and work against his own party. Our government and people have stopped seeing themselves simply as Americans. It is like we are two different countries. Problem is that conservatives have remained essentially unchanged since the day of JFK. JFK wouldn't know the DNC today.

McCain was viciously attacked for being a RINO, even during his final days and after his death.

Why? Because he dared to go against Trump orthodoxy.

So did Ryan, so did others, and they were vilified.

Show me Trumpsters here who want the two sides to work together.
Do you think the GOP is acting like adults? Do you think Trump ever acts like a child?
Is Trump the entire GOP?
Prattling asswipes like George Will and Mitch McTurtle have "acted like adults", what have been the results of that?
No answers to my two questions there.
You made a generalization that didn't hold true: Trump isn't the entirety of the GOP....That he acts, in your opinion, like a child is what many refer to as "pushback"...Treating childish democrats like adults has failed, so doing more of the same is the colloquial definition of insanity.
I asked two separate and distinct questions there: One about the GOP and one about Trump, specifically to avoid that answer.

Never mind. I tried.
You've asked immaterial questions, which were presumed to be so in those responses.

That Trump acts, in your opinion, in a childish manner is notwithstanding that he's doing something other than treating childish people like adults, which is in fact a towering failure...Many of us refer to this as "fighting fire with fire".

How about answer the question as to what treating childish people like adults has got us?
We should always treat adults as adults.

Look, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I know, it's the other tribe's fault. Everything is. They deserve whatever they get. I get it, I get it.

Asymmetrical conversations are a waste of time.

McCain was viciously attacked for being a RINO, even during his final days and after his death.

Why? Because he dared to go against Trump orthodoxy.

So did Ryan, so did others, and they were vilified.

Show me Trumpsters here who want the two sides to work together.
No, because he was always a cocksucking RINO, who never got called on it because of his status as a "hero".

I personally detested his brand of double-dealing politics, way back when he was caught up in the Keating scandal.
We should always treat adults as adults.

Look, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I know, it's the other tribe's fault. Everything is. They deserve whatever they get. I get it, I get it.

Asymmetrical conversations are a waste of time.
The "adults" you're talking about will never act as such.....It's far past the time where they need to be treated as the spoiled little brat children, who have never been tolled no, like they are.

Mollifying and appeasing them is a proven failure...You want to engage in proven failure, in order that you can pat yourself on the back for being an "adult".
There is no retreat.........no surrender at this point..........That's just the way it is now.
Well, here's a symptom of the problem.

Some on both ends have been convinced to believe that this is essentially war. It isn't, of course. It's more about ego and tribalism.

I have to disagree. Eagle has a POINT. It IS a war. It was started a long time ago by the Left. They have gone full out bonkers attacking evertythimng from GW Bush, to Trump, Guns, Christianity, American and Family Values, worst of all, they usually don't even use valid, legitimate points in their defense, they MAKE STUFF UP, blatantly LIE, in order to support their position. Outright unreasonable. The character assassination of Trump has been beyond the pale. They boycotted yesterdays 4th celebration; had that been Obama, it would have been on every channel.

  • The war on the Left has been an offensive one.
  • The war on the Right has mainly been a DEFENSIVE one.
The Left is trying to overcome and eliminate. The Right is merely trying to survive.
I used to think that we might be able to advance to a place at which people could rise above this madness.

I've changed my mind on that.

I think there will be people who have the capacity to move us forward as a country, and those who can't just won't be a part of the conversation. They'll just have to be marginalized.
Marginalized..............Please explain that one........DAD


I'm probably old enough to be yours............LOL

The left ceases fire are this continues..........that is the issue........PERIOD.
I'd like to see both sides grow up and act like adults. That's it.

That means listening, communicating, and working together.

Our wings behave in ways for which we would scold our children.

Their "growing up and acting like adults" has given us Medicare/Medicaid, the Great Society welfare state, global military hegemony, an explosion in the expansion of the bureaucratic administrative state, DHS and the TSA, NSA spying, $21 trillion in debt.

If that's "acting like adults", gimmie some acting like children for a change.
Well, that's what we're getting.
No, what we're getting is the left (which includes an alarming number of republicans) exposing the natural end result of their philosophy: aggression and violence....Republicans played along with their foolhardiness in the name of "acting like adults" for numerous decades, and now the gig is up.
Do you think the GOP is acting like adults?

Do you think Trump ever acts like a child?
True colors shining through here...........as always..........

Excuse me ...............DUCK.........
There is no retreat.........no surrender at this point..........That's just the way it is now.
Well, here's a symptom of the problem.

Some on both ends have been convinced to believe that this is essentially war. It isn't, of course. It's more about ego and tribalism.

I have to disagree. Eagle has a POINT. It IS a war. It was started a long time ago by the Left. They have gone full out bonkers attacking evertythimng from GW Bush, to Trump, Guns, Christianity, American and Family Values, worst of all, they usually don't even use valid, legitimate points in their defense, they MAKE STUFF UP, blatantly LIE, in order to support their position. Outright unreasonable. The character assassination of Trump has been beyond the pale. They boycotted yesterdays 4th celebration; had that been Obama, it would have been on every channel.

  • The war on the Left has been an offensive one.
  • The war on the Right has mainly been a DEFENSIVE one.
The Left is trying to overcome and eliminate. The Right is merely trying to survive.
I used to think that we might be able to advance to a place at which people could rise above this madness.

I've changed my mind on that.

I think there will be people who have the capacity to move us forward as a country, and those who can't just won't be a part of the conversation. They'll just have to be marginalized.
Marginalized..............Please explain that one........DAD


I'm probably old enough to be yours............LOL

The left ceases fire are this continues..........that is the issue........PERIOD.
Some people will part of the conversation that leads to improvements, some will be left to scream in irrelevant, impotent rage.

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