Could one of you tell me

Hello nothing. Its the party on the right that has no conscience when it comes to wrong doing. Trying to always take the moral high ground when in all actuality they are like everyone else.

" you're doing a heck of a job Brownie."george w. bush
Michael DeWayne Brown

served as the first Undersecretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R), a division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This position is generally referred to as the director or administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). He was appointed in January 2003 by President George W. Bush.
You people have not a leg to stand on.
Are you actually trying to blame Brown for the democrat socialist sloth who turned Katrina from a disaster to a catastrophe? That was a totally quintessential democrat fiasco.
Hello? They have been doing that for YEARS. Democrats had nothing to do with Katrina at all. Just as democrats have nothing to do with whats going on now. It was, is and always be republicans as long as there is at least one single republican anywhere in government to blame it on. Anywhere.
What are Ben Rhodes qualifications to be a national security advisor to the President?

Ben Rhodes White House staffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't know where you got the idea he was the national security advisor. Susan Rice has that job.

Rhodes job is the Assistant to the President & Deputy National Advisor for strategic communications and speechwriting.

Which means he writes speeches. He doesn't advise the President. He assists the President.

Maybe some research might help you? It took only seconds for me to bring up the following page:

White House Author | The White House

Last edited:
What are Ben Rhodes qualifications to be a national security advisor to the President?

Ben Rhodes White House staffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
He's a speechwriter. That's his job. If you look at his c.v., he is more than qualified to be a speechwriter. What the hell made you single this guy out? Did you get a mass email? Did Alex Jones foam at the mouth over him recently?
The moron has no idea if the info he is getting for his speech writing is accurate or the intel peeps or the generals or the liberal pansies are blowing smoke up his ass. He has no perspective on his subject matter. To make matters worse, neither does we have no plan.
He's been writing speeches on national security issues for quite a few years. Look at his c.v.

I don't think you understand how speech writing works at all. You don't have to be an expert on the subject matter. You merely provide eloquence to the ideas of the experts.
What are Ben Rhodes qualifications to be a national security advisor to the President?

Ben Rhodes White House staffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't know where you got the idea he was the national security advisor. Susan Rice has that job.

Rhodes job is the Assistant to the President & Deputy National Advisor for strategic communications and speechwriting.

Which mean's he writes speeches. He doesn't advise the President. He assists the President.

Maybe some research might help you? It took only seconds for me to bring up the following page:

White House Author | The White House


'A' vs 'the'.
What are Ben Rhodes qualifications to be a national security advisor to the President?

Ben Rhodes White House staffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't know where you got the idea he was the national security advisor. Susan Rice has that job.

Rhodes job is the Assistant to the President & Deputy National Advisor for strategic communications and speechwriting.

Which mean's he writes speeches. He doesn't advise the President. He assists the President.

Maybe some research might help you? It took only seconds for me to bring up the following page:

White House Author | The White House


How about you explain yourself in all of your drive-by disagree hits?
What are Ben Rhodes qualifications to be a national security advisor to the President?

Ben Rhodes White House staffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't know where you got the idea he was the national security advisor. Susan Rice has that job.

Rhodes job is the Assistant to the President & Deputy National Advisor for strategic communications and speechwriting.

Which means he writes speeches. He doesn't advise the President. He assists the President.

Maybe some research might help you? It took only seconds for me to bring up the following page:

White House Author | The White House

What are Ben Rhodes qualifications to be a national security advisor to the President?

Ben Rhodes White House staffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
He's a speechwriter. That's his job. If you look at his c.v., he is more than qualified to be a speechwriter. What the hell made you single this guy out? Did you get a mass email? Did Alex Jones foam at the mouth over him recently?
You're right on one thing. There is no reason to single him out. The administration is filled with people grossly unqualified for their office. You can start with Obama, a semi failed one term senator. Then go to Kerry, and then Hagel, whose qualification seems to have been military service 40 years ago. The various cabinet posts, similarly. Susan Rice. Virtually all of his advisors are also-rans, especially when compared with his first term.
What are Ben Rhodes qualifications to be a national security advisor to the President?

Ben Rhodes White House staffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
He's a speechwriter. That's his job. If you look at his c.v., he is more than qualified to be a speechwriter. What the hell made you single this guy out? Did you get a mass email? Did Alex Jones foam at the mouth over him recently?
The moron has no idea if the info he is getting for his speech writing is accurate or the intel peeps or the generals or the liberal pansies are blowing smoke up his ass. He has no perspective on his subject matter. To make matters worse, neither does we have no plan.
He's been writing speeches on national security issues for quite a few years. Look at his c.v.

I don't think you understand how speech writing works at all. You don't have to be an expert on the subject matter. You merely provide eloquence to the ideas of the experts.

The dick was out there handling the press conference on what to do about ISIS while Obabble Ws in the shitter on # 12. Guess again genius.
What are Ben Rhodes qualifications to be a national security advisor to the President?

Ben Rhodes White House staffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't know where you got the idea he was the national security advisor. Susan Rice has that job.

Rhodes job is the Assistant to the President & Deputy National Advisor for strategic communications and speechwriting.

Which means he writes speeches. He doesn't advise the President. He assists the President.

Maybe some research might help you? It took only seconds for me to bring up the following page:

White House Author | The White House

Why is his title "Deputy National Security Advisor?" Shouldn't it be Deputy National Security Assistant?
As much as it pains me I'm with Roshawn. His qualifications and the job description match up quite well.

Whatever the message might be his job is to just polish it up so their hordes of low information dopes can understand it.
Where did all that non-rationalization come from?
You need to re-think and then think past square one about what that is all about.

" you're doing a heck of a job Brownie."george w. bush
Michael DeWayne Brown

served as the first Undersecretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R), a division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This position is generally referred to as the director or administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). He was appointed in January 2003 by President George W. Bush.
You people have not a leg to stand on.
Are you actually trying to blame Brown for the democrat socialist sloth who turned Katrina from a disaster to a catastrophe? That was a totally quintessential democrat fiasco.
Hello? They have been doing that for YEARS. Democrats had nothing to do with Katrina at all. Just as democrats have nothing to do with whats going on now. It was, is and always be republicans as long as there is at least one single republican anywhere in government to blame it on. Anywhere.
Democrat segregationist opportunism and victimhood principles of the democrat party created the culture that had no sense of personal responsibility and led to those locals letting themselves get trapped in that cesspool. Like typical democrats, they then looked for repub scapegoats.
I've only visited NOLA a few times but one of the first things that caught my attention was the above-ground graves, a necessity in the below-sea-level circumstance there. When I saw a prediction (five days in advance!) for hurricane Katrina to only skirt the southern coast of FL and threaten to become a greater storm reforming over the Gulf of Mexico and threaten the gulf coast, especially NOLA, the first thing I thought was anyone living in NOLA should get across the bridge and move inland until the storm passed. Instead, the democrat sloth had no inkling of their own circumstance and followed the directions of their own local dysfunctional government and stayed put, creating the catastrophe of Katrina.
What are Ben Rhodes qualifications to be a national security advisor to the President?

Ben Rhodes White House staffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't know where you got the idea he was the national security advisor. Susan Rice has that job.

Rhodes job is the Assistant to the President & Deputy National Advisor for strategic communications and speechwriting.

Which means he writes speeches. He doesn't advise the President. He assists the President.

Maybe some research might help you? It took only seconds for me to bring up the following page:

White House Author | The White House

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